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Friedrich Engels was born on November 28, 1820.

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Friedrich Engels was born on November 28, 1820.

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Friedrich Engels died on August 5, 1895 at the age of 74.

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The Communist Manifesto was written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in 1848.

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Friedrich Engels died on August 5, 1895 at the age of 74.

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Friedrich Engels co-wrote "The Communist Manifesto" with Karl Marx in 1848. Engels was a German philosopher, social scientist, and businessman who collaborated closely with Marx on several works related to political theory and socialist philosophy.

4 answers

Friedrich Engels though from a well-to-do family established himself as a diplomat.

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Friedrich Engels though from a well-to-do family established himself as a diplomat.

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Friedrich Engels was born on November 28, 1820 and died on August 5, 1895. Friedrich Engels would have been 74 years old at the time of death or 194 years old today.

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Mary Wollstonecraft was not married to Friedrich Engels. In fact, they never even lived in the same time period. Mary Wollstonecraft was born in 1759, and died in 1797. Friedrich Engels was not born until 1820.

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Marx co-wrote it with Friedrich Engels

8 answers

Friedrich Engels co-authored The Communist Manifesto with Karl Marx in 1848. He would later finance Marx in the writing of Das Kapital.

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because he had a cute cat

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The German philosopher who worked with Karl Marx was Friedrich Engels. Engels collaborated with Marx on several works, including "The Communist Manifesto" and "Das Kapital." He played a significant role in shaping and promoting Marxist theory and ideology.

3 answers

Yes, Friedrich Engels, in collaboration with Karl Marx, observed the negative effects of capitalism on the working class. Engels documented these observations in works such as "The Condition of the Working Class in England" and highlighted issues such as exploitation, alienation, and widening inequality caused by the capitalist system.

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I was a student of Friedrich Engel's grandson, poet John Engels, a professor at St. Michael's College, Vermont. It was widely known that John Engels was the grandson of Friedrich, which he acknowledged one day with "You all know my grandfather."

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Friedrich Engels, a collaborator of Karl Marx, made significant contributions to sociology through his exploration of class struggle and the relationship between capitalism and social inequality. Engels co-authored "The Communist Manifesto" with Marx, which laid the foundation for Marxist theory and its analysis of the capitalist system. Engels' work emphasized the exploitation of the working class and the need for revolutionary change to create a more equitable society.

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Friedrich Engels worked and wrote with Karl Marx.

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Friedrich Engels was Karl Marx's partner in writing The Communist Manifesto in 1848. Engels contributed his own ideas and expertise to the document, making it a collaborative effort between the two thinkers.

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increased men's domination of women.

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He died of throat cancer at age 74.

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Authors of Communist ManifestoKarl Marx and Friedrich Engels were the authors.

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Marx's co-author was Friedrich Engels. Together, they collaborated on several works, including "The Communist Manifesto" and "Das Kapital," which had a significant influence on the development of Marxist theory. Engels played a crucial role in providing financial and intellectual support to Marx throughout their partnership.

5 answers

Friedrich Engels collaborated with Karl Marx to develop the theory of dialectical materialism. Engels co-authored important works with Marx, such as "The Communist Manifesto" and "Das Kapital."

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Friedrich Engels was a German philosopher and and political theorist. He is most famous for coming up with the Marxist theory along with Karl Marx which is a theory stating the ideologies of communism, and the sweeping role it will play on the world.

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Karl Marx wrote Das Kapital with his friend Fredrich Engels

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Andrew Carnegie and Friedrich Engels are disagree about the effects of industrialism because, industrialization eventually raised the standard of living for many people in Europe and North America.

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Yes, Karl Marx visited Friedrich Engels in Manchester in 1845. Marx and Engels became close friends and collaborators, working together on various political and philosophical projects.

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No. It was written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.

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Along with Karl Marx, they produced The Communist Manifesto.

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Karl Marx, who - along with Frederich Engels - wrote The Communist Manifesto.

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Marx and Engels got many of their ideas from other philosophers, economists and political activists.

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Yes, Engels did edit some of that work, but he did not co-write it the way he co-wrote 'The Communist Manifesto.'

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No. Karl MArx and Friedrich Engels wrote it in 1848.

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Friedrich Engels edited 'Das Kapital.' Karl Marx wrote it.

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Friedrich Engels was Karl Marx's associate. Engels supported Marx both intellectually and financially, and the two collaborated on numerous works, including "The Communist Manifesto" and "Das Kapital." Their friendship and partnership played a significant role in the development of Marxist theory.

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Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels define the bourgeoisie as the social class that owns the means of production in capitalist societies. They characterize the bourgeoisie as exploiting the labor of the proletariat to generate profits and maintain their privileged position in society.

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Friedrich Engels was a close collaborator of Karl Marx, co-authoring works such as the Communist Manifesto with him. Other notable associates include Mikhail Bakunin, a Russian anarchist who engaged in intellectual debates with Marx, and Friedrich Wilhelm Raiffeisen, a German cooperative pioneer influenced by Marx's ideas.

3 answers

The Communist Manifesto was a book written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in 1848.

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Capitalism increases the dominance of male power.

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