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The population of Hordaland is 4,856.

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The population of Hordaland is 0.

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The area of Hordaland is 15,460 square kilometers.

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Political Alternative Hordaland was created in 1993.

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Political Alternative Hordaland ended in 1993.

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Eidsvåg IL - Hordaland - was created in 1924.

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Hordaland County Municipality was created in 1837.

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The population of Hordaland is more than 500,000 people. This county is steadily growing with a10 year average change of 8%. Hordaland houses about 10% of Norway's population.

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The county of Hordaland in Norway has about 33 municipalities. Bergen is by far the largest with over 250,000 residents. Bergen is also the county's capital city.

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Hordaland has 4 administrative districts and 33 municipalities within its borders. This includes the capital city of Bergen, which used to be its own county before 1972.

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Hordaland County has a land area of 14,551 km^2 and a total area of 15,460 km^2. It is the third largest county in Norway by population not by land area.

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Nils Sandvik was born on June 22, 1978, in Bergen, Hordaland, Norway.

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Kjersti Berge was born on April 24, 1961, in Bergen, Hordaland, Norway.

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Teddy Nordgren was born on August 26, 1909, in Bergen, Hordaland, Norway.

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Linda Steinhoff was born on January 26, 1979, in Bergen, Hordaland, Norway.

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Elisabeth Moberg was born on April 13, 1964, in Bergen, Hordaland, Norway.

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Tom Jenssen was born on July 2, 1951, in Bergen, Hordaland, Norway.

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Bjarte Hjelmeland was born on February 24, 1970, in Bergen, Hordaland, Norway.

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Helga Holdhus was born on April 17, 1924, in Fusa, Hordaland, Norway.

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Christian Borch was born on June 2, 1944, in Bergen, Hordaland, Norway.

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Ingvild Bryn was born on March 18, 1961, in Voss, Hordaland, Norway.

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Europe, Scandinavia, Norway, Hordaland: Austevoll, an Island group with 667 small and larger islands, approx 500 inhabitants and about 3 times as much wild sheeps

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Moster is located in the country Norway in Europe, and in the region / county called Hordaland. The city lies due south of the major city Bergen, and not far from the capital city of Oslo.

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Johan Halvorsen was born on March 15, 1864.

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19 counties, Oslo, Akershus, Buskerud, Oppland, Hedmark, Telemark, Østfold, Vestfold, Vest-Agder, Aust-Agder, Rogaland, Hordaland, Sogn og Fjordane, Møre og Romsdal, Sør-Trøndelag, Nord-Trøndelag, Nordland, Troms and Finnmark.

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The regions (in norwegian called <<fylker>>) is: Oppland Østfold Akershus Oslo (same name as the main city) Hedmark Buskerud Vestfold Telemark Aust- Agder Vest- Agder Rogaland Hordaland Sogn og fjordane Møre og romsdal Sør- Trøndelag Nord- trøndelag Nordland Troms Finnmark

3 answers

Although Statistics Norway, the official government website, publishes data concerning marriages and divorces in Norway, including same-sex marriages, it has not posted figures broken down by county and by type of marriage. The number of same-sex marriages is available, as is the number of marriages by county. The number of same-sex marriages by county, however, is not available. See related link below.

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Europe rainfall averages range anywhere from 36 mm to 54 mm in March through November in London. Ranges from 36 mm to 88 mm are seen in Moscow.

7 answers

Norway is situated in the northern part of Europe, usually called "Norden" (Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finnland and Iceland). Our closest region in called "Skandinavia" and is Norway, Sweden and Denmark.

Inside Norway, we have 19 counties:

In the northern region: Finnmark (included Svalbard), Troms, Nordland.

In the central region: Nord- Trøndelag and Sør Trøndelag

In the western region: Møre og Romsdal, Sogn og Fjordande, Hordaland and Rogaland.

In the souther region: Aust(øst)-Agder, Vest- Agder.

In the eastern region: Akershus, Oslo, Vestfold, Østfold, Hedemark, Oppland, Telemark and Buskerud.

For more info on the regions, see the related links below.

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The wettest capital in Europe is Podgorica, the capital of Montenegro with approx. 1550 mm of rain per year. The wettest capital in the EU is Ljubljana (Slovenia) with approx. 1400 mm of rain annualy. However, both capitals experience more sunshine than the majority of capitals in western/central/northern Europe.

7 answers

Norway has something you could call regional Capitals, based on -in my view- a somewhat fictive division by geographical region. These are Oslo (East), Kristiansand (South), Bergen (West), Trondheim (Middle), and Tromsø (North).

Much more tangible are the capitals of Norway's 19 counties:

1. Sarpsborg (Østfold)

2. Oslo (Akershus)

3. Oslo (Oslo) (these are normally seen as one county called Oslo-Akershus)

4. Hamar (Hedmark)

5. Lillehammer (Oppland)

6. Drammen (Buskerud)

7. Tønsberg (Vestfold)

8. Skien (Telemark)

9. Arendal (Aust-Agder)

10. Kristiansand (Vest-Agder)

11. Stavanger (Rogaland)

12. Bergen (Hordaland)

13. --- (The templars really soiled a perfectly good number...)

14. Leikanger (Sogn og Fjordane)

15. Molde (Møre og Romsdal)

16. Trondheim (Sør-Trøndelag)

17. Steinkjer (Nord-Trøndelag)

18. Bodø (Nordland)

19. Tromsø (Troms)

20. Vadsø (Finnmark)

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According to the CIA's website, the population of Norway (as of July 2008) is 4,644,457. Well... According to the norwegian governements statistic: = Population statistics. Population 1 October 2008 and changes in the third quarter 2008 = In the third quarter of 2008, Norway's population increased by 17 900. Two thirds of the growth resulted from inward migration, but the birth surplus grew more than the net inward migration when compared to the third quarter 2007. The population reached 4 787 000 on 1 October. The population increase of 17 900 is the highest ever registered in a single quarter, and was 900 higher than in 2007. A total of 19 1501 persons migrated to Norway and 7 300 left during this period, resulting in a net inward migration of 11 8501. In the third quarter last year, the net inward migration was 11 600, while in previous years it was almost 6 000 at its peak. Of the 16 300 immigrants without Norwegian citizenship arriving in the third quarter, 67 per cent were Europeans. Polish citizens dominated, with 3 450 migrating to Norway, compared to 3 850 during the same quarter in 2007. While slightly fewer Polish citizens migrated to Norway during the third quarter than on average for the first two quarters this year, more Swedish and German citizens migrated to Norway than on average for the first two quarters. A total of 15 900 children were born in the third quarter; 600 more than last year. A total of 9 800 persons died; 100 fewer than in the corresponding period last year. The birth surplus thus reached 6 100; 12 per cent higher than in the same quarter in 2007. Oslo had the highest birth surplus (1 500), and only two counties saw a birth deficit, Hedmark (60) and Oppland (30). In the first three quarters of 2008, 46 550 children were born, whereas the number of deaths was 30 900. This resulted in a birth surplus of 15 650; 16 per cent higher than the corresponding period of 2007. Forty per cent of the population growth took place in Akershus and Oslo, and 23 per cent in Rogaland and Hordaland. Sogn og Fjordane, Nordland and Finnmark experienced a population deficit due to domestic migration loss. All counties had an inward migration surplus from abroad, with Oslo having the highest figure (3 100). Ten counties had a domestic migration surplus, with Akershus having the highest figure (650). Nine counties had a domestic migration deficit, with Nordland having the highest (600). In the first three quarters of 2008, Oslo had the highest inward migration surplus from abroad (8 600). Ten counties had a domestic migration surplus, with Akershus having the highest figure (1 800). Nine counties had a domestic migration deficit, with Nordland having the highest (1 150). The population increased in 263 municipalities in the first three quarters of 2008, and decreased in 163 municipalities. Apart from the four largest cities, Bærum had the biggest population growth (1 300). As has been the case in recent years, centralised municipalities experienced a population increase, while less centralised areas were more likely to see a migration loss as well as a birth deficit. A total of 226 municipalities saw a birth surplus, whereas 190 experienced a birth deficit. Of the 10 municipalities with the largest birth deficit, nine were situated in the inland counties Hedmark and Oppland. {| |+ 10 municipalities with largest and lowest migration gain 1.-3. quarter 2008 ! |- ! Total migration gain (270 in total) ! ! Domestic migration gain (147 in total) ! ! Migration gain from abroad (414 in total) ! | 1 ! 0301 Oslo | 8 650 ! 1601 Trondheim | 616 ! 0301 Oslo | 8 632 2 ! 1201 Bergen | 2 140 ! 0235 Ullensaker | 614 ! 1201 Bergen | 1 863 3 ! 1601 Trondheim | 1 510 ! 0602 Drammen | 464 ! 1103 Stavanger | 1 393 4 ! 1103 Stavanger | 979 ! 0106 Fredrikstad | 321 ! 1601 Trondheim | 894 5 ! 0219 Bærum | 883 ! 0226 Sørum | 278 ! 0219 Bærum | 820 6 ! 0602 Drammen | 816 ! 1201 Bergen | 277 ! 1102 Sandnes | 608 7 ! 0235 Ullensaker | 773 ! 1247 Askøy | 226 ! 1001 Kristiansand | 563 8 ! 0106 Fredrikstad | 671 ! 0627 Røyken | 223 ! 0220 Asker | 478 9 ! 1001 Kristiansand | 615 ! 0806 Skien | 213 ! 1902 Tromsø | 470 10 ! 0220 Asker | 595 ! 0104 Moss | 195 ! 1106 Haugesund | 369 ! Total migration loss (154 in total) ! ! Domestic migration loss (280 in total) ! ! Migration loss to abroad (10 in total) ! | 1 ! 1924 Målselv | -135 ! 1103 Stavanger | -414 ! 1824 Vefsn | -37 2 ! 1824 Vefsn | -98 ! 1805 Narvik | -188 ! 0827 Hjartdal | -5 3 ! 1805 Narvik | -94 ! 1924 Målselv | -146 ! 1657 Skaun | -3 4 ! 0533 Lunner | -76 ! 1401 Flora | -130 ! 1835 Træna | -2 5 ! 2021 Kárájohka Karasjok | -76 ! 1804 Bodø | -127 ! 1740 Namsskogan | -2 6 ! 1231 Ullensvang | -60 ! 1102 Sandnes | -117 ! 1825 Grane | -2 7 ! 1411 Gulen | -53 ! 2003 Vadsø | -116 ! 1627 Bjugn | -2 8 ! 1551 Eide | -52 ! 1149 Karmøy | -115 ! 2021 Kárájohka Karasjok | -1 9 ! 2017 Kvalsund | -48 ! 0231 Skedsmo | -112 ! 1736 Snåsa | -1 10 ! 1640 Røros | -48 ! 1563 Sunndal | -112 ! 1665 Tydal | -1

|+ 10 municipalities with largest and lowest excess of births and population growth 1.-3. quarter 2008 ! | Excess of births (226 in total) ! | Excess of births in relation to

population/1 000 (226 in total) ! | Population growth (263 in total) ! | Population growth in relation to

population/1 000 (263 in total) ! | 1 0301 Oslo 4 254 2027 Unjárga Nesseby 9.3 0301 Oslo 12 904 0615 Flå 44.1 2 1201 Bergen 1 099 1122 Gjesdal 9.1 1201 Bergen 3 239 0941 Bykle 37.0 3 1601 Trondheim 1 008 1529 Skodje 9.1 1601 Trondheim 2 518 0235 Ullensaker 35.6 4 1103 Stavanger 760 0229 Enebakk 8.5 1103 Stavanger 1 739 0226 Sørum 34.9 5 1102 Sandnes 504 1121 Time 8.5 0219 Bærum 1 281 0612 Hole 33.4 6 1902 Tromsø 497 1119 Hå 8.4 0602 Drammen 1 022 1529 Skodje 32.8 7 0219 Bærum 398 1120 Klepp 8.3 1902 Tromsø 997 1256 Meland 31.3 8 1001 Kristiansand 379 1124 Sola 8.3 1102 Sandnes 995 0214 Ås 31.1 9 1804 Bodø 266 1102 Sandnes 8.1 1001 Kristiansand 994 1816 Vevelstad 30.9 10 0231 Skedsmo 208 1662 Klæbu 8.1 0235 Ullensaker 958 1018 Søgne 28.6 Birth deficit (190 in total) ! | Birth deficit in relation to

population/1 000 (190 in total) ! | Population decrease (163 in total) ! | Population decrease in relation

to population/1 000 (163 in total) ! | 1 0420 Eidskog -40 1915 Bjarkøy -19.6 1924 Målselv -135 2017 Kvalsund -44.5 2 0528 Østre Toten -32 1252 Modalen -13.9 1824 Vefsn -78 1252 Modalen -36.1 3 0423 Grue -31 0121 Rømskog -12.3 1805 Narvik -78 1917 Ibestad -32.4 4 0403 Hamar -29 1748 Fosnes -11.6 2021 Kárájohka Karasjok -74 1857 Værøy -29.6 5 0520 Ringebu -26 1571 Halsa -10.8 1411 Gulen -67 1411 Gulen -28.4 6 0426 Våler -25 1917 Ibestad -10.6 1231 Ullensvang -61 1825 Grane -27.3 7 1566 Surnadal -25 2014 Loppa -9.9 1640 Røros -58 2021 Kárájohka Karasjok -25.8 8 0418 Nord-Odal -24 1738 Lierne -9.5 0536 Søndre Land -55 1828 Nesna -23.4 9 0425 Åsnes -24 1151 Utsira -9.4 1627 Bjugn -52 1723 Mosvik -23.1 10 0534 Gran -24 1265 Fedje -8.4 Tinn/Lødingen/Bø (N.) -50 1927 Tranøy -22.8 |} 1 Corrected 21 November 2008. ---- Published 20 November 2008 © Statistics Norway

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