Gian Bernini's birth name is Gian Lorenzo San Ramon Bernini.
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Gian Lorenzo Bernini died on November 28, 1680 at the age of 81.
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Gian Lorenzo Bernini died on November 28, 1680 at the age of 81.
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Gian Lorenzo Bernini was born on December 7, 1598 and died on November 28, 1680. Gian Lorenzo Bernini would have been 81 years old at the time of death or 416 years old today.
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Giovanni Battista Piranesi was born on October 4, 1720.
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Likely it was Bernini. Gian Lorenzo Bernini (1598-1680).
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Michael Angelo
Gian Lorenzo Bernini
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As Gian Lorenzo Bernini died 28 November 1680 and the Order of Iluminati was not founded until 1776 (ended 1785), no. It would not have been possible for Bernini to have been Illuminati.
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he loved it and said quote "art isnt for fun it is my life"
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What makes Gian Lorenzo Bernini so special is that he developed his own style of sculpting known as the Baroque style, which many artist are unable to do. Besides for sculpting, he was also a well known architect.
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Gian Bernini was born on July 5, 1983, in Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
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St Peter's Square was designed by Gian Lorenzo Bernini from 1656 to 1667, under the direction of Pope Alexander VII,
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Architects of Saint Peter's Basilica:
Donato Bramante
Antonio da Sangallo the Younger
Jacopo Barozzi da Vignola
Giacomo della Porta
Carlo Maderno
Gian Lorenzo Bernini
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Architects of the Basilica:
Michelangelo, Gian Lorenzo Bernini, Donato Bramante, Raphael, Carlo Maderno, Giacomo Barozzi da Vignola, Antonio da Sangallo the Younger, Baldassare Peruzzi, Giacomo della Porta
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Domenico Bernini has written:
'Vita del cavalier Gio. Lorenzo Bernino [sic]' -- subject(s): Artists
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Yes, there are statues of Hades still standing today; the most popular would be by the artist Gian Lorenzo Bernini. It features Hades gathering up Persephone to take her to the Underworld. See the links below for a photo.
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Hans Kauffmann has written:
'Giovanni Lorenzo Bernini'
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Many sculptors create life-sized statues, including famous artists like Michelangelo, Auguste Rodin, and Gian Lorenzo Bernini. These artists are known for their mastery in creating realistic and lifelike sculptures that capture the human form with great detail and skill.
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Architects of the Basilica:
Michelangelo, Gian Lorenzo Bernini, Donato Bramante, Raphael, Carlo Maderno, Giacomo Barozzi da Vignola, Antonio da Sangallo the Younger, Baldassare Peruzzi, Giacomo della Porta
Add to that the names of several popes who reigned throughout the construction of the basiica.
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Antonia Nava Cellini is known for her work as an Italian art dealer and historian, specializing in Renaissance art. She has written several books and articles on Italian art, particularly focusing on the Medici family and their artistic patronage during the Renaissance.
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James Byam Shaw was an art historian and author known for writing extensively on Italian art and British watercolors. Some of his notable works include "Drawings by Gian Lorenzo Bernini" and "The Italian Drawings of the Frits Lugt Collection".
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Gian Luca Baio has written:
'Lorenzo Lotto' -- subject(s): Art, Assumption, Painting, Renaissance Altarpieces, Santa Maria Assunta (Church : Celana, Italy)
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Celso Bernini's birth name is Celso de Oliveira Bernini Jnior.
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There are no direct living descendants of the famous Italian sculptor and architect Gian Lorenzo Bernini, as he did not have any children. However, his legacy lives on through his numerous works of art and architectural masterpieces that continue to be admired and studied worldwide. Bernini's influence can be seen in the works of many artists and architects who have been inspired by his innovative style and techniques.
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this was Gianlorenzo Bernini's wife. Bernini is a famous Italian painter, architect and sculptor.
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The Giani Bernini handbags are usually designed by the Italian designers.
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Anchors do not symbolize the pope's family in Bernini's Baldacchino.
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Fabrizio Bernini has written:
'Sul selciato di Piazzale Loreto'
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Lorenzo de' Medici was born on January 1, 1449 and died on April 9, 1492. Lorenzo de' Medici would have been 43 years old at the time of death or 566 years old today.
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The open space which lies before the basilica was redesigned by Gian Lorenzo Bernini from 1656 to 1667, under the direction of Pope Alexander VII, as an appropriate forecourt, designed "so that the greatest number of people could see the Pope give his blessing, either from the middle of the façade of the church or from a window in the Vatican Palace" (Norwich 1975 p 175). Bernini had been working on the interior of St. Peter's for decades; now he gave order to the space with his renowned colonnades, using the Tuscan form of Doric, the simplest order in the classical vocabulary, not to compete with the palace-like façade by Carlo Maderno, but he employed it on an unprecedented colossal scale to suit the space and evoke emotions of awe
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In Europe, you will find some famous capitals like Amsterdam, Berlin, Madrid, Rome, London, Paris, Prague, Stockholm, and Vienna. Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi (Fountain of the Four Rivers) is a fountain in the Piazza Navona in Rome, Italy. It was designed in 1651 by Gian Lorenzo Bernini for Pope Innocent X whose family palace, the Palazzo Pamphili, faced onto the piazza as did the church of Sant'Agnese in Agone of which Innocent was the sponsor.
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