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Journal of Functional Programming was created in 1991.

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Chris Reade has written:

'Elements of functional programming' -- subject(s): Functional programming (Computer science)

'Elements of functional programming'

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Guy Cousineau has written:

'The functional approach to programming' -- subject(s): Functional programming (Computer science)

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The functional button worked the factory very esily.

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Andrea Asperti has written:

'The optimal implementation of functional programming languages' -- subject(s): Functional programming languages

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Functional programming when applied to software development alludes to using functions when writing computer programs. Functional programming has been popular in academic circles, but sees little use in industrial applications.

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The programming language Haskell is recommended because it is a product of many years of research. It is a very advanced and functional programming language.

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Richard Bird has written:

'Programs and machines' -- subject(s): Computer programming

'Pearls of functional algorithm design' -- subject(s): Computer algorithms, Functional programming (Computer science)

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In functional programming, the lambda value represents an anonymous function that can be passed as a parameter or returned as a result. It allows for more flexible and concise coding by enabling the creation of functions on-the-fly without needing to explicitly name them. Lambda functions are commonly used in higher-order functions and can help simplify complex operations in functional programming.

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Gary Meehan has written:

'Aspects of functional programming'

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Kevin Hammond has written:

'Parallel SML' -- subject(s): Functional programming languages, Parallel computers, Programming

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Gary E. Fisher has written:

'Application software prototyping and fourth generation languages' -- subject(s): Application software, Development, Programming languages (Electronic computers)

'A functional model for fourth generation languages' -- subject(s): Programming languages (Electronic computers), Programming, Functional programming languages, Fourth generation computers

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Scheme is a functional programming language and a high level language.

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Pieter H. Hartel has written:

'Functional C' -- subject(s): Functional programming (Computer science), C (Computer program language)

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These are all programming paradigms; they describe the "style" used to build the structure and elements of a computer program.

Imperative programming is typically contrasted with declarative programming because they are mutually-exclusive (you won't find any programming languages that are both imperative and declarative), in the same way that you won't find any languages that have both a structured paradigm and a non-structured paradigm. The main difference between the two is that imperative programming describes how a result is to be achieved without specifying what is to be achieved, whereas declarative programming describes what is to be achieved without specifying how it is to be achieved.

Another key difference is that imperative programming makes extensive use of changing-state and mutable data whereas declarative programming does not. Put simply, there are no assignment operations or side-effects in declarative programming.

Given that the object-oriented programming (OOP) paradigm is based upon objects with member methods that can mutate the object's attributes, OOP is based upon the imperative paradigm.

The functional programming paradigm is not to be confused with function calls which are based upon the procedural programming paradigm, which is itself based upon the structured programming paradigm, both of which are imperative. By "functional" we really mean mathematical functions, which are declarative. Although there are some imperative languages that do allow a type of functional programming style, at best they are a grey area because of the side-effects.

Logical programming is also declarative and is based on relations.

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A functional pattern is a design approach that focuses on creating functions that are independent, reusable, and easy to understand. It typically involves separating concerns, avoiding mutability, and favoring immutability and pure functions. Functional patterns are commonly used in functional programming languages like Haskell, Scala, and Clojure.

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I like almost everything about it. Figuring out problems, writing code and then it doing something functional, who wouldn't love this.

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Languages like C, Pascal, Basic do not use classes, polymorphism, etc, they promote functional style of programming.

Languages like PHP, Perl, Python, Ruby provide you with the opportunity to choose whether you like to program using classes, in other words in the object-oriented way, or adhere to functional programming - depending on what is optimal for the project you are working on.

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C. Michael Holloway has written:

'The syntax of DRAGOON: evaluation and recommendations' -- subject(s): Ada (Programming language)

'A survey of functional programming language principles' -- subject(s): Programming languages (Electronic computers)

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G. McCusker has written:

'Games and full abstraction for a functional metalanguage with recursive types' -- subject(s): Recursive functions, Functional programming languages, Game theory

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Thousands! Programming languages number in the thousands, from general purpose programming languages such as C++, Java, and others, to special purpose languages which are used in one application. They can be ordered by type (structured, object-oriented, functional, etc.) or by history, or syntax. See the related list of programming languages.

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Structured programming is a programming paradigm. Prior to structured programming, code was typically written with intertwining jumps or gotos producing "spaghetti" code which is difficult to both read and maintain. Structured programming primarily added subroutines and loop control statements and was later extended by procedural programming which primarily added function calls (not to be confused with functional programming) and which also made exception handling that much easier to maintain. This then led to object-oriented programming.

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The main modes of C programming language are procedural, functional, and object-oriented. Procedural programming focuses on functions and procedures to organize code. Functional programming emphasizes the use of functions as first-class citizens. Object-oriented programming involves creating objects that encapsulate data and behavior. These modes are used in software development to provide different approaches to structuring and organizing code, allowing developers to choose the most suitable method based on the requirements of the project.

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Stefan Kahrs has written:

'First-class polymorphisms for ML' -- subject(s): Functional programming (Computer science), ML (Computer program language), ML (Computer programlanguage)

'Interfaces and extended ML' -- subject(s): Functional programming (Computer science), ML (Computer program language)

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In Haskell category theory, key concepts include objects, morphisms, composition, and identity. These concepts relate to functional programming by providing a framework for understanding and manipulating functions as mathematical entities. Functions in Haskell can be seen as morphisms between objects, and composition and identity operations can be used to combine and manipulate functions in a way that aligns with category theory principles. This allows for a more abstract and rigorous approach to functional programming, enabling developers to reason about their code in a more systematic and structured manner.

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Christos K. K. Loverdos has written:

'Steps in Scala' -- subject(s): Multiparadigm programming (Computer science), Functional programming (Computer science), Scala (Computer program language), Object-oriented programming (Computer science)

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F is a functional-first programming language that runs on the .NET platform, while G is a new programming language developed by Google that focuses on simplicity and performance. F is primarily used for data-oriented and scientific computing, while G is designed for general-purpose programming with a focus on ease of use.

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->Less error prone functional style to reduce bugs.

->High maintainability and productivity.

->Provides features of concurrent programming by immutable types and actor based (asynchronous messaging) concurrency.

->High scalability - can use multi core architecture.

->High Testability -- code written in functional ways is more testable.

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s7 200 not having capability of programming in functions and functional blocks where as s7 300 have..

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A software paradigm is a model for implementing software using principles of engineering. It encompasses software design and programming paradigms.

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A programmer writes source code that tells a computer what to do. Traditional programming is procedural, meaning it is imperative and stateful; it tells the computer sequential steps to execute. The problem with traditional programming is that it does not lend itself to parallel processing. To get around that, programming paradigms such as functional programming tell the computer what to do in more general terms, but not the order of execution. Several of the program's instructions can be executed simultaneously.

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HTML is just for designing the look and format of the page. To make the page actually do things, like running a chat page, takes programming. HTML is not a programming language so just using HTML you cannot create a fully functional chat page. You need HTML and a programming language working together to do that.

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There are various scripting languages for web application testing:

Java: The Sun Microsystems developed JAVA is one of the most popular programming languages on the internet. Java is an open-source language, which means it is available free-of-cost.

PHP: PHP is used to signify the PHP Hypertext Processor language and it is an interpreted script language. It is best suited for server-side programming that includes repetitive server-tasks performed during the development of your website.PHP has been used for so long that its community has contributed many powerful tools for PHP Website developer.

Python: Python is a dynamic language which means that the developer can write and run the code without needing a separate compiler for the purpose. It supports multiple programming paradigms such as object-oriented programming, structured programming, and even functional programming to a certain extent.

Ruby: Ruby was developed in the year 1993 by Yukihiro Matsumoto as a programming language to offer a balance of functional programming along with imperative programming.

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object oriented programing helps better modeling the world as we humans see it, while functional and procedural programming is for the mathematicians P.O.V. harder to maintain the code, and for me , harder to understand imperative(functional) code over side effect code(OOP) OOP is more intuitive by the grasp of the model to the mind, as it stands to help better model the mind, though most developers i have see so far, can really make a good simulation for the world in order for the code to be more coherent. OOP is Object Oriented Programming P.O.V is Point Of View

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I think it should be - LOGO (Logo is a multi-paradigm computer programming language used in education. It is an adaptation and dialect of the Lisp language. It was originally conceived and written as a functional programming language, and drove a mechanical turtle as an output device)

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Langston is a programming language developed by Microsoft that focuses on writing and hosting cloud-based applications. It supports scalable and distributed systems using a functional programming paradigm. It is designed to be resilient and fault-tolerant.

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In programming languages, the lambda value is significant because it represents an anonymous function or a function without a name. Lambda functions are commonly used for creating quick, temporary functions or for passing functions as arguments to other functions. They are a key feature in functional programming languages and allow for more concise and flexible coding.

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For going to technical side ( ABAP ) should have basic programming skills.... For going to Functional side , should have experience in that functional side like Material management, Sales & distribution, Financial etc.... A bachelor degree will be the minimum educational qualification.

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python is a programming language. which is more flexible having various features in one box. like OOPs , functional , scritping ,

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C++ is not a command oriented language, it is a multi-paradigm language because it employs functional and object-oriented approaches to programming.

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Programming languages are essential in computer science and software development as they provide a way for humans to communicate instructions to computers. Different languages have unique features and are suited for specific tasks, allowing developers to write efficient and functional code. Understanding programming languages is crucial for creating software, applications, and systems that power modern technology.

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ECMAScript is a programming language adopted by the European Computer Manufacturer's Association as a standard for performing computations in Web applications. The ECMAScript language includes structured, dynamic, functional, and prototype-based features.

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Andrew Kurdila has written:

'Robust optimization-directed design' -- subject(s): Mathematical optimization, Programming (Mathematics), System theory

'Convex Functional Analysis (Systems & Control)'

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C sharp is an easy, modern, general-purpose, object-oriented programming language. It is set to run within Microsoft's .NET framework. Anders Hejlsberg led the development team for this program.

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From what I have read, one needs to be have a grasp of what constitutes functional software. Having formal credentials in software programming is a great way to set one's self apart when attempting to apply for such a position.

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UniMas is a television network that offers viewers different types of sports programming, talk and reality show programming and acquired programming. There are references online to former programming, upcoming programming and current programming for UniMas.

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An anamorphism is a generalization of the list-producing unfolds known from functional programming to arbitrary abstract data types which can be described as final coalgebras.

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The functional group is the NH2. It is an amino functional group.

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