yes .they can even breed
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Not really. There will be some bullying in the tank if the gourami is bigger than the dwarf gourami. Usually the dwarf will be left lone but there is usually fin nipping.
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I would advise not to add a dwarf gourami with a honey dwarf gourami. The honey gourami is very shy and much smaller than the dwarf gourami, and the dwarf gourami is prone to being very agressive. Depending on your luck, you might get a gourami with a nicer temperment. I wouldn't suggest it though.
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im pretty sure they will if the conditions are right
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Put them in separate tanks
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The kissing gourami Helostoma temminicki comes from the far east. It is reported to be found in parts of India and Malaysia
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The Kissing gourami (Helostoma temminckii) is of a completely different species from the Opaline gourami (Trichogaster trichopterus). They are totally unrelated. The Opaline is the same species as the 'Three spot, Blue, Gold, Platinum they are all colour sports and these can be bred together. However the cross you have mentioned can not happen. The name Gourami is a name that has commonly been applied to many fish of many unrelated species and in general means a fish that has a labyrinthine system for breathing.
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I do not know if your Golden Gourami has a disease or not. Maybe if you explained why you think it may have one and describe the symptoms I could help.
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These are a 'sport' of the Blue or Three spot Gourami (Trichogaster trichopterous) the male will grow to around 5.5inches the female may be an inch longer.
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Only fish in the same class gourami, and try to keep the fish around the same size as the fish you have.
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There are no problems about it. remember that you have to have at least 20 gallon tank, because your gourami and shrimp will need to have space.
You may also visit recent website that I built for freshwater fish at :
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as long as the tank is big enough and there is enough visual barriers in the tank, it would be fine to keep thoughs species together.
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A gourami is a type of freshwater fish from Asia. They have a lifespan of about 4 years, and come in different varieties.
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It is a risk. Every fish you put in a tank has a risk of fighting
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A gourami needs the same water as any other tropical fish. Warmish water (21-25 degrees celsius) with a few drops of water conditioner, depending on the size of the tank.
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Above 75F and below 80F is best for all Anabantids.
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by completing the 12th task in achievement track 5. this is the track that involves email, texting and facebooking invites to play tap zoo 2. Once unlocked the kissing gourami costs $650,000 coins.
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The "blue" Dwarf Gourami (Colisa lalia) is sexed the same way as all Dwarf gouramis. The male is brightly coloured and the female is much plainer.
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Suitable tank mates for a giant gourami include other large, peaceful fish such as angelfish, silver dollars, and larger tetras. Avoid keeping them with aggressive or territorial fish to prevent conflicts in the tank.
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the danio,the diamond tetra,the discus, and the dwarf gourami
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its dead
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The dorsdal fin of the female is rounded while the dorsal fin of the male is pointed.
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There are several, Chichlids, Apogonidae, Ariidae, Jawfishes, Osteoglossids and Gourami
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If by "Pink Gourami" you mean Kissing gourami (Helostoma temmincki) Provided the tank is set up for tropical anabantids the main reason I know of would be that the tank is not big enough. These tropical fish grow to over 10 Inches quite rapidly so a large tank would be necessary (minimum tank size for a pair of these fish would be around 30 gallons.
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That should be fine, but keep an eye on how the angels behave towards the gourami once they get bigger as they may bully it once they are full grown.
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It depends on the kind of gourami you have. In some it's the male is more colourful (Colisa species) In others its the male has longer, flowing fins (Trichogaster species). If you have Kissing Gouramies there is no sexual dimorphism.
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It is quite possible that the fish have been half starved if you got them from a pet shop. After a few days of being looked after and fed properly the fin nipping could stop. If it doesn't I would net the offending Serpae and pop it into a livebearer brood container for a few days to give it time to cool down and let the Gourami settle in to its surroundings.
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if its that mean put it in a separate tank
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On average, the price of a pink kissing gourami can range from $5 to $20, depending on the size and quality of the fish. Specialty color variations may be priced higher. It is recommended to check with local fish stores or online retailers for current prices.
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Based on my experience, yes, it can, but like every other aquarist or those who has a fish says, you should always watch out coz aggression might occur between the two species. But as long as you have a bigger and well planted aquarium, i guess they'll be fine..
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Mine lives with Painted Turtles and a big Barb and it seems to live just fine
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Yes absaloutely, I have that at home. It's great!
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Its an 11 ft Tinnie (Aluminium Boat)
Try Stacer Marine
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A belontiid is any member of the Belontiidae, a family of freshwater perciform fish which comprise the family Osphronemidae, commonly known as gourami.
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no newer giant gaurami will kill your other fishes
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In that fish, kissing is a form of battle. They are not "kissing", they are fighting. And yes, they fight well.
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An "Umbee" (Caquetaia Umbriferus) grows to around 60cm (over 24 inches). Most Gouramies only grow to around 4 inches. Umbees eat other fish as part of their natural diet. How long do you think a Gourami would last? Minutes or hours? You would need at least a 75 gallon properly heated/filtered tank to house an Umbee by itself.
A:No, not even a giant gourami (Osphronemus goramy) but they can houseed with Oscars (I've had them do well together in a 150 gallon tank). Gouramis can be aggressive and fin nippers to each other and smaller fish, but no match to the Umbee. The umbee is sometimes called a "water wolf" and will try to bite YOUR hand off let alone the gourami.1 answer
Oranda (goldfish) Oscar (cichlid) Ocellated Synodontis (Catfish) Ornate Bichir (Polypteridae) Opaline Gourami (Anabantidae)
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