Benjamin Spock's birth name is Spock, Benjamin McLaine.
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The character of Spock (Star Trek) appears in innumerable paperbacks based on the TV series and the feature films.
Two autobiographical books by the original Spock (Leonard Nimoy) are:
I Am Not Spock (1975)
I Am Spock (1995)
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It was Spock's own father, Sarek, that disliked Spock's idea to enter Starfleet.
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The blood type of Spock is T-Negative. (which is very unlikely, even for a Vulcan.) Turns out Spock and Sarek (Spock's father) share the same bloodtype.
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Mr. Spock is from the planet, Vulcan.
Vulcan was originally called Vulcania and vulcans, like Mr. Spock, were called Vulcanians.
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Dr. Benjamin Spock was a human being, of Caucasian ehtnicity.
However, Mr. Spock of Star Trek is a Vulcan.
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Evil Spock and Evil Kirk
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Actually it was Spock, and just Spock (not Kirk), but in the alternate universe in the episode, Mirror, Mirror, so this alternate Spock (goatee, and all) has become known as "Evil Spock"; and, actually, (Evil) Spock said: "Terror must be maintained, or The Empire is doomed. It is the logic of history."
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Spock is a fictional character, he can do whatever you want him to do.
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No, Spock! Data would be perceptive enough and sensitive enough not to hurt Spock's ego in that way!
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Well, that would be a bit of a spoiler. But Spock is loyal (ugh, emotion) to his friend and Kirk.
So, even though Spock and Sybok are half brothers Spock remains loyal to the Captain.
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Spock in Star Trek is called "Spock" as it is his name, but he is also referred to as "Mr. Spock" due to his rank as science officer aboard the USS Enterprise. His full title is often accompanied by his Vulcan heritage and logical demeanor.
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Spock, the character in Star Trek, is from a planet called Vulcan, not Venus.
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Spock. No ifs, ands, or buts. Spock.
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Spock is half human half vulcan.
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The planet Vulcan is Spock's home world .
Mr. Spock comes from the planet Vulcan .
Vulcan, of course
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For the majority of the movie, Kirk addresses him simply as "Spock". Later, after Kirk has been promoted to Captain, he begins referring to him as "Mr. Spock."
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Spock was born on the planet Vulcan. At the time of his birth, however, the planet was known as Vulcania and its inhabitants were called Vulcanians. Spock is a Vulcan from the planet of Vulcan. ;)
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There are actually two famous people named Spock, there is Mr. Spock from Star Trek, and Dr. Spock, who wrote a well known book about the care of babies. Both of them are more famous than Wayne Rooney.
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no spock is the first officer of Enterprise. Captain Kirk is the leader. So if Kirk is away or dead then Spock takes over. This is if you are referring to the original series.
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