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The third planet from the sun and the only known planet to support life. It is a rocky planet with a diameter of about 8,000 miles and a mass of 5.97 x 10^24 kg. It has one natural satellite, the Moon, which is the fifth largest moon in the solar system.

2 answers

the Earth's magnetic feild is produced in the Earth's outer and inner core

1 answer

Earth is not named after a god, it was named after God when he built the earth.

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An Earth year is 365 Earth days. A Mars year is 686.98 Earth days. A Mars year is 1.88 Earth years.

1 answer

'Earth' is 'la Terre' (the planet).

1 answer

if a meteor hit earth and a piece of earth (the moon) chipped off. earths gravitational pull could be sufficient to make the moon orbit around the earth.

1 answer

Earth rotates on its axis. This rotation is what causes day and night as different parts of the Earth receive sunlight at different times.

2 answers

The circumference is the distance around the Earth at it's widest point. The diameter goes through the center of the Earth from one side to the other.

1 answer

axis. The rotation of the Earth on its axis causes day and night as different parts of the Earth face towards or away from the sun. It takes approximately 24 hours for the Earth to complete one full rotation.

3 answers Earth is a planet, the Sun is a star.

1 answer

Earth fault relay and an over current relay Methods to energies an earth fault relay with simulation diagram


1 answer

If you mean the region of influence of the earth's magnetic field then its called the earth's magnetosphere

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earth plates can and do collide, even though the earth rotates around the sun

1 answer

Earth is located between Venus and Mars in our solar system. Venus is closer to the Sun and Mars is farther away from the Sun compared to Earth.

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The earth uses 4% of it self to grow crops.

1 answer

earth is planet which rotate around the sun

in it own axis

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No, all orbits are ellipses. That includes the Earth's orbit.

1 answer

the earth is 49 times bigger
The earth is 81.3 times more massive than the moon.

The earth's circumference and diameter are 3.67 times bigger than the moon's.

49.3 moons would fit in the earth. (assuming they are not restricted to any specific shape.)

3 answers

When studying the earth it is important to know the many biomes, what they are made of, and where they are located. The driest biome on earth is called a desert.

1 answer

the vibration of earth produced by the rapid release of energy

4 answers

The rotation of the Earth results in its day and night cycles. The exception to this is in the polar regions that have day and night for 6-months each due the Earth's tilt.

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The closest neighbor to Earth in space is the Moon. It is Earth's only natural satellite, located about 384,400 kilometers away.

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Earth ATM is made up of granite.

1 answer

earth has tree's platues, plants,plains,mountains,volcanos,

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23.89 earth time in hours.

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As the earth moves in its orbit about the sun, we measure the time it takes for the earth to make one trip about our local star as a year.

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Earth science is the scientific study of the Earth's processes, materials, and history, including geology, meteorology, oceanography, and environmental science. It seeks to understand the interactions between the Earth's various systems and how they shape the planet's surface and environment.

3 answers

The Earth's inner core is a solid metallic sphere composed primarily of iron and nickel. It is found at the center of the Earth, beneath the liquid outer core, and is surrounded by the Earth's mantle and crust. The inner core plays a crucial role in generating the planet's magnetic field.

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Earth is orbited by a large natural satellite known as the Moon.

2 answers

Earth spins around its axis? Which is the line between the north and south pole.

1 answer

Sure, according to Newton's Third Law, the Moon must also attract the Earth. Actually, saying that the Moon revolves around the Earth is only an approximation. it is more accurate to state that Earth and Moon revolve around the common center of mass.

Sure, according to Newton's Third Law, the Moon must also attract the Earth. Actually, saying that the Moon revolves around the Earth is only an approximation. it is more accurate to state that Earth and Moon revolve around the common center of mass.

Sure, according to Newton's Third Law, the Moon must also attract the Earth. Actually, saying that the Moon revolves around the Earth is only an approximation. it is more accurate to state that Earth and Moon revolve around the common center of mass.

Sure, according to Newton's Third Law, the Moon must also attract the Earth. Actually, saying that the Moon revolves around the Earth is only an approximation. it is more accurate to state that Earth and Moon revolve around the common center of mass.

2 answers

The order of the planets in our solar system from the Sun is: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.

2 answers

the gravitational pull between the Sun and Earth. This force pulls Earth towards the Sun, keeping it in a circular path around the Sun.

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Sun. The elliptical shape of Earth's orbit is why it's sometimes closer and sometimes farther from the Sun, causing variations in seasons and temperatures. This motion is governed by gravity, keeping Earth in its orbit around the Sun.

8 answers

Earth and Moon to Scale. 1 pixel = 600 kilometers. The average distance between Earth and Moon is approximately 30 times Earth's diameter. moon is also much much smaller than many other planets.

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Earth's magnetic field is thought to be a result of the movement of liquid iron and nickel in the outer core of the Earth, creating a dynamo effect. This movement generates electric currents that produce the magnetic field surrounding our planet.

1 answer

The Earth is attracted to the person with a force of 120 pounds by Newton's Third Law of Motion, which states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. So, the Earth exerts a force of 120 pounds towards the person.

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The earth weighs six sextillion tons which is a 6 followed by 21 zeros.

1 answer

The four major spheres of the earth are the hydrosphere, lithosphere, atmosphere and biosphere.

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The earth travelling around the sun once is called a year.

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The process that Earth receives heat from the sun is called radiation.

1 answer

Every point on Earth rotates from west to east.

If you hang suspended over the north pole looking down at it,

you see the Earth rotating counterclockwise (from right to left).

If you hang suspended over the south pole looking down at it,

you see the Earth rotating clockwise (from left to right).

3 answers

Correct, Earth's magnetic field is caused by the movement of liquid iron in its outer core, while gravity is a fundamental force that exists between all objects with mass. Gravity is the force that attracts objects towards each other, while the magnetic field is a result of the flow of charged particles in the core.

3 answers

The Earth has one natural satellite, the Moon. Occasionally you will hear someone refer to something such as the asteroid Cruithne as "Earth's second moon," but this is stretching the term "moon" to its breaking point. Cruithne does not orbit the Earth; it orbits the Sun, and therefore is not an actual moon.

9 answers

The average distance between the Earth and the Sun is about 93 million miles (150 million kilometers). This distance fluctuates slightly throughout the year due to the Earth's elliptical orbit around the Sun.

2 answers