History is a science because, the method used to evaluate historical sources is closely related to the scientific method.
In school, history is considered a "social science."
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what is the significance of scientific method?what is the significance of scientific method?
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Norman W. Edmund has written:
'The Scientific Method Today'
'End the Biggest Educational and Intellectual Blunder in History'
'The General Pattern of the Scientific Method'
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Scientific method is a systematic approach to problem solving.
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You just did. Just change "the word scientific method..." to "the TERM scientific method".
Or you could say "That's not following the scientific method."
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A part of science is the scientific method.
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Why is it important for scientists to use the scientific method
5 answers
The scientific method
I believe you are talking about the scientific method or process. this is a method where scientists use in studying the things around the world. Basically, this is a step by step method that is part of investigating a certain phenomenon.
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scientific is science and unscientific method is not scientific
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It didn't because before the scientific method there were no scientists. Scientists are professionals that employ the scientific method to do their work.
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The scientific method is a scientific method for systematically acquiring new knowledge. The scientific method is typically applied to experiments, involving taking a hypothesis and using it to get applicable results.
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In the scientific method experimentation is a key component. Although research must be done to form a proper question and hypothesis, the steps of creating and conducting an experiment are what make the scientific method unique from research. These steps allow scientists to effectively prove or disprove theories and hypotheses.
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The scientific method is a rational way to solve a problem.
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a scientific method to tell what stayed the same in an experiment
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No, the scientific method can be uncontrolled to for it to be valid.
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the scientific method is the asking of.Question, ther
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The scientific method is important in scientific investigation because it helps to test predictions (hypotheses).
The scientific method has been very effective in advancing scientific knowledge. Scientists have learned a tremendous amount about our universe, by making use of it. Therefore, the scientific method has proved its value.
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No two men invented the scientific method. The scientific method is a subjective concept that differs between scientists and institutions.
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Scientific method is used to solve a problem:
1. Observations
2. Hypothesis
3. Deductions
4. Experimentation
5. Theory
6. Predictions
7. Law or principle.
15 answers
In brief, they use the scientific method, where they find facts by experiment, observation followed by inference.
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The control of the scientific method is the results compared to this part of the experiment.
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What does the scientific method in human services
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a scientific method to tell what stayed the same in an experiment
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It is definitely part of the scientific method to form conclusions.
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This provided the foundation of the modern scientific method.
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The main purpose of the scientific method is to test ideas
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Scientists must have a skeptical attitude.
As well, all Experiments are conducted by The Scientific Method.
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The main goal of the scientific method is to help you find an answer to whatever scientific question you may have
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The Scientific Method is a method made by science
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The scientific method is most effective in proving or finding an answer to your initial Hypothesis. Many times the scientific method will lead you to new questions.
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There is no such thing as "scientific method for hypertension". The scientific method is a process, utilization of which leads to rational, testable explanations for natural phenomena. Hypertension is an ailment.
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It didn't because before the scientific method there were no scientists. Scientists are professionals that employ the scientific method to do their work.
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The scientific method was developed over a few centuries, especially in the Renaissance. Galileo had a big part on developing it. Francis Bacon developed the scientific method.
9 answers
expected and unexpected results comes last in the scientific method.
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all I can say is use the scientific method, and you'll be fine.
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The two different types of scientific method are discovery and hypothesis.
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Scientific Method means solving a problem through processes.
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