Frederick II came to power as the King of Prussia. Parts of his kingdom were technically part of the Holy Roman Empire.
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The longest reigning Holy Roman Emperor was Frederick III, the first emperor of the house of Habsburg. The reigned for 69 years and 70 days: 2 February 1440 -- 19 August 1493.
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He was given the title of Holy Roman Emperor.
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It refers to Frederick 1 Barbarossa who was a German Holy Roman Emperor.
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The term "Holy" was used by emperor Frederick Barbarossa in the 12th century as a response to the pope who technically called the emperor one of his vassals. The emperor on the other hand felt himself as highest sovereign on earth.
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Otto I was the first holy Roman emperor.
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Frederick II of Prussia, known as Frederick the Great (1712-1786), ruled from 1740 to 1786.
Frederick II (1194-1250) was King of Sicily, and Holy Roman Emperor from 1220 to 1250.
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When Otto I freed the Pope from the control of the Romans, he was named Holy Roman Emperor.
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Holy Roman Emperor Frederick I was also called Frederick Barbarossa, which means Frederick Red Beard, in English. There is a link below for more information on this man.
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Seven electors chose the Holy Roman Emperor.
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Otto I the Great, Holy Roman Emperor (lived 912-973, reigned 936-973).
The Holy Roman Emperor was ruler of the Holy Roman Empire, a predecessor of numerous countries mainly in central Europe.
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Holy Roman Emperor and ruled alot of other places.
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hOly Roman Emperor was a title, not a nickname.
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It was the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V
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The Byzantine emperor ordered all icons destroyed and the pope disagreed which led to Charlemagne the Holy Roman Emperor.
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There was no Francis II Holy Roman Emperor. The last Holy Roman Emperor was Francis I of Habsburg end 18th early 19th century, father of Napoleons 2nd wife, Marie Louise and mother of his son, Napoleon II. He resigned as Holy Roman Emporer to accept the crown of Hungaro-Austrian Emporer.
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Charlemagne was not crowned emperor of the Romans. He was crowned as the Holy Roman Emperor, which had nothing to do with ancient Rome. The so-called Holy Roman Empire was a Germanic kingdom of the Middle Ages.
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I believe it was Frederick the elector of Prussia, but I may be mistaken. However, Frederick was very sympathetic towards the protestants cause but did not have the power or will to defy the Holy Roman Emperor if that helps...
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The same person, the Holy Roman Emperor
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In 800, Pope Leo III (750-816) crowned Charlemagne emperor of the Romans.
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Otto I did not decline the Romanemperor. He was around in the Middle Ages, after the fall of the Roman Empire. Roman emperors had longer existed for 560 years.Otto I was the founder of the Holy RomanEmpireand was the first Holy Roman Emperor. He was crowned emperor in 962 by Pope John XII in Rome.
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The Holy Roman Emperor and the Holy Roman Empire lasted from the year 800 to 1805 when it was dismantled after the Battle of Austerlitz. Germany was unified in 1871 with the declaration of Wilhelm von Hohenzollern of Prussia as the German Emperor. Thus, the two entities never coincided historically.
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Romulus Augustulus is traditionally considered the last Roman emperor. His reign ended Sept 4th, 476 AD
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