Hognose or adder
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Sounds like the African Puff Adder
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Cobra. Krait. Adder. Viper.
I question the specificity of " adder " and "viper " here as snake names. Seems more as classes of snakes to me, though some snakes have those terms in their names.
8 answers
The adder is also called a common viper.
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Consider the Adder, commonly called the: Death Adder(Acanthophis antarcticus), Australian Brown Snake(Pseudonaja textilis), Asp viper, (Vipera aspis zinnikeri).
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It depends which species you mean by 'Adder'. The European Adder is found in southern areas of Great Britain, and in western parts of countries like Spain, & Portugal - where the temperature is warmer. The Puff Adder - is a species of snake native to Africa.
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Answer: A snake.
Answer: There are three Genus's of snake species that share the common name Puff adder.
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Yes - well sort of... there are a number of venomous species of snake that are grouped under the classification of 'viper'. There are also specific species with the word 'viper' in their name - The Gaboon viper is one such species. The European Adder is also known as a Viper.
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There are no native venomous snakes in England. The adder is the only venomous snake found in the wild in England, but its venom is not potent enough to be fatal to humans.
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Yes there are snakes in Europe...Here is the list
Large whip snake ,Western whip snake, Smooth snake ,Four-lined snake ,Leopard snake ,Sand boa ,Balkan whip snake ,Coin snake,,Montpellier snake ,Grass snake ,Dice snake ,Dahl's whip snake,European cat snake ,Worm snake ,Nose-horned viper ,Asp viper ,European adder,Lataste's viper,Seoane's viper ,Orsini's viper, Meadow viper ,Blunt-nosed viper ,Milos viper ,Ottoman viper
Edit: Um, India is not in Europe. Anyone have a better answer?
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Consider the Adder, commonly called the: Death Adder(Acanthophis antarcticus) or the Australian Brown Snake (Pseudonaja textilis), Asp Viper,(Vipera aspis zinnikeri).
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Sand adders are mildly venomous, while hognose snakes are not venomous at all. Sand adders possess venom that they use to subdue their prey, while hognose snakes rely on their behavior and physical traits for defense rather than venom.
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There are approximately 700 species of snakes in Africa.
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There are many venomous snake species (about 400 species). Not all have the potency to kill people, though. Some of the more well-known species are... Puff Adder, European Adder, Cobra, Rattlesnake, Taipan & Belcher's Sea Snake.
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a puff adder, that's all he was interested in keeping in his shed
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Yes, Adders are venomous snakes of the viper family (Viperidae) .
Yes, adders are venomous snakes.
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The scientific name for puff adder is Bitis arietans.
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Snakes, hognose snake and corn snake.
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The puff adder was first described by the Swedish botanist Carl Linnaeus in 1758.
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The Death Adder is a highly venomous snake found in Australia and New Guinea. It is known for its potent neurotoxic venom and its distinctive short, stocky appearance. The Death Adder is considered one of the most dangerous snakes in the world.
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The correct term is venomous snakes. The European asp is venomous.
Consider the Adder, commonly called the: Death Adder(Acanthophis antarcticus) or the Australian Brown Snake (Pseudonaja textilis), Asp Viper,(Vipera aspis zinnikeri).
4 answers
There are three species of snake in the UK - the smooth snake, the grass snake and the viper or Adder. Only the adder is poisonous and if you leave it alone it will stay away from you. There is also something called a Slow Worm that has been mistaken for a snake, mainly because of its size, but it is actually a legless lizard and is perfectly harmless.
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The latin name for the puff adder is Bitis arietans. About one meter in length, they are quite venomous.
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Yes, most viper snakes are venomous. They protect themselves by using their venom to deter predators or catch prey. Vipers also have camouflage coloration to blend in with their surroundings and may hiss or strike if threatened.
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A death adder is an Australian snake. The definition is venomous Australian snake resembling an adder. It looks like a normal snake, but it is a dangerous creature.
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The golden jackal's agilility would probably make it harder for the puff adder to land a venomous bite. So I would say the golden jackal will take this, but if the puff adder lands its venomous bite, it will spell doom for the fast jackal
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