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Dancing on the Fire was created on 2009-11-18.

1 answer

One method of fire dancing, a performance art that involves the movement and use of objects on fire and dancing, utilizes a hoop with whicks that is put on fire.

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they had the tradition of dancing and singing around the fire

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LA Flavor - 2005 Fire Dancing 1-6 was released on:

USA: 25 November 2005

1 answer

Fire dancing is made up of a number of arts, including fire Poi, fire eating and breathing, fire juggling and more.

Fire dancers often perform in circuses and in street displays. They train thoroughly and carefully, and take precautions to ensure serious injury is avoided.

You can find out more from the link below.

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Makah holidays are celebrated by fishing and dancing by the fire

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Fire Burning - Sean Kingston

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Blue Dolphin Kids - 2006 Fire Knife Dancing 1-3 was released on:

USA: 2 October 2006

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Samoa . its Samoan fire knife danceing . as in samoan saying ' Siva Afi ' . the first in polynesia

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the episode was called "the fire bending masters"

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The cast of Dancing Cows - 2011 includes: Colin Cairnes as Talker 1 Lyn Stone as Fire Lady

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we perfomred it to tribe by tribe and has a traditional by fire and singing and dancing by our lord..

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To symbolize his creative and destructive powers

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Hungry Heart

Dancing in the Dark

Cover Me

Born in the USA

I'm on Fire

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It's FIRE by the Black Seeds of New Zealand!!

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To symbolize his creative and destructive powers

2 answers

There is no one language called "Native American." There are MANY Native American languages.

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Sneak Previews - 1975 The Seduction I'm Dancing as Fast as I Can Quest for Fire The Amateur Union City 6-22 was released on:

USA: 4 March 1982

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Strength, power. Dancing around the fire, realizing their power. Africans are proud for who they are, like us Aussie's.

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They're not dancing around the fire, they're panicing because they think they're going to die!

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our people spontaneously arrived in the beautiful valley

4 answers

The actress' name is Bonnie Beutler. She was only credited as "Rebel Room Dancer" in the film.

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Number VIII: Axel.

Proof of Existence: The Flurry of Dancing Flames.

Element: Fire

Weapon: Chakrams.

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Create a fire, invite bunch of friends, dress up in straw dresses, paint yourselves, surround the fire and start moving right right left left, saying something like "Abu gabu doo da da!"

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Some examples of figures of speech used in "The Poem Island Fire" are simile (comparing the fire to a “raging beast”), personification (giving the fire human qualities like “whispering” and “dancing”), and metaphor (comparing the fire to a “hungry predator”). These literary devices help create vivid imagery and bring the poem to life.

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Bailar. (To dance)

Balio.(I dance OR I am dancing)

Bailas.(You dance. OR You are dancing)

Baila.(He is, she is, you are, it is dancing.)

Bailamos(We dance OR we are dancing)

Baliais(the 2nd "a" has a accent going up)

Bailan.(They are dancing(Fem./Mascu.) OR You all are dancing)


Spanish dancing is the Flamenco

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how popular is street dancing? how popular is street dancing? how popular is street dancing?

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Because you are dancing to jazz.

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A fire tornado's primary hazard is how fast it can spread fire. A fire tornado (more properly called a a firewhirl as it technically isn't a tornado) occurs when a massive fire, mostly a forest fire, slowly builds up heat. The warm air naturally goes upwards in a funnel shape, taking the flames with them.

If you could imagine a fire tornado dancing above highly flammable treetops, you know the true dangers of them. They can spread a forest fire a lot quicker than normal.

1 answer

A fire tornado's primary hazard is how fast it can spread fire. A fire tornado (more properly called a a firewhirl as it technically isn't a tornado) occurs when a massive fire, mostly a forest fire, slowly builds up heat. The warm air naturally goes upwards in a funnel shape, taking the flames with them.

If you could imagine a fire tornado dancing above highly flammable treetops, you know the true dangers of them. They can spread a forest fire a lot quicker than normal.

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Street dancing and break dancing are different things. Then can often be seen together, as a routine, but they can be seperatley. Break dancing is floor work, and can involve street dancing where you are not on the floor. Sheena x

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Yes. The europeans were having bon-fires. and dancing around bird-houses. they celebrated birthdays by starting the cake on fire.

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They painted cave walls; one of which has become Chumash Painted Cave State Historic Park.

2 answers

It means that theyre is either a hot girl on the floor dancing or the floor is really burning on the dancfloor lol :D

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There is a style of limbo dancing where you dance under a bar, where it is lit on fire in advance -- or by the dancer spitting alcohol onto it as he passes by.

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Yes my pineapple chews mushrooms while dancing with my cat while it is eating watermelon at my grandmother's zebra's mom's uncle's house

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The show Strictly come dancing is about dancing

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no dancing is not a verb

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dancing dancing

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Dancing to rythym.

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dancing naked

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scooter dancing? Do you mean dancing on scooters? cause then it would probably just be called scooter dancing.

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Performing fire sacrifices is a practice associated with Hinduism, as it is part of various rituals and ceremonies. Dancing at weddings is a cultural practice in India and is not exclusive to Hinduism. Eating spicy food and wearing cotton clothes are personal preferences or cultural norms that are not specifically tied to Hindu religious practices.

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Depends on how you are dancing, but yes dancing keeps your body in shape

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