Nagoya Grampus is a football club found in Japan at their home of Nagoya, Aichi.
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The killer whale can be called the orca whale, blackfish or "grampus." The grampus is also a name for Risso's Dolphin, the only species in the genus Grampus.
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The scientific name for Risso's Dolphin is Grampus griseus.
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Their nicknames mainly are:Killer whale, blackfish and grampus.
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As of 2013, the value of a 1961 Grampus Fly Rod 5 piece still in the Balsa wood box with a canvas carrying bag is around $350 in good condition. The Grampus fly reels and rods were founded in 1959.
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Nagoya Grampus is a football club found in Japan at their home of Nagoya, Aichi.
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Since his first managerial appointment in 1984, Arsene Wenger has managed four teams:
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The last USS Plunger, SSN 595, was commissioned in November 1962
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Arsène Wenger has been Arsenal's manager since 1996, and before that he was at Nagoya Grampus.
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A killer whale is also known as
Orca, grampus, blackfish and often referred to as wolves of the sea
The killer whales scientific name is orcinus orca :)
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It scientific name is Orcinus Orca, and is often called Orca.
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According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern ---MPU-. That is, seven letter words with 4th letter M and 5th letter P and 6th letter U. In alphabetical order, they are:
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Arsène Wenger is a French former footballer and current football manager, who manages Arsenal Football Club in the English Premier League.
Wenger's managing career took him from Nancy-Lorraine, to AS Monaco, to Japanese side Nagoya Grampus Eight, prior to joining Arsenal in 1996, beating out the previous favourite for the job, Dutch football manager Johann Cruijff.
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According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern -RA-PU-. That is, seven letter words with 2nd letter R and 3rd letter A and 5th letter P and 6th letter U. In alphabetical order, they are:
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According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 4 words with the pattern --AM-US. That is, seven letter words with 3rd letter A and 4th letter M and 6th letter U and 7th letter S. In alphabetical order, they are:
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According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 5 words with the pattern -RA--US. That is, seven letter words with 2nd letter R and 3rd letter A and 6th letter U and 7th letter S. In alphabetical order, they are:
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According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 3 words with the pattern G-A-P-S. That is, seven letter words with 1st letter G and 3rd letter A and 5th letter P and 7th letter S. In alphabetical order, they are:
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According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 9 words with the pattern ----PUS. That is, seven letter words with 5th letter P and 6th letter U and 7th letter S. In alphabetical order, they are:
1 answer
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern G-A-PUS. That is, seven letter words with 1st letter G and 3rd letter A and 5th letter P and 6th letter U and 7th letter S. In alphabetical order, they are:
1 answer
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 3 words with the pattern G--M-US. That is, seven letter words with 1st letter G and 4th letter M and 6th letter U and 7th letter S. In alphabetical order, they are:
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Yes. Caught off guard the Regia Marina had the advantage over the allied Navies and serveral ships were sunk in meditteranean waters-6 to be exact,1 British Cruiser Calypso ,2 British Submarines Grampus and Orphenus,1 Destroyer Khartoum a ship Known as the Odin,and 1 French Submarine the Morse'.proboly many others damanged at a cost of a number of their own vessals destroyed and damanged.
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According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 15 words with the pattern G----US. That is, seven letter words with 1st letter G and 6th letter U and 7th letter S. In alphabetical order, they are:
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According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 21 words with the pattern ----PU-. That is, seven letter words with 5th letter P and 6th letter U. In alphabetical order, they are:
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The killer whale is not a whale, but is the largest member of the dolphin family.
Also further names used in regards for Orcinus Orca, the Killer Whale:
Grampus (Archaic: Currently used as the name for Risso's Dolphin)
Blackfish (Okay, it's not a fish, but that is what it was called by ancient sailors!)
killer whales are sometimes called ballena asesina ("assassin whale") by the Spanish
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According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 23 words with the pattern --A--US. That is, seven letter words with 3rd letter A and 6th letter U and 7th letter S. In alphabetical order, they are:
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The cast of Tugs - 1989 includes: Nigel Anthony as Big Mac Nigel Anthony as Fire Chief John Baddeley as Top Hat Sean Barrett as Mighty Moe Sean Barrett as Warrior Timothy Bateson as Little Ditcher Timothy Bateson as O.J. Lee Cornes as Billy Shoepack Lee Cornes as Boomer Lee Cornes as Coast Guard Lee Cornes as Fuel Depot Lee Cornes as Grampus David Mitton as Old Rusty Mike Mulloy as Izzy Gomez Mike Mulloy as Zug Simon Nash as Ten Cents Shaun Prendergast as Sunshine French Tickner as Owner of The Municipal Garbage Corporation Chris Tulloch as Zorran
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According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 74 words with the pattern --A--U-. That is, seven letter words with 3rd letter A and 6th letter U. In alphabetical order, they are:
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According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 95 words with the pattern --A-P--. That is, seven letter words with 3rd letter A and 5th letter P. In alphabetical order, they are:
1 answer
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 87 words with the pattern ----P-S. That is, seven letter words with 5th letter P and 7th letter S. In alphabetical order, they are:
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It may be hard to believe but there are approximately 36 different species of dolphins. There are 32 marine dolphins which live in oceans and salt water habitats and there are 4 river dolphins. If you add in the 6 porpoise species then there are 42 species. Some species of dolphins are bottlenose, white beaked, black, dusky, and Atlantic white-sided.
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Suborder Odontoceti, toothed whales
Family Delphinidae, oceanic dolphins
Genus Delphinus
Long-Beaked Common Dolphin, Delphinus capensis
Short-Beaked Common Dolphin, Delphinus delphis
Genus Tursiops
Bottlenose Dolphin, Tursiops truncatus
Indo-Pacific Bottlenose Dolphin, Tursiops aduncus
Genus Lissodelphis
Northern Rightwhale Dolphin, Lissodelphis borealis
Southern Rightwhale Dolphin, Lissiodelphis peronii
Genus Sotalia
Tucuxi, Sotalia fluviatilis
Costero, Sotalia guianensis
Genus Sousa
Indo-Pacific Hump-backed Dolphin, Sousa chinensis
Chinese White Dolphin (the Chinese variant), Sousa chinensis chinensis
Atlantic Humpbacked Dolphin, Sousa teuszii
Genus Stenella
Atlantic Spotted Dolphin, Stenella frontalis
Clymene Dolphin, Stenella clymene
Pantropical Spotted Dolphin, Stenella attenuata
Spinner Dolphin, Stenella longirostris
Striped Dolphin, Stenella coeruleoalba
Genus Steno
Rough-Toothed Dolphin, Steno bredanensis
Genus Cephalorynchus
Chilean Dolphin, Cephalorhynchus eutropia
Commerson's Dolphin, Cephalorhynchus commersonii
Heaviside's Dolphin, Cephalorhynchus heavisidii
Hector's Dolphin, Cephalorhynchus hectori
Genus Grampus
Risso's Dolphin, Grampus griseus
Genus Lagenodelphis
Fraser's Dolphin, Lagenodelphis hosei
Genus Lagenorhyncus
Atlantic White-Sided Dolphin, Lagenorhynchus acutus
Dusky Dolphin, Lagenorhynchus obscurus
Hourglass Dolphin, Lagenorhynchus cruciger
Pacific White-Sided Dolphin, Lagenorhynchus obliquidens
Peale's Dolphin, Lagenorhynchus australis
White-Beaked Dolphin, Lagenorhynchus albirostris
Genus Orcaella
Australian Snubfin Dolphin, Orcaella heinsohni
Irrawaddy Dolphin, Orcaella brevirostris
Genus Peponocephala
Melon-headed Whale, Peponocephala electra
Genus Orcinus
Killer Whale (Orca), Orcinus orca
Genus Feresa
Pygmy Killer Whale, Feresa attenuata
Genus Pseudorca
False Killer Whale, Pseudorca crassidens
Genus Globicephala
Long-finned Pilot Whale, Globicephala melas
Short-finned Pilot Whale, Globicephala macrorhynchus
Family Platanistoidea, river dolphins
Genus Inia
Amazon River Dolphin (Boto), Inia geoffrensis
Genus Lipotes
Chinese River Dolphin (Baiji), Lipotes vexillifer (considered functionally extinct)
Genus Platanista
Ganges River Dolphin, Platanista gangetica
Indus River Dolphin, Platanista minor
Genus Pontoporia
La Plata Dolphin (Franciscana), Pontoporia blainvillei
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There are 41 species of dolphin in the family delphindae. Which is the family for dolphins.
According to wikispecies, there are 41 species of dolphins of the family delphinade or oceanic dolphins.
Family Delphinidae, oceanic dolphins:
Long-Beaked Common Dolphin, Delphinus capensis
Short-Beaked Common Dolphin, Delphinus delphis
Bottlenose Dolphin, Tursiops truncatus
Indo-Pacific Bottlenose Dolphin, Tursiops aduncus
Northern Rightwhale Dolphin, Lissodelphis borealis
Southern Rightwhale Dolphin, Lissiodelphis peronii
Tucuxi, Sotalia fluviatilis
Indo-Pacific Hump-backed Dolphin, Sousa chinensis
Chinese White Dolphin (the Chinese variant), Sousa chinensis chinensis
Atlantic Humpbacked Dolphin, Sousa teuszii
Atlantic Spotted Dolphin, Stenella frontalis
Clymene Dolphin, Stenella clymene
Pantropical Spotted Dolphin, Stenella attenuata
Spinner Dolphin, Stenella longirostris
Striped Dolphin, Stenella coeruleoalba
Rough-Toothed Dolphin, Steno bredanensis
Chilean Dolphin, Cephalorhynchus eutropia
Commerson's Dolphin, Cephalorhynchus commersonii
Heaviside's Dolphin, Cephalorhynchus heavisidii
Hector's Dolphin, Cephalorhynchus hectori
Risso's Dolphin, Grampus griseus
Fraser's Dolphin, Lagenodelphis hosei
Atlantic White-Sided Dolphin, Lagenorhynchus acutus
Dusky Dolphin, Lagenorhynchus obscurus
Hourglass Dolphin, Lagenorhynchus cruciger
Pacific White-Sided Dolphin, Lagenorhynchus obliquidens
Peale's Dolphin, Lagenorhynchus australis
White-Beaked Dolphin, Lagenorhynchus albirostris
Australian Snubfin Dolphin, Orcaella heinsohni
Irrawaddy Dolphin, Orcaella brevirostris
Melon-headed Whale, Peponocephala electra
Killer Whale (Orca), Orcinus orca
Pygmy Killer Whale, Feresa attenuata
False Killer Whale, Pseudorca crassidens
Long-finned Pilot Whale, Globicephala melas
Short-finned Pilot Whale, Globicephala macrorhynchus
Boto (Amazon River Dolphin), Inia geoffrensis
Chinese River Dolphin (Baiji), Lipotes vexillifer (considered functionally extinct)
Ganges River Dolphin, Platanista gangetica
Indus River Dolphin, Platanista minor
La Plata Dolphin (Franciscana), Pontoporia blainvillei
Some also say there's only 32 of them.
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i can't exactly make a ranking including the players who retired or passed the prime.. so i will mention only current stars
but in my opinion.. it will be..
Current top 10:
1. Keisuke Honda - MF, CSKA Moscow(phisically strong, wide view, calm mind. very high soccer IQ. skilled as well, stable. he makes the game of current team japan)
2. Yuto Nagatomo - DF Internazionale Milan(fast, good cross ball, incredible stamina. best asian SB i think)
3. Shinji Kagawa - MF Borussia Dortmund(quick, and skilled. he can also pass well. great off-ball movement. and the stamina)
4. Yasuhito Endo - MF Gamba Osaka(takes great part in game making. wide view. has very high soccer IQ. one of the best defensive MF in japan ever)
5. Makoto Hasebe - MF Wolvesburg(captain. calm. stable player. good at marking the opponent)
6. Eiji Kawashima - GK Lierse(well, i think he defended team japan's goal well since the 2010 WC)
7. Atsuto Uchida - DF Schalke(he is not stable sometimes, but if you have seen him playing in last CL, he was very agile and running around whole game like nagatomo. well, nagatomo is Left SB and this guy is the Ritht SB. that makes team japan complete)
8. Shinji Okazaki - FW Stuttgart(he has most goals made in current team japan squad)
9. Tulio Tanaka - DF Nagoya Grampus Eight(this guy wasn't called to NT anymore after 2010 WC. but this guy was one of the reason japan passed the group stage. physically very strong. ideal center back still)
10. Yuji Nakazawa - DF Yokohama F Marinos(he defended japan's goal at 2010 WC. along with tulio, he was best center back in japan. although haven't be called to NT after WC but i think they haven't found yet the good enough replacement for this guy end tulio at CB)
well..notable players in past:
Hidetoshi Nakata, Shunsuke Nakamura, Junichi Inamoto, Shinji Ono, Naohito Takahara etc...
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Lee Cornes has: Played Trickster in "Doctor Who" in 1963. Played Mr. Hankin in "Grange Hill" in 1978. Played Barney in "The Further Adventures of Oliver Twist" in 1980. Played Arch Crippledick in "The Comic Strip Presents..." in 1982. Played Spasspecker in "The Young Ones" in 1982. Performed in "Uliisses" in 1982. Played MC in "The Young Ones" in 1982. Performed in "The Lenny Henry Show" in 1984. Played Preston Scott in "Screen One" in 1985. Played 2nd Guard in "Black-Adder II" in 1986. Performed in "Lenny Henry Tonite" in 1986. Played Dickie Valentino in "French and Saunders" in 1987. Played Shelley, romantic junkie poet in "Black Adder the Third" in 1987. Played D.S.S. Clerk in "Rab C. Nesbitt" in 1988. Played Paranoia in "Red Dwarf" in 1988. Played Man in Supermarket in "The Love Child" in 1988. Played Barman in "Rab C. Nesbitt" in 1988. Played Parrot in "Close to Home" in 1989. Played Private Fraser in "Blackadder Goes Forth" in 1989. Played Grampus in "Tugs" in 1989. Played Boomer in "Tugs" in 1989. Played Coast Guard in "Tugs" in 1989. Played Billy Shoepack in "Tugs" in 1989. Played Fuel Depot in "Tugs" in 1989. Played Dick in "Bottom" in 1991. Played Dick Head in "Bottom" in 1991. Played Marty Feldman in "Performance" in 1992. Played Doctor Pete in "The Detectives" in 1993. Played Dr. Pete in "The Detectives" in 1993. Played Various Characters in "The All New Alexei Sayle Show" in 1994. Performed in "Drunk and Disorderly" in 1995. Played Journalist in "Eleven Men Against Eleven" in 1995. Played himself in "Funny Business" in 1996. Performed in "Saturday Live" in 1996. Performed in "Like It or Lump It" in 1997. Played Gary in "Loved by You" in 1997. Played himself in "The People vs. Jerry Sadowitz" in 1998. Played Council Official in "My Family" in 2000. Played Ray Bond in "Hustle" in 2004. Played Himself - Storyteller in "Jackanory Junior" in 2007. Played Todd in "Bear Behaving Badly" in 2007. Played Tim Bennet in "Teenage Kicks" in 2008. Played Shelley in "Blackadder Rides Again" in 2008. Played Dave in "PhoneShop" in 2009. Played Flasher in "Toast of London" in 2012.
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Cetaceans are relatively large, generally characterized by streamlined bodies that glide easily through the marine environment. Approximately 78 species of whales, dolphins, and porpoises are included in the Order Cetacea.
Cetaceans are broken into two Suborders, or main groups:
There are 11 species of baleen whales and 67 species of toothed whales.
Status of Cetacean Species
All cetaceans are protected under the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA); some may be designated as "depleted" under the MMPA. Endangered and threatened cetaceans are further protected under the Endangered Species Act (ESA).
The table below includes cetaceans found in U.S. waters and endangered/threatened foreign species. Note: Species listed as endangered or threatened under the ESA are, by default, also considered "depleted" under the MMPA.
(E = "endangered"; P = "proposed"; D = "depleted"; C = "candidate"; S = "species of concern"; DL = "delisted"; F = "foreign")SpeciesStatus
(Stenella frontalis)
(Lagenorhynchus acutus)
(Berardius bairdii)
(Delphinapterus leucas)
(Mesoplodon densirostris)
(Balaenoptera musculus)
(Tursiops truncatus)
(Balaena mysticetus)
(Balaenoptera edeni)
(Lipotes vexillifer)
(Stenella clymene)
(Ziphius cavirostris)
(Phocoenoides dalli)
(Kogia sima)
(Pseudorca crassidens)
(Balaenoptera physalus)
(Lagenodelphis hosei)
(Mesoplodon europaeus)
(Eschrichtius robustus)
(Phocoena sinus)
(Phocoena phocoena)
(Delphinidae hectori)
(Megaptera novaeangliae)
(Sousa chinensis)
(Platanista minor)
(Orcinus orca)
(Delphinus capensis)
(Globicephala melas)
(Indopacetus pacificus)
(Peponocephala electra)
(Balaenoptera acutorostrata)
(Monodon monoceros)
(Eubalaena glacialis)
(Eubalaena japonica)
(Hyperoodon ampullatus)
(Lissodelphis borealis)
(Lagenorhynchus obliquidens)
(Stenella attenuata)
(Feresa attenuata)
(Kogia breviceps)
(Grampus griseus)
(Steno bredanensis)
(Balaenoptera borealis)
(Delphinus delphis)
(Globicephala macrorhynchus)
(Eubalaena australis)
(Mesoplodon bidens)
(Physeter macrocephalus)
(Stenella longirostris)
(Mesoplodon stejnegeri)
(Stenella coeruleoalba)
(Mesoplodon mirus)
(Lagenorhynchus albirostris)
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Before elves and eight tiny reindeer, St. Nicholas had a much more menacing assistant. Named Black Peter, this companion was the physical opposite of St. Nicholas. Tall and gaunt with a dark beard and hair, Black Peter was associated with the punitive side of Christmas. Traditionally St. Nicholas would hand out presents to good children, while it fell to Black Peter to dole out coal (and sometimes knocks on the head) to children who misbehaved.
Black Peter, or Zwarte Piet in Dutch, began in Holland in the 15th century. His dark appearance is supposed to suggest a Spaniard, a reflection of Spain's occupation of the Netherlands at the time. Black Peter was also associated with pirates, a common threat to naughty Dutch children was that he would take them to a pirate's hide out and beat them. He was often represented holding a large stick for this purpose. The large bag that he held was rumored to be used for stuffing children in for the trip back to Spain. At the time "Black Peter" was a euphemism for the devil, and it was thought that St. Nicholas, being a representative of God, had beaten the devil and made him his servant. Thus it fell to Black Peter to hand out the punishments, while St. Nicholas dealt with the more pleasant sides of Christmas.
While the Dutch St. Nicholas has always been represented in much the same way, similar to the original saint in long robes with a staff, tall mitre hat, and white beard, Black Peter has been depicted in many different ways. Originally a stereotypical Spaniard in pirate garb, due to the political situation in Holland at the time, his later incarnations would also reflect popular politics. In the nineteenth century, at the height of imperialism, he was alternately portrayed as an Indian and an African in traditional dress. Rather than the devil that had been made a servant of St. Nicholas, Black Peter was now thought to be a slave who had become the willing servant of St. Nicholas. Many of the illustrations took on racist symbolism, often showing Black Peter in shackles and tattered garments. Peter's job was to remove the hay and carrots from the shoes that had been left by children underneath their chimneys, and to drop candy and gifts in their place. If the children had been bad, Peter wouldn't remove the hay and would leave a rod in place of a gift.
In parts of central Europe like Austria, Germany, and Switzerland, the character of Black Peter was a more like a monster, with horns, long hair, and a red tongue. He was known by a variety of names: Klaubauf, Krampus, Grampus, Bartel. St. Nicholas sent naughty children to him to be beaten.
Nowadays there is still not one universal image of Black Peter, but he has lost his large stick and is usually dressed in a Renaissance page style costume with short pants, stockings, and a cap with a large feather. He has not lost his connection to Africa; he is still always portrayed by a person in blackface, and often wears gold earrings.
The character gained popularity in the twentieth century and St. Nicholas's and Black Peter's annual arrival in Holland became more elaborate. During World War II, it was thought that the tradition would be suspended, until Canadian soldiers offered some of their tanks to use for the purpose. It didn't seem to make sense to have more than one St. Nicholas. So on one of the tanks rode St. Nicholas and one Black Peter, while multiple Black Peters rode on the other tanks. The tanks, with Canadian soldiers at the helm and Black Peter sitting on the back, traversed the countryside, handing out candy and gifts to children who waited by the roadside. The practice of more than one Black Peter stuck and has continued since then.
Today the negative associations have left Black Peter and he has become more of an elf-like figure, an assistant to an overloaded St. Nicholas who helps to hand out gifts every December 5th, St. Nicholas Day in Holland. The Dutch continue to stage elaborate arrivals of Santa Claus and Black Peter. In the weeks before the feast, Santa and Black Peter arrive by boat, supposedly from Spain, and are greeted by ever increasing crowds of excited children and adults.
1 answer
Most of us, at least once in our lives have heard about killer whales. The ultimate apex predator. They have many names Orca, Grampus, Black fish and are referred to often as "Wolves of the sea" Their Latin name is Orcinus Orca The word orca comes from the word Orcus. Orcus was the roman god of death and the underworld and then Orcinus comes from the word pot bellied and round so Orcinus orca means the round pot bellied creature who belongs to the god of the underworld.
Scientists usually call orcinus orca a killer whale but the term orca is generally used by the public. The killer whale's name is often misleading though, this is because a killer whale is not a whale. The killer whale is a species of oceanic dolphin and is in the group Delphinidae. So you might be wondering Why do we call the Orcinus Orca a killer whale when they are not whales? Well the answer is simple. We call them killer whales because whalers often see them prey on whales! Yes killer whales do prey on whales. most commonly they try to feed off of grey whale calves but they have been seen trying to take down blue whales! So they were not called Killer whales because they are whales that kill humans killer- whales. They are known as killer whales because of their ferocious habit of preying on whales and dolphins. So first they were probably called whale killers but over time their name has been changed round to Killer whales. Killer whales hold most of the records for the species in the group Delphinidae; they are the fastest and the biggest dolphin and they are also the most balanced dolphin to. But we will be going onto that later but now you know why the killer whale is called a killer whale.
The killer whale is the largest species of dolphin. Males can measure from 6 to 9.7 metres and females usually about 5-7 metres. The dorsal fin of the whale (The big fin on its back) can be up to 1.8 metres on males but the female killer whale's dorsal fin is slightly smaller and measures 90cm on average. Female killer whales weighs on average 3.3- 6 tons and the male killer whale can weigh up to 8.8 tons!
Killer whales need to eat about 227kg of food everyday. Killer whales are very opportunistic hunters and will eat anything fish, sharks, Birds and even whales! Male killer whales do not live as long as female killer whales. Male killer whales live for about 20-30 years so female killer whales live about 50-60 years but they have been seen living from 80- 90 in the wild. In captivity killer whales rarely live past 20. Killer whales have the largest flippers of all dolphins and in older males the pectoral fins can measure up to 1/5 of the killer whales body. Killer whales Have lots of teeth. They have 48--52 teeth on average the teeth are about 7.2 cm in length and in diameter about 2.5 cm. A female killer whale will give birth every 3-10 years. Killer whales have a gestation period of about 15-17 months the calf will stay dependent on its mother for 2 years a baby killer whale can measure up to 2.5 metres and they can drink 150 gallons of milk per day and can consume 2-10% of their body weight on a daily basis a calf weighs about 180 kg but it will stay with the pod for its whole life. We group killer whales into two groups transient and resident whales eat fish while transient whales eat mammals other differences are very subtle. Killer whales are the fastest species of oceanic dolphin with a top speed of about 35 mph usually when swimming normally they go about 5-10 mph . The way they are adapted to move their body is clever. In their muscles there is a sort of spring like structure. When the whale moves its tail up the springs will compress and then when the whale brings its tail down the springs will release giving the whale momentum. An adult killer whale can weigh an average of ten tons. Killer whales do not chew their food instead they swallow it whole the killer whales teeth are for catching its prey and killing it. There are about 5 different ecotypes of killer whale.Killer whales can hold their breath up to 20 minutes but usually dive for about 3-4 mins.
Killer whales are the fastest species of dolphin. Their only threat is humans. The killer whale has the second largest brain of all dolphin species and boasts many human qualities and complex emotions that humans do not have. The killer whale's brain is about 5 times bigger than the average human brain.
Killer whales have very complex hunting techniques some have learnt to beach themselves in order to catch seals from the land others have learnt to charge at ice floes and when they do it creates a massive wave that causes the seals to fall. As said earlier the killer whale will hunt anything. They have even been seen trying to take down fully grown blue whales! But in the wild there has never been any attacks on humans. Killer whales swallow their food whole; they don't chew it.
1 answer
Most of us, at least once in our lives have heard about killer whales. The ultimate apex predator. They have many names Orca, Grampus, Black fish and are referred to often as "Wolves of the sea" Their Latin name is Orcinus Orca The word orca comes from the word Orcus. Orcus was the roman god of death and the underworld and then Orcinus comes from the word pot bellied and round so Orcinus orca means the round pot bellied creature who belongs to the god of the underworld.
Scientists usually call orcinus orca a killer whale but the term orca is generally used by the public. The killer whale's name is often misleading though, this is because a killer whale is not a whale. The killer whale is a species of oceanic dolphin and is in the group Delphinidae. So you might be wondering Why do we call the Orcinus Orca a killer whale when they are not whales? Well the answer is simple. We call them killer whales because whalers often see them prey on whales! Yes killer whales do prey on whales. most commonly they try to feed off of grey whale calves but they have been seen trying to take down blue whales! So they were not called Killer whales because they are whales that kill humans killer- whales. They are known as killer whales because of their ferocious habit of preying on whales and dolphins. So first they were probably called whale killers but over time their name has been changed round to Killer whales. Killer whales hold most of the records for the species in the group Delphinidae; they are the fastest and the biggest dolphin and they are also the most balanced dolphin to. But we will be going onto that later but now you know why the killer whale is called a killer whale.
The killer whale is the largest species of dolphin. Males can measure from 6 to 9.7 metres and females usually about 5-7 metres. The dorsal fin of the whale (The big fin on its back) can be up to 1.8 metres on males but the female killer whale's dorsal fin is slightly smaller and measures 90cm on average. Female killer whales weighs on average 3.3- 6 tons and the male killer whale can weigh up to 8.8 tons!
Killer whales need to eat about 227kg of food everyday. Killer whales are very opportunistic hunters and will eat anything fish, sharks, Birds and even whales! Male killer whales do not live as long as female killer whales. Male killer whales live for about 20-30 years so female killer whales live about 50-60 years but they have been seen living from 80- 90 in the wild. In captivity killer whales rarely live past 20. Killer whales have the largest flippers of all dolphins and in older males the pectoral fins can measure up to 1/5 of the killer whales body. Killer whales Have lots of teeth. They have 48--52 teeth on average the teeth are about 7.2 cm in length and in diameter about 2.5 cm. A female killer whale will give birth every 3-10 years. Killer whales have a gestation period of about 15-17 months the calf will stay dependent on its mother for 2 years a baby killer whale can measure up to 2.5 metres and they can drink 150 gallons of milk per day and can consume 2-10% of their body weight on a daily basis a calf weighs about 180 kg but it will stay with the pod for its whole life. We group killer whales into two groups transient and resident whales eat fish while transient whales eat mammals other differences are very subtle. Killer whales are the fastest species of oceanic dolphin with a top speed of about 35 mph usually when swimming normally they go about 5-10 mph . The way they are adapted to move their body is clever. In their muscles there is a sort of spring like structure. When the whale moves its tail up the springs will compress and then when the whale brings its tail down the springs will release giving the whale momentum. An adult killer whale can weigh an average of ten tons. Killer whales do not chew their food instead they swallow it whole the killer whales teeth are for catching its prey and killing it. There are about 5 different ecotypes of killer whale.Killer whales can hold their breath up to 20 minutes but usually dive for about 3-4 mins.
Killer whales are the fastest species of dolphin. Their only threat is humans. The killer whale has the second largest brain of all dolphin species and boasts many human qualities and complex emotions that humans do not have. The killer whale's brain is about 5 times bigger than the average human brain.
Killer whales have very complex hunting techniques some have learnt to beach themselves in order to catch seals from the land others have learnt to charge at ice floes and when they do it creates a massive wave that causes the seals to fall. As said earlier the killer whale will hunt anything. They have even been seen trying to take down fully grown blue whales! But in the wild there has never been any attacks on humans. Killer whales swallow their food whole; they don't chew it. :)
2 answers
Killer whales
Most of us, at least once in our lives have heard about killer whales. The ultimate apex predator. They have many names Orca, Grampus, Black fish and are referred to often as "Wolves of the sea" Their Latin name is Orcinus Orca The word orca comes from the word Orcus. Orcus was the roman god of death and the underworld and then Orcinus comes from the word pot bellied and round so Orcinus orca means the round pot bellied creature who belongs to the god of the underworld.
Scientists usually call orcinus orca a killer whale but the term orca is generally used by the public. The killer whale's name is often misleading though, this is because a killer whale is not a whale. The killer whale is a species of oceanic dolphin and is in the group Delphinidae. So you might be wondering Why do we call the Orcinus Orca a killer whale when they are not whales? Well the answer is simple. We call them killer whales because whalers often see them prey on whales! Yes killer whales do prey on whales. most commonly they try to feed off of grey whale calves but they have been seen trying to take down blue whales! So they were not called Killer whales because they are whales that kill humans killer- whales. They are known as killer whales because of their ferocious habit of preying on whales and dolphins. So first they were probably called whale killers but over time their name has been changed round to Killer whales. Killer whales hold most of the records for the species in the group Delphinidae; they are the fastest and the biggest dolphin and they are also the most balanced dolphin to. But we will be going onto that later but now you know why the killer whale is called a killer whale.
The killer whale is the largest species of dolphin. Males can measure from 6 to 9.7 metres and females usually about 5-7 metres. The dorsal fin of the whale (The big fin on its back) can be up to 1.8 metres on males but the female killer whale's dorsal fin is slightly smaller and measures 90cm on average. Female killer whales weighs on average 3.3- 6 tons and the male killer whale can weigh up to 8.8 tons!
Killer whales need to eat about 227kg of food everyday. Killer whales are very opportunistic hunters and will eat anything fish, sharks, Birds and even whales! Male killer whales do not live as long as female killer whales. Male killer whales live for about 20-30 years so female killer whales live about 50-60 years but they have been seen living from 80- 90 in the wild. In captivity killer whales rarely live past 20. Killer whales have the largest flippers of all dolphins and in older males the pectoral fins can measure up to 1/5 of the killer whales body. Killer whales Have lots of teeth. They have 48--52 teeth on average the teeth are about 7.2 cm in length and in diameter about 2.5 cm. A female killer whale will give birth every 3-10 years. Killer whales have a gestation period of about 15-17 months the calf will stay dependent on its mother for 2 years a baby killer whale can measure up to 2.5 metres and they can drink 150 gallons of milk per day and can consume 2-10% of their body weight on a daily basis a calf weighs about 180 kg but it will stay with the pod for its whole life. We group killer whales into two groups transient and resident whales eat fish while transient whales eat mammals other differences are very subtle. Killer whales are the fastest species of oceanic dolphin with a top speed of about 35 mph usually when swimming normally they go about 5-10 mph . The way they are adapted to move their body is clever. In their muscles there is a sort of spring like structure. When the whale moves its tail up the springs will compress and then when the whale brings its tail down the springs will release giving the whale momentum. An adult killer whale can weigh an average of ten tons. Killer whales do not chew their food instead they swallow it whole the killer whales teeth are for catching its prey and killing it. There are about 5 different ecotypes of killer whale.Killer whales can hold their breath up to 20 minutes but usually dive for about 3-4 mins.
Killer whales are the fastest species of dolphin. Their only threat is humans. The killer whale has the second largest brain of all dolphin species and boasts many human qualities and complex emotions that humans do not have. The killer whale's brain is about 5 times bigger than the average human brain.
Killer whales have very complex hunting techniques some have learnt to beach themselves in order to catch seals from the land others have learnt to charge at ice floes and when they do it creates a massive wave that causes the seals to fall. As said earlier the killer whale will hunt anything. They have even been seen trying to take down fully grown blue whales! But in the wild there has never been any attacks on humans. Killer whales swallow their food whole; they don't chew it. :)
1 answer
First of all, caringness isn't exactly a word, but if it was, here are its rhymes:
actless actress aegis ageless aimless
airless Alice amos angus anise
anus anxious aptness armless artless
atlas auspice avis aweless axis
bacchus backless badness baldness bareness
baseless baseness basis basses beardless
bias bigness blackness blameless blandness
blankness bleakness blindness blitheness blondness
bloodless blouses blueness bluntness bodice
bogus boisterous boldness bondless boneless
bonus bootless boris boundless bowedness
brainless brakeless braless branchless brashness
braveness breadless breathless briefless briefness
brightness brimless briskness broadness bruskness
brusqueness buckleless bulbous burgess bus
business buss buttress cactus callous
callus calmness campus canvas canvass
captious captress carcass careless casteless
caucus causeless cautious ceaseless census
chalice challis changeless chasteness cheapness
checkless cheerless chicness childless chillness
chinless choiceness chorus Christmas churchless
cinderous circus cirrus citrus claimless
classless cleanness clearness closeness cloudless
coarseness codeless coitus coldness compass
concuss congress conscious conus coolness
coppice cordless cornice corpus cost-plus
costless countess countless coyness crassness
crestless crevice crewless crimeless crisis
crispness crocus crossness crudeness cruelness
cumbrous cureless curtness cuss cuteness
cutlass cypress Cyprus daftness dais
dallas dampness dankness darkness dateless
dauntless Davis deadness deafness dearness
deathless deepness deftness Dennis denseness
dermis derris dexterous dimness dingus
direness discus discuss ditchless doneness
doris doubtless Douglas drabness dreamless
dripless dryness duchess ductless dullness
dulness dumbness dustless earless Elvis
empress endless eros estrous estrus
eyedness eyeless faceless fadeless faintness
fairness faithless falseness famous fastness
fatness faultless faustus fearless fellness
fenceless ferris ferrous fetus fewness
fibrous fierceness fineness fireless firmness
fitness flatness flawless fleetness flightless
flushness focus fogless fondness footless
forceless formless fortress foulness foundress
fracas frankness freeness freshness friendless
fringeless fruitless fullness fungous fungus
furnace fuseless fuss gainless gameness
gaseous gaucheness gauntness gayness gearless
Genghis genus gibbous glabrous gladness
glibness glottis glumness goddess godless
goodness gorgeous gouges graceless gracious
grampus grandness gratis graveless graveness
grayness greatness greenness greyness grievous
grimace grimness grossness groundless gruffness
guileless guiltless gustless gutless hairless
haleness handless hapless harass hardness
harmless harness harshness hatless headless
heartless heatless heedless heelless heinous
heiress heirless helpless highness hingeless
hoarseness hocus homeless hoopless hopeless
horace hornless horseless hospice hostess
hotness houseless hubris hugeness humorous
humus huntress hybris hydrous ibis
ictus illness iris isis isthmus
janus jaundice jawless jealous Jesus
jewess jobless jointress joyless joyous
Judas juiceless justice justness kansas
keelless keenness keyless kindness kingless
kinless koumiss kumiss lameness landless
larcenous largeness lateness lattice laundress
lawless laxness leafless leanness leaseless
ledgeless legless leprous lettuce lewdness
Lewis lifeless lightness likeness limbless
limbus limpness lineless lipless listless
litheness litmus loathness lockless locus
loftless loneness looseness loris lotus
loudness Louis loveless lowness luckless
lupus luscious lushness lustrous lysis
madness madras magus maimedness maleness
malice manless mantis marquess massless
matchless mattress meanness meatless meekness
Memphis menace midas mildness mindless
minus mirthless mistress modeless modus
moistness monstrous moonless Morris mortis
mortise moses mucous muss muteness
mutinous nacrous nameless napless narcous
naris nauseous nearness neatness necklace
needless nerveless nervous newness nexus
niceness nimbus nisus nitrous noiseless
nonplus Norris notice novas novice
noxious nudeness numbness oddness office
ogress oldness oneness onus opus
oris ornice orris painless palace
paleness pappose pappous pappus Paris
parlous parvis pathless peeress peerless
pelvis penis percuss pertness phallus
phyllis pinnace pious pipeless pius
placeless plainness planless plexus plumpness
plus pocus pointless pompous porous
porpoise poshness poultice practice precious
preface premise priceless priestess primness
princess progress promise promptness proneness
proudness prowess ptosis pumice purchase
pureness purpose pus quaintness queerness
quenchless quickness rankness raptness rareness
rashness raucous rawness realness rebus
reckless rectus redness reinless responsibleness
restless rhesus rhombus richness rictus
rifeness righteous rightness rimless rimous
ripeness rodless roofless rootless roughness
roundness rubus ruckus rudeness rufous
ruleless rumpus rungless runless ruthless
sadness safeness sageness saltless sameness
saneness sapless sarcous scabrous scaleless
scantness scarceness scarless scentless scirrhous
scirrhus sclerous scoreless scrumptious sculptress
seamless seamstress seedless seeress selfless
senseless sepsis serous service sexless
shadeless shameless shapeless sharpness sheerness
shiftless shoeless shoreless shortness shrewdness
shrillness shyness sickness sightless sinless
sinus sireless situs skewness skinless
slackness sleekness sleepless sleeveless slickness
slightness slimness slowness slumbrous slyness
smallness smartness smokeless smoothness smugness
snideness snugness softness soilless solace
solstice solstices songstress soreness soulless
soundless soundness sourness spaceless spacious
spareness sparseness specious speechless spineless
spinous spotless spouseless spryness squareness
squatness stainless staleness stalkless stannous
starkness starless stasis stateless status
staunchness steepness stemless sternness stiffness
stillness stoutness straightness strangeness strapless
stratus strictness stringless stripeless strumous
styleless stylus stypsis suaveness sukkoth
sulcus sumptuous sunless sureness surface
surplice surplus sweetness swiftness syphilis
tactless tailless tallness tameless tameness
tarsus tartness tasteless Taurus tautness
taxless tearless temptress tennis tenseness
termless terrace terseness Texas thankless
thesis thetis thickness thinness thomas
thoughtless thriftless thrombus thus thymus
tideless tightness tigress Tigris timeless
timeous tintless tiredness tireless titus
toneless tongueless tonus toothless topless
tortious tortoise torus toughness traceless
trackless tractless traitress treasonous treeless
trellis trespass trimness trismus triteness
troublous trueness truss truthless tubeless
tuneless typhus us useless vagueness
vainness valveless vastness Vegas Venice
venous venus verbless vicious viewless
vileness villous vinous virus viscous
viscus voicedness voiceless voidness voteless
vulgus wageless waitress walrus wanness
warless waveless weakness wealthless weightless
weirdness wetness wheelless whiteness wholeness
wideness wifeless wildness windlass windless
wingless winless wireless witless witness
wondrous wordless workless worthless woundless
wrongness wryness xmas zealous
1 answer
actless actress aegis ageless aimless
airless Alice amos angus anise
anus anxious aptness armless artless
atlas auspice avis aweless axis
bacchus backless badness baldness bareness
baseless baseness basis basses beardless
bias bigness blackness blameless blandness
blankness bleakness blindness blitheness blondness
bloodless blouses blueness bluntness bodice
bogus boisterous boldness bondless boneless
bonus bootless boris boundless bowedness
brainless brakeless braless branchless brashness
braveness breadless breathless briefless briefness
brightness brimless briskness broadness bruskness
brusqueness buckleless bulbous burgess bus
business buss buttress cactus callous
callus calmness campus canvas canvass
captious captress carcass careless casteless
caucus causeless cautious ceaseless census
chalice challis changeless chasteness cheapness
checkless cheerless chicness childless chillness
chinless choiceness chorus Christmas churchless
cinderous circus cirrus citrus claimless
classless cleanness clearness closeness cloudless
coarseness codeless coitus coldness compass
concuss congress conscious conus coolness
coppice cordless cornice corpus cost-plus
costless countess countless coyness crassness
crestless crevice crewless crimeless crisis
crispness crocus crossness crudeness cruelness
cumbrous cureless curtness cuss cuteness
cutlass cypress Cyprus daftness dais
dallas dampness dankness darkness dateless
dauntless Davis deadness deafness dearness
deathless deepness deftness Dennis denseness
dermis derris dexterous dimness dingus
direness discus discuss ditchless doneness
doris doubtless Douglas drabness dreamless
dripless dryness duchess ductless dullness
dulness dumbness dustless earless Elvis
empress endless eros estrous estrus
eyedness eyeless faceless fadeless faintness
fairness faithless falseness famous fastness
fatness faultless faustus fearless fellness
fenceless ferris ferrous fetus fewness
fibrous fierceness fineness fireless firmness
fitness flatness flawless fleetness flightless
flushness focus fogless fondness footless
forceless formless fortress foulness foundress
fracas frankness freeness freshness friendless
fringeless fruitless fullness fungous fungus
furnace fuseless fuss gainless gameness
gaseous gaucheness gauntness gayness gearless
Genghis genus gibbous glabrous gladness
glibness glottis glumness goddess godless
goodness gorgeous gouges graceless gracious
grampus grandness gratis graveless graveness
grayness greatness greenness greyness grievous
grimace grimness grossness groundless gruffness
guileless guiltless gustless gutless hairless
haleness handless hapless harass hardness
harmless harness harshness hatless headless
heartless heatless heedless heelless heinous
heiress heirless helpless highness hingeless
hoarseness hocus homeless hoopless hopeless
horace hornless horseless hospice hostess
hotness houseless hubris hugeness humorous
humus huntress hybris hydrous ibis
ictus illness iris isis isthmus
janus jaundice jawless jealous Jesus
jewess jobless jointress joyless joyous
Judas juiceless justice justness kansas
keelless keenness keyless kindness kingless
kinless koumiss kumiss lameness landless
larcenous largeness lateness lattice laundress
lawless laxness leafless leanness leaseless
ledgeless legless leprous lettuce lewdness
Lewis lifeless lightness likeness limbless
limbus limpness lineless lipless listless
litheness litmus loathness lockless locus
loftless loneness looseness loris lotus
loudness Louis loveless lowness luckless
lupus luscious lushness lustrous lysis
madness madras magus maimedness maleness
malice manless mantis marquess massless
matchless mattress meanness meatless meekness
Memphis menace midas mildness mindless
minus mirthless mistress modeless modus
moistness monstrous moonless Morris mortis
mortise moses mucous muss muteness
mutinous nacrous nameless napless narcous
naris nauseous nearness neatness necklace
needless nerveless nervous newness nexus
niceness nimbus nisus nitrous noiseless
nonplus Norris notice novas novice
noxious nudeness numbness oddness office
ogress oldness oneness onus opus
oris ornice orris painless palace
paleness pappose pappous pappus Paris
parlous parvis pathless peeress peerless
pelvis penis percuss pertness phallus
phyllis pinnace pious pipeless pius
placeless plainness planless plexus plumpness
plus pocus pointless pompous porous
porpoise poshness poultice practice precious
preface premise priceless priestess primness
princess progress promise promptness proneness
proudness prowess ptosis pumice purchase
pureness purpose pus quaintness queerness
quenchless quickness rankness raptness rareness
rashness raucous rawness realness rebus
reckless rectus redness reinless responsibleness
restless rhesus rhombus richness rictus
rifeness righteous rightness rimless rimous
ripeness rodless roofless rootless roughness
roundness rubus ruckus rudeness rufous
ruleless rumpus rungless runless ruthless
sadness safeness sageness saltless sameness
saneness sapless sarcous scabrous scaleless
scantness scarceness scarless scentless scirrhous
scirrhus sclerous scoreless scrumptious sculptress
seamless seamstress seedless seeress selfless
senseless sepsis serous service sexless
shadeless shameless shapeless sharpness sheerness
shiftless shoeless shoreless shortness shrewdness
shrillness shyness sickness sightless sinless
sinus sireless situs skewness skinless
slackness sleekness sleepless sleeveless slickness
slightness slimness slowness slumbrous slyness
smallness smartness smokeless smoothness smugness
snideness snugness softness soilless solace
solstice solstices songstress soreness soulless
soundless soundness sourness spaceless spacious
spareness sparseness specious speechless spineless
spinous spotless spouseless spryness squareness
squatness stainless staleness stalkless stannous
starkness starless stasis stateless status
staunchness steepness stemless sternness stiffness
stillness stoutness straightness strangeness strapless
stratus strictness stringless stripeless strumous
styleless stylus stypsis suaveness sukkoth
sulcus sumptuous sunless sureness surface
surplice surplus sweetness swiftness syphilis
tactless tailless tallness tameless tameness
tarsus tartness tasteless Taurus tautness
taxless tearless temptress tennis tenseness
termless terrace terseness Texas thankless
thesis thetis thickness thinness thomas
thoughtless thriftless thrombus thus thymus
tideless tightness tigress Tigris timeless
timeous tintless tiredness tireless titus
toneless tongueless tonus toothless topless
tortious tortoise torus toughness traceless
trackless tractless traitress treasonous treeless
trellis trespass trimness trismus triteness
troublous trueness truss truthless tubeless
tuneless typhus us useless vagueness
vainness valveless vastness Vegas Venice
venous venus verbless vicious viewless
vileness villous vinous virus viscous
viscus voicedness voiceless voidness voteless
vulgus wageless waitress walrus wanness
warless waveless weakness wealthless weightless
weirdness wetness wheelless whiteness wholeness
wideness wifeless wildness windlass windless
wingless winless wireless witless witness
wondrous wordless workless worthless woundless
wrongness wryness xmas zealous
1 answer
These are all "end rhymes", where the sound including the final vowel sound and all following consonants are the same: actless actress aegis ageless aimless airless Alice amos angus anise anus anxious aptness armless artless atlas auspice avis aweless axis bacchus backless badness baldness bareness baseless baseness basis basses beardless bias bigness blackness blameless blandness blankness bleakness blindness blitheness blondness bloodless blouses blueness bluntness bodice bogus boisterous boldness bondless boneless bonus bootless boris boundless bowedness brainless brakeless braless branchless brashness braveness breadless breathless briefless briefness brightness brimless briskness broadness bruskness brusqueness buckleless bulbous burgess bus business buss buttress cactus callous callus calmness campus canvas canvass captious captress carcass careless casteless caucus causeless cautious ceaseless census chalice challis changeless chasteness cheapness checkless cheerless chicness childless chillness chinless choiceness chorus Christmas churchless cinderous circus cirrus citrus claimless classless cleanness clearness closeness cloudless coarseness codeless coitus coldness compass concuss congress conscious conus coolness coppice cordless cornice corpus cost-plus costless countess countless coyness crassness crestless crevice crewless crimeless crisis crispness crocus crossness crudeness cruelness cumbrous cureless curtness cuss cuteness cutlass cypress Cyprus daftness dais dallas dampness dankness darkness dateless dauntless Davis deadness deafness dearness deathless deepness deftness Dennis denseness dermis derris dexterous dimness dingus direness discus discuss ditchless doneness doris doubtless Douglas drabness dreamless dripless dryness duchess ductless dullness dulness dumbness dustless earless Elvis empress endless eros estrous estrus eyedness eyeless faceless fadeless faintness fairness faithless falseness famous fastness fatness faultless faustus fearless fellness fenceless ferris ferrous fetus fewness fibrous fierceness fineness fireless firmness fitness flatness flawless fleetness flightless flushness focus fogless fondness footless forceless formless fortress foulness foundress fracas frankness freeness freshness friendless fringeless fruitless fullness fungous fungus furnace fuseless fuss gainless gameness gaseous gaucheness gauntness gayness gearless Genghis genus gibbous glabrous gladness glibness glottis glumness goddess godless goodness gorgeous gouges graceless gracious grampus grandness gratis graveless graveness grayness greatness greenness greyness grievous grimace grimness grossness groundless gruffness guileless guiltless gustless gutless hairless haleness handless hapless harass hardness harmless harness harshness hatless headless heartless heatless heedless heelless heinous heiress heirless helpless highness hingeless hoarseness hocus homeless hoopless hopeless horace hornless horseless hospice hostess hotness houseless hubris hugeness humorous humus huntress hybris hydrous ibis ictus illness iris isis isthmus janus jaundice jawless jealous Jesus jewess jobless jointress joyless joyous Judas juiceless justice justness kansas keelless keenness keyless kindness kingless kinless koumiss kumiss lameness landless larcenous largeness lateness lattice laundress lawless laxness leafless leanness leaseless ledgeless legless leprous lettuce lewdness Lewis lifeless lightness likeness limbless limbus limpness lineless lipless listless litheness litmus loathness lockless locus loftless loneness looseness loris lotus loudness Louis loveless lowness luckless lupus luscious lushness lustrous lysis madness madras magus maimedness maleness malice manless mantis marquess massless matchless mattress meanness meatless meekness Memphis menace midas mildness mindless minus mirthless mistress modeless modus moistness monstrous moonless Morris mortis mortise moses mucous muss muteness mutinous nacrous nameless napless narcous naris nauseous nearness neatness necklace needless nerveless nervous newness nexus niceness nimbus nisus nitrous noiseless nonplus Norris notice novas novice noxious nudeness numbness oddness office ogress oldness oneness onus opus oris ornice orris painless palace paleness pappose pappous pappus Paris parlous parvis pathless peeress peerless pelvis penis percuss pertness phallus phyllis pinnace pious pipeless pius placeless plainness planless plexus plumpness plus pocus pointless pompous porous porpoise poshness poultice practice precious preface premise priceless priestess primness princess progress promise promptness proneness proudness prowess ptosis pumice purchase pureness purpose pus quaintness queerness quenchless quickness rankness raptness rareness rashness raucous rawness realness rebus reckless rectus redness reinless responsibleness restless rhesus rhombus richness rictus rifeness righteous rightness rimless rimous ripeness rodless roofless rootless roughness roundness rubus ruckus rudeness rufous ruleless rumpus rungless runless ruthless sadness safeness sageness saltless sameness saneness sapless sarcous scabrous scaleless scantness scarceness scarless scentless scirrhous scirrhus sclerous scoreless scrumptious sculptress seamless seamstress seedless seeress selfless senseless sepsis serous service sexless shadeless shameless shapeless sharpness sheerness shiftless shoeless shoreless shortness shrewdness shrillness shyness sickness sightless sinless sinus sireless situs skewness skinless slackness sleekness sleepless sleeveless slickness slightness slimness slowness slumbrous slyness smallness smartness smokeless smoothness smugness snideness snugness softness soilless solace solstice solstices songstress soreness soulless soundless soundness sourness spaceless spacious spareness sparseness specious speechless spineless spinous spotless spouseless spryness squareness squatness stainless staleness stalkless stannous starkness starless stasis stateless status staunchness steepness stemless sternness stiffness stillness stoutness straightness strangeness strapless stratus strictness stringless stripeless strumous styleless stylus stypsis suaveness sukkoth sulcus sumptuous sunless sureness surface surplice surplus sweetness swiftness syphilis tactless tailless tallness tameless tameness tarsus tartness tasteless Taurus tautness taxless tearless temptress tennis tenseness termless terrace terseness Texas thankless thesis thetis thickness thinness thomas thoughtless thriftless thrombus thus thymus tideless tightness tigress Tigris timeless timeous tintless tiredness tireless titus toneless tongueless tonus toothless topless tortious tortoise torus toughness traceless trackless tractless traitress treasonous treeless trellis trespass trimness trismus triteness troublous trueness truss truthless tubeless tuneless typhus us useless vagueness vainness valveless vastness Vegas Venice venous venus verbless vicious viewless vileness villous vinous virus viscous viscus voicedness voiceless voidness voteless vulgus wageless waitress walrus wanness warless waveless weakness wealthless weightless weirdness wetness wheelless whiteness wholeness wideness wifeless wildness windlass windless wingless winless wireless witless witness wondrous wordless workless worthless woundless wrongness wryness xmas zealous
1 answer