There is no such thing as a language without words. Even Sign Language uses words.
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No. No language was ever an official language of the US, not even English.
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Latin was the official language.
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French is not an emerging official language of Argentina. The official language of Argentina is Spanish. While French is spoken by some individuals in Argentina, it is not an official language at the national level.
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Actually it is not even spelt 'language'. It is 'langage' pronounced as lôN gäzh
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body language might be used for dance, love or even attraction
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Language is not arbitrary. It is learned culture, and is constrained by cultural norms even as it evolves along with them.
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Language is indispensable because it is the way we communicate. It is the way we interact and express ourselves. Even if we did not have spoken language, clicks and claps would still be language, and that in itself is indispensable.
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Math is the language of all science, even biology.
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your first language is the language you learnt when you were a baby. For example When I was born I was born to parents that spoke Dutch so the language I first spoke was Dutch. We then migrated to Australia where I learned to speak English. The end result is that even though I speak English nearly exclusively my first language is Dutch. I know people that don't even remember their first language.
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Queensland does not have an official language. Nor is there an official language for any of the states or territories of Australia, or even of Australia itself. English is the default language throughout the country - including Queensland - but it is not the official language.
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No, not even close.
The language with the largest number of native speakers is Chinese.
The language that is most widely spoken in the world is English.
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An example of a decidable language is the set of all even-length strings. This means that a Turing machine can determine whether a given string has an even number of characters in it.
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No. The US has not adopted any language as its official language, even English. However it is the official language of Puerto Rico (as well as English), a territory of the US. New Mexico is also very close to having Spanish as an official language.
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Dzongkha is the national language of Bhutan, even though only 20% of the population can speak it.
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Is Guam even a language?
I thought it is a place in
the US and its not
a language...
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Is this question about a natural language, or a programming language? (Anyway, you should consult your own parents and teachers, not random people on the net who do not even know you.)
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Yes. Language establishes a common mode of understanding communication. But it does not have to be spoken or even written. Body language is an important way of communicating thought.
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All the translator have a one mother language even if they knows many languages.They will compare the sentence or words with the mother language and they will answer to others by the their language
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They Bark at each other or possible even used telekinetic language, no one knows. Barklish, and they study Barkology.
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You use that person's language, if you know it, or you use a common language that you both know - even if only slightly.
If you have no language in common, use hand gestures and drawings to convey your meaning.
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There is no word 'bremeta' or even similar, in the English language.
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no such word exists.
even in the English language.
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No -- English is a language. However, when discussing sciences it helps to use a common language, which is why English is often incorporated into most educations, even when it is your first language.
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no there is not a special language for sumo wrestling i have checked everywhere but i could not find anything. i have even checked in the library.
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Because learning a language enhances the way you process information and see the world.
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xml is simply text, you dont need any special software to write or create xml. In fact it is not even a programming language, it is a markup language.
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You should get a translator because every language has idioms and slang that might not make sense to you even if you learn the language.
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The Tagalog (Philippines' official language) word "kahit" means even though, even if, despite of in English.
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French is probably the easier language.
Some words even sound like the English ones.
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Spain.Spanish is even the official language of Mexico.
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No. You can't change languages. Even in SoulSilver.
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It communicates by electricity definitely, but some scientists theorize that there is a silent language. Even a language that consists of body movement. {they even think it communicates through a males i
ding ding ding in the O
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The exact age of language is uncertain as it predates recorded history. However, it is believed to have originated tens of thousands of years ago, possibly even earlier. The development of language is considered to be a defining characteristic of human evolution and played a crucial role in our ability to communicate and understand one another.
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Yes. Consider the following points:
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German. It was always Germain, even back to the 5th of 6th century.
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Bangladesh had to fight for their independence and even their language. Their language is called Bangla, and in Bangla, 'Desh' means land. so .... Bangladesh. <3
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It is not. The number, 92, exist and has the same meaning in any other language. It will continue to have that meaning even if the English language disappears.
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C ++ is a computer progamming language just like Java, Python and Perl or even its predecessor 'C'.
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There is know way to know what language is oldest European language, because spoken language has existed for hundreds of thousands of years, possibly even up to 1 million years, while written examples of language only go back 5,000 years.
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A low level language is one where there are only a few (or even only one) instruction(s) per line of code. Assembler is an example of a low level language.
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It is not appropriate to use offensive language, even in another language. If you're looking to communicate in a respectful manner, it's best to use polite language.
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Language is important in work unless one is a hermit. English is the world's dominant language and therefore finds its way into work and other activities even when the principal language is not English
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