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The orbital inclination of Mercury is about 7 degrees. This means that its orbit is inclined by 7 degrees relative to the plane of Earth's orbit around the Sun.

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The plane of Pluto's orbit is inclined 17.2° to the plane of the ecliptic.

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The Moon's orbit is inclined by just over 5 degrees to ecliptic plane.

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Mercury's orbit is inclined at about 7 degrees to the plane of the ecliptic, which is the plane of Earth's orbit around the Sun. This means that Mercury's orbit is tilted relative to Earth's orbit by 7 degrees.

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The rotation of Pluto is inclined approximately 119.5 degrees to it plane of orbit

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Pluto has an eccentric and inclined orbit compared to the planets in our solar system. It is also known to cross Neptune's orbit at times, making it a "dwarf planet" rather than a full-fledged planet. Additionally, Pluto's orbit is not perfectly circular like most planets, leading to variations in its distance from the Sun over time.

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Yes, Pluto has a tilted orbit compared to the other planets in our solar system. Its orbit is inclined at an angle of about 17 degrees relative to the plane in which most other planets orbit the Sun.

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The moon's orbit is inclined about 51/2 degrees relative to the plane of the

Earth's orbit. For one thing, this explains why we don't have a lunar eclipse

at every Full Moon, and a solar eclipse at every New Moon.

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-- circular orbit, rather than elliptical -- orbit positioned over the equator, not inclined to it -- correct orbital radius to result in a period equal to the sidereal day = approx 23hr 56min

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Triton orbits Neptune in the opposite direction from all of Neptune's other moons and has a highly inclined orbit.

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The minor planet Pluto has an orbit which is inclined to the plane of the ecliptic. It is also a highly eccentric ellipse, causing it sometimes to pass inside the orbit of Neptune.

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Mercury has the greatest orbital inclination among the eight planets in our solar system. Its orbit is inclined at an angle of about 7 degrees to the plane of Earth's orbit around the Sun.

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Pluto has an orbit that is inclined over 17 degrees relative to the plane of the ecliptic, taking it far out of this plane. This means Pluto's orbit is tilted compared to the orbits of the other planets in our solar system.

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The plane of Earth's orbit is known as the ecliptic. It is the flat plane in space that represents the path along which the Earth travels around the Sun. The ecliptic is inclined at an angle of approximately 23.5 degrees to the celestial equator.

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no, Hubble's orbit is inclined 28 1/2 degrees off Earth's equator, approximately 350 miles up.

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Pluto has an eccentric and highly inclined orbit that takes it from 2,757,000,000 to 4,543,000,000 miles from the Sun.

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Saturn has an axial tilt of about 26.7 degrees, causing it to experience seasonal changes like Earth. This tilt is responsible for the changing sunlight distribution on Saturn's surface and the distinct patterns observed in its atmosphere.

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a highly elliptical orbit around its sun, leading to significant variations in distance and therefore temperature throughout its year.

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No, Pluto's orbit is inclined relative to the ecliptic plane by about 17 degrees. This means that Pluto's path around the Sun is tilted compared to the orbits of the major planets in our solar system.

4 answers

No, Neptune and Pluto do not have the same orbit. Neptune orbits the Sun in a nearly circular path close to the plane of the Solar System, while Pluto has a more elliptical and inclined orbit that is skewed compared to the other planets. Additionally, Neptune's orbit is further from the Sun compared to Pluto's orbit.

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Pluto is a dwarf planet that has an orbit that is noticeably inclined compared to the majority of the other planets in our solar system, often referred to as being "off the ecliptic plane." Additionally, some of the larger asteroids in the asteroid belt also have orbits that are inclined in relation to the ecliptic plane.

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The Earth's tilt means that the passage of the Sun through the sky moves from negative 23.5 degrees to positive 23.5 degrees. The moon does not orbit around the Earth's equator. Its orbit is inclined 5 degrees to the ecliptic.

1 answer

Because the moon's orbit is slightly inclined from the plane of the ecliptic. The ecliptic is the path that the sun appears to follow in the sky, caused by the path of the earth's orbit around the sun. The moon's orbit is inclined about 5 degrees from the plane of the earth's orbit around the sun. The moon crosses the ecliptic about twice per month. If this happens during a new moon, a solar eclipse occurs, during a full moon, a lunar eclipse occurs.

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This is because we are trying to project a 3-dimensional orbit onto a 2-dimensional surface. All satellites and other space crafts do not orbit the Earth in the equitorial or polar plane. If the orbit is inclined, the projection on a flat map looks like it is a curved line.

Try this out -

Take a ball and draw a circle around it. Don't draw the circle from top to bottom or left to right. Make the circled inclined. Now, when you look at just one side of the ball, it will appear as if the line is curved.

1 answer

With large number of low-earth-orbit satellites and the geo-synchronous orbit stuffed full of communications satellites, there aren't all THAT many "medium" altitude satellites. But there are some.

The GPS navigation satellites, for example, are in highly inclined 12-hour orbits, and an unknown number of military "spy" satellites are in that middle range.

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Inclined means to have a purpose

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Declined is an antonym for inclined.

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The Moon completes its orbit around the Earth in approximately 27.3 days (a sidereal month). The Earth and Moon orbit about their barycentre (common centre of mass), which lies about 4700 km from Earth's centre (about three quarters of the Earth's radius). On average, the Moon is at a distance of about 385000 km from the centre of the Earth, which corresponds to about 60 Earth radii. With a mean orbital velocity of 1.023 km/s, the Moon moves relative to the stars each hour by an amount roughly equal to its angular diameter, or by about 0.5°. The Moon differs from most satellites of other planets in that its orbit is close to the plane of the ecliptic, and not to the Earth's equatorial plane. The lunar orbit plane is inclined to the ecliptic by about 5.1°, whereas the Moon's spin axis is inclined by only 1.5°.

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Yes, a hammer is a inclined plane. It's head, is the inclined plane.

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In the first place, solar eclipses happen at New Moon. Apart from that, the Moon has an orbit that is inclined to the plane of the Earth's orbit, and an eclipse can only occur when it is crossing that plane. If it is not, the Moon passes above or below the Sun and there is no eclipse.

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a hatchet is a inclined plane

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It is a plane, and it is inclined.

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its a inclined plane

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A ramp is an inclined plane because an inclined plane is a set of a surface set at an angle that is not a right angle. In which a ramp is an inclined plane!

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yes to known the inclined plane and understand the need to be inclined

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Inclined is an adjective and plain is a noun.

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The thread running around the screw is an inclined plane. If you were to straighten it out, it would be an inclined plane. The screw itself can be considered a combination of wedge and inclined plane.

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A dwarf planet located in the Kuiper Belt, beyond the orbit of Neptune. It was discovered in 2007 and is the fifth-largest known trans-Neptunian object. Gonggong has a highly eccentric and inclined orbit and ranges from 34 to 101 astronomical units from the Sun. It has a diameter of about 1,230 km and is named after a Chinese water god.

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an inclined plane can be use as ramp

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No. There is no pivot in an inclined plane.

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Acoustically Inclined ended in 1995.

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No, A screw is not an inclined plane

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I have always been inclined to headaches after long plane rides.

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a screw is a rotating inclined plane.

like an inclined plane wraped around a cylinder.

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While a wedge and an inclined plane are not the same things, a wedge is a type of inclined plane. However, not all inclined planes are considered to be wedges.

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example of inclined plane

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Yes, a screw is a helical inclined plane.

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roller coaster is a moving inclined plane

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You get a piece of wood and cut it to be a inclined plane

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