To "fly in the face of" means to go against something. Example: Your actions fly in the face of our agreement.
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Philip Enerson Ode has written:
'Bionomics of the face fly, Musca autumnalis DeGeer' -- subject(s): Ecology, Insects, Face fly
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Arthur L. Antonell has written:
'The face fly' -- subject(s): Horses, Control, Diseases, Cattle, Face fly, Diseases and pests
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yes a triangular prism has got 1 perpendicular face, at the base.
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Yu get HM02 Fly after beating Clay, the gym leader of Driftveil City. After you go left, then you face Bianca and then she gives you HM02 Fly.
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the wright brothers had to learn how to build a plane. and where was the best place to fly it the best place to fly is was on the beach
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A dumbbell fly is an exercise move that is intended to work your arms and pecks. You lay down and move your arms from straight out to your sides to above your face.
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Yes, undocumented immigrants can fly back to their home countries, but they may face challenges with travel documentation and immigration laws.
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The shemagh is a garment known as the keffiyeh. Most people use the shegmagh to cover their face, and it usually keeps them cool from the heat, and it protects their face from dirt that may fly towards their face.
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Chickens are very poor flyers and do not fly very often.Peach face love-birds are another species that prefer to build their nests close to water and food thus ensuring they do not have to fly much.
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Youre sopposed to FLY there.
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No, it would not be recommended.
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that crabs can't fly when you throw them.
They just fall flay on their face.
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Y, B and I respectively.
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Face masks must be worn on some flights. Please check the travel requirements of your destination before you fly. *Face masks must be worn on some flights. Please check the travel requirements of your destination before you fly . For more search "airlines buddy"
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You aren't "hit with flies in your face." The phrase refers to something that contridicts or repudiates something something that is commonly believed. Claiming that snakes are not dangerous flies in the face of experience and common sense.
The phrase comes from the practice of hens to fly in the face of a dog or fox that attacks her.
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In Emily Dickinson's poem "I Heard a Fly Buzz When I Died," the fly represents the intrusion of the mundane and the interruption of the solemn moment of death. It serves as a reminder of the unavoidable presence of ordinary life even in the face of death, adding a sense of melancholy and realism to the scene.
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To get there faster. To fly. To fight wars advantageously. To break free of the surly bonds of earth and touch the face of God.
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well idk shut up and tell her ''we be fly son''''we the bomb like tic tic''
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A mistic fish that will fly out of the water, stick to your face, tickle you into submission before it ejacuates in your brain. Note that there are only males.
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: People did not believe the airplane would fly unless they saw it themselves.
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Yes, use the Ditto Mew Trick
Catch a Pokemon with a Special Stat of 21. Fly away from the gambler on Route 8 and when you fly away a ! should appear above his head. Then fly to any trainer and battle and beat him. Then fly away to anywhere that has a Ditto in the Wild and when you encounter one let it transform into the Pokemon that you have with a Special Stat of 21. Beat the Ditto, DO NOT FACE ANY POKEMON AFTER THIS. Then return to Route 8 and you should face a Wild Mew.
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While it is possible for a moth to fly near your face or head, it is highly unlikely for a moth to fly up your nose. Moths are not attracted to the inside of human noses and are not equipped to navigate inside narrow spaces like nostrils.
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Well the death mask was found stuck to his face it is gold.
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They do not fly into your face and hair the way bees do, "sudden middle-of-nowhere-for-no-discernible-bleeding-reason they sting
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well remember one thing, airplanes are way safer than cars. and even though you are terrified to fly, just face those fears and get on the plane. it's actually not that bad. in fact, it's very fun. but just face it. when you get on the plane, keep yourself occupied and don't think about how you're afraid of flying.
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You clench your fist into a ball then let it fly into the person's face!
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Bring a key with you then go to Wyvern Hill. Go to the 30th floor and find a closed door. Face the door then go to your toolbox then use the key u see the hm fly on the ground.
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The presence of the fly on Socrates in some artistic depictions could symbolize his enduring patience, humility, or stoicism. It might serve to emphasize his ability to remain focused and undisturbed in the face of adversity or discomfort.
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First you have to get to the elite four and battle them then follow the monster face but DO NOT FLY! Unless you want to keep chasing it. Last have fun catching it.
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if you want to fly just believe you can because as much as i want to i know its not gonna happen we just have to face it you should pretend that's what i do
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Both rear delt fly and face pull exercises target the rear deltoid muscles, but they do so in slightly different ways.
Rear delt fly primarily isolates the rear deltoids by focusing on shoulder abduction, where you lift your arms out to the sides. This exercise specifically targets the rear deltoids and helps to improve shoulder stability and posture.
On the other hand, face pull engages not only the rear deltoids but also the upper back muscles. This exercise involves pulling a cable or resistance band towards your face, which not only works the rear deltoids but also helps to strengthen the muscles that support the shoulder blades.
In summary, rear delt fly isolates the rear deltoids more directly, while face pull engages a broader range of muscles in the upper back and shoulders in addition to the rear deltoids.
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Thor would win. He can just fly her to Asgard and throw his hammer at her. Wonder Woman would fly him on the rainbow bridge. Thor would just throw his hammer at her lasso and her lasso breaks. Thor would fly her down to Earth and punch her in the face and she gets knocked out.
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Azelf doesn't leave it's cave but mesprit will fly to a random place. Do not fly to the closest city or it will fly somewhere else. Use the marking map poketch apps to find mesprits location. Look for the funny face on the map. Like Azelf and Uxie, Mesprit will be Lv.50. Hope this helps.
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fly gracefully
fly quickly
fly elegantly
fly slowly
fly awkwardly
fly slowly
fly soaringly
fly high
fly low
fly above
fly below
fly away
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Yes, their eyes spread more on their face. not sure if isight is better than humans.
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Honey draws more flies than vinegar. There is company called "RESCUE!", offering reusable fly traps for house flies, false stable flies, blowflies, flesh flies, face flies, and blue green bottle flies, but it kills your specimens.
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When you press Y, your helicoptor blades will start spinning. Now you will be in the air momentarily. To steer, click in the direction you want the helicoptor blades to face. This will fly you in the direction you desire. Once you're done flying, press X over a surface to land.
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