Fu's life schooling life was really hard because of all the diving and studying made her stress out.
1 answer
Mingxia Yan has written:
'Jian chu chun qiu' -- subject(s): Paper work
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Through the 2008 Games in Beijing, that is divers Guo Jingjing and Fu Mingxia, and table tennis players Deng Yaping, Zhang Yining, and Wang Nan, all who have won 4 gold medals.
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Fu has won 5 Olympic medals (4 gold and 1 silver) in three different Summer Games: 1) 1992 - gold in 10 meter platform
2) 1996 - gold in 10 meter platform and 3 meter springboard
3) 2000 - gold in 3 meter springboard and silver in synchronized springboard
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Through the 2008 Games in Beijing, that would be Pat McCormick of the United States and Fu Mingxia of China who each have won four gold medals. McCormick won gold in 3 meter springboard and 10 meter platform at the 1952 Games in Helsinki and the 1956 Games in Melbourne. Fu won gold in the 3 meter springboard at the 1992 Games in Barcelona and the 1996 Games in Atlanta and gold in the 10 meter platform at the 1996 Games and the 2000 Games in Sydney.
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its ....
little bunny fu fu hopin through the forest scupein up the felid mice and bopin them on there heads
;) hope that helps!
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