No, Harvey Comics is not an imprint of Marvel Comics. Harvey Comics was a separate comic book publisher known for titles like "Casper the Friendly Ghost" and "Richie Rich." Marvel Comics is a distinct and well-known comic book publisher responsible for creating characters like Spider-Man, Captain America, and the X-Men.
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No, the Green Hornet was not a Marvel Comics character. The Green Hornet was created by George W. Trendle and Fran Striker, and originally appeared in comics published by Harvey Comics and later by NOW Comics.
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Harvey Dent is the Gotham City District Attorney in the Batman comics. He later becomes the villain Two-Face after being deformed by acid.
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It has been established that Harvey Dent has an alcoholic and abusive father (perhaps part of the cause of his multiple personality disorder), but there is no real mention of his mother in the comics. Presumably, she either died or left her abusive husband.
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The real name of the character known as Two-Face in the Batman comics is Harvey Dent. Harvey Dent was a former district attorney of Gotham City who later becomes the criminal Two-Face after half of his face is scarred in a violent attack.
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Some popular girl superheroes include Wonder Woman, Supergirl, Captain Marvel, Black Widow, Storm, and Batgirl. These characters are known for their bravery, strength, and heroism in comic books and movies.
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In the Nancy comic strip, "Richie Rich" was actually a separate character created by Harvey Comics. Known for his immense wealth and opulent lifestyle, Richie Rich often appeared in crossovers with other characters, including Nancy. His stories typically revolved around his adventures as the wealthiest boy in the world.
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A person can get Nagrai comics through the Play Store. Comics are available through an app called Nagraj Comics in Hindi.
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Grand Database Comics...
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Some popular female superheroes include Wonder Woman, Captain Marvel, Black Widow, and Supergirl. Each of these characters has unique powers and abilities that they use to fight crime and protect the world.
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Futurama comics is published by Bongo comics
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Comics like "Batman" aren't really "fun". They are really serious and entertaining, and I am glad that comics were invented. Many comics published by DC aren't fun, but Marvel's comics are usually just for fun comics. Series like "Iron Man", "Spider-Man" and "Deadpool" usually is joking alot.
Serious Comics: DC Comics
Fun Comics: Marvel
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Well there is: * All Star Comics * Captain America Comics * Whiz Comics * More Fun Comics * All Winners Comics Etc. If you want to know more go to:
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You can find such comics at Yahoo comics ~ look to the related link below to a wide variety of comics .
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No, you may post comics to them anytime you have the time to do so.
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I count 714 Superman comics and 881 Superman comics.
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Mile High Comics's motto is 'America's Largest Comics Dealer'.
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a Good Question. The Broadway play by Mary Chase- who somewhat oddly had a theological background- bible commentary, etc)- was made into a movie starring Jimmy Stewart and the 6 foot invisible rabbit. Harvey Comics Group has no connection to the Harvey character. In a sense Harvey opened up the doors to the human-plus Animal fantasy such as Francis the Talking Mule, Mr. Ed, etc- and much more recently (Ted). It might be fun if Warner Bros acquired the rights and crossed the plot lines a little to feature their own famous Warner Lapin, better known as Bugs Bunny. Harvey was never done as a cartoon.
1 answer Aquaman Aeon Flux (MTV Series) Mint Aizawa (Tokyo Mew Mew) Amber (Eclipse Comics) American Dream (Marvel Comics-MC2) Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld (DC Comics) Andromeda (DC Comics) Andromeda (Marvel Comics) Angela (Image Comics) Aquagirl (DC Comics)-> Samus Aran (Heroine of the Metroid series) Argent (DC Comics) Araña (Marvel Comics) Arisia, the Green Lantern of Graxos IV (DC Comics) Arrowette (DC Comics) Artemis of Bana-Mighdall (DC Comics) Atom Eve (Image) Atomic Betty (television series title character) Aurora (Marvel Comics) Avengelyne (various)
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1. Action Comics #1
2. Detective Comics #27
3. Marvel Comics #1
4. Superman #1
5. Batman #1
6. All-American Comics #16
7. Captain America Comics #1
8. Flash Comics #1
9. Whiz Comics #2
10. Detective Comics #38
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