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Sclater's guenon was created in 1904.

1 answer

Moustached guenon was created in 1758.

1 answer

White-throated guenon was created in 1866.

1 answer

Red-eared guenon was created in 1838.

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la guenon est la femelle du singe
Une Guenon
une guenon

2 answers

The female of the monkey is called "guenon" in French. The monkey - as a species, or any monkey when its gender is not relevant - is called "singe".

1 answer

Old World monkeys: guenon; baboon; colobus monkey; langur; macaque; mandrill; mangabey; patas; proboscis monkey

1 answer

A guenon is a type of monkey found in Africa. They are known for their colorful fur, long tails, and cheek pouches for storing food. Guenons typically live in groups and eat a varied diet of fruits, seeds, and insects.

2 answers

Le masculin de "guenon" est "guenon mâle". En biologie, le terme "guenon" se réfère à un singe du genre Cercopithecus, et le mot "mâle" est ajouté pour indiquer le genre masculin de l'animal. Cela permet de distinguer les mâles des femelles de l'espèce.

2 answers

They're free with the Sunday Times.

1 answer

Crowned eagles (Stephanoaetus coronatus) prey primarily on mammals such as the blue duiker (Cephalophus monticola) and monkeys belonging to the Guenon family, such as the red-tailed guenon (Cercopithecus erythrotis).

1 answer

Anon, Champignon, Chignon, guenon, Memnon, Noumenon, Olecranon

1 answer

La femelle du singe est appelée une « singe » ou une « singesse ».

2 answers

There are over 264 species of monkeys, so it would take hours to list all of them.

all the types that I know:

baboons, chimpanzee, spider monkey, bush babies, possum monkeys,

capuchin monkey, celebes macaque, colobus monkey, douroucouli, guenon,

howler monkey, langur, mandrill, mangabey, marmoset, proboscis monkeys,

rhesus monkey, squirrel monkey, tamarin, titi, uakari, chipmunk, and woolly monkey.

5 answers

There are over 264 species of monkeys, so it would take hours to list all of them.

all the types that I know:

baboons, chimpanzee, spider monkey, bush babies, possum monkeys,

capuchin monkey, celebes macaque, colobus monkey, douroucouli, guenon,

howler monkey, langur, mandrill, mangabey, marmoset, proboscis monkeys,

rhesus monkey, squirrel monkey, tamarin, titi, uakari, chipmunk, and woolly monkey

4 answers

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 2 words with the pattern G-E-O-. That is, six letter words with 1st letter G and 3rd letter E and 5th letter O. In alphabetical order, they are:



1 answer

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern G-E-ON. That is, six letter words with 1st letter G and 3rd letter E and 5th letter O and 6th letter N. In alphabetical order, they are:


1 answer

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 9 words with the pattern --E-ON. That is, six letter words with 3rd letter E and 5th letter O and 6th letter N. In alphabetical order, they are:










1 answer

She helped the chimpanzees by starting many foundations to help them, starting with Roots and Shoots. There are many others, like the Jane Goodall Institute. She went to Africa as a scientist and left as an activist. Overall, she not only helped the chimpanzees but helped the entire human race that these creatures are astonishing.

5 answers

I used to go to a human school where everyone was the same.

Now I go to an animal school, 'cause Lyon's my last name.

My gym partner's a monkey -- monkey, monkey, monkey.

My gym partner's a monkey -- monkey, monkey, monkey.

Bull shark, porcupine; I don't know what!

Boy, this school's a pain in the --


What? I was going to say neck.

Oh. That's okay, then.

My gym partner's a monkey -- monkey, monkey, monkey.

My gym partner's a monkey -- monkey, monkey, monkey.

My gym partner's a monkey -- MONKEY, MONKEY, MONKEY.

My gym partner's a monkey!

1 answer

A monkey - a bigger monkey - an even bigger monkey - a monkey standing - a monkey walking - a human. :)

1 answer

Its a monkey the name of the monkey says it all.By:cooln

1 answer

another term for 'monkey see monkey do'

1 answer

No, he was a rhesus monkey

1 answer

Monkey-Monkey is the hero of a children's book, based on an African folk tale.

2 answers

yes there is a monkey called a snow monkey, a Japanese snow monkey to be exact hope this was helpful!

1 answer

I think it is about the same as humans

2 answers

The possessive form of "monkey" is "monkey's." This indicates ownership or belonging to a monkey. For example, "The monkey's tail was long and agile."

1 answer

The Monkey is the 9th year of the 12 year cycle in the Chinese zodiac related to the Chinese calender. Monkey years include:

1932 - Water Monkey

1944 - Wood Monkey

1956 - Fire Monkey

1968 - Earth Monkey

1980 - Metal Monkey

1992 - Water Monkey

2004 - Wood Monkey

2016 - Fire Monkey

2028 - Earth Monkey

2040 - Metal Monkey

2 answers


1 answer

kick that monkey ball with all your monkey balls

1 answer

There are Spider Monkey, Vervet Monkey, Wolly Monkey, Squirrel Monkey

3 answers

If it is a Strepsirrhine, it is not a monkey. If it is a monkey, it is not a Strepsirrhine.

1 answer

Monkey's is the possessive form for monkey

1 answer








1 answer

That is its common name. They are further described mostly by color and habitat.

Red-faced spider monkey

White-fronted spider monkey

Brown spider monkey (aka Hybrid Spider Monkey)

White-cheeked spider monkey

Black-headed spider monkey

Brown-headed spider monkey

Ornate spider monkey (subspecies Geoffroy's)

Peruvian spider monkey

Colombian spider monkey

(Geoffroy's spider monkeys:)

- Yucatan spider monkey

- Mexican spider monkey

- Nicaraguan spider monkey

5 answers

A monkey

1 answer

she monkey

1 answer

monkey had no name! it was just a monkey!

1 answer

A running monkey is a monkey that is moving very fast.

1 answer

The word for monkey in Greenlandic is "monkey".

2 answers