A bino is a superpartner of a gauge boson corresponding to weak hypercharge.
1 answer
The correct terms are turbocharge or supercharge. Although the two havr similar outcomes, they are vastly different. Turbochargers are any various sized turbines, that bolt into your exhaust. When exhaust rushes through the pipes as you accelerate, the turbine(s) spin at a high rate causing a vaccum in the engine, thus pulling in morr air and fuel and allowing the engine to reach maximum rpms much quicker. A super charger is similar, however, has nothing to do with exhaust. There are two linds of superchargers. 1st, the older roots superchargers. The roots superchargers sit on top of a cars intake, this typically can only be done on domestic or australian vehicles. The air passes through the screws when accelerating, cause the same effect as a turbo, forcing more air and fuel into the cylinders via a vaccum effect. The 2nd is a newer model which is smaller and can fit on most modern domestic vehicles called a centrifical supercharger. All can be found in most autoparts stores by ordering them or going to jegs.com or summitracing.com
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While no scientific theory is ever (or should be) closed to controversy, the answer currently accepted by most Physicists (thanks to Einstein) is that the fourth dimension is time, or that time is the way we experience the fourth dimension.
It depends on your concept of what exactly is a dimension. Initially dimension, as a concept, was determined by a measured displacement or finite movement. Typically one experiences going from Point A to Point B, as a change in placement. As one travels, some x amount of distance has been covered, the same is true of time, as it has passed as the distance was traveled. Typically in math the number of dimensions available, is only limited by your computer and you imagination. But I digress, dimensions are about how many perpendicular lines can cross at any one Point. Volume and space are words that describe 3D type dimensional concepts. The 'D' in 3D stands for 'dimension'. We all know up and down, left and right, and forward and reverse. So then, what else is there, in a linear displacement type distance environment?
The definition : hyper- pref. 1. Over; above; beyond: hypercharge. 2. Excessive; excessively; relates more to your question, and in terms of Extension that Creates Dimension, 'Hyperspace' is a more correct Label for the 4th dimension.
In Hyperspace, one can have four lines intersect at one point, each perpendicular to the others.
1 answer
I suppose you are talking about electric charge (since there are others like color or hypercharge). Everything is in units of the elementary charge (i.e. ~1.6 * 10-19 C)
The following particles have a charge of +2/3
Up Quark, Charm Quark, Top Quark
The following particles have a charge of -1/3
Down Quark, Strange Quark, Bottom Quark
The following particles have a charge of -1
Electron, Muon, Tau, Proton (but the Proton consists of two ups and one down quark), W- boson
The following particles have a charge of +1
W+ boson
The following particles have no charge:
Electron Neutrino, Muon Neutrino, Tau Neutrino, Neutron (consists of two down and one up quark), Photon, Higgs (not found yet), Graviton (also not yet found), Z0 boson, gluon.
There are also various other composite particles such as mesons, but those are far too numerous to list.
5 answers
Words that start with hyper:
hyperacid. hyperacidities. hyperacidity. hyperactive. hyperactives. hyperactivities. hyperactivity. hyperacuities. hyperacuity. hyperacute. hyperaesthesia. hyperaesthesias. hyperaesthetic. hyperaggressive. hyperalert. hyperalimentation. hyperalimentations. hyperarid. hyperarousal. hyperarousals. hyperaware. hyperawareness. hyperawarenesses. hyperbaric. hyperbarically. hyperbola. hyperbolae. hyperbolas. hyperbole. hyperboles. hyperbolic. hyperbolical. hyperbolically. hyperbolist. hyperbolists. hyperbolize. hyperbolized. hyperbolizes. hyperbolizing. hyperboloid. hyperboloidal. hyperboloids. hyperborean. hyperboreans. hypercalcemia. hypercalcemias. hypercalcemic. hypercapnia. hypercapnias. hypercapnic. hypercatabolism. hypercatabolisms. hypercatalectic. hypercatalexes. hypercatalexis. hypercautious. hypercharge. hypercharged. hypercharges. hypercholesterolemia. hypercholesterolemias. hypercholesterolemic. hypercivilized. hypercoagulabilities. hypercoagulability. hypercoagulable. hypercompetitive. hypercomplex. hyperconcentration. hyperconcentrations. hyperconscious. hyperconsciousness. hyperconsciousnesses. hypercorrect. hypercorrection. hypercorrections. hypercorrectly. hypercorrectness. hypercorrectnesses. hypercritic. hypercritical. hypercritically. hypercriticism. hypercriticisms. hypercritics. hypercube. hypercubes. hyperdevelopment. hyperdevelopments. hyperefficient. hyperemia. hyperemias. hyperemic. hyperemotional. hyperemotionalities. hyperemotionality. hyperendemic. hyperenergetic. hyperesthesia. hyperesthesias. hyperesthetic. hypereutectic. hypereutectoid. hyperexcitabilities. hyperexcitability. hyperexcitable. hyperexcited. hyperexcitement. hyperexcitements. hyperexcretion. hyperexcretions. hyperextend. hyperextended. hyperextending. hyperextends. hyperextension. hyperextensions. hyperfastidious. hyperfine. hyperfunction. hyperfunctional. hyperfunctioning. hyperfunctions. hypergamies. hypergamy. hyperglycemia. hyperglycemias. hyperglycemic. hypergol. hypergolic. hypergolically. hypergols. hyperhidroses. hyperhidrosis. hyperimmune. hyperimmunization. hyperimmunizations. hyperimmunize. hyperimmunized. hyperimmunizes. hyperimmunizing. hyperinflated. hyperinflation. hyperinflationary. hyperinflations. hyperinnervation. hyperinnervations. hyperinsulinism. hyperinsulinisms. hyperintellectual. hyperintelligent. hyperintense. hyperinvolution. hyperinvolutions. hyperirritabilities. hyperirritability. hyperirritable. hyperkeratoses. hyperkeratosis. hyperkeratotic. hyperkineses. hyperkinesia. hyperkinesias. hyperkinesis. hyperkinetic. hyperlink. hyperlinked. hyperlinking. hyperlinks. hyperlipemia. hyperlipemias. hyperlipemic. hyperlipidemia. hyperlipidemias. hypermania. hypermanias. hypermanic. hypermarket. hypermarkets. hypermasculine. hypermedia. hypermedias. hypermetabolic. hypermetabolism. hypermetabolisms. hypermeter. hypermeters. hypermetric. hypermetrical. hypermetropia. hypermetropias. hypermetropic. hypermnesia. hypermnesias. hypermnesic. hypermobilities. hypermobility. hypermodern. hypermodernist. hypermodernists. hypermutabilities. hypermutability. hypermutable. hypernationalistic. hyperon. hyperons. hyperope. hyperopes. hyperopia. hyperopias. hyperopic. hyperostoses. hyperostosis. hyperostotic. hyperparasite. hyperparasites. hyperparasitic. hyperparasitism. hyperparasitisms. hyperparathyroidism. hyperparathyroidisms. hyperphagia. hyperphagias. hyperphagic. hyperphysical. hyperpigmentation. hyperpigmentations. hyperpigmented. hyperpituitarism. hyperpituitarisms. hyperpituitary. hyperplane. hyperplanes. hyperplasia. hyperplasias. hyperplastic. hyperploid. hyperploidies. hyperploids. hyperploidy. hyperpnea. hyperpneas. hyperpneic. hyperpolarization. hyperpolarizations. hyperpolarize. hyperpolarized. hyperpolarizes. hyperpolarizing. hyperproducer. hyperproducers. hyperproduction. hyperproductions. hyperpure. hyperpyrexia. hyperpyrexias. hyperrational. hyperrationalities. hyperrationality. hyperreactive. hyperreactivities. hyperreactivity. hyperreactor. hyperreactors. hyperrealism. hyperrealisms. hyperrealist. hyperrealistic. hyperresponsive. hyperromantic. hypersaline. hypersalinities. hypersalinity. hypersalivation. hypersalivations. hypersecretion. hypersecretions. hypersensitive. hypersensitiveness. hypersensitivenesses. hypersensitivities. hypersensitivity. hypersensitization. hypersensitizations. hypersensitize. hypersensitized. hypersensitizes. hypersensitizing. hypersexual. hypersexualities. hypersexuality. hypersomnolence. hypersomnolences. hypersonic. hypersonically. hyperspace. hyperspaces. hyperstatic. hypersthene. hypersthenes. hypersthenic. hyperstimulate. hyperstimulated. hyperstimulates. hyperstimulating. hyperstimulation. hyperstimulations. hypersurface. hypersurfaces. hypersusceptibilities. hypersusceptibility. hypersusceptible. hypertense. hypertension. hypertensions. hypertensive. hypertensives. hypertext. hypertexts. hyperthermia. hyperthermias. hyperthermic. hyperthyroid. hyperthyroidism. hyperthyroidisms. hypertonia. hypertonias. hypertonic. hypertonicities. hypertonicity. hypertrophic. hypertrophied. hypertrophies. hypertrophy. hypertrophying. hypertypical. hyperurbanism. hyperurbanisms. hyperuricemia. hyperuricemias. hypervelocities. hypervelocity. hyperventilate. hyperventilated. hyperventilates. hyperventilating. hyperventilation. hyperventilations. hypervigilance. hypervigilances. hypervigilant. hypervirulent. hyperviscosities. hyperviscosity. hypervitaminoses. hypervitaminosis.
5 answers