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There are 2 types of frictions:

1. Rolling friction

2. Static friction

3. Fluid friction

2 answers

1. Static

2. Sliding

3. Rolling

4. Air

5. Fluid

2 answers

Friction act on us every day.

Types of Friction:

1) Sliding friction

2) Rolling friction

3) Static friction

4) Fluid friction

1 answer

rolling friction is 1/100 less than spliding friction

1 answer

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magnify glass

1.static friction

2.rolling friction

3.sliding friction

You can believe me because i just learned it in school(grade8)

1 answer

1) friction thats lows things down is called dynamic friction

2) friction that stops things is called static friction

3) most of friction makes heat ( rubbing hands together )

1 answer

The coefficient of friction typically ranges from 0 to 1, with 0 indicating no friction and 1 indicating high friction. The coefficient of friction depends on various factors such as the surfaces in contact, surface roughness, and whether the surfaces are in motion or at rest. In general, smoother surfaces have lower coefficients of friction compared to rougher surfaces.

2 answers

Ottoman Empire joined World War 1 so as to join forces with the Germany. The other reason was the friction with the friction with Turkey.

2 answers

The three types of friction in physics are static friction, kinetic friction, and rolling friction. Static friction occurs when there is no relative motion between two surfaces. Kinetic friction occurs when two surfaces are sliding past each other. Rolling friction is the resistance to motion experienced by an object rolling on a surface.

2 answers

The static friction force on block 1 is acting in the opposite direction of the force applied to it.

1 answer

Four forces in static friction are:-

1. Weight

2. Tension

3. Normal Force

4. Static Friction

1 answer

Ice skating is because you dont go fast and there is rarely any friction

2 answers

Yes, a coefficient of friction can exceed 1. This can happen in cases where the force required to move an object is greater than the maximum force that can be provided by the contact surface. This would result in a coefficient of friction greater than 1.

1 answer

Yes, it is possible for the coefficient of static friction to exceed 1. This means that the force required to overcome static friction is greater than the force pressing the surfaces together.

1 answer

Three types of friction are :

1. Kinetic friction :Friction that arises between surfaces in relative motion.

2. Static friction :Friction that acts between surfaces at rest with respect to each other

3. Rolling friction : Friction that occurs when an object rolls over a surface.

Static, sliding, rolling.

11 answers

Friction Is the Force that makes it harder for two things to move against one another.

1) When I rub my hands I make friction.

2) When friction is used , energy is produced.

1 answer



1 answer

It is: 0.25 = 1/4 as a fraction

1 answer

Types of friction:

1. Kinetic friction arises between surfaces in relative motion,

2. Static friction acts between surfaces at rest with respect to each other, and

3. Rolling friction occurs when an object rolls over a surface.

1 answer

The classifications of friction are static friction, kinetic friction, rolling friction, and fluid friction. Static friction occurs when two surfaces are not moving relative to each other, kinetic friction occurs when two surfaces are moving relative to each other, rolling friction occurs when an object rolls across a surface, and fluid friction occurs when an object moves through a fluid like air or water.

3 answers

Yes, it is possible for the coefficient of friction to exceed 1 in a given scenario. This can happen when the force required to move an object is greater than the force pressing the object against the surface, resulting in a coefficient of friction greater than 1.

1 answer

1 static 2 rolling 3 sliding 4 fluid

KENETIC FRICTION! Gosh! does no one know this!?!?

2 answers

Yes, it is possible for the coefficient of kinetic friction to exceed a value of 1. This means that the force required to overcome the friction and move an object is greater than the force pressing the object against the surface.

1 answer

Static friction occurs between stationary objects and prevents them from moving. Kinetic friction opposes the motion of objects sliding past each other. Rolling friction is the resistance encountered by an object as it rolls over a surface.

2 answers

  • sliding friction
  • rolling friction
  • static friction
  • fluid friction

10 answers

As an improper fraction it is simply 25/1

1 answer

1) Friction of the tires on the road

2) Friction in the clutch

3) Friction in the brakes

4) Friction of driver against controls and seat

Friction of air also plays a part in resisting motion; this can be used to improve road holding when we deflect it into a down force, hence the spoilers on F1 cars, for example

1 answer

  1. Static friction: Acts on an object at rest, preventing its movement when a force is applied.
  2. Sliding friction: Occurs when two solid surfaces slide past each other, resisting the motion.
  3. Rolling friction: Opposes the motion of a rolling object, such as a wheel or ball, as it moves across a surface.

5 answers

Scout's Safari - 2002 Science Friction 1-4 was released on:

USA: 9 November 2002

1 answer

The strongest type of friction is static friction, which prevents an object from moving when a force is applied to it. Once the object overcomes static friction and starts moving, the friction becomes kinetic friction, which is generally weaker.

5 answers

Friction has two unpleasant effects: 1) it increases wear and tear, 2) it wastes energy.

1 answer

(Coefficient of friction of plane ab) + 2(Coefficient of friction of plane bc) = 1

Coefficient of friction of plane ab = Coefficient of friction of plane bc = 1/3 = 0.33333......

1 answer

1) In machines the mechanical parts which rub with each other wear out. 2) Due to friction between the sole of the shoe and the floor the sole wears out. 3) Tyres of vehicles wear out because of friction. 4) Energy is wasted in overcoming the force of friction.

2 answers

1) In machines the mechanical parts which rub with each other wear out. 2) Due to friction between the sole of the shoe and the floor the sole wears out. 3) Tyres of vehicles wear out because of friction. 4) Energy is wasted in overcoming the force of friction.

1 answer

[Simple Explanation]

As friction is a force and the S.I. unit of force is Newton,

the S.I. unit of friction is Newton.

[Derivative Explanation]


where F is Frictional force,

µ is coefficient of friction,

and N is net normal reaction.

N = -mg

where mg is gravitational force whose SI unit is Newton.-(1)

Coefficient of friction is dimensionless. -(2)

From (1) and (2), SI unit of F = SI unit of N x SI unit of µ = Newton

Hence SI of Friction is Newton.

4 answers

Some common household appliances that use friction include vacuum cleaners (friction between the rotating brush and the floor), blenders (friction between the blades and the contents being blended), and washing machines (friction between the clothes and the agitator or drum).

2 answers

  1. Static friction: This type of friction prevents stationary objects from moving when a force is applied to them.
  2. Kinetic friction: Kinetic friction occurs between surfaces that are in motion relative to each other, resisting the sliding motion.
  3. Rolling friction: Rolling friction is experienced when an object rolls over a surface, such as a wheel or a ball moving on the ground.

2 answers

sliding friction is like sliding a desk without wheels across a floor since its sliding and if there a large amount of weight involved it will be harter to over come the friction , rooling friction is like a skateboard rooling down the street for rooling friction the object NEEDS to have wheels or it wouldn't be rooling friction,and fluid friction is like droping a ball through air since air has water particles and counts for fluid friction.

3 answers

1. By friction.

2. by magnetism

1 answer

Friction is useful in helping cars stop when brakes are applied, as the friction between the brake pads and the wheels slows down the vehicle. Friction is also beneficial in walking, as friction between the soles of shoes and the ground prevents slipping and provides traction.

2 answers

The equation for static friction is given by: f_s ≤ μ_s * N, where f_s is the static frictional force, μ_s is the coefficient of static friction, and N is the normal force acting on the object.

3 answers

Friction createsheat when ittwo or more objects rub together. This also present in microwaves. Another effect of friction is that it slows down objects thathave friction applied with them.
Friction plays a vital role in our daily life. Without friction we are handicap.
1. It is becomes difficult to walk on a slippery road due to low friction.
2. We can not fix nail in the wood or wall if there is no friction. It is friction which holds the nail.
3. A horse can not pull a cart unless friction furnishes him a secure Foothold.
Despite the fact that the friction is very important in our daily life, it also has some disadvantages like:
1. The main disadvantage of friction is that it produces heat in various parts of machines. In this way some useful energy is wasted as heat energy.
2. Due to friction we have to exert more power in machines.
3. It opposes the motion.
4. Due to friction, noise is also produced in machines.
5. Due to friction, engines of automobiles consume more fuel which is a money loss.

2 answers

The two types of friction are static friction and kinetic friction. Static friction occurs when two surfaces are at rest relative to each other, while kinetic friction occurs when two surfaces are in motion relative to each other.

2 answers

Rolling Friction, Static Friction, Sliding Friction, & fluid Friction

1 answer

the plural form of friction is friction

1 answer

Yes, look at "what is static friction?" Static friction is also known as starting friction.

1 answer