giovanni boccaccio apart of his initial talent, he is also a painter, architect, musician and pooper
1 answer
Giovanni Boccaccio never married. He was an Italian writer, poet, and scholar known for his work "The Decameron." Boccaccio had several romantic relationships throughout his life, but he never had a wife.
2 answers
No, Giovanni Boccaccio did not write Paradise Lost and Paradise Regained, which were actually written by John Milton in 1671. Boccaccio was an Italian writer known for his work "The Decameron," a collection of novellas.
1 answer
he was a humanist , poet, and writer.
1 answer
The Decameron was written by Giovanni Boccaccio and was completed around 1353.
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The poet Petrarch and Giovanni Boccaccio
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All I know is, Boccaccio have a half brothers named Francesco, Mario, Guilio and Violenti.
His father married after his mother died, his step mother name is Magherita di Gian Donato de Martoli, in 1314.
2 answers
No, Giovanni Boccaccio did not tell the Canterbury Tales story. The Canterbury Tales was written by Geoffrey Chaucer in the late 14th century. Boccaccio was an Italian writer known for works like the Decameron.
1 answer
Yes, Caboto did have kids, he had three sons, Sancio, Sabastian, and Ludovico
1 answer
The short story 'Novella' was written by Giovanni Boccaccio. Boccaccio was born in the year 1313 and passed away on 1375. He is well known for being the author of The Decameron.
1 answer
He started the Renaissance, he taught people to think for themselves and discover new things. Most of the people who knew how to write in the Early Middle Ages were the monks, and they only wrote about serious things such as God and Heaven and Hell. Boccaccio wrote about something different from everyone else, he wrote about real people and real lives, day-to-day experiences.
3 answers
Giovanni Boccaccio died on December 21, 1375, in Certaldo, Florence, Tuscany, Italy.
2 answers
the first novella
1 answer
Eugenio Rossi has written:
'Dalla mente e dal cuore di Giovanni Boccaccio'
1 answer
Giovanni Boccaccio was an Italian writer and poet from the 14th century, best known for his work "The Decameron," a collection of novellas that is considered a masterpiece of medieval literature. Boccaccio was a key figure in the development of Italian literature and one of the earliest humanists.
1 answer
Emma Boghen-Conigliani has written:
'Giovanni Boccaccio e i novellisti minori del secolo XIV'
1 answer
Anna Vaglio has written:
'Invito alla lettura di Giovanni Boccaccio' -- subject(s): Criticism and interpretation
1 answer
* The Decameron (subtitled: Prencipe Galeotto) is a collection of 100 Novellas by Giovanni Boccaccio and written in Italian. The meaning of the 'Decameron' is Greek for "ten" (δέκα déka) and "day. " The 'Decameron' writings begin during the Black Death and leads a group of seven women and three men who flee from plague-ridden Florence to a villa in what was then called 'Fiesole' for two weeks. These works by Boccaccio were considered 'bawdy' stories ... in other words pornography.
1 answer
Initially, Monna Giovanna is dismissive Federigo's love for her, but she eventually finds it noble. Federigo's Falcon was written by Giovanni Boccaccio.
1 answer
In "The Decameron" by Giovanni Boccaccio, Monna Giovanna's son dies while she is away from home. When she returns, she discovers that he has been killed by a wolf. She is devastated by the loss of her son.
1 answer
The first child born to the executor of the will of the man considered the Father of Humanism was named Giovanni Boccaccio.
2 answers
Magali Boccaccio was born on November 16, 1981, in Paris, France.
1 answer
The cast of Boccaccio - 1966 includes: Bernd Ander Eleanore Bauer as Beatrice - sein Weib Wolfgang Dauscha Wolfgang Hebenstreit Leo Heppe Heinz Holecek Hilde Konetzni as Peronella - sein Weib Fred Liewehr Monique Lobasa as Fiametta - beider Ziehtochter Friederike Mann Peter Minich as Giovanni Boccaccio Sonja Mottl as Isabella - sein Weib Fritz Muliar as Scalza - Barbier Hilli Reschl Raoul Retzer Peter Stummer
1 answer
The tone of "Federico's Falcon" is light-hearted and satirical, poking fun at the foolishness of the characters. The mood is comedic and whimsical, with a hint of irony as the story unfolds with unexpected twists.
1 answer
The cast of Trio de Boccaccio - 1908 includes: Santucci
1 answer
The Decameron (Ten Days), subtitled Prencipe Galeotto, is a collection of one hundred tales describing stories related by a group of ten thoroughly bored young people from Florence who are taking refuge for ten nights in a villa outside the walls of Florence while the Black Death (Bubonic Plague) ravages the city. This highly entertaining book was written by Giovanni Boccaccio, begun about 1350 and published in 1353. I hope this is the Decameron about which you are asking.
The Italian author "Giovanni Boccaccio" in the 14th century wrote a collection of novellas mainly on romane.
1 answer
One notable book on genealogy during the Renaissance was "De genealogia deorum gentilium" (On the Genealogy of the Gods of the Gentiles) by Giovanni Boccaccio. This work explores the genealogy of the gods and provides insight into classical mythology.
1 answer
That he did not follow formulas, that he presented realistic interactions, and that he wrote in Italian are reasons by Giovanni Boccaccio is called the first great Italian prose writer.
Specifically, writing in fourteenth-century Italy depended upon knowledge of Latin language and literature. Latin was the general mode of communication. Formulas regarding the psychology and speech of characters were borrowed from classical literature.
Giovanni Boccaccio (1313-1375) took his considerable knowledge of history, language, literature, philosophy and psychology and applied them in unexpected, fresh and enduring ways.
1 answer
Boccaccio - 1936 is rated/received certificates of:
West Germany:6 (nf)
1 answer
The Decameron is a book conformed of one hundred short stories or 'novellas' written by Italian author Giovanni Boccaccio, who lived in the 14th Century. It's considered one of the most important works of the Italian literature written in prose.
1 answer
Lattjo med Boccaccio - 1949 is rated/received certificates of:
Sweden:Btl (cut)
Sweden:15 (uncut)
1 answer
The ship Al-Salam Boccaccio 98 sank in the Red Sea in 2006. It was carrying over a thousand passengers, of whom 388 were rescued.
1 answer
Geoffrey Chaucer's inspiration for "Troilus and Criseyde" was likely the ancient Greek myth of Troilus and Briseis from "The Iliad" by Homer. He may have also drawn inspiration from the medieval tradition of courtly love literature and contemporary Italian works, such as Giovanni Boccaccio's "Il Filostrato."
1 answer
Novellas are short prose fiction works that gained popularity during the Renaissance. They typically focused on everyday life, morality, and romantic themes. Some well-known examples include "The Decameron" by Giovanni Boccaccio and "The Prince" by Niccolò Machiavelli.
2 answers
Petrarch wrote sonnets about Laura, an ideal woman; Boccaccio wrote about the follies of his characters in the decameron,
and Machiavelli wrote about the imperfect conduct of humans in the prince.
1 answer
Petrarch wrote sonnets about Laura, an ideal woman; Boccaccio wrote about the follies of his characters in the decameron,
and Machiavelli wrote about the imperfect conduct of humans in the prince.
1 answer
Giovanni Boccaccio has written:
'Johan Bocacio de las mujeres illustres en roma[n]ce' -- subject(s): Latin American literature, Medieval and modern Latin literature
'Libro di M[esser] Gio[vanni] Boccaccio delle donne illustri' -- subject(s): Biography, Women
'Genealogia de gli dei' -- subject(s): Medieval Geography, Classical Mythology
'Du dechiet et tuyne des nobles hommes et femmes'
'La vita di Dante Alighieri di Giovanni Boccaccio'
'Der Irrgarten der Liebe'
'La vita di Dante Alighieri' -- subject(s): Biography, Italian Authors
'Il Decameron, luoghi scelti'
'Nuo va edizione'
'Cayda de principes' -- subject(s): Latin American literature, Medieval and modern Latin literature
'Nuo va edizione'
'Nuo va edizione'
'Le philocope de messire Iean Boccace Florentin'
'Libro de Fiameta'
'Libro de Jua[n] Bocacio que tracta de las illustres Mugeres' -- subject(s): Women, Latin American literature, Biography, Medieval and modern Latin literature, History
'Libro di M[esser] Gio[vanni] Boccaccio delle donne illustri' -- subject(s): Biography, Women
'Il Corbaccio di Messer Giovanni Boccaccio'
'Joannis Boccacii Certaldi De casibus illustrium virorum libri nouem quum historiis adfatim cognoscendis tum praeclare instituendis hominum moribus longe utilissimi'
'L' Ameto'
'De casibus illustrium virorum'
'Opera iucundissima novamente retronata del facundissimo et elegantissimo poeta Messer Ioanne Bocchacio'
'L' elegia di Madonna Fiammetta'
'La Fiameta de Johan Boccacci'
'Libro de Fiameta'
'Fiammetta di Giovanni Boccaccio'
'Libro de Fiameta'
'Du dechiet et tuyne des nobles hommes et femmes'
'Il Filocolo'
'Il decamerone di Giovanni Boccaccio' -- subject(s): Accessible book
'Genealogie, Paris 1531' -- subject(s): Medieval Geography, Classical Mythology
'Le philocope de messire Iean Boccace Florentin'
'Laurent de Premierfait's Des cas des nobles hommes et femmes, book 1, translated from Boccaccio'
'L' elegia di madonna Fiammette'
'Opera di m. Giovanni Boccaccio' -- subject(s): Medieval Geography, Classical Mythology
'Text and concordance of The Zaragoza 1494 edition of Boccaccio's De las ilustres mujeres en romance' -- subject(s): Early works to 1800, Women, Social conditions, Biography, History
'Tratatello in laude di Dante' -- subject(s): Biography, Italian Authors
'Die Geschichte zweier Liebenden'
'Fiammetta di Giovanni Boccaccio'
'The elegy of madonna Fiammetta sent by her to women in love'
'Libro llamado Cayda de Principes' -- subject(s): Latin American literature, Medieval and modern Latin literature
'Il filocolo di Giovanni Boccaccio'
'La vita di Dante Alighieri' -- subject(s): Biography, Italian Authors
'Genealogi[a]e deorum gentilium ad Vgonem inclytum Hierusale[m] & Cypri regem secundem Iohannem Boccatiu[m] de Certaldo liber primus incipit feliciter' -- subject(s): Early works to 1800, Classical Mythology, Geography
'Libro de Fiameta'
'Fiammetta di Giovanni Boccaccio'
'L' Urbano di Messer Giovanni Boccaccio'
'Il Decameron' -- subject(s): Accessible book
'Il Corbaccio di Messer Giovanni Boccaccio'
'Libro de Fiameta'
'Laurent de Premierfait's Des cas des nobles hommes et femmes, book 1, translated from Boccaccio'
'Il Corbaccio di Messer Giovanni Boccaccio'
'La Fiameta de Johan Boccacci'
'Laurent de Premierfait's Des cas des nobles hommes et femmes, book 1, translated from Boccaccio'
'Fiammetta di Giovanni Boccaccio'
'Nuo va edizione'
'Vanha varis eli tuntematon Boccaccio'
'Genealogie, Paris 1531' -- subject(s): Medieval Geography, Classical Mythology
'Opera di m. Giovanni Boccaccio' -- subject(s): Medieval Geography, Classical Mythology
'L' Urbano di Messer Giovanni Boccaccio'
'L' elegia di Madonna Fiammetta'
'Here begynneth the boke of Iohan Bochas discryuing the fall of pri[n]ces, princesses, and other nobles' -- subject(s): Early works to 1800, Kings and rulers, Poetry
'Lo Mejor del Decameron (Clasicos de Bolsillo: Cuentos)'
'A treatise excellent and compe[n]dious, shewing and declaring, in maner of tragedye, the falles of sondry most notable princes and princesses vvith other nobles, through ye mutabilitie and change of vnstedfast fortune' -- subject(s): Early works to 1800, Kings and rulers, Poetry
'Contes de J. Bocace. Traduction nouvelle, enrichie de belles gravures. ..'
'Des cleres et nobles femmes' -- subject(s): Biography, Women
'Text and concordance of The Zaragoza 1494 edition of Boccaccio's De las ilustres mujeres en romance' -- subject(s): Early works to 1800, Women, Social conditions, Biography, History
'Delle donne famose' -- subject(s): Biography, Women
'Sei novelle molto aggradevoli'
'Lettera di M. Giovanni Boccaccio'
'Genealogiae' -- subject(s): Medieval Geography, Classical Mythology
'Le philocope de messire Iean Boccace Florentin'
'Libro di M[esser] Gio[vanni] Boccaccio delle donne illustri' -- subject(s): Biography, Women
'Laurent de Premierfait's Des cas des nobles hommes et femmes, book 1, translated from Boccaccio'
'Le Decameron de Jean Boccace'
'Tratatello in laude di Dante' -- subject(s): Biography, Italian Authors
'Du dechiet et tuyne des nobles hommes et femmes'
'Le Decameron de Jean Boccace'
'Genealogiae Ioannis Boccatii' -- subject(s): Early works to 1800, Genealogy, Medieval Geography, Incunabula, Gods, Classical Mythology, Specimens
'Origine, vita, studi, e costumi del chiarissimo Dante Alighieri, poeta fiorentino'
'L' Urbano di Messer Giovanni Boccaccio'
'Il Decameron, luoghi scelti'
'Il Decamerone nel quale si contengono cento novelle'
'Il Decameron, luoghi scelti'
'Libro di M[esser] Gio[vanni] Boccaccio delle donne illustri' -- subject(s): Biography, Women
'La vita di Dante Alighieri' -- subject(s): Biography, Italian Authors
'De casibus illustrium virorum'
'Delle donne famose' -- subject(s): Biography, Women
'Delle donne famose' -- subject(s): Biography, Women
'Opera iucundissima novamente retronata del facundissimo et elegantissimo poeta Messer Ioanne Bocchacio'
'Libro de Jua[n] Bocacio que tracta de las illustres Mugeres' -- subject(s): Women, Latin American literature, Biography, Medieval and modern Latin literature, History
'Text and concordance of The Zaragoza 1494 edition of Boccaccio's De las ilustres mujeres en romance' -- subject(s): Early works to 1800, Women, Social conditions, Biography, History
'Giovanni Boccaccio, the life of Dante (Tratatello in laude di Dante)' -- subject(s): Biography, Italian Authors
'Vita di Dante e difesa della poesia' -- subject(s): Poetry, Biography
'Madonna Filippa / Melchisedech e il Saladino. Novelle tratte dal Decameron'
'La novella di ser Ciappelletto'
'Text and concordance of The Zaragoza 1494 edition of Boccaccio's De las ilustres mujeres en romance' -- subject(s): Early works to 1800, Women, Social conditions, Biography, History
'Le Decameron de Jean Boccace'
'De mulieribus claris' -- subject(s): Women, Biography
'Text and concordance of The Zaragoza 1494 edition of Boccaccio's De las ilustres mujeres en romance' -- subject(s): Early works to 1800, Women, Social conditions, Biography, History
'Delle donne famose' -- subject(s): Biography, Women
'L' Urbano di Messer Giovanni Boccaccio'
'Il Decamerone di Giovanni Boccacio'
'Thirteen most pleasant and delectable questions of love, entitled A disport of diverse noble personages'
'Laurent de Premierfait's Des cas des nobles hommes et femmes, book 1, translated from Boccaccio'
'Il filocolo di Giovanni Boccaccio'
'L' Urbano di Messer Giovanni Boccaccio'
'Libro llamado Cayda de Principes' -- subject(s): Latin American literature, Medieval and modern Latin literature
'Delle donne famose' -- subject(s): Biography, Women
'The Decameron of Giovanni Boccaccio including forty of its hundred novels'
'Genealogie Johannis Boccaccii'
'Opere di Giovanni Boccaccio'
'La vita di Dante Alighieri' -- subject(s): Biography, Italian Authors
'Fiammetta di Giovanni Boccaccio'
'Tales from the Decameron of Giovanni Boccaccio'
'Stories from the Decameron of Boccaccio' -- subject(s): Italian Short stories, Translations into English, English Short stories, Translations from Italian
'Il Decamerone nel quale si contengono cento novelle'
'Il filocolo di Giovanni Boccaccio'
'Genealogie, Paris 1531' -- subject(s): Medieval Geography, Classical Mythology
'Le philocope de messire Iean Boccace Florentin'
'L' Urbano di Messer Giovanni Boccaccio'
'Decameron di messer Giovanni Boccaccio'
'Die Griselda des Messer Giovanni di Boccaccio mit vier Holzschnitten des Meisters mit der Schlange'
'Nuo va edizione'
'Il Corbaccio di Messer Giovanni Boccaccio'
'Genealogiae Ioannis Boccatii' -- subject(s): Early works to 1800, Genealogy, Medieval Geography, Incunabula, Gods, Classical Mythology, Specimens
'Genealogia de gli dei' -- subject(s): Medieval Geography, Classical Mythology
'Fiammetta di Giovanni Boccaccio'
'La vita di Dante Alighieri' -- subject(s): Biography, Italian Authors
'L' elegia di madonna Fiammette'
'La vita di Dante Alighieri' -- subject(s): Biography, Italian Authors
'Vanha varis eli tuntematon Boccaccio'
'Du dechiet et tuyne des nobles hommes et femmes'
'La vita di Dante Alighieri di Giovanni Boccaccio'
'La Fiameta de Johan Boccacci'
'Libro de Fiameta'
'La geneologia de gli dei de gentili' -- subject(s): Medieval Geography, Classical Mythology
'Laurent de Premierfait's Des cas des nobles hommes et femmes, book 1, translated from Boccaccio'
'Il filocolo di Giovanni Boccaccio'
'Laurent de Premierfait's Des cas des nobles hommes et femmes, book 1, translated from Boccaccio'
'Il Corbaccio di Messer Giovanni Boccaccio'
'Il Corbaccio di Messer Giovanni Boccaccio'
'Libro de Fiameta'
'Decameron I - Milenio'
'Opere volgari' -- subject(s): Accessible book
'Le Decameron de Jean Boccace'
'Stories from the Decameron of Boccaccio' -- subject(s): Italian Short stories, Translations into English, English Short stories, Translations from Italian
'Text and concordance of The Zaragoza 1494 edition of Boccaccio's De las ilustres mujeres en romance' -- subject(s): Early works to 1800, Women, Social conditions, Biography, History
'Il Decamerone nel quale si contengono cento novelle'
'Genealogie, Paris 1531' -- subject(s): Medieval Geography, Classical Mythology
'Il Corbaccio di Messer Giovanni Boccaccio'
'Genealogi[a]e deorum gentilium ad Vgonem inclytum Hierusale[m] & Cypri regem secundem Iohannem Boccatiu[m] de Certaldo liber primus incipit feliciter' -- subject(s): Early works to 1800, Classical Mythology, Geography
'Text and concordance of The Zaragoza 1494 edition of Boccaccio's De las ilustres mujeres en romance' -- subject(s): Early works to 1800, Women, Social conditions, Biography, History
'Libro de Fiameta'
'Das Ninfale fiesolano Giovanni Boccaccios'
'Il Decamerone ... [Di nuovo riformato da M. L. Groto, Cieco d'Adria] ..'
'Le Decameron de Jean Boccace'
'Il filocolo di Giovanni Boccaccio'
'Genealogie, Paris 1531' -- subject(s): Medieval Geography, Classical Mythology
'Le Decameron de Jean Boccace'
'Libro llamado Cayda de Principes' -- subject(s): Latin American literature, Medieval and modern Latin literature
'De mulieribus claris' -- subject(s): Women, Biography
'(A pleasaunt disport of diuers Noble Personages'
'Genealogie, Paris 1531' -- subject(s): Medieval Geography, Classical Mythology
'Le philocope de messire Iean Boccace Florentin'
'The novels and tales of the renowned John Boccacio, the first refiner of Italian prose'
'Opera iucundissima novamente retronata del facundissimo et elegantissimo poeta Messer Ioanne Bocchacio'
'La vita di Dante Alighieri di Giovanni Boccaccio'
'Du dechiet et tuyne des nobles hommes et femmes'
'Genealogiae Ioannis Boccatii' -- subject(s): Early works to 1800, Genealogy, Medieval Geography, Incunabula, Gods, Classical Mythology, Specimens
'Genealogi[a]e deorum gentilium ad Vgonem inclytum Hierusale[m] & Cypri regem secundem Iohannem Boccatiu[m] de Certaldo liber primus incipit feliciter' -- subject(s): Early works to 1800, Classical Mythology, Geography
'Genealogia de gli dei' -- subject(s): Medieval Geography, Classical Mythology
'De casibus illustrium virorum'
'Boccace des nobles malheureux'
'Il Decameron di Giovanni Boccaccio..'
'Johan Bocacio de las mujeres illustres en roma[n]ce' -- subject(s): Latin American literature, Medieval and modern Latin literature
'Nuo va edizione'
'(A pleasaunt disport of diuers Noble Personages'
'Nuo va edizione'
'Du dechiet et tuyne des nobles hommes et femmes'
'La Fiameta de Johan Boccacci'
'Nuo va edizione'
'Cayda de principes' -- subject(s): Latin American literature, Medieval and modern Latin literature
'Ameto del Boccacio'
'The Decameron' -- subject(s): Accessible book
'Il decameron di M. Gio. Boccacci' -- subject(s): Fiction, Plague, Storytelling, History
'La vita di Dante Alighieri' -- subject(s): Biography, Italian Authors
'Text and concordance of The Zaragoza 1494 edition of Boccaccio's De las ilustres mujeres en romance' -- subject(s): Early works to 1800, Women, Social conditions, Biography, History
'Der Irrgarten der Liebe'
'Le Decameron de Jean Boccace'
'De mulieribus claris' -- subject(s): Women, Biography
'(A pleasaunt disport of diuers Noble Personages'
'Cinque novelle. Mit Materialien'
'Le Decameron de Jean Boccace'
'Il Decamerone ... [Di nuovo riformato da M. L. Groto, Cieco d'Adria] ..'
'Opera iucundissima novamente retronata del facundissimo et elegantissimo poeta Messer Ioanne Bocchacio'
'Libro di M[esser] Gio[vanni] Boccaccio delle donne illustri' -- subject(s): Biography, Women
'Fiammetta di Giovanni Boccaccio'
'Ii decameron'
'Vanha varis eli tuntematon Boccaccio'
'Cayda de principes' -- subject(s): Latin American literature, Medieval and modern Latin literature
'Genealogie, Paris 1531' -- subject(s): Medieval Geography, Classical Mythology
'Des cleres et nobles femmes' -- subject(s): Biography, Women
'L' elegia di madonna Fiammette'
'The book of Theseus =' -- subject(s): Theseus (Greek mythology), Poetry
'Tales from the Decameron of Giovanni Boccaccio'
'Libro llamado Cayda de Principes' -- subject(s): Latin American literature, Medieval and modern Latin literature
'Text and concordance of The Zaragoza 1494 edition of Boccaccio's De las ilustres mujeres en romance' -- subject(s): Early works to 1800, Women, Social conditions, Biography, History
'Libro llamado Cayda de Principes' -- subject(s): Latin American literature, Medieval and modern Latin literature
'Decamerone da un italiano all'altro' -- subject(s): Fiction, History, Plague, Storytelling
'Opera di m. Giovanni Boccaccio' -- subject(s): Medieval Geography, Classical Mythology
'Der Irrgarten der Liebe'
'Genealogia de gli dei' -- subject(s): Medieval Geography, Classical Mythology
'Libro di M[esser] Gio[vanni] Boccaccio delle donne illustri' -- subject(s): Biography, Women
'Vanha varis eli tuntematon Boccaccio'
'The antient, true, and admirable history of patient Grisel' -- subject(s): Early works to 1800, Griselda (Legendary character), Translations into English, Italian fiction
'Il Decamerone ... [Di nuovo riformato da M. L. Groto, Cieco d'Adria] ..'
'Il Decamerone nel quale si contengono cento novelle'
'Opera di m. Giovanni Boccaccio' -- subject(s): Medieval Geography, Classical Mythology
'Vanha varis eli tuntematon Boccaccio'
'Contes et nouvelles de Bocace ..'
'Eclogues' -- subject(s): Poetry, Country life, Translations into English, Middle Ages, Pastoral poetry, Latin (Medieval and modern)
'La Fiameta de Johan Boccacci'
'La vita di Dante Alighieri di Giovanni Boccaccio'
'Vanha varis eli tuntematon Boccaccio'
'Tratatello in laude di Dante' -- subject(s): Biography, Italian Authors
'Il filocolo di Giovanni Boccaccio'
'Opera di m. Giovanni Boccaccio' -- subject(s): Medieval Geography, Classical Mythology
'Rime ; Caccia di Diana'
'Le cento novelle (di M. G. Boccaccio,) da Messer Vincenzo Brugiantino, dette in ottava rima'
'Le Decameron de Jean Boccace'
'Il filocolo di Giovanni Boccaccio'
'Ii decameron'
'Fiammetta di Giovanni Boccaccio'
'L' elegia di Madonna Fiammetta'
'L' Urbano di Messer Giovanni Boccaccio'
'Ioannis Boccacii de Certaldo De montibus, syluis, fontibus, lacubus, fluminibus, stagnis seu paludib[us], de nomi[ni]bus maris, liber i[n]cipit feliciter' -- subject(s): Early works to 1800, Geography
'Cayda de principes' -- subject(s): Latin American literature, Medieval and modern Latin literature
'Du dechiet et tuyne des nobles hommes et femmes'
'Tratatello in laude di Dante' -- subject(s): Biography, Italian Authors
'Du dechiet et tuyne des nobles hommes et femmes'
'Laurent de Premierfait's Des cas des nobles hommes et femmes, book 1, translated from Boccaccio'
'La novella di ser Ciappelletto'
'Der Irrgarten der Liebe'
'Libro de Jua[n] Bocacio que tracta de las illustres Mugeres' -- subject(s): Women, Latin American literature, Biography, Medieval and modern Latin literature, History
'Laurent de Premierfait's Des cas des nobles hommes et femmes, book 1, translated from Boccaccio'
'Buccolicum carmen' -- subject(s): Poetry, Country life, Translations into English, Pastoral poetry, Latin (Medieval and modern), Middle Ages
'Genealogi[a]e deorum gentilium ad Vgonem inclytum Hierusale[m] & Cypri regem secundem Iohannem Boccatiu[m] de Certaldo liber primus incipit feliciter' -- subject(s): Early works to 1800, Classical Mythology, Geography
'Johan Bocacio de las mujeres illustres en roma[n]ce' -- subject(s): Latin American literature, Medieval and modern Latin literature
'Nuo va edizione'
'Genealogie, Paris 1531' -- subject(s): Medieval Geography, Classical Mythology
'L' Urbano di Messer Giovanni Boccaccio'
'The Decameron of Boccaccio'
'Il decameron di M. Gio. Boccacci' -- subject(s): Fiction, Plague, Storytelling, History
'Genealogi[a]e deorum gentilium ad Vgonem inclytum Hierusale[m] & Cypri regem secundem Iohannem Boccatiu[m] de Certaldo liber primus incipit feliciter' -- subject(s): Early works to 1800, Classical Mythology, Geography
'Libro de Fiameta'
'L' elegia di Madonna Fiammetta'
'Fiammetta di Giovanni Boccaccio'
'Genealogi[a]e deorum gentilium ad Vgonem inclytum Hierusale[m] & Cypri regem secundem Iohannem Boccatiu[m] de Certaldo liber primus incipit feliciter' -- subject(s): Early works to 1800, Classical Mythology, Geography
'L' elegia di madonna Fiammette'
'La vita di Dante Alighieri' -- subject(s): Biography, Italian Authors
'Il Corbaccio di Messer Giovanni Boccaccio'
'Genealogi[a]e deorum gentilium ad Vgonem inclytum Hierusale[m] & Cypri regem secundem Iohannem Boccatiu[m] de Certaldo liber primus incipit feliciter' -- subject(s): Early works to 1800, Classical Mythology, Geography
'L' Urbano di Messer Giovanni Boccaccio'
'L' elegia di madonna Fiammette'
'De mulieribus claris' -- subject(s): Women, Biography
'Vita di Dante Alighieri'
'Libro de Jua[n] Bocacio que tracta de las illustres Mugeres' -- subject(s): Women, Latin American literature, Biography, Medieval and modern Latin literature, History
'Delle donne famose' -- subject(s): Biography, Women
'Le Decameron de Jean Boccace'
'La novella di Ser Ciappelletto (Decameron I, 1)'
'Libro de Jua[n] Bocacio que tracta de las illustres Mugeres' -- subject(s): Women, Latin American literature, Biography, Medieval and modern Latin literature, History
'Genealogiae Ioannis Boccatii' -- subject(s): Early works to 1800, Genealogy, Medieval Geography, Incunabula, Gods, Classical Mythology, Specimens
'De casibus illustrium virorum'
'Libro de Fiameta'
'Cayda de principes' -- subject(s): Latin American literature, Medieval and modern Latin literature
'Il decamerone di Giovanni Boccaccio'
'Opera iucundissima novamente retronata del facundissimo et elegantissimo poeta Messer Ioanne Bocchacio'
'Fiammetta di Giovanni Boccaccio'
'Delle donne famose' -- subject(s): Biography, Women
'Cayda de principes' -- subject(s): Latin American literature, Medieval and modern Latin literature
'Las Ninfas De Fiesole'
'The Decameron Or Ten Days Entertainment Of Boccaccio'
'(A pleasaunt disport of diuers Noble Personages'
'L' elegia di Madonna Fiammetta'
'Il Decamerone nel quale si contengono cento novelle'
'Le philocope de messire Iean Boccace Florentin'
'Der Irrgarten der Liebe'
'(A pleasaunt disport of diuers Noble Personages'
'Le lettere edite e inedite di Messer Giovanni Boccaccio, tradotte e commentate con nuovi documenti' -- subject(s): Accessible book
'Il filocolo di Giovanni Boccaccio'
'La Fiameta de Johan Boccacci'
'Johan Bocacio de las mujeres illustres en roma[n]ce' -- subject(s): Latin American literature, Medieval and modern Latin literature
'Libro llamado Cayda de Principes' -- subject(s): Latin American literature, Medieval and modern Latin literature
'Vanha varis eli tuntematon Boccaccio'
'Il Decamerone nel quale si contengono cento novelle'
'Libro de Jua[n] Bocacio que tracta de las illustres Mugeres' -- subject(s): Women, Latin American literature, Biography, Medieval and modern Latin literature, History
'Origine, vita, studi, e costumi del chiarissimo Dante Alighieri, poeta fiorentino'
'Genealogia de gli dei' -- subject(s): Medieval Geography, Classical Mythology
'Libro di M. Giovanni Boccaccio delle donne illustri' -- subject(s): Biography, Women
'Il Corbaccio di Messer Giovanni Boccaccio'
'Libro de Jua[n] Bocacio que tracta de las illustres Mugeres' -- subject(s): Women, Latin American literature, Biography, Medieval and modern Latin literature, History
'Origine, vita, studi, e costumi del chiarissimo Dante Alighieri, poeta fiorentino'
'Origine, vita, studi, e costumi del chiarissimo Dante Alighieri, poeta fiorentino'
'Il filocolo di Giovanni Boccaccio'
'Nuo va edizione'
'Opera di m. Giovanni Boccaccio' -- subject(s): Medieval Geography, Classical Mythology
'Cayda de principes' -- subject(s): Latin American literature, Medieval and modern Latin literature
'Contes de Boccace'
'La fiammette amovrevse'
'Il Corbaccio di Messer Giovanni Boccaccio'
'Contes de J. Bocace. Traduction nouvelle, enrichie de belles gravures. ..'
'Opera di m. Giovanni Boccaccio' -- subject(s): Medieval Geography, Classical Mythology
'Laurent de Premierfait's Des cas des nobles hommes et femmes, book 1, translated from Boccaccio'
'L' elegia di Madonna Fiammetta'
'Du dechiet et tuyne des nobles hommes et femmes'
'Libro llamado Fiameta porque trata delos amores de vna notable buena napolitana llamada fiameta el qual compuso el famoso Juan Vocacio poeta Horentino' -- subject(s): Latin American literature, Medieval and modern Latin literature
'Detholion o'r Decameron'
'L' elegia di Madonna Fiammetta'
'Du dechiet et tuyne des nobles hommes et femmes'
'Le Decameron de Jean Boccace'
'La vita di Dante Alighieri' -- subject(s): Biography, Italian Authors
'Du dechiet et tuyne des nobles hommes et femmes'
'Text and concordance of The Zaragoza 1494 edition of Boccaccio's De las ilustres mujeres en romance' -- subject(s): Early works to 1800, Women, Social conditions, Biography, History
'Decamerone da un italiano all'altro' -- subject(s): Fiction, History, Plague, Storytelling
'Tratatello in laude di Dante' -- subject(s): Biography, Italian Authors
'Genealogi[a]e deorum gentilium ad Vgonem inclytum Hierusale[m] & Cypri regem secundem Iohannem Boccatiu[m] de Certaldo liber primus incipit feliciter' -- subject(s): Early works to 1800, Classical Mythology, Geography
'Ioannis Boccacii de Certaldo De montibus, syluis, fontibus, lacubus, fluminibus, stagnis seu paludib[us], de nomi[ni]bus maris, liber i[n]cipit feliciter' -- subject(s): Early works to 1800, Geography
'Genealogiae Ioannis Boccatii' -- subject(s): Early works to 1800, Genealogy, Medieval Geography, Incunabula, Gods, Classical Mythology, Specimens
'Il Decamerone nel quale si contengono cento novelle'
'Il Corbaccio di Messer Giovanni Boccaccio'
'De mulieribus claris' -- subject(s): Women, Biography
'La vita di Dante Alighieri' -- subject(s): Biography, Italian Authors
'Genealogia de gli dei' -- subject(s): Medieval Geography, Classical Mythology
'La vita di Dante Alighieri' -- subject(s): Biography, Italian Authors
'La vita di Dante Alighieri di Giovanni Boccaccio'
'Geta e Birria: novella'
'Il Decameron, di messer Giovanni Boccaccio'
'De mulieribus claris' -- subject(s): Women, Biography
'Des cleres et nobles femmes' -- subject(s): Biography, Women
'L' Urbano di Messer Giovanni Boccaccio'
'Il filocolo di Giovanni Boccaccio'
'Opera ...'
'Boccaccio's Decameron'
'Il Corbaccio di Messer Giovanni Boccaccio'
'Le Decameron de Jean Boccace'
'(A pleasaunt disport of diuers Noble Personages'
'Ioannis Boccacii de Certaldo De montibus, syluis, fontibus, lacubus, fluminibus, stagnis seu paludib[us], de nomi[ni]bus maris, liber i[n]cipit feliciter' -- subject(s): Early works to 1800, Geography
'Le philocope de messire Iean Boccace Florentin'
'Johan Bocacio de las mujeres illustres en roma[n]ce' -- subject(s): Latin American literature, Medieval and modern Latin literature
'Du dechiet et tuyne des nobles hommes et femmes'
'Des cleres et nobles femmes' -- subject(s): Biography, Women
'Des cleres et nobles femmes' -- subject(s): Biography, Women
'Fiammetta di Giovanni Boccaccio'
'La vita di Dante Alighieri' -- subject(s): Biography, Italian Authors
'Il Decamerone nel quale si contengono cento novelle'
'Os famosos contos de Boccaccio'
'Il decameron di M. Gio. Boccacci' -- subject(s): Fiction, Plague, Storytelling, History
'Genealogia de gli dei' -- subject(s): Medieval Geography, Classical Mythology
'Genealogia de gli dei' -- subject(s): Medieval Geography, Classical Mythology
'Delle donne famose' -- subject(s): Biography, Women
'L' elegia di madonna Fiammette'
'Il Decameron, luoghi scelti'
'La Fiameta de Johan Boccacci'
'Decamerone di Messer Giovanni Boccaccio'
'Der Irrgarten der Liebe'
'Fiammetta di Giovanni Boccaccio'
'Der Irrgarten der Liebe'
'La vita di Dante' -- subject(s): Biography and criticism
'Le Decameron de Jean Boccace'
'(A pleasaunt disport of diuers Noble Personages'
'Der Irrgarten der Liebe'
'(A pleasaunt disport of diuers Noble Personages'
'Tratatello in laude di Dante' -- subject(s): Biography, Italian Authors
'Fiammetta di Giovanni Boccaccio'
'Laurent de Premierfait's Des cas des nobles hommes et femmes, book 1, translated from Boccaccio'
'L' Urbano di Messer Giovanni Boccaccio'
'Il Decameron, luoghi scelti'
'Genealogie, Paris 1531' -- subject(s): Medieval Geography, Classical Mythology
'Cayda de principes' -- subject(s): Latin American literature, Medieval and modern Latin literature
'Libro de Fiameta'
'Early English versions of the tales of Guiscardo and Ghismonda and Titus and Gisippus from the Decameron'
'The fall of prynces. Gathered by John Bochas, fro[m] the begynnyng of the world vntyll his time, translated into English by John Lidgate monke of Burye' -- subject(s): Early works to 1800, Kings and rulers, Poetry
'Text and concordance of The Zaragoza 1494 edition of Boccaccio's De las ilustres mujeres en romance' -- subject(s): Early works to 1800, Women, Social conditions, Biography, History
'Le philocope de messire Iean Boccace Florentin'
'Libro de Jua[n] Bocacio que tracta de las illustres Mugeres' -- subject(s): Women, Latin American literature, Biography, Medieval and modern Latin literature, History
'Delle donne famose' -- subject(s): Biography, Women
'Text and concordance of The Zaragoza 1494 edition of Boccaccio's De las ilustres mujeres en romance' -- subject(s): Early works to 1800, Women, Social conditions, Biography, History
'Libro de Jua[n] Bocacio que tracta de las illustres Mugeres' -- subject(s): Women, Latin American literature, Biography, Medieval and modern Latin literature, History
'Text and concordance of The Zaragoza 1494 edition of Boccaccio's De las ilustres mujeres en romance' -- subject(s): Early works to 1800, Women, Social conditions, Biography, History
'Origine, vita, studi, e costumi del chiarissimo Dante Alighieri, poeta fiorentino'
'The novels and tales of the renowned John Boccacio ..'
'Della geneologia de gli dei' -- subject(s): Classical Mythology, Early works to 1800, Genealogy, Geography, Gods, Incunabula, Medieval Geography, Specimens
'Teseida, delle nozze d'Emilia'
'L' elegia di Madonna Fiammetta'
'La vita di Dante Alighieri di Giovanni Boccaccio'
'The Eaten Heart'
'Epistola Leonardi Aretini de amore Guistardi & Sigismunde, filie Tancredi pri[n]cipis Salernitani'
'Cayda de principes' -- subject(s): Latin American literature, Medieval and modern Latin literature
'Der Irrgarten der Liebe'
'Il filocolo di Giovanni Boccaccio'
'Il Corbaccio di Messer Giovanni Boccaccio'
'Libro llamado Cayda de Principes' -- subject(s): Latin American literature, Medieval and modern Latin literature
'Des cleres et nobles femmes' -- subject(s): Biography, Women
'Libro llamado Cayda de Principes' -- subject(s): Latin American literature, Medieval and modern Latin literature
'Opere in versi'
'Du dechiet et tuyne des nobles hommes et femmes'
'Il Decamerone ... [Di nuovo riformato da M. L. Groto, Cieco d'Adria] ..'
'La novella di Ser Ciappelletto (Decameron I, 1)'
'De montibus, sylvis, fontibus, lacubus, fluminibus, stagnis seu paludibus, et de nominibus maris' -- subject(s): Medieval Geography, Classical Mythology, Early works to 1800, Geography
'Genealogia de gli dei' -- subject(s): Medieval Geography, Classical Mythology
'Johan Bocacio de las mujeres illustres en roma[n]ce' -- subject(s): Latin American literature, Medieval and modern Latin literature
'L' elegia di madonna Fiammette'
'Libro llamado Cayda de Principes' -- subject(s): Latin American literature, Medieval and modern Latin literature
'Il Decameron, luoghi scelti'
'Il Philopono di Messer Giovanni Boccaccio' -- subject(s): Bibliography, Early printed books, Facsimiles
'Stories of Boccaccio (The Decameron)'
'The novels and tales of the renowned John Boccacio, the first refiner of Italian prose'
'Il Corbaccio di Messer Giovanni Boccaccio'
'Genealogia de gli dei' -- subject(s): Medieval Geography, Classical Mythology
'Tratatello in laude di Dante' -- subject(s): Biography, Italian Authors
'Le Decameron de Jean Boccace'
'L' elegia di Madonna Fiammetta'
'L' Urbano di Messer Giovanni Boccaccio'
'Decamerone o ver cento novelle'
'The most wonderful and pleasaunt history of Titus and Gisippus'
'The Most Pleasant and Delectable Questions of Love'
'Decamerone di Messer Giovanni Boccaccio'
'Decamerone' -- subject(s): Fiction, History, Plague, Storytelling, Middle Ages, Italian literature, Juvenile literature, Language, Illumination of books and manuscripts, DIllustrations, Glossaries, Illustration of books, Charts, diagrams, Physiology, Human anatomy
'Der Irrgarten der Liebe'
'Le philocope de messire Iean Boccace Florentin'
'Der Irrgarten der Liebe'
'Dizionario geografico' -- subject(s): Medieval Geography, Classical Mythology, Dictionaries
'[L opera de misser Giouanni Boccacio de mulieribus claris' -- subject(s): Women, Biography, History
'Un Mundo En Cambio'
'The Palace of Pleasure: Elizabethan Versions of Italian and French Novels ..' -- subject(s): Translations into English, Classical literature, Italian literature
'L' Urbano di Messer Giovanni Boccaccio'
'L' Urbano di Messer Giovanni Boccaccio'
'De casibus illustrium virorum'
'The novels and tales of the renowned John Boccacio, the first refiner of Italian prose'
'Genealogiae Ioannis Boccatii' -- subject(s): Early works to 1800, Genealogy, Medieval Geography, Incunabula, Gods, Classical Mythology, Specimens
'Il Corbaccio di Messer Giovanni Boccaccio'
'Cayda de principes' -- subject(s): Latin American literature, Medieval and modern Latin literature
'Origine, vita, studi, e costumi del chiarissimo Dante Alighieri, poeta fiorentino'
'Fiammetta di Giovanni Boccaccio'
'Il Decameron, luoghi scelti'
'(A pleasaunt disport of diuers Noble Personages'
'Libro de Fiameta'
'La vita di Dante Alighieri' -- subject(s): Biography, Italian Authors
'The nymph of Fiesole'
'L' Amorosa Fiammetta di M. Giovanni Boccaccio ...'
'Le philocope de messire Iean Boccace Florentin'
'Origine, vita, studi, e costumi del chiarissimo Dante Alighieri, poeta fiorentino'
'Der Irrgarten der Liebe'
'De mulieribus claris' -- subject(s): Women, Biography
'The Falcon, and other tales'
'Opera iucundissima novamente retronata del facundissimo et elegantissimo poeta Messer Ioanne Bocchacio'
'The Filostrato of Giovanni Boccaccio'
'Libro di M[esser] Gio[vanni] Boccaccio delle donne illustri' -- subject(s): Biography, Women
'Genealogiae Ioannis Boccatii' -- subject(s): Early works to 1800, Genealogy, Medieval Geography, Incunabula, Gods, Classical Mythology, Specimens
'Il filocolo di Giovanni Boccaccio'
'Here begynneth y[e] hystory of Tytus & Gesyppus'
'Vida de Dante'
'Libro de Fiameta'
'Libro de Fiameta'
'Delle donne famose' -- subject(s): Biography, Women
'Le philocope de messire Iean Boccace Florentin'
'Le Decameron de Jean Boccace'
'Libro de Fiameta'
'The fall of princys, princessys, and other nobles'
'Il Codice Chigiano, L.V.176' -- subject(s): Latin Manuscripts, Manuscripts, Italian Paleography, Facsimiles
'Famous women' -- subject(s): Women, Biography
'Le cento novelle (di M. G. Boccaccio,) da Messer Vincenzo Brugiantino, dette in ottava rima'
'Libro de Jua[n] Bocacio que tracta de las illustres Mugeres' -- subject(s): Women, Latin American literature, Biography, Medieval and modern Latin literature, History
'L' Urbano di Messer Giovanni Boccaccio'
'La vita di Dante Alighieri' -- subject(s): Biography, Italian Authors
'Ioannis Boccacii de Certaldo De montibus, syluis, fontibus, lacubus, fluminibus, stagnis seu paludib[us], de nomi[ni]bus maris, liber i[n]cipit feliciter' -- subject(s): Early works to 1800, Geography
'De casibus illustrium virorum'
'Text and concordance of The Zaragoza 1494 edition of Boccaccio's De las ilustres mujeres en romance' -- subject(s): Early works to 1800, Women, Social conditions, Biography, History
'Delle donne famose' -- subject(s): Biography, Women
'Nuo va edizione'
'De mulieribus claris' -- subject(s): Women, Biography
'Le Decameron de Jean Boccace'
'Le philocope de messire Iean Boccace Florentin'
'Des cleres et nobles femmes' -- subject(s): Biography, Women
'Le philocope de messire Iean Boccace Florentin'
'Boccaccio's expositions on Dante's Comedy' -- subject(s): Criticism and interpretation
'Il decamerone di Messer Giovanni Boccaccio, cittadin fiorentino'
'Thirteene most pleasaunt and delectable questions, entituled A disport of diverse noble personages'
'De las ilustres mujeres en romance (Zaragoza 1494)'
'Origine, vita, studi, e costumi del chiarissimo Dante Alighieri, poeta fiorentino'
'Il Decamerone nel quale si contengono cento novelle'
'Ninfale fiesolano'
'L' Urbano di Messer Giovanni Boccaccio'
'La novella di Ser Ciappelletto (Decameron I, 1)'
'Tratatello in laude di Dante' -- subject(s): Biography, Italian Authors
'La vita di Dante Alighieri' -- subject(s): Biography, Italian Authors
'Cayda de principes' -- subject(s): Latin American literature, Medieval and modern Latin literature
'L' elegia di Madonna Fiammetta'
'Nuo va edizione'
'Genealogy of the pagan gods' -- subject(s): Medieval Geography, Classical Mythology
'The Most Pleasant and Delectable Questions of Love'
'Opere volgari di Giovanni Boccaccio' -- subject(s): Accessible book
'Il decameron di M. Gio. Boccacci' -- subject(s): Fiction, Plague in fiction, Plague, Storytelling, History, Storytelling in fiction
'(A pleasaunt disport of diuers Noble Personages'
'L' Urbano di Messer Giovanni Boccaccio'
'Genealogia de gli dei' -- subject(s): Medieval Geography, Classical Mythology
'Il Decamerone nel quale si contengono cento novelle'
'Die Nymphe von Fiesole'
'Lydgate's Fall of princes'
'Il Decameron, luoghi scelti'
'Tratatello in laude di Dante' -- subject(s): Biography, Italian Authors
'Libro llamado Cayda de Principes' -- subject(s): Latin American literature, Medieval and modern Latin literature
'Libro de Jua[n] Bocacio que tracta de las illustres Mugeres' -- subject(s): Women, Latin American literature, Biography, Medieval and modern Latin literature, History
'La vita di Dante Alighieri' -- subject(s): Biography, Italian Authors
'Laurent de Premierfait's Des cas des nobles hommes et femmes, book 1, translated from Boccaccio'
'La vita di Dante Alighieri' -- subject(s): Biography, Italian Authors
'On famous women' -- subject(s): Biography, Women
'Il filocolo di Giovanni Boccaccio'
'Genealogiae' -- subject(s): Medieval Geography, Classical Mythology
'La vita di Dante Alighieri di Giovanni Boccaccio'
'Fiammetta di Giovanni Boccaccio'
'Text and concordance of The Zaragoza 1494 edition of Boccaccio's De las ilustres mujeres en romance' -- subject(s): Early works to 1800, Women, Social conditions, Biography, History
'Libro llamado Cayda de Principes' -- subject(s): Latin American literature, Medieval and modern Latin literature
'Johan Bocacio de las mujeres illustres en roma[n]ce' -- subject(s): Latin American literature, Medieval and modern Latin literature
'Ii decameron'
'Fiammetta di Giovanni Boccaccio'
'De mulieribus claris' -- subject(s): Women, Biography
'Libro de Fiameta'
'Des cleres et nobles femmes' -- subject(s): Biography, Women
'La vita di Dante Alighieri di Giovanni Boccaccio'
'Il filocolo di Giovanni Boccaccio'
'Origine, vita, studi, e costumi del chiarissimo Dante Alighieri, poeta fiorentino'
'Opera di m. Giovanni Boccaccio' -- subject(s): Medieval Geography, Classical Mythology
'Der Decamerone, 2 Bde., Bd.2'
'Novelle scelte dal Decamerone' -- subject(s): 1313-1375, Study and teaching
'Opera dell'huomo dotto et famoso Giovanni Boccaccio ..' -- subject(s): Dictionaries, Geography
'Opera iucundissima novamente retronata del facundissimo et elegantissimo poeta Messer Ioanne Bocchacio'
'Il Decameron, luoghi scelti'
'Libro de Fiameta'
'Genealogi[a]e deorum gentilium ad Vgonem inclytum Hierusale[m] & Cypri regem secundem Iohannem Boccatiu[m] de Certaldo liber primus incipit feliciter' -- subject(s): Early works to 1800, Classical Mythology, Geography
'Chichibo and the Crane'
'Nuo va edizione'
'Vanha varis eli tuntematon Boccaccio'
'De mulieribus claris' -- subject(s): Women, Biography
'Il Decameron, luoghi scelti'
'Il filocolo di Giovanni Boccaccio'
'Ii decameron'
'Decamerone di Messer Giovanni Boccaccio'
'Il Decameron, di messer Giovanni Boccaccio'
'Il Decamerone nel quale si contengono cento novelle'
'Tratatello in laude di Dante' -- subject(s): Biography, Italian Authors
'Du dechiet et tuyne des nobles hommes et femmes'
'Laurent de Premierfait's Des cas des nobles hommes et femmes, book 1, translated from Boccaccio'
'Libro de Jua[n] Bocacio que tracta de las illustres Mugeres' -- subject(s): Women, Latin American literature, Biography, Medieval and modern Latin literature, History
'Cayda de principes' -- subject(s): Latin American literature, Medieval and modern Latin literature
'Decamerone da un italiano all'altro' -- subject(s): Fiction, History, Plague, Storytelling
'Laurent de Premierfait's Des cas des nobles hommes et femmes, book 1, translated from Boccaccio'
'Genealogiae Ioannis Boccatii' -- subject(s): Early works to 1800, Genealogy, Medieval Geography, Incunabula, Gods, Classical Mythology, Specimens
'Stories from the Decameron of Boccaccio' -- subject(s): Italian Short stories, Translations into English, English Short stories, Translations from Italian
'Libro de Fiameta'
'Genealogiae Ioannis Boccatii' -- subject(s): Early works to 1800, Genealogy, Medieval Geography, Incunabula, Gods, Classical Mythology, Specimens
'Laurent de Premierfait's Des cas des nobles hommes et femmes, book 1, translated from Boccaccio'
'Genealogi[a]e deorum gentilium ad Vgonem inclytum Hierusale[m] & Cypri regem secundem Iohannem Boccatiu[m] de Certaldo liber primus incipit feliciter' -- subject(s): Early works to 1800, Classical Mythology, Geography
'Genealogia de gli dei' -- subject(s): Medieval Geography, Classical Mythology
'La vita di Dante Alighieri' -- subject(s): Biography, Italian Authors
'Genealogie, Paris 1531' -- subject(s): Medieval Geography, Classical Mythology
'The Decameron (Classic Literature with Classical Music)'
'Il corbaccio' -- subject(s): Love
'Genealogiae Ioannis Boccatii' -- subject(s): Early works to 1800, Genealogy, Medieval Geography, Incunabula, Gods, Classical Mythology, Specimens
'Libro de Fiameta'
'Nuo va edizione'
'La Fiameta de Johan Boccacci'
'Ioannis Boccacii de Certaldo De montibus, syluis, fontibus, lacubus, fluminibus, stagnis seu paludib[us], de nomi[ni]bus maris, liber i[n]cipit feliciter' -- subject(s): Early works to 1800, Geography
'Libro di M[esser] Gio[vanni] Boccaccio delle donne illustri' -- subject(s): Biography, Women
'Vanha varis eli tuntematon Boccaccio'
'Fiammetta di Giovanni Boccaccio'
'Libro llamado Cayda de Principes' -- subject(s): Latin American literature, Medieval and modern Latin literature
'Du dechiet et tuyne des nobles hommes et femmes'
'Geneologia de gli dei'
'Vita di Dante (um 1360)' -- subject(s): Biography
'Laurent de Premierfait's Des cas des nobles hommes et femmes, book 1, translated from Boccaccio'
'Opere volgari di Giovanni Boccaccio: cor, su i testi a penna'
'Le philocope de messire Iean Boccace Florentin'
'The Decameron, or Ten days entertainment'
'Il Decameron, luoghi scelti'
'Il Decameron, luoghi scelti'
'Cayda de principes' -- subject(s): Latin American literature, Medieval and modern Latin literature
'L' elegia di madonna Fiammette'
'Libro llamado Cayda de Principes' -- subject(s): Latin American literature, Medieval and modern Latin literature
'Rime di Messer Giovanni Boccacci'
'Le rime'
'Libro de Fiameta'
'Laurent de Premierfait's Des cas des nobles hommes et femmes, book 1, translated from Boccaccio'
'Decamerone da un italiano all'altro' -- subject(s): Fiction, History, Plague, Storytelling
'Text and concordance of The Zaragoza 1494 edition of Boccaccio's De las ilustres mujeres en romance' -- subject(s): Early works to 1800, Women, Social conditions, Biography, History
'De casibus illustrium virorum'
'Delle donne famose' -- subject(s): Biography, Women
'Genealogiae Ioannis Boccatii' -- subject(s): Early works to 1800, Genealogy, Medieval Geography, Incunabula, Gods, Classical Mythology, Specimens
'De casibus illustrium virorum'
'Tratatello in laude di Dante' -- subject(s): Biography, Italian Authors
'The Decameron; or, Ten days entertainment of Boccace'
'Genealogie Johannis Boccacij cum micantissimis arborum effigiationibus cuiusq [] gentilis dei progeniem' -- subject(s): Medieval Geography, Classical Mythology
'Opera di M. Giouanni Boccaccio' -- subject(s): Medieval Geography, Dictionaries
'Text and concordance of The Zaragoza 1494 edition of Boccaccio's De las ilustres mujeres en romance' -- subject(s): Early works to 1800, Women, Social conditions, Biography, History
'Tratatello in laude di Dante' -- subject(s): Biography, Italian Authors
'Libro de Jua[n] Bocacio que tracta de las illustres Mugeres' -- subject(s): Women, Latin American literature, Biography, Medieval and modern Latin literature, History
'De casibus illustrium virorum'
'Der Irrgarten der Liebe'
'Tratatello in laude di Dante' -- subject(s): Biography, Italian Authors
'De casibus illustrium virorum'
'Genealogia de gli dei' -- subject(s): Medieval Geography, Classical Mythology
'Le Decameron de Jean Boccace'
'Libro de Jua[n] Bocacio que tracta de las illustres Mugeres' -- subject(s): Women, Latin American literature, Biography, Medieval and modern Latin literature, History
'Libro llamado Cayda de Principes' -- subject(s): Latin American literature, Medieval and modern Latin literature
'La vita di Dante Alighieri di Giovanni Boccaccio'
'Il Decameron, luoghi scelti'
'Le philocope de messire Iean Boccace Florentin'
'Delle donne famose' -- subject(s): Biography, Women
'Le philocope de messire Iean Boccace Florentin'
'Genealogi[a]e deorum gentilium ad Vgonem inclytum Hierusale[m] & Cypri regem secundem Iohannem Boccatiu[m] de Certaldo liber primus incipit feliciter' -- subject(s): Early works to 1800, Classical Mythology, Geography
'Decamerone di Messer Giovanni Boccaccio'
'Tales from the Decameron'
'The novels and tales of the renowned John Boccacio, the first refiner of Italian prose'
'La Fiameta de Johan Boccacci'
'Il Decameron, luoghi scelti'
'Vanha varis eli tuntematon Boccaccio'
'Genealogiae Ioannis Boccatii' -- subject(s): Early works to 1800, Genealogy, Medieval Geography, Incunabula, Gods, Classical Mythology, Specimens
'Genealogia de gli dei' -- subject(s): Medieval Geography, Classical Mythology
'Tratatello in laude di Dante' -- subject(s): Biography, Italian Authors
'Le philocope de messire Iean Boccace Florentin'
'The pleasant and sweet history of patient Grissel' -- subject(s): Early works to 1800, Griselda (Legendary character), Translations into English, Italian fiction
'L' elegia di madonna Fiammette'
'Stories from the Decameron of Boccaccio' -- subject(s): Italian Short stories, Translations into English, English Short stories, Translations from Italian
'La Fiameta de Johan Boccacci'
'Des cleres et nobles femmes' -- subject(s): Biography, Women
'Libro llamado Cayda de Principes' -- subject(s): Latin American literature, Medieval and modern Latin literature
'La vita di Dante Alighieri' -- subject(s): Biography, Italian Authors
'(A pleasaunt disport of diuers Noble Personages'
'(A pleasaunt disport of diuers Noble Personages'
'Il Decameron di Messer G. Boccacci cittadino fiorentino'
'The Decameron of Giovanni Bocaccio'
'Opere Latine minori'
'Il filocolo di Giovanni Boccaccio'
'Le cento novelle (di M. G. Boccaccio,) da Messer Vincenzo Brugiantino, dette in ottava rima'
'Delle donne famose' -- subject(s): Biography, Women
'Ioannis Boccacii de Certaldo De montibus, syluis, fontibus, lacubus, fluminibus, stagnis seu paludib[us], de nomi[ni]bus maris, liber i[n]cipit feliciter' -- subject(s): Early works to 1800, Geography
'Genealogi[a]e deorum gentilium ad Vgonem inclytum Hierusale[m] & Cypri regem secundem Iohannem Boccatiu[m] de Certaldo liber primus incipit feliciter' -- subject(s): Early works to 1800, Classical Mythology, Geography
'Le Decameron de Jean Boccace'
'Nuo va edizione'
'Du dechiet et tuyne des nobles hommes et femmes'
'De mulieribus claris' -- subject(s): Women, Biography
'Il filocolo di Giovanni Boccaccio'
'La novella di Ser Ciappelletto (Decameron I, 1)'
'Il Decameron, luoghi scelti'
'Genealogie, Paris 1531' -- subject(s): Medieval Geography, Classical Mythology
'Libro de Jua[n] Bocacio que tracta de las illustres Mugeres' -- subject(s): Women, Latin American literature, Biography, Medieval and modern Latin literature, History
'Cayda de principes' -- subject(s): Latin American literature, Medieval and modern Latin literature
'Il decameron di M. Gio. Boccacci' -- subject(s): Fiction, Plague, Storytelling, History
'The novels and tales of the renowned John Boccacio, the first refiner of Italian prose'
'Opera iucundissima novamente retronata del facundissimo et elegantissimo poeta Messer Ioanne Bocchacio'
'Le philocope de messire Iean Boccace Florentin'
'Libro di M[esser] Gio[vanni] Boccaccio delle donne illustri' -- subject(s): Biography, Women
'Il Corbaccio di Messer Giovanni Boccaccio'
'Genealogiae Ioannis Boccatii' -- subject(s): Early works to 1800, Genealogy, Medieval Geography, Incunabula, Gods, Classical Mythology, Specimens
'L' elegia di madonna Fiammette'
'L' elegia di Madonna Fiammetta'
'De casibus illustrium virorum'
'Boccace's tales, or, The quintessence of wit, mirth, eloquence, and conversation'
'Decamerone da un italiano all'altro' -- subject(s): Fiction, History, Plague, Storytelling
'L' elegia di Madonna Fiammetta'
'Laurent de Premierfait's Des cas des nobles hommes et femmes, book 1, translated from Boccaccio'
'Ioannis Boccacii de Certaldo De montibus, syluis, fontibus, lacubus, fluminibus, stagnis seu paludib[us], de nomi[ni]bus maris, liber i[n]cipit feliciter' -- subject(s): Early works to 1800, Geography
'Libro de Jua[n] Bocacio que tracta de las illustres Mugeres' -- subject(s): Women, Latin American literature, Biography, Medieval and modern Latin literature, History
'Decameron, El'
'La novella di Ser Ciappelletto (Decameron I, 1)'
'Il Decameron, luoghi scelti'
'Tales from the Decameron of Giovanni Boccaccio'
'La vita di Dante Alighieri di Giovanni Boccaccio'
'Johan Bocacio de las mujeres illustres en roma[n]ce' -- subject(s): Latin American literature, Medieval and modern Latin literature
'Cayda de principes' -- subject(s): Latin American literature, Medieval and modern Latin literature
'L' elegia di madonna Fiammette'
'Decamerone da un italiano all'altro' -- subject(s): Fiction, History, Plague, Storytelling
'Johan Bocacio de las mujeres illustres en roma[n]ce' -- subject(s): Latin American literature, Medieval and modern Latin literature
'Cayda de principes' -- subject(s): Latin American literature, Medieval and modern Latin literature
'De casibus illustrium virorum'
'Opera iucundissima novamente retronata del facundissimo et elegantissimo poeta Messer Ioanne Bocchacio'
'Des cleres et nobles femmes' -- subject(s): Biography, Women
'Genealogi[a]e deorum gentilium ad Vgonem inclytum Hierusale[m] & Cypri regem secundem Iohannem Boccatiu[m] de Certaldo liber primus incipit feliciter' -- subject(s): Early works to 1800, Classical Mythology, Geography
'L' Urbano di Messer Giovanni Boccaccio'
'Libro de Jua[n] Bocacio que tracta de las illustres Mugeres' -- subject(s): Women, Latin American literature, Biography, Medieval and modern Latin literature, History
'Tratatello in laude di Dante' -- subject(s): Biography, Italian Authors
'The Early Lives of Dante'
'Il Decameron, luoghi scelti'
'La vita di Dante Alighieri di Giovanni Boccaccio'
'L' Urbano di Messer Giovanni Boccaccio'
'Delle donne famose' -- subject(s): Biography, Women
'Delle donne famose' -- subject(s): Biography, Women
'Laurent de Premierfait's Des cas des nobles hommes et femmes, book 1, translated from Boccaccio'
'Libro de Fiameta'
'Des cleres et nobles femmes' -- subject(s): Biography, Women
'Fiammetta di Giovanni Boccaccio'
'Cenni di Giovanni Boccacci intorno a Tito Livio'
'Libro de Fiameta'
'Der Irrgarten der Liebe'
'L' elegia di Madonna Fiammetta'
'Libro de Fiameta'
'De mulieribus claris' -- subject(s): Women, Biography
'Genealogie, Paris 1531' -- subject(s): Medieval Geography, Classical Mythology
'Nuo va edizione'
'Il Decamerone nel quale si contengono cento novelle'
'The Decamaron'
'Delle opere di m. Giovanni Boccacci ..'
'The nymph of Fiesole (Il ninfale fiesolano)'
'Genealogiae' -- subject(s): Medieval Geography, Classical Mythology
'Johan Bocacio de las mujeres illustres en roma[n]ce' -- subject(s): Latin American literature, Medieval and modern Latin literature
'Vanha varis eli tuntematon Boccaccio'
'Opera iucundissima novamente retronata del facundissimo et elegantissimo poeta Messer Ioanne Bocchacio'
'Libro de Jua[n] Bocacio que tracta de las illustres Mugeres' -- subject(s): Women, Latin American literature, Biography, Medieval and modern Latin literature, History
'Ioannis Boccacii de Certaldo De montibus, syluis, fontibus, lacubus, fluminibus, stagnis seu paludib[us], de nomi[ni]bus maris, liber i[n]cipit feliciter' -- subject(s): Early works to 1800, Geography
'Le philocope de messire Iean Boccace Florentin'
'Contes de Boccace' -- subject(s): Accessible book
'Il Corbaccio di Messer Giovanni Boccaccio'
'De mulieribus claris' -- subject(s): Women, Biography
'Fiammetta di Giovanni Boccaccio'
'Johan Bocacio de las mujeres illustres en roma[n]ce' -- subject(s): Latin American literature, Medieval and modern Latin literature
'Le Decameron de Jean Boccace'
'Text and concordance of The Zaragoza 1494 edition of Boccaccio's De las ilustres mujeres en romance' -- subject(s): Early works to 1800, Women, Social conditions, Biography, History
'Delle donne famose' -- subject(s): Biography, Women
'Johan Bocacio de las mujeres illustres en roma[n]ce' -- subject(s): Latin American literature, Medieval and modern Latin literature
'Johan Bocacio de las mujeres illustres en roma[n]ce' -- subject(s): Latin American literature, Medieval and modern Latin literature
'Il Decameron di Giovanni Boccaccio..'
'Il Decameron, luoghi scelti'
'L' elegia di Madonna Fiammetta'
'Cayda de principes' -- subject(s): Latin American literature, Medieval and modern Latin literature
'L' elegia di Madonna Fiammetta'
'Il Decamerone nel quale si contengono cento novelle'
'Origine, vita, studi, e costumi del chiarissimo Dante Alighieri, poeta fiorentino'
'Decamerone da un italiano all'altro' -- subject(s): Fiction, History, Plague, Storytelling
'Libro llamado Cayda de Principes' -- subject(s): Latin American literature, Medieval and modern Latin literature
'Vanha varis eli tuntematon Boccaccio'
'Andreuccio DA Perugia (Facili Letture)'
'Il filocolo di Giovanni Boccaccio'
'Johan Bocacio de las mujeres illustres en roma[n]ce' -- subject(s): Latin American literature, Medieval and modern Latin literature
'De mulieribus claris' -- subject(s): Women, Biography
'Du dechiet et tuyne des nobles hommes et femmes'
'Il filostrato di Giovanni Boccaccio'
'Genealogia de gli dei' -- subject(s): Medieval Geography, Classical Mythology
'Genealogi[a]e deorum gentilium ad Vgonem inclytum Hierusale[m] & Cypri regem secundem Iohannem Boccatiu[m] de Certaldo liber primus incipit feliciter' -- subject(s): Early works to 1800, Classical Mythology, Geography
'Le philocope de messire Iean Boccace Florentin'
'Nuo va edizione'
'Text and concordance of The Zaragoza 1494 edition of Boccaccio's De las ilustres mujeres en romance' -- subject(s): Early works to 1800, Women, Social conditions, Biography, History
'Origine, vita, studi, e costumi del chiarissimo Dante Alighieri, poeta fiorentino'
'L' elegia di madonna Fiammette'
'The novels and tales of the renowned John Boccacio, the first refiner of Italian prose'
'Genealogie, Paris 1531' -- subject(s): Medieval Geography, Classical Mythology
'L' elegia di madonna Fiammette'
'La Fiameta de Johan Boccacci'
'Le philocope de messire Iean Boccace Florentin'
'Il filocolo di Giovanni Boccaccio'
'La fiammetta. Per G. Tizzone da posi novamente revisto'
'Delle donne famose' -- subject(s): Biography, Women
'Libro llamado Cayda de Principes' -- subject(s): Latin American literature, Medieval and modern Latin literature
'Genealogia de gli dei' -- subject(s): Medieval Geography, Classical Mythology
'Du dechiet et tuyne des nobles hommes et femmes'
'(A pleasaunt disport of diuers Noble Personages'
'Genealogiae Ioannis Boccatii' -- subject(s): Early works to 1800, Genealogy, Medieval Geography, Incunabula, Gods, Classical Mythology, Specimens
'Le Decameron de Jean Boccace'
'Il Corbaccio di Messer Giovanni Boccaccio'
'Il Decameron, luoghi scelti'
'La Fiameta de Johan Boccacci'
'De mulieribus claris' -- subject(s): Women, Biography
'Il Decamerone nel quale si contengono cento novelle'
'Boccaccio on poetry' -- subject(s): Classical Mythology, Mythology in literature, Poetry, Early works to 1800, Lending library
'Tales from the Decameron of Giovanni Boccaccio'
'Le Decameron de Jean Boccace'
'La fiametta del Boccaccio'
'Genealogiae' -- subject(s): Medieval Geography, Classical Mythology
'L' elegia di Madonna Fiammetta'
'Laurent de Premierfait's Des cas des nobles hommes et femmes, book 1, translated from Boccaccio'
'Il Decamerone nel quale si contengono cento novelle'
'Genealogie, Paris 1531' -- subject(s): Medieval Geography, Classical Mythology
'L' elegia di Madonna Fiammetta'
'La Teseida' -- subject(s): Theseus (Greek mythology), Poetry
'Du dechiet et tuyne des nobles hommes et femmes'
'Delle donne famose' -- subject(s): Biography, Women
'Opera iucundissima novamente retronata del facundissimo et elegantissimo poeta Messer Ioanne Bocchacio'
'Du dechiet et tuyne des nobles hommes et femmes'
'Il Decamerone nel quale si contengono cento novelle'
'Libro de Fiameta'
'Il Corbaccio di Messer Giovanni Boccaccio'
'Genealogie, Paris 1531' -- subject(s): Medieval Geography, Classical Mythology
'Genealogia de gli dei' -- subject(s): Medieval Geography, Classical Mythology
2 answers