the scientific name of the gulper eel is eurypharynx pelicanoid
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The Gulper Eel is preyed upon by a fellow deap-sea creture: the Lancetfish.
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Gulper eels look like eels in many ways but are not 'true eels'.
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it has a light on its tail and the prey swims towards the light then the gulper eel gobbles them up.
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anglerfish, gulper eel, viperfish anglerfish, gulper eel, viperfish
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The gulper eel lives on the Midnight zone. (The very bottom) They have a light organ to help see in the dark.
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The gulper eel isn't actually an eel, but a member of the ray-fish family. Their numbers are unknown because they are a fast, elusive creature that lives in very deep water.
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No, Gulper Eel's do not have any predators. They themselves are a predator and also they lie in the deep ocean places making them hard to find and also hard to hunt. They are bio-luminescent creatures.
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they breed with othe gulper female eels? they breed with othe gulper female eels? they breed with othe gulper female eels? they breed with othe gulper female eels?
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it eats deadly fish like sea ananimie no wait just found out from a freind who is a scientist that it is false
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Lancet fish are thought to be gulper eels main predators. Large gulper eels probably eat smaller ones when they get the chance.
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The gulper eel eats fish, copepods, shrimp, and plankton. It uses its mouth like a net by opening its large mouth and swimming at its prey. Due to the gulper eel's odd body shape, it is a poor swimmer and relies on the luminescent organ at the tip of its tail
there's no fish in deep sea
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Because of the extreme depths at which it lives, most of what we know about the gulper eel comes from specimens that are inadvertently caught in deep sea fishing nets. The gulper eel is found in all of the world's tropical and temperate oceans at depths ranging from 500 to 6,000 feet (about 150 to 1,800 meters).
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The gulper eel's food chain typically consists of smaller fish, crustaceans, and cephalopods as their primary food sources. They use their large jaws and expandable mouth to consume prey items found in the deep-sea environment where they live. In turn, gulper eels may also serve as prey for larger deep-sea predators such as sharks and other large fish.
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First of all, despite its name the electric eel is not an eel but rather a knife fish.It is the only living species of the genus Electrophorus family, therefore making it one among the endangered species.
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They eat a variety of crustaceans and large fish.
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Gulper eels can and will eat fish larger than themselves, but there is no way a gulper eel could swallow a human being, as they can only grow to be a metre long. one species that's 5 1/4 ft long is exceptional cause my friend caught one, unhooked it, and the eel closed its mouth, trapping her in its maw and almost swallowed her whole.
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they are a bit wierd they have a big mouth and have a gullet they have big teeth
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gulper eel
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fish. it can also eat other big animals because of its large mouth.
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A Gulper eel swims by generating propulsion through undulating its long, snake-like body and by using its tail fin to steer and maneuver in the water. They are capable of moving quickly in short bursts by rapidly contracting and extending their body to push themselves forward.
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The Gulper eel, Deep sea Angler, and lanterfish.
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Gulper Eels live right in the middle of the Bathypelagic Zone, more commonly known as the "Midnight" Zone, where it is black as night.
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The gulper eel is part of the deep-sea food chain, where it primarily preys on small fish, crustaceans, and other invertebrates. It is considered an important predator in the deep-sea ecosystem, helping to regulate the populations of its prey species.
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The Gulper eel is 6 to 7 feet long; its mouth opening 2 to 3 feet wide.
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A gulper fish, also known as a pelican eel, has a large mouth and a slender, elongated body. It has a long, thin tail and can be up to 3 feet long. Its most distinctive feature is its expandable mouth, which it uses to swallow prey larger than itself.
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The types of eels are salt water eels, freshwater eels, the swamp eels, rubber eels and the electric eels. It is an elongated fish that lives in the shallow waters.
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nocturnal <--- nighttime
twilight zone animals (gulper eel, angler fish, rattail [or rabbit] fish, tripod fish...etc)
twilight time of day animals (i have no clue, srry)
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gulper fish have small eyes because it help prevents water from damanging it eyes
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Dont ask me you are the smart one ask someone else like Albert Einstien now that is what you call smart-HATER GIRL
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