Yes, scuba cylinders can be cleaned and they are if they are going to be used with oxygen enriched air (i.e. nitrox). There is a debate whether they need to be cleaned if used for "low" oxygen nitrox if the nitrox is premixed.
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The gas commonly mixed with oxygen for diving is nitrogen. This mixture is called Nitrox or Enriched Air Nitrox, and it helps reduce the risk of decompression sickness when diving at certain depths.
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Nitrox is just oxygen enriched air.
If you used pure oxygen, it would be toxic past a depth of 20 feet / 6 meters.
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The gas that you can use is filtered air or nitrox, which is nitrogen enriched air. There is CO2 used for some BC vests also for an emergency, you can detonate the CO2 to get up to the surface.
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Yes, nitrox is an oxidizer. It contains a higher percentage of oxygen than normal air, which can increase the risk of oxygen toxicity if not used properly. Nitrox is commonly used in scuba diving to extend bottom time and reduce the risk of decompression sickness.
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It depends on how deep the diver goes, and what air blend the diver is breathing.
There are dive tables that state how long a diver can stay at a certain depth before requiring decompression.
The basic recreational diver typically breathes either air or Nitrox. There are separate dives tables for air and Nitrox.
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Depends on the area - in the Florida Keys/anywhere exotic, expect $10-$15 for air and $15-up for Nitrox. In Daytona Beach, which is the cheapest I have seen, it's $5 for air and $7 for Nitrox. Most major cities are around $10 for air and $15 for Nitrox.
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Nitrox is a gas that can boost your car speed by at about 17%. The highest speed percentage it can take your car to is about 39%.
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There are various mixes of gases which can be used in diving tanks. The most commonly used one for recreational diving is normal air which consists of 80% nitrogen and 20% oxygen (and a small amount of carbon dioxide, argon and other gases)
Sometimes the proportion of nitrogen - oxygen is change as follows:
Air (80% nitrogen and 20% oxygen)
Nitrox-28 (72% nitrogen and 28% oxygen)
Nitrox-30 (70% nitrogen and 30% oxygen)
Nitrox-32 (68% nitrogen and 32% oxygen)
Nitrox-34 (66% nitrogen and 34% oxygen)
These are just examples but different mixes can be made
You can also use mixes of nitrogen, oxygen and helium. this mix is called trimix.
Hope that helps
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The answer is sort of in the question... air, which is 78% nitrogen and 21% oxygen. Normal air is most commonly used to fill cylinders because it is the cheapest gas to fill cylinders with.
Although air is what most diving cylinders have inside them, some people do something called nitrox diving. This is where the air is enriched with pure oxygen. This increases the time a diver can stay at any depth without needing to decompress. Adding pure oxygen means that special equipment is required to fill the cylinders and also breathe it because it needs to be 'oxygen clean'.
For very deep diving the mixtures change to tri-mix which is a blend of nitrox and helium or heliox which is just helium and oxygen. These mixtures are used because nitrogen causes intoxication at depth. By reducing the amount of it and replacing it with helium these effects are reduced or eliminated. Helium is a rare and expensive gas so these mixtures would only be used when they are required.
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Most scuba tanks are filled with compressed air (same as the "normal" air we breath) 21% Oxygen and 79% Nitrogen. The tanks are a variety of colors and the color does not signify anything. Special NITROX tanks have a bold Yellow and Green band which goes around the tank and is usually 8" wide. NITROX can have a range of between 32% and 50% oxygen (the balance is nitrogen). This yellow/green band - with the word NITROX can be placed on any color tank. Special tanks with exotic gas mixes will be indicated with special bands - there is no standard colors for exotic mixes.
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Yes, the ScubaPro MK16 first stage and S550 second stage can be used with Nitrox up to 40% oxygen. However, it is recommended to have the equipment cleaned and serviced regularly to ensure safe use with high oxygen content mixes. Be sure to follow all manufacturer guidelines and recommendations for use with Nitrox.
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By breathing nitrox (gases where the %O2 is higher as compared to air) or mixed gases (e.g. adding in helium) so that the partial pressure of nitrogen is reduced.
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Most scuba tanks are filled with simple purified air.
However, some are filled with oxygen enriched air called 'nitrox' or (less commonly) a blend of helium, oxygen and nitrogen called 'trimix' or (even less commonly) helitrox or heliox.
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Partial pressure blending involves mixing gases by filling a cylinder first with one gas, then another (and sometimes followed by a third gas).
Partial pressure blending is one of three ways in which one can mix nitrox: the others being cotinuous flow blending, and nitrogen filtration.
Partial pressure blending of nitrox involves partially filling a cylinder with oxygen, and then topping it up with air.
One can also use partial pressure blending to blend trimix, by partially filling a cylinder with helium, and then either topping it up with nitrox, or adding pure oxygen and then topping it up with air.
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They usually do not need to be cleaned unless you are using a cylinder for nitrox.
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the heart does not carry air. the heart pumps blood that travels through the lungs, where the blood becomes enriched with oxygen. that blood returns to the heart, where it is then pumped throughout the body
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No, normal human senses cannot detect an oxygen-enriched atmosphere, as our senses do not have the ability to directly detect or measure the percentage of oxygen in the air. Specialized equipment is needed to accurately measure the oxygen content in an atmosphere.
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- the energy released from enriched uranium is higher compared to natural uranium
- the amount of uranium needed for a reactor is lower
- research reactors work only with enriched uranium
- atomic bombs have highly enriched uranium or plutonium
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depends on if you're using a NITROX mix or a HELIOX mix.
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Enriched uranium is an uranium with more than 0,7 % uranium 235.
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An enriched dough, as the name indicates, has a higher percentage of fat, eggs, milk and/or sweeteners, than in a lean dough.
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The composition of normal atmospheric air is N2 - 78%, O2 - 21% and other miscellaneous gasses make up the balance. SO,
Any O2 concentration greater than 22-23% would be O2 considered enriched.
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There are:
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The answer to this question depends on the oxygen concentration that you are using and, to a degree, your body chemistry. Hal Watts has reportedly made many "bounce" dives on "air" (21% oxygen 79% nitrogen) in excess of 400 feet in sea water. Discounting the narcotic effect of nitrogen, ambient O2 or "air" becomes toxic at around 240 feet in salt water. You should never dive without proper training, and even properly trained SCUBA divers would not dive beyond recreational limits (130 ft) without special training. Oxygen concentrations higher than 21%, or enriched air (Nitrox) will have MOD Maximum Operating Depths based upon the specific concentration of oxygen. 100% oxygen is dangerous below 20 feet and, unless you are trained in the use of military rebreathers, you should not be diving 100% oxygen. Technical divers frequently use concentrations of oxygen up to 100% for decompression in stage tanks, but they are not diving on oxygen. Many will undoubtedly realize that I am not distinguishing between 1.6 ATA and 2.0 ATA... Nor have I discussed the 24 hour clock and the cumulative effect of oxygen exposure. If you are still wanting to know the depth at which a specific concentration of oxygen or an exposure to oxygen over time can become toxic, you should take a class in Nitrox or enriched air from a internationally recognized SCUBA agency. Many questions will be answered and you will learn the formulas to determine oxygen toxicity for a given concentration. I hope this helps
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There are fluoride-enriched tablets you can take, and fluoride-enriched mouthwash yopu can rinse with.
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Los Angeles Center for Enriched Studies was created in 1977.
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Sherman Oaks Center for Enriched Studies was created in 1981.
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A warm humidifier will warm the air and make sure it is moist. A cool humidifier just pumps through cool air that has been enriched with moisture from the internal water store.
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It is a suspension which is having nitr ogen gas shochker,the so ckersare e quipedwith nitrog enc yelinder.
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Most divers breathe compressed air whilst diving, and so do not normally need to consider oxygen levels except in relation to extremely deep diving.
However, many divers also breathe an oxygen enriched mixture called "Nitrox" to enable them to dive longer with incurring decompression penalties due to the build up of nitrogen in their tissues.
However, Nitrox carries its own risks. If a diver breathes a mix which is too rich in oxygen for a certain depth, she may black out due to oxygen toxicity.
To ensure that this does not happen, Nitrox divers are trained never to breathe gas mixes where the partial pressure of oxygen is greater than 1.4 ATA (atmospheres absolute).
To calculate the partial pressure of oxygen, one simply multiplies the percentage of oxygen in the gas by the pressure at depth. So at the surface breathing air (which is 21% oxygen at 1 ATA), we are breathing 0.21 ATA. However, if we were breathing a mix of 36% Nitrox at a depth of 99 feet (so, 32% oxygen multiplied by 4 ATA (the absolute pressure at 99 feet), we are breathing oxygen at 1.28 ATA. Still safe, but getting much closer to the limit of 1.4 ATA.
The formula can be reversed to work out the maximum depth at which you can safely dive on a particular mix of Nitrox. The maximum depth (D) can be calculated using this formulae:
D = 33 x ((1.4 / FO2) - 1)
Where FO2 is the fraction of oxygen in the mix (D is calculated in feet, to change the formula for meters, use 10 instead of 33). So for example, if the diver wanted to use 50% Nitrox, then D = 33 x ((1.4 / 0.50) - 1) = 59 feet.
The limit of 1.4 ATA is recommended by NOAA, but it is not an absolute limit. Although the science is not exact, NOAA suggests that a diver can breathe oxygen at 1.4 ATA for 150 minutes (2.5 hours) without blacking out. However, for richer mixtures, that time drops exponentially. A diver can only breathe oxygen at 1.6 ATA in diving conditions for approximately 45 minutes before blacking out.
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The simple answer is ... you don't.
A majority of scuba dives use compressed air in the cylinders. Therefore you don't need "oxygen" cylinders.
HOWEVER, if you are a diver that is diving on Nitrox, in which divers change the amount of oxygen vs nitrogen in their air, then your tank needs to be "oxygen clean" because you are putting oxygen in first, then nitrogen.
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actually we dont mix nitrogen nor oxygen we use normal fresh air.
The normal Air is 21% oxygen + 78% Nitrogen + 1% others.
As humans more oxygen can be toxic for us especially underwater.
However, in some cases "Like with Nitrox" we add more oxygen to make the percentage up to 40%, but this require specific training and certification.
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Yes, a vein holds oxygen enriched blood. An artery holds deoxygenated blood.
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yes enriched flour can be substituted for all purpose flour in a cake
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Assuming you mean whole grain flour..... Whole Grain flour is better for you than enriched flour. Enriched flour is usually bleached and has additives.
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This question makes about as much sense as asking how far you can run after drinking a liter of water.
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To make hydrogen-enriched water at home, you can use a water ionizer or a hydrogen water generator. These devices use electrolysis to infuse water with hydrogen gas, creating hydrogen-enriched water. Simply follow the instructions provided with the device to produce your own hydrogen-enriched water at home.
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During the early 1980s, an estimated 90 percent of all standard commercial white bread was enriched
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Uranium hexafluoride (hex) is a compound of uranium that becomes a gas when heated. In gaseous form, it can be "enriched". Enriched uranium is needed for research reactors, most non-Canadian power reactors, and bombs.
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There are a number of different gases for diving.
Most commonly, air is used for recreational diving. Sometimes, nitrox is used which is a higher proportion of oxygen. This is usually 30-35% oxygen instead of the ~20% in air. This has the benefit of less nitrogen so less "on-gassing". This increases the bottom time and reduces the decompression stops.
For commercial diving, there are a number of other gases used such as Trimix which I believe has Helium in it.
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