An election exit poll is a poll of voters taken immediately after they have exited the polling stations.
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A push poll is a biased question.
A straw poll is an informal poll.
An exit poll is taken on election day.
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A. Straw poll A. Informal poll
B. Push poll B. Technique for spreading negative information
C. Exit poll C. Poll taken at voting place
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One could research exit poll results at the local library as well as researching on the internet for Exit Poll Data. Various new agencies will also be able to provide this information.
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A push poll is a form of political campaigning that aims to influence opinions rather than gather data. A straw poll is a non-binding poll to gauge public opinion on a particular issue or candidate. An exit poll is taken after someone has voted to predict electoral outcomes.
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An election exit poll is a poll of voters taken immediately after they have exited the polling stations. Unlike an opinion poll, which asks whom the voter plans to vote for or some similar formulation, an exit poll asks whom the voter actually voted for. A similar poll conducted before actual voters have voted is called an entrance poll. Pollsters - usually private companies working for newspapers or broadcasters - conduct exit polls to gain an early indication as to how an election has turned out, since in many elections the actual result may take hours or even days to count. Typically a question that is asked is... "who did you vote for?"
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Make your reflection on preparing future teachers' skills and competencies out of the cause and effect and exit poll results.
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exit poll
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Eric Burgess has written:
'Exit Pretty Poll'
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An exit poll is a survey of voters taken just after they have cast their votes. It is conducted as voters leave their polling places and is used to predict the outcome of an election before the official results are declared.
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They are an example of cluster sampling and are used because it is impractical to station interviewers at every polling place.
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Polling Companies perform exit polls by going to the Polling Stations and asking the voters after they have placed their vote and are exiting the Polling Station exactly how they voted. Warren Mitofsky is said to be the one that invented the exit poll.
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The cast of Exit Poll - 2011 includes: Cecelia Finn as Politician Brian Fortune as Harry Peterson George Gunner as Politician Katie Higgins as Girl at Party Louisa Kelly as Politician Cal Kenealy as Teenage Harry Andie McCaffrey Byrne as Politician Nick McGinley as Saint Peter Aoife Nic Ardghail as Politician Leeanne Timony as Politician
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Polls are not scientific and usually are from a small group chosen for the poll. How questions are framed also affect the results. If the company doing the poll they can ask the question to get a particular result. In my opinion we depend too much on polls to make political decisions.
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you can try Goldopinion
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A push poll is a political technique that pretends to take a poll.
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The first poll was after George Washington. It was the poll for the second president.
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Gallup Poll- Reputation for honestyStraw poll- informal poll
Literary digest- committed sampling error
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One type of poll is an opinion poll. Another is a push poll which isn't really a poll; its a way for people to give information about a candidate disguised as a poll.
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A push poll is a political technique that pretends to take a poll.
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The BCS is made up of the AP Poll, Coaches Poll, a computer poll, the Harris Interactive Poll, etc. We do not get to vote directly for the BCS polls.
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How do I edit or delete a poll?As with posts, polls can only be edited by the original poster, a moderator or an administrator. To edit a poll, click to edit the first post in the topic; this always has the poll associated with it. If no one has cast a vote, users can delete the poll or edit any poll option. However, if members have already placed votes, only moderators or administrators can edit or delete it. This prevents the poll's options from being changed mid-way through a poll.
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