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Hypha (plural is hyphae) Haypha is the filament of fungul cells. If many hyphaare interwoven, it composes something called MYCELIUM. there is also septate hypha- hypha that hace individual call walls. There is usually a small break in the cal wall for cytoplasm to be passed through. also Nonseptate Hypha- hypha with no individual call wall. Because it has no cell walls, it looks like one big cell with many floating nuclei Types of hypha: rhizoid hypha, septate hypha, nonseptate hypha, and aerial hypha

3 answers

Septa divide the hypha into cells containing one or two nuclei in fungi. Septa are cross walls that separate the compartments along the hypha.

2 answers

No, a stolon is not a hypha. A stolon is a horizontal stem that grows above the ground and produces new plants at its nodes, while a hypha is a thread-like filament that makes up the body of multicellular fungi.

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Hyphae can range in thickness from about 2-10 micrometers, depending on the species of fungi and environmental conditions.

4 answers

Septate hypha is a type of fungal hypha that is divided into compartments by septa, which are cross-walls containing pores that allow for the flow of nutrients and organelles between the compartments. These septa help in compartmentalizing the hyphae and are a distinguishing feature of certain fungi, such as Ascomycetes and Basidiomycetes.

1 answer

It is a collection of cells known as hypha.

1 answer

the function is probably to absorb nutrients

1 answer

When a hypha is dikaryotic, it means that it contains two separate nuclei from different mating types within the same cell. This condition is common in fungi during sexual reproduction.

1 answer

A rootlike hypha of a zygomycete is called a rhizoid. Rhizoids anchor the fungi to the substrate and help with nutrient absorption. These structures are nonseptate and play a significant role in the fungal life cycle.

2 answers

Different mycelium from hypha

2 answers

A long filament of fungal cells is called a hypha. These structures form the basic unit of fungal growth and can intertwine to form complex structures like mycelium.

3 answers

The other name for Mycorrhiza is "fungal root association."

2 answers

A filament that makes up the body of most fungi and water molds is called hypha, the plural form being hyphae. They are embedded in the material where fungi and molds grow .

2 answers

The absence of cross-walls in aseptate hyphae allows for rapid movement of nutrients and cell components throughout the entire length of the hypha. This continuous cytoplasmic flow promotes faster growth and distribution of resources within the hypha.

1 answer

A thallus is a simple, undifferentiated vegetative body found in some lower plants like algae and fungi, while a hypha is a thread-like structure composed of fungal cells that make up the body of a fungus. Thalli are typically found in algae, lichens, and some fungi, while hyphae are specific to fungi.

3 answers

cross walls divide the hypha into cells containing one or two nuclei.

1 answer

thallus is the entire vegetative body of mould and consists of hyphae ( mass branching,interwined filament).

1 answer

An appressorium is a bulbous formation produced by parasitic fungi which is attached to the cuticle of the host and from where a peg-shaped hypha is formed which penetrates the cuticle.

1 answer

When hyphae of different mating types meet, each hypha forms a specialized structure called a gametangium. Within the gametangium, specialized cells called gametes are produced. These gametes eventually fuse to form a zygote, which then develops into a new mold organism.

2 answers

The vegetative filament is known as a hypha. It is a tubular structure made of fungal cells that grow and spread to form the mycelium in fungi.

2 answers

Septate hyphae have cross walls called septa that divide the hyphae into distinct cells, each containing a nucleus. Coenocytic hyphae do not have septa and are multinucleated, meaning they have multiple nuclei within a continuous cytoplasm.

3 answers

alpha. buddha. chicha. dacha. geisha. hypha. jinrikisha. mentha. mocha. naphtha. panoc ha. piranha. ricksha. sheikha. shisha. tanekaha. typha. viscacha.

1 answer

Hyaline hyphae are a type of fungal hyphae that are transparent and have a uniform appearance. They lack pigmentation and are typically seen in most fungal species. Hyaline hyphae are important for the growth and development of fungi in their natural environment.

7 answers

The slender thread-like structure composing a fungus is called a hypha. Hyphae make up the mycelium, which is the vegetative part of the fungus that absorbs nutrients.

3 answers

It is called mycelium. (Plural mycelia) Mycelium is made up of thousands of microscopic white strands. Each individual strand of mycelium is called a hypha. (Plural hyphae or hyphas)

1 answer

Hyphae above the surface of an object are for _______.

Hyphae above the surface of an object are for _______.

Okay that stupid a whole doesn't know $hit the answer is REPRODUCTION

2 answers

Hyphae and mycelium are body structures of fungi. Hyphae are thread-like filaments that make up the fungal body, while mycelium is a network of hyphae that forms the main body of a fungus and helps it absorb nutrients from its environment.

4 answers

Hyphae above the surface of an object is for absorbing nutrients and moisture from the environment to support the growth and development of the fungus. This structure helps the fungus explore new resources and extract essential nutrients for its survival and reproduction.

2 answers

Somebody has to answer this question, for there is no answer for it and I don't know it neither.

Edited answer:

Micorhizal association

8 answers

Hyphae that grow horizontally on the surface of a food source are called "rhizoids." These structures help the fungus anchor itself to the substrate and absorb nutrients.

2 answers

The hyphae that are found in most fungi are the ones with divided walls. The division of these walls is an internal cross wall called the septa.

1 answer

The basic body plan of a fungus consists of a network of thread-like structures called hyphae. Septate hyphae have cross walls (septa) that divide the hyphae into distinct cells, while coenocytic hyphae lack these septa, resulting in a continuous multinucleate cytoplasmic mass. Septate hyphae allow for compartmentalization of the cytoplasm and are found in most fungal species, whereas coenocytic hyphae are characteristic of certain groups like Zygomycetes.

2 answers

Hyphae are divided by septa, which are partition-like structures that separate the cytoplasm in fungal cells. Some fungi have septate hyphae, where each cell is divided by septa, while others have nonseptate hyphae, where the cytoplasm is continuous along the hyphae.

2 answers

Bent Aaby has written:

'Forest development, soil genesis and human activity illustrated by pollen and hypha analysis of two neighbouring podzols in Draved Forest, Denmark' -- subject(s): Forest soils, Podzol, Geology

1 answer

Molds grow as thread-like filaments called hyphae. These hyphae intertwine to form a network known as mycelium, which is the main body of the mold. The mycelium helps the mold to spread and absorb nutrients from its environment.

2 answers

All fungi are made of eukaryotic cells, which have nuclei. Some fungi are single celled, but most fungi are made of many cells. These many-celled fungi are made up of chains of cells called hyphae (HIE fee). Hyphae (singular, hypha) are threadlike fungal filaments. These filaments are made of cells that have openings in their cell walls. These openings allow cytoplasm to move freely between the cells.

Most of the hyphae that make up a fungus grow together to form a twisted mass called the mycelium (mie SEE lee uhm). The mycelium makes up the major part of the fungus. However, this mass is hidden from view underneath the ground.

Shortened answer:


7 answers

Because hyphae grows upwards, a swelling called sporangium forms at the tip of each aerial hypha, and inside it cells divide asexually to form many genetically identical spores.

1 answer

Septate hyphae are multicellular fungal structures that are divided into compartments by septa. These septa have pores that allow for the movement of organelles, cytoplasm, and nutrients between the compartments, enabling efficient growth and function of the fungus. This type of hyphal structure is common among many fungal species.

1 answer



balanced parasitism

fungi basics


microscopic filaments of thalli



ways to get mycelia









example of fungal tissue




1 answer

Grasses, such as wheat, produce seeds but no fruit.

Many orchids produce seeds, as fine as flour, that even lack a food source for the new plant. They rely on a hypha from a fungus to invade, upon which they use the fungi as a food source, at least in the short term. And some orchids do produce seeds, notably vanilla.

1 answer

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern -YP-A. That is, five letter words with 2nd letter Y and 3rd letter P and 5th letter A. In alphabetical order, they are:


1 answer

When a haploid spore lands on wet soil or rocks, it germinates into a threadlike structure called a hypha. Hyphae make up the body of fungi and are important for nutrient absorption and growth.

2 answers

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 3 words with the pattern HY--A. That is, five letter words with 1st letter H and 2nd letter Y and 5th letter A. In alphabetical order, they are:




1 answer