the god of the Bible is the one and only God, the Alpha and the Omega, and therefore the God of Mars too.
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If you want the Greek one, Thanatos is the god of Death, altogh Hades is the God of the Underworld. Ares is the god af war.
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God for the religions Judaism, Christianity, and Islam is the same God; called in Arabic Allah. God is the one and only one God with no partner and no companion. However, some Christians consider God as composed of three species Son, Father, and soul (the Trinity).
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God of War is a video game franchise, owned by Santa Monica. It tells the story of Kratos, a brutal Spartan warrior. In God of War 1, it shows his mental and physical battle between the Greek god Ares (the god of war). God of War 2 shows Kratos's battle with Olympus, who, according to him, have betrayed him, which is continued and concluded in God of War 3. The game is only on the Play Station 2 (God of War 1 & 2) the Play Station 3 (God of war 3, God of war collection, which is God of War 1 & 2 re-mastered in High Definition) and the Play Station Portable (God of War: Chains of Olympus). Chains of Olympus shows Kratos's past, in his servitude to the Gods of Olympus. Hope this helps (and more importantly, if this is the God of War you meant).
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There is no God versus science, they are married at the deepest level. God created everything. Science is just the tool that we use to figure out the method God used to create. The majority of scientists believe in God by the proofs they've seen in creation.
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God is a power, a power that created this universe. God is not made of bone and skin, God is the power that lives within. Therefore, your heart that beats is the power of God. There is no battery, there is no electricity inside of you and me. How do we live? What is the power? It is the Spirit, the Soul, the Atman. It is God. God manifests as all that we see around us, birds that fly, fish that swim, fruits on the tree, butterflies and bees… everything in this world, you and me, we are all manifestations of God. What does it mean? It means we appear as all these living creatures but actually it is God appearing as everything that is alive. Even the mountains and the seas, everything in this world is nothing but God. God is everything, other than God there is nothing.
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Yes god willl always be there for us. God gave his only son to forgive us of our sins.
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Is God a human invention?* No.
The belief in a god or set of gods is certainly something that people have been doing.
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The word "god" means any deity of any religion. Because Judaism and Christianity recognize only one god, the word became used as the name of the god: God.
The name YHWH is the sacred name by which the Hebrew people knew their god. The name was so sacred that devout Jews never spoke it aloud, but substituted other words meaning The Lord.
In the Christian faith, Jesus Christ is recognized as the Son of God, born of the Virgin Mary. This means that the Jewish God, YHWH, is the Father of Jesus Christ.
In the 3rd Century, the Church struggled to understand and explain exactly the question you have asked. At the Council of Nicea, from which came the Nicean Creed, the leaders of the church decided that the answer is "Yes!" Jesus is God, and the Father (YHWH) is God, and the Holy Spirit is God. This is known as the Trinity: One God in three Persons.
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God, in Exodus 3, spoke to Moses on Mt. Horeb, which is referred to as the "Mountain of God".
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Of course not.
The question of whether or not God is dead is really irrelevant. While there is no proof of the existence of God or any god(s), there are many who say that because God is a supernatural being, there can be no real evidence here in the natural world for His existence or non-existence.
A better question might be "Has the belief in God changed in recent times?" In this case the answer would be yes. According to a recent poll, the number of people who responded that they do not believe in God has increased in the past 20 years (12% of US adults in 2004.)
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Ganesh the elephant headed god is the god of wisdom and prosperity. He is remover of all obsticles. The elephant head is for his acute intelligence.
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Yes, that is what tradition states (Genesis ch.1 - 2). See also:
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"God is good" in Spanish is "Dios es bueno". It is pronounced "dee-OSE ess BWAY-no". Please see the Related link below for confirmation of the translation.
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God has to be more important the other thing that you really loved. Because without God's word you could die in like 1second, anytime. If you don't believe just believe God. There is anytime to believe God until we die.In the Bible it says "don't love anything then God"If you do want to believe.Look in the Bible it says Jesus died for us. To forgive our sins that we are gonna make in our life.Just pray if you want God to forgive you.The rule for christian.
1.Don't get mad when they talk about you,family,and friends just pray for them. Dont tries to go to them to kill.
2.Before you need go to the heaven:you only need love
3.In the heaven you will have nice house.
4.Do you want to go lonely? I think you want to go with your family,friends.
5.what would you say when people comes to you and ask "you want to believe God or their god?" but they said "i will not kill you if you say I'll trust their god" If you say that you will trust our God?" they will kill you so just say "I WILL TRUST MY GOD" then you gonna go heaven.
6. NO! god <- it means bad god
YES! God <-imeans good GOD
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Gen:1:3: And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
Gen:1:4: And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.
Gen:1:5: And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day. Answer 2
The Bible says God created light. The absence of light is dark. We could say that God created only light.
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God is the source of life and provides for our needs, including sustaining the harvest. Belief in God's promise of eternal life brings hope and reassurance that there is an existence beyond this earthly life. Trusting in God's provision for both physical and spiritual nourishment can bring comfort and peace.
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If you want to be someone’s friend, what’s the first thing you usually tell him? Your name. Does God have a name? Many religions say his name is God or Lord, but these are not names. They are just titles, like “king” or “president.” God has told us that his name is Jehovah. Psalm 83:18 says: “May people know that you, whose name is Jehovah, you alone are the Most High over all the earth.” Bible writers used God’s name thousands of times. Jehovah wants you to know his name and to use it. He tells you his name so that you can become his friend.
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If your asking does God know how much a person can take the answer is yes.
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God is held by many different religions to be the creator of all things. But, as these Gods are all viewed differently by their respective religions, you would need to say which God you are thinking about... the Christian God, the Shinto God, the ancient Greek Gods, the Inca God.... and so on.
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"there is no god of food! there is only one God! Its called christianity! So NO! there is no god of food!!!!"
You egotistical moron!
Athena was the goddess of agriculture (among other things), Demeter was the goddess of life and growth and supposedly taught mortals how to cultivate (most notably wheat), Hera was the goddess of fertility, and Poseidon was god of the seas and fishes... As for food in general, there was no actual greek god just of food...
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That is correct. The existence of God, in fact of any god, can not be proven by any scientific means. His existence can only be assumed, by those who wish to do so.
It is sometimes claimed that the Bible proves the existence of God, because to Bible tells us about God, and the Bible is God's word so it must be true. Of course, that is a circular argument that resolves as an assumption, not proof.
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God is the god of all life - does he not make - a gospel promise - you will not know terror? the answer is yes, yes!?
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If I understand your question correctly, God is the light of this world as is His Son Jesus Christ. From them comes all knowledge (Light) Precept upon precept, here a little there a little until we all come to an understanding of God and become partakers of his light.
Alternatively, if you are referring to the phrase below from the Nicene creed
And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, begotten of the Father [the only-begotten; that is, of the essence of the Father, God of God], Light of Light, very God of very God, begotten, not made, being of one substance with the Father;
This is a statement of the divinity of Jesus, being of the same essence as God. It denies that Jesus was in any way made or created, even if that "creating" was done by God. Jesus proceeds from or streams forth from the Father, and has always existed.
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