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Well, in 1870 a German called Heinrich claimed that he had found the remains of Troy, in Hisarlik. Though he was never able to prove it.
troy is located in present day turkey on the black sea. this gives a great advantage to the trade routes and made troy a crossroad.

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Troy was not a country, but rather an ancient city located in modern-day Turkey. It was the setting of the Trojan War as described in Homer's epic poems, the Iliad and the Odyssey. The city is now an archaeological site known as Hisarlik.

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Oral epics such as those recorded by Homer typically have their roots in real events. Often archaeologists can eventually corroborate some of the details of oral traditions with archaeological finds. This is the case with Troy. Evidence over the past century suggests that ancient Troy was located at the current day site of Hisarlik in Turkey. [] []

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Çanakkale ın western Turkey

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In 1871-73 and 1878/9 AD/ CE, Heinrich Schliemann excavated in the vicinity of Hisarlik, a village of the area which was part of the Ottonam Empire at the time, 10 cities one on top of the other since the dawn of the Bronze Age circa 3000 BCE where he found the Treasure of King Priam of Troy and of course Mycenae in Greece [1874 AD/ CE] which verifies that what was considered a fairy tale is pure history.

3 answers

No. The Trojans were their own sort of mini-nation. They were influenced by Greek culture, as they often traded with them, but they spoke an Indo-European language (as well as Greek) and they were also influenced by Hittite customs.


We don't know what their origin or language was. The archaeological evidence doesn't help either as there are several levels of settlement on the Troy site in Asia Minor. Yes, they were Indo-European - a very broad category - but so were the Greeks and Hittites, and the Greeks themselves had several rather different ethnic and cultural groups. All we can sat is that they were diffent, but their name Dardanians doesn't tell us what their specific origins were.

As a trading centre, they would have been culturally influenced and multi-lingual to match the passers-through the Dardanelles strait, on whose payments their wealth was based. And it was this wealth rather than 'much manned Helen' which attracted the 10-year looting expedition of the Achaians (a branch of the Greek peoples).

2 answers

Troy is a city which existed over 4.000 years and known as the center of ancient civilizations. For many years people believed that it was the city mentioned only in the tales and never existed until it was first found in the 19th century. Troy (Truva inTurkish) is located in Hisarlik near Canakkaleprovince where the remains of this once-great city can be visited. What was left are the remains of the destruction of Schliemann, the famous German archaeologist or a treasure hunter as some people call him. Today, an international team of German and American archaeologists bring the Troy of the Bronze Age back to life under a sponsored project by Daimler - Benz, and another Turkish team is at law wars with Russia and Germany to get back the stolen Trojan treasures.

Troy appeared in Greek and Latin literature. Homerfirst mentioned story of Troy in Iliad and Odyssey. Later, it became the most popular subject in Greek drama. The book of Virgil's Aeneid contains the best known account of the sack of Troy. In addition, there are untrue stories under the names of Dictys Cretensis and Dares Phrygius.

In the Bronze age, Troy had a great power because of its strategic location between Europe and Asia. In the 3rd and 2nd millennia BC Troy was a cultural center. After the Trojan War, the city was abandoned from 1100 to 700 BC. About 700 BC Greek settlers began to occupy the Troas region, Troy was resettled and named as Ilion. Alexander the Greatruled the area around the 4th century BC. AfterRomans captured Troy in 85 BC, it was restored partially by Roman general Sulla and named as New Ilium. During theByzantine rule, Troy lost its importance.

The ruins of Troy were first found by Charles McLaren in 1822. The German archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann excavated Troy from 1870 to 1890. His theft of treasure from Troy and his damage to the site will be always remembered in Turkish archaeological history. Wilhelm Dorpfeld followed to excavate Troy after Schliemann. Today, a new German team is still working to rebuild Troy ruins by using new advanced technologies since 1988. There are nine levels at Troy; Troy I to V relates roughly with early Bronze Age (3000 to 1900 BC). Its inhabitants were known as Trojans in this period. Troy VI and VII were built in the Middle and Late Bronze Age. Troy VIII to IX belongs to Hellenistic andRoman Ilion (Latin Ilium). Troy was destroyed many times and rebuilt each time.

Troy is one of the most famous cities in the history, remembering us Hector, Achilles and Achaean Greeks, the sake of Helen,Paris, Agamemnon and Priam. Its story is written in every language, Trojan heroes,Achilles' heel and Odyssey became figures in poems. From Alexander the Great to Lord Byron, many important figures of the history stood on the site of the great heroes. However, people always wondered whether the Trojan War happened or not, or if there was really a wooden horse or not.

2 answers

  • Most of them were exaggerated tales of prominent people in the society back then. Others were made up as an explanation for natural phenomenon, such as birth, the movement of stars, etc. The same way as belief in any deity to explain the natural world and to conquer the fear of death. Since they cannot explain the occurrence of thunder, lightning, drought, earthquake, tsunami, volcanic eruptions, etc., they invented a supernatural being who they thought were causing these. Most of them were made up to glorify the creations on heaven and earth
  • The supreme god of the polytheistic Greeks, corresponding to Jupiter of the Romans. Zeus was a god of the sky and was viewed as having control of the winds, clouds, rain, and thunder, exercising his power over these natural forces for both a destructive and a beneficial purpose.From what source did the Greeks get this strange mythology? An author answers: 'Its ultimate origin seems to have been Sumerian. In these eastern stories we find a succession of gods,...' We have to look to ancient Mesopotamia and Babylon as the source of many myths that permeated other cultures.
  • Greek mythology mostly was created by the blind poet Homer. It is poetry like a song. Troy never has been found foolishly being sought all these centuries. Perhaps, we should leave it with American Heritage's definition of myth: A fiction or half-truth, especially one that forms part of an ideology.
  • The bulk of Greek mythology as that of their philosophy is Egyptian. All of your great Greek philosophers can attribute their education to Egypt. The gods were already in place before Homer's writings.
AnswerThe earliest recorded prayers to a god or gods are about control and protection. They usually ask for things like rain for the crops, sons to tend and harvest the crops, protection from danger, and the like.

Many people believe that men invented gods because human beings are the only animal that can anticipate problems in the relatively distant future and worry about them. Since humans can't control things like the weather, floods, other natural disasters, sudden military raids, fertility, etc., they made up gods to control these things, then made up ways to control the gods through offerings, contracts, and the like. Most likely, the first prayers were about simply asking the clouds or sky to bring rain, or the wind to stop, or the sun to become warm again. From there, the wind, rain, sun, etc. became gods themselves, and in many cases, were later given anthropomorphic shapes (but not in all cases).

As time progressed, the gods of many pantheons became able to grant favors across a wide spectrum of human endeavor. The issue of asking a god to do a favor, then sacrificing to that god, and not having the favor happen could be attributed to many factors, among them a too-small offering, an incomplete or inaccurate recitation of a ritual, interference from another god whom one has offended, or direct opposition from a different pantheon of gods, for instance, in losing a war.

Monotheism was a brilliant invention that simplified all this into "one-stop shopping." As before, the single, one, true God will protect and provide for his worshipers if the rules are followed, and usually if the rules are followed by all in a given group.

Some wrong information in the answers, above:

1. It is unlikely that Zeus was derived from the Sumerians. He corresponds more closely to other Indo-European sky gods, and was probably brought from whatever land developed proto-Indo-European. It is quite certain that, as societies intermixed, they borrowed myths from each other and attributed those myths to their own gods. It is also quite certain that ancient peoples came to see gods of other cultures as their own gods under different names. But it is not at all certain, or even likely, that all gods originate from Sumer.

2. Homer did not create Greek mythology, though we owe him much for recounting so many myths and gods that would have been lost to us, today, had his poetry not been written down. Homer was clearly working from a much older, oral tradition. Not only does his poetry contain mnemonic devices to aid the singer working from memory, but it also contains references to things (like boar's tooth helmets) that didn't exist in his time, but existed earlier. In addition, when Homer breaks strict meter, it is often because the words he is using dropped the "w" at some point, and used to fit the meter, but didn't any longer.

Homer is writing about the Mycenaean period in Greek history, and there are Linear B tablets from that period enumerating some of the gods about which Homer wrote.

3. Troy has quite definitely been found, and it is where Homer said it would be, and his description is remarkably accurate, right down to the location of springs. Troy is at a site called "Hisarlik" in Turkey, on the eastern side of the Dardenelles, just east of the island of Bozcaada.

4. Egypt may have had some influence on very early Greeks, but the Greek gods bear little resemblance to the Egyptian ones, being Indo-European in flavor. Most Greek philosophers did not learn from the Egyptians, who had nothing like the variety of philosophies extant in the Periclean Era and beyond.

5. Every god was and is made up by people. There is no such thing in reality. Get over it already.

9 answers