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The Dutch empire acquired power by annexation the West India.

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What area did the Dutch control

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British Empire, French empire, Portuguese empire, Danish Empire, Ottoman Empire, Sultanate of Oman, and Dutch Empire

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No, it was apart of the Dutch Empire. It gained independence from Holland in 1949.

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The Cape Colony was the only tiny part of South Africa that was ever a part of the Dutch Empire and in fact that may not even be accurate, as the Dutch East India Company claimed it themselves.

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They had a huge Empire across the world. It included ports between Indonesia and Aruba and many other places.

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Some of the countries that belonged to the Dutch Empire included present-day Netherlands, Indonesia, Suriname, Guyana, South Africa, and parts of the Caribbean such as Aruba, Curacao, Sint Maarten, and Bonaire.

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The dutch colonized the new world to say that they have an empire. The present day territories or the dutch i know are aruba, bonaire, and curacao

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They had a huge Empire across the world. It included ports between Indonesia and Aruba and many other places.

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The Songhai Interacted with mostly european. Mainly Portuguese and dutch.

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They had a huge Empire across the world. It included ports between Indonesia and Aruba and many other places.

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The Netherlands, because of the dutch revolts.

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One face that is intersthing is that the Dutch tulip was introduced to Holland by the Ottomans

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There were actually 4 reasons. They were: 1) Not enough money

2) Not enough people

3) Lack of Size

4) Conquested by Spain

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The Pennsylvania Dutch came to North America in the 18th century primarily from the western regions of the Holy Roman Empire (now Germany, Holland and Belgium)

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The Dutch Nationality is somehow related to Germany as both were part of the Holy Roman Empire of German Nations about 500 years ago. Both do have Germanic languages. But that is about it. Read the ArticlesHistory of the Netherlands, Holy Roman Empire, Prussia, Eighty Years'War at for further information.

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It is called Suo Gan. It's also in the movie Empire of the Sun.

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Because the Dutch East India Company had the aid of the Dutch Military in enforcing their demands. They actually had a separate army known as KNIL Koningkleik Nederland's Indies Leger ( Royal Dutch Indies army) to look after their interests. And he who runs the guns runs the show.

The Dutch, who had been recently liberated from Spain had a religion which did not restrict personal gain, as well as an abundant population. This set the stage for a powerful and successful overseas empire.

After The Portugese-Dutch war the Dutch found small European competition aside from The English East India Company.

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There were multiple reasons for the Dutch leaving their homeland. One significant factor was religious persecution, as the Dutch Protestants faced discrimination under Spanish Catholic rule. Economic opportunities and the lure of new territories also motivated the Dutch to explore and settle in other parts of the world. Additionally, the Dutch East India Company played a significant role in expanding Dutch trade and empire, leading to the establishment of colonies overseas.

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In 1651, the British Parliament ruled that only English ships would be able to engage in trade with English colonies. This strengthened its trade empire, but ended up leading to a bitter feud with the Dutch.

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The Dutch were involved in the Second Boer War in South Africa between 1899 and 1902. The conflict was fought between the British Empire and the Boer republics, with the Dutch aligning with the British against the Boers. It resulted in British victory and the annexation of the Boer republics.

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The Portuguese were challenged by the Dutch in the 16th and 17th centuries when the Dutch East India Company emerged as a formidable rival in the spice trade. The Dutch successfully established trading posts and took control of Portuguese territories in Asia, including areas such as Malacca and Sri Lanka. This competition weakened Portuguese dominance in the region and contributed to the decline of their empire.

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How the Dutch broke the Spanish monopoly

The Dutch were fighting the Spanish for independence and the Portuguese for trade and empire. They triumphed over the Portuguese in nearly every part of the globe. Then, to boost their trade with the Spanish empire, they attacked Portuguese slave trading stations in West Africa and finally captured Elmina, the greatest slaving station in 1637. With this supply of slaves from Africa, the Dutch were well equip to penetrate the Spanish empire.

From Araya, the Dutch trade expanded along the coast of the Guianas and Venezuelas and then to Hispaniola and other Spanish islands, trading slaves for tobacco and hies and skins.

In 1624, the Dutch captured Bahia and Pernambuco and until 1654, actually controlled the North-Eastern part of Brazil. It was here that the Dutch gained their expertise in sugar planting and manufacturing.

In 1595. they formed their own East India Company which broke Spanish power in the Caribbean.

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Before the Dutch War of Independence (1568-1648), the Dutch were part of the Spanish Empire. The Spanish King wanted his subjects to be Catholics. Many of the Dutch were catholics, until the Reformation started (about 1500). A substantial minority became protestant and were sentenced to death because of their religion by the Spanish king. That was one of the reasons to start the War of Independence.

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The European countries who were competing for Asian trade include England, France, and Portugal. Dutch and Spain also competed during the Age of Exploration.

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Before its independence and became republic state, Indonesia was called Nusantara by ancient merchants , which means group of islands. Indonesia formed by islands as like Sumatra island was known as Jambudvipa and Java Island was known as Javadwipa, but in the ancient era, region of nowadays Indonesia was ruled by empire (ie: Majapahit empire). Nusantara was known by nowadays Indonesia inhabitants.

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Because they arent in the british empire they could use it as propoganda to show that Britain was weak because it didnt have a king

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other took a great benefit from the decline of the mughal empire especially the Persians and the europeans. they took all the wealth ,gold and jewls of the Mughals . The Portugese ,Dutch and France all established trading post in India

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You only need to be in possession of a dutch passport be dutch, or "nederlands"

you are considered a Dutchman "nederlander" if you are also born in the Netherlands.

this is one giant lie. a pasport that says dutch means nothing, a guy for example a muslim with a dutch pasport is not dutch. you have to be dutch by blood to be a dutchman.

if your dutch by blood you dont have to speak dutch to be dutch

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'from English to Dutch' is

'van Engels naar Nederlands' in dutch

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The Dutch gave the British full control in 1786

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The Boers or Boerevolk were the Dutch farmers or Afrikanners who created the Orange Free State and the Transvaal in Southern Africa and who did battle with the British Empire in the First and Second Boer Wars.

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Dutch people or in the language that they speak over there (Dutch) Nederlanders

9 answers

In Holland, the Dutch adjective is "Holland's." There is no true adjective for Holland in English. The closest adjective in English is "Dutch," however, that not only applies to Holland but to all of the Netherlands. It is also common to hear "of or from Holland" in English.

9 answers

The Dutch claimed the area where New York City now stands and established a colony, naming it New Amsterdam. New Amsterdam became the largest Dutch colonial settlement in North America. During the second Anglo-Dutch War between England and the United Netherlands, the colony was surrendered to the English on 24 September 1664, and renamed New York. When the Dutch retook control briefly in 1673, they renamed it "New Orange", but ceded it permanently to England after the signing of the Treaty of Westminster in 1674.

4 answers

The Dutch Colonial Empire existed from the 1600s to the 1950s.

The Spanish Colonial Empire existed from about 1400 to about 1975.

Over its whole existence, the Dutch Colonial Empire owned small parts of the areas now known as New England, the east coast of Brazil, the African West Coast, Madagascar, South Africa, Iraq, India, Vietnam, Thailand, and Japan. It is important to know that these were just small settlements, towns, harbors, and trading posts. The Dutch Empire also owned most of the Antilles, Guyana, Suriname, a large part of South Africa, Sri lanka, Taiwan, and Indonesia.

Over its whole existence, the Spanish Empire owned small settlements, trading posts, and harbors in British Columbia, the U.S. East Coast, the Congo, Mozambique, the Arabian Peninsula, the Indian subcontinent, and Indochina. The Spanish Empire also was made of Mexico, Central America, most of the U.S. Midwest, parts of Florida, most of the Caribbean Islands (Cuba, Puerto Rico, Jamaica, etc.), the Canary Islands, the West Sahara, Northern Morocco, "Spanish Guinea," the coast of Brazil, part of Sri Lanka, and the area now known as the Philippines.

Today, the Netherlands still owns a few islands in the Caribbean. Spain still owns the Canary Islands.

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Black Sun Empire is Dutch based trio of disk jockeys and music producers. The current members include Rene Verdult, Milan Heyboer and Micha Heyboer. They are from Utrecht, Netherlands and their musical style is known as darkstep or neurofunk.

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The Dutch saw them as trading partners.

The Dutch were not interested in converting them.

4 answers

Dutch is not a gender, it is a nationality. The Dutch are the inhibitants of The Netherlands and Dutch is the language they speak.

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A dutch man is a man from the Netherlands, or as we dutch say a dutch man is a "hollander"

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-Germanic peoples (Frisians, Batavians, Saxons, etc)



-Holy Roman Empire


-Independance -> Dutch Republic 1581

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love is 'liefde' in dutch.

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Double dutch was invented in England by the Dutch.

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