This link tells that the dam ws actually steel, called unbreakable.,932,AR.html
1 answer
The Oroville dam in California.
Construction began in 1961 and was finished in 1968.
Is 770 feet tall and is 6920 feet long.
1 answer
One time a Dam man went to drink the Dam water. He was all out of Dam water so he went and got his Dam bucket to fill it up with Dam water from the Dam well. His Dam well was empty, so he went to another Dam man to get Dam water. He asked the Dam man," Can I have some Dam water, Please?" The Dam man Replied, "Get your own Dam water!"
2 answers
Hoover Dam is what is called an arch-gravity dam. The name curved-gravity dam or arched dam might also be applied. This type of dam uses a curve or arch which has it's apex or "top" directed ''against'' the force of the water it is retaining. This sets up a condition wherein the water will compress the dam against the sides to which it is anchored. Less material fill is required to hold this dam in place compared to a simple gravity dam. Use the link below to learn more. Another link will show lots of images of this and other dams of the same type.
2 answers
List of reservoirs and dams in Pakistan
• Diamer-Bhasha Dam
• Gomal Zam Dam Project
• Hub Dam
• Kalabagh Dam
• Karoonjhar Dam
• Mangla Dam
• Mirani Dam
• Namal Dam
• Rawal Dam
• Shadikor Dam
• Tarbela Dam
• Warsak Dam
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Basava Sagar Dam
Almatti Dam
Srisailam Dam
Nagarjuna Sagar Dam
Prakasham Barrage
Jurala Dam
Dhom Dam
Narayanpur Dam
Amar Dam
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Aswan high dam
Akasombo dam
Inga dam
Hendrink dam
Kariba dam
Cabara dam
Kiira dam
Kainji dam
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There are six of them on the Colorado river. Glenn Canyon dam, Hoover dam, Davis dam, Parker dam, Palo Verde diversion dam and Imperial dam.
7 answers
The United States is home to many damns of varying sizes and types, One type is the earth fill. The largest of these is the Denison Dam in Denison, Texas.
3 answers
The largest dam in the Philippines is the San Roque dam.
3 answers
Akhori Dam
Donhngi Dam
Ghazi Barotha Dam
Gomal Dam
Gomal Zam Dam
Hub Dam
Kalabagh Dam
Karoonjhar Dam
Khanpur Dam
Mangla Dam
Mirani Dam
Shakidor Dam
Simly Dam
Tarbela Dam
4 answers
There is one desert in Wyoming, the Red Desert.
There are 1,531 dams in Wyoming including:
Alcova Dam
Boysen Dam
Buffalo Bill Dam
Fontenelle Dam
Glendo Dam
Grassy Lake Dam
Guernsey Dam
Jackson Lake Dam
Pathfinder Dam
Seminoe Dam
Whalen Diversion Dam
1 answer
I am busy chinking all of the holes in the dam breast, right now.
2 answers
huffman dam, englewood dam, germantown dam, lockington dam,
1 answer
There are 13 dams built along the Yellow River. They are listed below with the year of completion.
2 answers
There are 14 dams in Pakistan. They are:
-Akhori Dam
-Donhngi Dam
-Ghazi Barotha Dam
-Gomal Dam
-Gomal Zam Dam
-Hub Dam
-Kalabagh Dam
-Karoonjhar Dam
-Khanpur Dam
-Mangla Dam
-Mirani Dam
-Shakidor Dam
-Simly Dam
-Tarbela Dam
Other names that came up under 'Dams in Pakistan are':
-Guddu Barrage
-Indus Basin Project
-Rawal Lake
-Sukkur Barrage
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Markala Dam
Kainji Dam
Kandadji Dam (currently under construction)
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yes, Mangla dam is 6th largest dam in the world.
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The Keban Dam is a hydroelectric dam on the Euphrates, located in the Elazığ Province of Turkey.
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darunta dam,the dahla dam,kajaki dam,surubidam,naghlo dam,ningrahar dam are the most famuse dams in afghanistan
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Malampuzha dam in Palakkad district is the biggest dam..... But it is not a hydro electric project.
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The Pyramid Dam in Los Angeles County is an embankment dam. The dam is 386 feet high and 1,080 feet long. The catchment area of the dam is 293 square miles.
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Boulder dam was originaly named Hoover Dam.
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Yes they still have dam tours by the dam tour guides to answer any of your dam questions
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The major dams are Roseires Dam, Sennar Dam, Aswan High Dam, Aswan Low Dam and Owen Falls Dam.
5 answers
The state of Alaska has around 167 dams. Some of them are the Akhoik Dam, the Adak Dam, the Akutan Power Dam, and the Blue Lake Dam. Some additional dams on the list are the Lake Demarie Dam, the Engstrom Dam, and the Chester Lake Dam.
1 answer
No, but it is the highest arch dam in the US.
It was also the biggest dam back in 1935 when it was built.
The tallest dam is Rogun in Tajikistan.
The largest dam is Three Gorges in China.
4 answers