The United States presidential election of 1789 was the first presidential election in the United States of America, and was the only one to not take place in an even numbered year.
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It was the election of 1828 that saw a triumph of the new nation's homespun masses. In this election, Andrew Jackson defeated John Q. Adams.
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John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon were the parties in the 1960 Presidential election. Kennedy won and carried 23 states.
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Chief Election Commissioner of India in year 2008 was Mr. N. Gopala Swamy.
The present Election commissioner of India is Mr. Navin Chawla. He has come in to charge from April 20, 2009.
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The Presidential elections are held every four years on the first Tuesday following the first Monday of November. The next Presidential election will occur on November 6, 2012.
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Elections in the US are managed and overseen by the state government.
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the Federalist judicial rulings of John Marshall
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claim of policy APEX, i think
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In China, the election process is not fully democratic. The Communist Party controls the selection of candidates, and there is limited scope for opposition parties. People can vote for representatives at the local level, but the top leadership positions are filled through internal party processes.
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purge their poll books
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This particular United States presidential election was a contest between Republican candidate George W. Bush, then-governor of Texas and son of former president George H. W. Bush, and Democratic candidate Al Gore, then-Vice President. Bill Clinton, the incumbent President, was vacating the position after serving the maximum two terms allowed by the Twenty-second Amendment. Bush narrowly won the November 7 election, with 271 electoral votes to Gore's 266 (with one elector abstaining in the official tally). The election was noteworthy for a controversy over the awarding of Florida's 25 electoral votes, the subsequent recount process in that state, and the unusual event of the winning candidate having received fewer popular votes than the runner-up.
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South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas declared its secession from the United States following the November 1860 election of Republican candidate Abraham Lincoln to the U.S. presidency. The Civil War began with the Confederate attack upon Fort Sumter on April 12, 1861, a Union fort in the harbor of Charleston, South Carolina. After the Civil War began in April Virginia, Arkansas, Tennessee, and North Carolina also declared their secession and joined the Confederacy.
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Andrew Jackson was elected president over the incumbent President John Quincy Adams in 1828, Jackson won the popular vote 642,553 (56.0 %) to 500,.897(43.6) and won the electoral vote by 178 to 83. Jackson carried 15 states to Adams's 9.
The election of 1828 signaled a power shift in presidential politics. Jackson was the first US president from a state other than Mass. and VA and he was the first that was not a founding father or the son of a founding father. This was the first election in which the Western settlers played a major role in choosing the president. It also saw the beginnings of national political parties and showed how partisan newspapers can influence elections. The Democratic-Republicans Party evolved into the Democrats who supported Andrew Jackson, and the National Republicans supported John Quincy Adams.
There is a link to an article on the election below.
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Democratic Candidates:
Northern Democrats: Stephen Douglas
Southern Democrats: John C. Breckinridge
Republican Candidates:
Abraham Lincoln
John Bell
November of 1860, Abe became our 16th President.
Hope that helps (:
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Maharashtra, Jharkhand Assembly Election Results:विधानसभा चुनाव के परिणामों की गिनती 23 नवंबर को शुरू हो चुकी है, और शुरुआती रुझानों ने चुनावी तस्वीर को और स्पष्ट करना शुरू कर दिया है। महाराष्ट्र और झारखंड में जहाँ सत्ताधारी गठबंधन के बीच मुकाबला तेज है, वहीं उत्तर प्रदेश में भाजपा को बढ़त मिल रही है। इन परिणामों का देशभर में खासा महत्व है क्योंकि ये चुनाव कई राज्यों में राजनीतिक समीकरणों को प्रभावित कर सकते हैं।
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Maharashtra Election Result: महाराष्ट्र (Maharashtra) की सभी विधानसभा सीटों पर वोटों की गिनती का काम शुरू हो चुका है. दिंडोशी विधानसभा क्षेत्र से शिवसेना उम्मीदवार संजय निरुपम (Sanjay Nirupam) ने इस मौके पर सिद्धिविनायक मंदिर (Siddhivinayak temple) पहुंचकर भगवान के दर्शन किए. उन्होंने मीडिया से बातचीत में इस दिन को महाराष्ट्र के लिए बेहद महत्वपूर्ण बताया और कहा कि उन्होंने महायुति सरकार की वापसी के लिए प्रार्थना की है.
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Nominee Abraham Lincoln John C. Breckinridge Party Republican Southern Democratic Home state Illinois Kentucky Running mate Hannibal Hamlin Joseph Lane Electoral vote 18072 States carried 18 11 Popular vote 1,865,908848,019 Percentage 39.8% 18.1%
Nominee John Bell Stephen A. Douglas Party Constitutional Union Northern Democratic Home state Tennessee Illinois Running mate Edward Everett Herschel Vespasian Johnson Electoral vote 39 12 States carried 3 1 Popular vote 590,901 1,380,202 Percentage 12.6% 29.5%
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There was no election that year. The election was in 1876.
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a runoff election
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Genreral Election
Special Election
Electoral College
Presidential Election
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I think an election board is a list of people running in an election.
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George Washington won the first presidential election in 1789. The 2008 presidential election was the 56th presidential election in the United States.
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Before the general election is one or more primary elections, which narrows down a field of candidates.
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Andrew Jackson won the election Andrew Jackson won the election Andrew Jackson won the election Andrew Jackson won the election Andrew Jackson won the election Andrew Jackson won the election Andrew Jackson won the election
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An election held to choose candidates for the main election is called a Primary Election.
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General Election
Mid term election
By election
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To conduct, monitor and judge election and election related matters.
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Barack Obama won the president election for 2012.
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A primary election in which voters in a jurisdiction select candidates for a subsequent election. A general election is is an election in which all or most members of a given political body are up for election.'
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by-election...elect to fill vacant office
midterm...every 2 year election
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Not knowing which election you are referring to... 2008 Presidential election: 132,618,580 total. 2004 Presidential election: 122,294,978 total. 2000 Presidential election: 105,586,274 total
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