Yes, the higher it is, the more evasiveness your Pokemon will have.
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You can't, unless you give it the Bright Powder to hold, which increase evasiveness by 10%.
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"Prevarication" fundamentally means "lying" or "telling falsehood". It can be used in a sentence in various ways, with the following as just one example: "Over time, her daily prevarication had become such a habit that it eventually was no longer a conscious choice."
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It's a part of the science and art of prognostication without prevarication.
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No. The statement is rank prevarication.
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The noun form for the verb prevaricate is prevaricator or prevarication.
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An equivocation is a logical fallacy where a term is used in multiple senses within an argument to mislead or deceive the audience. It involves switching between different meanings of a word to make a flawed argument appear more convincing.
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It lowers evasiveness and lets normal attacks work on ghost pokemon ^_^
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vagueness, doubt, uncertainty, obscurity, equivocation, dubiousness
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This is known as equivocation, where a term is used with multiple meanings, leading to a logical fallacy. It can create confusion or misrepresent the argument by changing the meaning of the term within the discussion. Clarity in definitions and consistent use of terms can help prevent equivocation in arguments.
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The word for giving a confusing explanation is "equivocation."
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no instead of lowering their evasiveness, upgrade yours with moves such as double team
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Liela Goldman has written:
'Affirmation and equivocation' -- subject(s): Judaism
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I can't remember how to spell it but it was in a book I read....
Terminialogicalinexectitudinal ..... Really wrong spelling
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A palterer is a person who palters, who prevaricates or bargains dishonestly.
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It is a prevarication, incorporating in its makeup a high degree of falsehood.
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False. The fallacy of equivocation occurs when a word or phrase is used in multiple senses within an argument, leading to misleading conclusions. It does not necessarily arise from a syntactical defect but rather from a semantic ambiguity in the language used.
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Synonyms can include hesitance, pause, delay, consideration, reluctance, equivocation, ambivalence, faltering, or wavering.
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The term for two different answers both being correct is called "equivocation" or "ambiguity".
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Hexadactyly, I think, where Hex = 6 digits ; dactyly = (in Greek) without equivocation a finger
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Yes, there is a vulgar term in Act 2, Scene 3 of Macbeth, where the porter makes a lewd joke about equivocation.
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"I pull in resolution, and begin to doubt the equivocation of the fiend that lies like truth."
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bearing false witness
giving false testimony
lying under oath
wilful falsehood
false oath
false statement
false swearing
bearing false testimony
false testimony
forswearing oneself giving false evidence
violation of an oath
making false statements
telling stories
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She appreciated his candor when he admitted his mistake without hesitation.
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On field, it'll attract Pokemon to you. In Pokemon X/Y/Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire, you can now attract hordes of Pokemon. In battle, it decreases your opponent's evasiveness.
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no, It does increase rock-types' Sp. Def. by a factor of 1.5 and increase the evasiveness of pokemon with the sand veil ability, but has no effect on catch rate either
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An aortic aneurysm stent graft should last for years without needing to be replaced. This procedure is recommended by doctors and preferred by patients because of its non-evasiveness.
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Johannes Armondus de Hess has written:
'A letter from a Jesuite, or, The mysterie of equivocation' -- subject- s -: Jesuits, Early works to 1800
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Alessandro Tesauro has written:
'Violazione di legge ed abuso d'ufficio' -- subject(s): Abuse of administrative power, Misconduct in office, Prevarication (Law)
'La sereide'
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No, the noun 'politics' is a plural (uncountable), common, abstract noun.
A collective noun is a noun used to group people or things in a descriptive way; for example, an equivocation of politicians.
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A company or organization should avoid hesitation in speaking with the press when a crisis occurs. Hesitation may be perceived as callousness, incompetence, or a lack of preparation. Prevarication is the biggest mistake a company can make.
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A lax incense is a Pokemon hold item in the popular Pokemon games for the Nintendo consoles. The incense boosts the evasiveness of the holder by 5%. A wobboffet is to be given this incense to breed with another wobboffet in order to breed a wynaut.
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You can use a move such as Sweet Scent that lowers a Pokemon's evasiveness. You can also use a move like Swift, which is guaranteed to be 100% accurate. You can also just keep hitting with any move until a hit lands.
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I take it you mean Juan, and all you need is Pokemon with big hit moves, and a Pokemon with an attack that always hits, like aerial ace, as his Kingdra uses double team which raises evasiveness.
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Congratulations are in order, as your recent ramblings are indicative of the fact, that you represent the absolute pinnacle of achievement, where an allegorist can earn such high respect for their taLent In prevARication
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There are dozens of words that use the suffix ness. Some of these are stiffness, sickness, illness, harshness, and evasiveness.
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I see that in your production you have cast Macbeth with a woman. That's interesting. (otherwise you must say "he says" not "she says")
The quotation you are referring to is:
If thou speak'st false,
Upon the next tree shalt thou hang alive,
Till famine cling thee: if thy speech be sooth,
I care not if thou dost for me as much.
I pull in resolution, and begin
To doubt the equivocation of the fiend
That lies like truth: 'Fear not, till Birnam wood
Do come to Dunsinane:' and now a wood
Comes toward Dunsinane.
He's speaking to a messenger who has just told him that Birnam wood is coming to Dunsinane, an event about which he said, earlier in the play, "That can never be!" As the passage clearly shows, he says that if the messenger is telling the truth, he cannot rely on the prophecy "fear not, till Birnam wood do come to Dunsinane", because it is "equivocation"--it seems to say one thing and means another. And who is the "fiend that lies like truth"? You'll need three guesses because there were three of them around that cauldron.
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The verb to equivocate means
a. to use equivocal/ elusive language especially with intent to deceive
b. : to avoid committing oneself in what one says
The fallacy of equivocation, a term in logic, is used to describe a situation in which the conclusion, based on seemingly true premises, is invalid due to the equivocative use of language.
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It lets normal type moves effect ghost Pokemon.
It also lets your Pokemon hit a foe that uses a move that boots evasiveness.
When this move is used on Spiritomb or Sableye, it can be hit by a super-effective move due to the Ghost-type's immunity normally masking a Dark-type weakness.
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The coyote is a popular figure in folklore and popular culture. References may invoke either the animal (a wild canine native to North America), or the mythological figure Coyote, common to many myths of the indigenous peoples of America. Traits commonly described include inventiveness, mischievousness, and evasiveness
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The HM move Defog allows the trainer to clear the road ahead of any mist or fog. The fog makes it hard to see where you are going in the game, and also lowers your Pokemon's accuracy in battle. The move Defog in battle lowers the target Pokemon's evasiveness. HM05 Defog can be learnt predominately by Flying-type Pokemon.
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Bob's evasiveness about his past, mysterious behavior, and reluctance to answer direct questions could be clues hinting at something sinister about him. Additionally, any sudden mood shifts or unwarranted aggression could also suggest hidden intentions. Pay attention to inconsistencies in his stories and how others react to him to gather more clues.
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This question was recently forwarded to Stevin Hoover, whose email was obtained from his blog ( He answered the question as follows: "I have taken full responsibility for all charges made against me by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission, with no equivocation and no qualifiers."
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No, the word direct is a verb, an adverb, or an adjective, but not a noun; for example:
Verb: They placed an officer at the intersection to direct the traffic.
Adverb: We flew direct by taking a later flight.
Adjective: I need a direct answer without equivocation.
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To pound., A play on words which have the same sound but different meanings; an expression in which two different applications of a word present an odd or ludicrous idea; a kind of quibble or equivocation., To make puns, or a pun; to use a word in a double sense, especially when the contrast of ideas is ludicrous; to play upon words; to quibble., To persuade or affect by a pun.
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AWOL, abdication, avoidance, beat, bolt, break, breakout, bypassing, circumvention, decampment, deliverance, departure, desertion, disappearance, dodging, ducking, elopement, elusion, elusiveness, eschewal, evasion, evasiveness, extrication, fadeout, flight, freedom, hegira, lam, leave, liberation, out, outbreak, powder, release, rescue, retreat, runaround, shunning, sidestepping, slip, spring, withdrawal
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