Argent - Hold your head high
It is by the band Keel, Hold Your Head Up
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Hold your head high if your friend has indeed earned that place and reflect on your gratitude often.
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normally people in a show make the horses head high but neck arched but horse and cart , horses heads have to be high to pull the cart
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It's a metaphor that indicates that you are proud of something you have acquired or something you did.
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The motto of Gisborne Intermediate is 'Hold your head high and walk with pride'.
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smile, hold your head up high and if it reli means that much to you try again!.....
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your bulbs are burnt out.
when you switch on the high beams its only the high beams.
but when you flash your brights it lights up both high and low beams.
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Do something for someone else for a change and hold your head high no matter what comes your way.
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You hold your head high and tell them not to do it anymore. You thjen start ignoring them until they stop. This could help.
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I would support my family and hold my head up high.
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Archbishop - the head of an archdiocese composed of one or more dioceses.
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Be confident and hold your head high. Ask them where they got their clothes or makeup. They will love the attention.
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Hold your head high, swallow your pride (hard, I know!) and walk away. Do not say anything. Then there will be only one person in that conversation who was a classless jerk, instead of two.
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it stays on , it has dowel pins sorta to guide head and hold gasket
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The high priest was in charge of running the Temple and at one point was the co-head of the sanhedrin.
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Do you mean when you are waiting to tee off? Then the answer is no, you don't have to but you can do. You can hold it by the shaft, or hold the grip with the head on the ground.
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High E, hold, High B, Hold, e, hold, hold, hold
g, hold, hold, f, e, hold, hold, hold
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You have to respect that. That's the way they feel. Now you can either get depressed and feel sorry for yourself or you can hold your head up high and forget about them.
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to hold her giant fat head together
or to hold her fro on
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i dont think you can but there is a way to make it stand by holding a tret above his head maybe if you hold it high enough he might jump for it
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The Statue of Liberty holds the tablet in her left hand. She holds a torch high above her head with her right hand.
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hold it while someones on it:
one foot on the bottom step, one foot on the ground, hold up as high as you can, while keeping your foot on the ground
walking around:
hold it in the middle under your arm and hold to the back or front with your other hand
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It could be a rare coin you got flip it upside down and if the head is face to the left then that means you hold one of the rarest coins
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The snaffle is a bit, not a bridle, and it is very gentle, i don't think it holds the horses head high, your hands shouldn't eaither, lifting the horses rib cage with your legs should bring the horses head up not your hands. (this is a lot better for the horse, and it will make your rid ebetter too)
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Is a headlock bieng used to hold the persons head under water?
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The cast of This Head I Hold - 2012 includes: Matthew Compton as himself Asa Taccone as himself
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The high court is the U.S. Supreme Court and its head is the Chief Jusctice.
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if you want to hold a little snake hold it by the tial and the head of the snake
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Rockville High School - Maryland -'s motto is 'One School. One World. One Future.'.
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The TDC "markings" are actually just a small hole in the sprocket(s) that align with a small hole in the head. Typically, use a corresponding drill bit to hold the sprocket aligned with the head during assembly.
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The head of a state in the USA is called a Governor.
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The hexagonal head is easy for a spanner/wrench to get a firm hold on.
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you have to fight a real high rank one to get it me and a friend tried a high rank one and we attacked it in the head alot and we both got giadrome skull
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Night. Make sure you hold your valuables high above your head so that only really big muggers can try and take them though.
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they hold the stomach, liver, lungs, and intestines. Each jars has a head on it. These head are depicted as the four sons of horus.
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To hold ones head high is to not be in bondage , slavery and shame. It is to be free, liberated, promoted , prosperous and successful. It is also to be upright and not crooked nor bend in heart , spirit and life . This word is recorded in the bible in leviticus chapter 26 verse 13. Where The Lord was telling the isrealites /His people He has brought them out of Egypt and the house of bondage and made them upright and walk with their heads held high; never in bondage, shame /reproaches!
It is to be made great by the Almighty God!
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The motto of Alta High School - Utah - is 'We are one'.
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