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Voltaire said the Holy Roman Empire was not 'Holy, Roman, or an Empire.'

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the holy roman empire was not holy, roman or an empire - Voltaire

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Germany was part of the Holy Roman Empire. But was not the Holy Roman Empire.

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The holy Roman empire ruled the Romans.

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Holy Roman Empire was created in 962.

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One possibility would be the formation of the Holy Roman Empire (which was unfortunately neither Holy, Roman, nor an Empire).

3 answers

It never did. The so-called Holy Roman Empire was a mid-European entity.

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Charlemagne was the first ruler of the Holy Roman Empire.

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Most of the people in the Holy Roman Empire spoke german. It's perhaps worth noting that the Holy Roman Empire (Somebody said this) is not holy, roman or an empire !

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The Holy Roman Emperors were the heads of this empire.

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The Holy Roman Empire had nothing to do with the Romans. It was a medieval institution centred around Germany. The Roman republic became an empire by expansion both before and after the Punic wars.

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The Holy Roman Empire followed the Byzantine Empire.

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Yes. Contrary to popular belief, the Holy Roman Empire is not the Ancient Roman Empire after Catholicism became widespread within it. The Holy Roman Empire was in Central Europe, founded by Charlemagne in the 7-800s, obviously centuries after Catholicism surfaced.

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Otto I's territory was The Holy Roman Empire.

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The Holy Roman Empire was actually in Germany and was named so by a pope after Charlemagne or Charles the Great conquered most of Europe and became Christan.

The Roman Empire, from around 750 BC, began as a kingdom, then a republic, and finally an empire by around 30 BC, encompassing the entire region around the Mediterranean Sea, including as far west as Portugal and north to the British Isles, west surrounding the Black Sea to Armenia and Mesopotamia, to the south encompassed the northern coast of Africa and all of Egypt. Once Roman military conquest had been accomplished, Roman occupation establish the Latin language, legal system, and culture to these lands and was the origin of what is today referred to as "Western Culture".

The Holy Roman Empire included Germany and the part of Italy ruled by Germany between 800 AD to around 1800. Charlemagne, King of the Franks (which was the territory formerly known as Gaul, approximately France and Germany of today) traveled to Rome, where Pope Leo III on Christmas day in 800, unexpectedly crowned him Emperor of the Romans. This put Charlemagne in direct competition with the Byzantine emperor in Constantinople. Charlemagne's empire included the Germanic empire and that part of Italy controlled by the Germans. From this point on, there is a constant power struggle between the Pope in Rome and the German empire which eventually leads to the decline in the power of the Catholic Church and the rise of Protestantism.

9 answers

You are probably thinking of the Holy Roman Empire. This empire existed in central Europe during the years 962 to 1806. It lasted almost as long as the original Roman Empire.

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hOly Roman Emperor was a title, not a nickname.

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The Holy Roman Empire followed the Byzantine Empire.

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Byzantine Empire. No doubt about it.

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The Holy Roman Empire was also called Germany. Strictly speaking the two were not identical, as medieval people used the name Germany to mean places where German was spoken; some of these were not in the Holy Roman Empire and some parts of the Holy Roman Empire were not German speaking.

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The Holy Roman Empire fell due to a number of social, economic, political,and historical issues that all accumulated around the same time.

The Treaties of Westphalia weakened the Holy Roman Empire.

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Charlemagne ruled the Holy Roman Empire from December 25, 800 to January 28, 814.

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... are you serious? The Papacy is the office of the Pope (the head of the Catholic church) and the Holy Roman Empire was an empire consisting of modern Germany, Flanders, Switzerland, northern Italy and a couple of other small territories. The Holy Roman Empire lasted from 962-1806.

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Territories of the Holy Roman Empire outside the Imperial Circles was created in 1500.

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The only connection between the two was the name "Roman Empire" . The Roman empire was (mostly) pre-Christian and Mediterranean in culture, although absorbing other cultures in their expansion, while the "Holy" Roman empire was Germanic and Christian in culture.

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it united its territories under a central government

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it united its territories under a central government

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Otto I created the (Medieval) Roman Empire, which was later called the Holy Roman Empire.

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Charlemagne was crowned emperor of the Romans in 800. However, he was the leader of what historians call the Carolingian Empire, not the Holy Roman Empire. The Holy Roman Empire started in 936 with Otto I.

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If Holy Empire you mean Holy Roman Empire.

It was dissolved in 1806 during the Napoleonic Wars.

After the defeat of the Third Coalition in the Battle of Austerlitz.

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Seven electors chose the Holy Roman Emperor.

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The Holy Roman Empire was finally dissolved when Holy Roman Emperor Francis II abdicated, or renounced his throne. It can also be credited to Napoléon, who defeated the HRE in battle which led to Francis abdicating.

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The Holy Roman Empire was dissolved by Napoleon, and became just a large number of small countries. In the years after the Napoleonic Wars ended, these countries came together in a confederacy called the Zollverein, or German Customs Union. This might be the best organization to call the replacement of the Holy Roman Empire.

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