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Furcadia happened in 1996.

1 answer

Furcadia was created on 1996-12-16.

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Unless you get it from an unreliable source, Furcadia shouldn't have any malicious data with it.

My advice: get it from the site itself ( ).

I have never detected any malware being downloaded with Furcadia. However, if there is any malware that comes with Furcadia, any simple virus detection would be able to tell you.

My advice: Use Firefox to download anything.

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There are no "cheats" written into the software.

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Still have questions?
magnify glass

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13 and up, under 13 with a parent's consent.

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My name is 'Truthness' on Furcadia. (Is a new alt, I have a army of 'em! xD) I Para RP sometimes and I'm mainly seen in: furc://alaskanwolvenwoodlands, furc://dogpound or furc://thedragon'seye . This alt is a pup with a dark pinewood color from chin to rump and a light enriching green for the pelt. She has rich murky brown eyes. Her hind legs are a pine wood as well as the front. Age: 6 months (IC/roleplay). Want an RP example? Ask. xD

My name on Furcadia is Angel Willison.

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thay say you have to be about 13, but if its ok w/ ur parents u can say your older >< lol that's what i use to do for games like that. just stay out of the 16+ areas

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Ro-blox, Free realms, Wizards 101, Smallworlds, Wolf Mountain, Furcadia, SuperSecret, ( might have some pet games of interest)

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Furcadia is an online game available as a free download. You walk around the world as a pixelled avatar, and you can move freely throughout user-created 'dreams' (worlds) or make your own dream to share with visitors. There are a wide range of items, floor tiles and walls to pick from, or you can download others that people have made and use them instead, or even make your own.

Think of it as mainly an online chatroom, with much more to it than that.

Most people use the arrow keys to move around, and there are shortcuts to pick things up, use objects and teleport to different places.

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For pay-to-play RPGs, there is Everquest II. The Sarnak are a race of dragons.

For one-time-fee games that are otherwise free, you can try Furcadia and purchase a Dragon avatar.

And finally there's Earth Eternal, which will be adding playable dragons. EE is free.

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In a word, "No."

Tht guy was wrong arokai is coming out soon and wolfquest is a brilliiant game where u have too survive from bears, starvation and other things. It is very realistic and i have a account i just need activation to play online and u will to BUT u can play single player while u wait, Hope this helps

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One reason is financial efficiency--you can save quite a bit of cash by not having to buy a full fursuit. Another is safety; yiffing with strangers in real life is potentially harmful in many ways (STDs, violent fetishization, awkward pre- and post-act smalltalk), whereas in a virtual realm many of these problems can be avoided.

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Furcadia. It's not strictly a horse roleplaying game, but there are plenty of sections within it to roleplay horses, like Pryor Mountain, Hollowood Reserve, etc. On top of that, there are some really cool people there.

Virtual Horse II and Virtual Horse I. Or VH1/VH2, I can't remember what they called it exactly. Anyway, if you google it, you'll find a download.

That's all I can think of right now...feel free to make improvements, anyone.

2 answers

A typical wolf pack consists of 5 to 10 members, although pack sizes can vary depending on factors such as habitat and prey availability. Larger packs have been observed in certain situations, but typically they are smaller to keep competition for resources within the pack in check.

4 answers

There are plenty! I have been doing some searching for a long time and have found some!

List Of Animal MMORPG'S that require downloading:

Feral Heart - you can create your own wolf or lion and play online with others.

Furcadia - you play as an anthro animal of your choice and can chat, however you may go into what they call 'dreams' and you can role play as different four legged animals from lions to owls.

Wolfquest - is online and offline, you can create a pack, raise your pups and hunt for food.

The Endless Forest - a game where you can run around as a deer with a human like face, I haven't played it because it takes up a load of memory.

List of MMORPGS that you don't have to download:

Animal Jam - a site mainly for kids, but you often find teenagers on there too, you can play as a tiger, wolf, penguin ect.

Webearth Online - this site barely has any players now, and has slow and bad graphics, but the game play is everything a animal lover could wish for. You can play as multiple species after leveling up.

Club Penguin - walk around, play, and chat as a penguin. Most of the stuff costs money though so it can get kind of boring.

Wolfhome - an avatar chat you can be a wolf, or a type of fox ect. I just started checking this out.

Edit me if you find anything else! Hope this helps.

1 answer

Welcome to the Monster's Tarps Info! It's completely N-E-W to Elemental Wolf RP, Furcadia! We will know if you did not read the rules, so read ALL of the rules please! Please do not edit this page because it is very important to a wolf pack. If you have any ideas we should add to the pack, please don't erase anything, but you can put it at the bottom of the page. P.S., please, no bad stuff like "Nothing" or "shasagu" or anything showing disrespect. If you have no idea, don't put it down there.

Pups: Pups are the most important in the pack. Females avoid their pups from being eaten by ANYONE IN THE PACK OR NOT. None available in pack. We suggest that pups are omegas. Pups in Monster's Tarps are unable to fight, but they can run at 86 mph, high enough to get away from even an attacker faster than it. But when running, pups need to lead the attacker until it is far away enough, go in another direction, hide in that place, and let the attacker run when the pup hides. Then when the attacker is off the screen, they scatter to find somebody, like their mother, father, Serpon, or an alpha of the pack.

Omegas: Omegas are weak, bad-fighters, and may die soon. None are in the pack right now.

Serpons: Serpons protect the pups when they scatter away from an enemy. Serpons are stronger than ANY attacker. If the attacker comes back, or even if it doesn't, Serpons still protect the cubs and attack or kill the other attacker that tried to hurt the pup. Prassivila is the alpha, so she is a Serpon.

Ellofusts: Ellofusts are members of the pack that are becoming strong enough to track down the attackers if they eat the pups or not. By the way, after a Serpon comes to find the attacker, and it can't find it, they don't have the ability to find it after 3 tries. Ellofusts will help them, and can try to find them whenever they want. They can look all over Elemental Wolf RP to find the attacker, and attack it. They receive special surprises if they find the attacker, but they must attack the attacker to get the award, which is a baby pup. A baby puppy will be given out if available. If there is no pup, the Ellofust will be given a fake one to play with. Just as good An Ellofust is the Leader, Prassivila.

Jaspers: Jaspers are big and strong and even protect the pack omegas of dying soon so they can increase their knowledge of the Monster's Tarps techniques. Prassivila is a Jasper. But she can also kick out omegas.

E Zoid: E Zoids are lower-ranking than real alphas that have access to a secret den. Although anyone can visit the secret den, Real Alphas have trust for it, and for anywhere in the pack. E Zoids cannot have trust unless they work very hard and show respect to everyone in the pack.

Alpha: Alphas are excellent fighters and rule everyone in the pack. Everyone must follow an alpha if told to do so. NOBODY can lead an Alpha, but they can do so if the alpha must see something or fight off an enemy. You can only lead an alpha, like Prassivila, to an emergency. Prassivila is an alpha, and the top one.


Show respect to everyone in the pack. You may be pushed out the pack if you swear, show disrespect, or do not follow the rules. Follow these steps and PROVE you read them by reading the secret code. When you ask to join, you must say the secret code or you will be fought off. No questions.

1. Please show respect to everyone in the pack.

2. No swearing.

3. Tell us the code or you will be fought off.

4. NEVER fight another wolf for no reason.

The first word is Respecting.

5. DO NOT ask for trust unless you are given trust by an alpha.

6. DO NOT ask to be a different rank, because the answer will always be no. You must move up on your own.

7. Always listen to what an alpha tells you to do.

The second word is will.

8. You may challenge higher or lower ranks, but you have to know the proper areas to attack if you are a lower ranking wolf.

9. Always have your rank in your description, because if a lower rank wants to challenge you, it may be killed.

10. If you want to practice techniques, ask Prassivila and nobody else.

The third word is be.


12. The fourth and final word is accepted.

Put the code together and use it to prove that you have read the rules.

No apllication required!

(Say !Feild to get to the pack.)

1 answer

The CliffStars Pack Info:

The CliffStars are excellent wolves and work hard to find enemies in Elemental Wolf RP, Furcadia. Read ALL of the CliffStars Pack Info, please! We will know if you did not read the rules! But alphas of the pack aren't really alphas, they ask the real alphas of Elemental Wolf RP to eject or banish.

Members: Members have no jobs, but have the ability to welcome other players to the pack.

Trackers: Trackers hunt down enemies in Elemental Wolf RP, whether in the pack or not. Trackers are alphas.

Hunters: Males or females can hunt, depending on their color. Hunters are alphas.

Alphas: Aing

Omegas: Omegas are the weakest in the whole entire pack, and may be kicked out soon. If an alpha turns into an omega, it will be ejected, and if it doesn't move it it will be banished.

PlodDos: PlodDos are very evil enemies of the pack or not in the pack, because they enter without permission or when there is no alpha. Syprises, the watchers of PlodDos, will find out about PlodDos. Alphas that are not Aing that are PlodDos will be ejected/banished.

Blowsuds: Blowsuds are not enemies of the pack, because they are not in the pack. They just hang around for a long time, AFK or not, and don't leave for a long time. NOBODYwill attack Blowsuds, unless other wolves are bothered. Some alphas may be Blowsuds, although in the pack.

Syprises: Syprises watch for PlodDos when the alpha is gone or not. They attack PlodDos. But Syprises need trust to eject/banish PlodDos. Alphas are syprises. Pups: Pups are small critters that may fight if able to, but only have 2 hits a time. They only have 3 dodges. But if they think they are injured, they can run very very fast. Guests: Guests are people that are allowed to see the pack, even without permission. This does not mean they're a PlodDo, and Syprises will even be ejected/banished too, if they eject or banish a guest. Syprises may also be warned before a Guest comes in. Destins: Destins are old members of the pack. They are not getting very old, but may die if they get too old. Flasters: Flasters are very old members of the pack and may die very very soon. Alvertories: Alvertories are prey that we eat, like geese, fish, deer.

Solay: Solay are unwelcome to the pack. They are enemies and must be caught by trackers.

Members: None in the pack yet! Trackers: Aing Hunters: Aing Alphas: Aing Omegas: None yet PlodDos: None yet Blowsuds: Aing (he's an alpha) Syprises: Aing Pups: None yet Guests: None yet Destins: None yet Flasters: None yet Alvertories that are mostly seen: Bunnies Solay: None yet _______________________________ Having pups (MALES READ THIS TOO!)

If you want to be pregnant, you must have a mate. If you want to mate, follow these easy steps. 1. Look for a wolf you want to mate and ask if you want to mate. 2. Just say "aroo gr aroo" to the male/female.

3. if the male/female says "bark gr aroo" then he or she wants to mate. (males and females you MUST do this to answer.) 4. Show likings to each other. If female or male wants to separate from you, he or she will say "gr bark aroo" to say that he or she wants to separate. 5. On this step, an alpha must be around. If there is and you think you are ready to mate, tell an alpha that you think you are ready. Remember, alphas always listen to what you say, so don't have a fit if you can't mate. 6. If the alpha says you can mate, somebody asks to lead or follow him or her. 7. Stay together. Don't be mean or rude to each other or somebody will separate you. LISTEN to the alphas or you can be ejected or banished.

8. When you think you are ready to get married, just ask an alpha. Don't ask so quickly, please. 9. When you are married, females, decide to have 1-5 pups at a time. (Pups must be available in CliffStars.) 10. Females, please don't have more than 10 pups. When you have 10 pups, please do not produce anymore. 11. Females have to ask pups to be in their tummy to get pregnant. You can still get married if you don't want to or can't have pups. 12. Males sometimes eat pups. Females, if a male tries to eat your pups, you have a free ticket for 6 dodges, because pups are actually the most important in the pack and it will be very bad if you can't dodge even once and a male eats your pups. Males, do not eat pups if there's no reason. You may be BANISHED on the FIRST TIME, WITHOUT WARNING. Males, you have 2 dodges for eating the pups.

13. If the pups are eaten, females cannot produce anymore. But this is kind of an ok time for you, females. Males probably won't eat the pups often, because they will weaken if they do so. When pups go down a male's throat, they stab the throat with their teeth. Then you can attack them if you wish, without an ejectment or banishment.

REMEMBER: Button Boy is also a staff of CliffStars Wolf Pack. LISTEN to him. REMEMBER THIS TOO: The pack is very rare, but is mostly in the Black Forest. If you cannot find the pack, try to whisper Aing or Button Boy to ask where they are. To get to Black Forest, type !Blackforest then enter. You will be at Black Forest. The pack may be anywhere in Black Forest, but they are mostly resting in the grass on the right.

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