1 duodecillion is: 1039 or 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
1 answer
A duodecillion is equal to 1 followed by 39 zeros in the short scale (American) numbering system. In the long scale (British) numbering system, a duodecillion is equal to 1 followed by 72 zeros. Therefore, in the short scale system, there are 39 zeros in a duodecillion.
2 answers
(... undecillion, duodecillion, tredecillion...) Tredecillion.
No! It's a DUODECILLION AND ONE. Oh. You just got burned! And that is no 1st degree burn that's gotta be somewhere around a 2nd or 3rd degree burns. Yeah.. What now?2 answers
It is 99,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999.
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A duodecillion is a number equal to 10^39 in the short scale or 10^72 in the long scale. In either scale, there are zero zeros in the number duodecillion itself.
2 answers
1000000000000000000000000000000000000 is 10^36.
1 duodecillion
1 answer
3 answers
10020 = (102)20 = 1040 = 10 duodecillion
10020 = (102)20 = 1040 = 10 duodecillion
10020 = (102)20 = 1040 = 10 duodecillion
10020 = (102)20 = 1040 = 10 duodecillion
2 answers
three hundred and forty Undecillion or point three four Duodecillion
1 answer
After Septillion is Octillion, Nonillion, Decillion, Undicillion, Duodecillion, Tredecillion, and Quattuordecilion
1 answer
I think it is 39.
Everyone keeps saying 39, but you would think a duodecillion would have twelve sets of three zeros after it. (a billion has three sets of three zeros, quadrillion has five sets of three). I think it is 13 * 3 = 39, but now I am going to go look it up.
1 answer
After decillion, we have undecillion. After that, we have duodecillion. There are many large to list!
See the list of numbers, which include some numbers after decillion at the link:
4 answers
it goes quadrillion, quintillion, sextillion, septillion, octillion, nonillion, decillion, undecillion, duodecillion, tredecillion, quattuordecillion, and quindecillion and there is more........
1 answer
The power of 1000 that comes after an undecillion is a duodecillion. In US usage, this is equal to 1039, while in archaic UK and Commonwealth usage, this is equal to 1072.
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No. These are the 'illion' numbers:
Million, billion, trillion, quadrillion, quintillion, sextillion, septillion, octillion, nonillion, decillion, undecillion, duodecillion, googol and googolplex.
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Just call it 1039. Forget about fancy names, it is not worthwhile to use them for such high numbers.
2 answers
Strictly limiting ourselves to powers of 1000, the five next numbers higher than a decillion are an undecillion, a duodecillion, a tredecillion, a quattuordecillion, and a quinquadecillion.
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Forty-two tredecillion, five hundred forty duodecillion, eight hundred fifty-two undecillion, eight hundred one decillion, six hundred nonillion,.
1 answer
The absolute, largest unit of measurement is a Yottaparsec. 1 Yottaparsec is 3.08 x 10^40 metres! or 30,800,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 metres. Approximately 31 Duodecillion Metres
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no it goes much much much higher to like duodecillion with 64 zeros but that is like nothing compared to google plexes E.G. 7 google plex is 1 with 700 zeros
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Nine duodecillion, ninety decillion, nine nonillion, nine hundred septillion, ninety sextillion, nine quintillion, nine hundred trillion, ninety billion, nine million, nine thousand, nine hundred.
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1 decillion multiplied by 1 thousand= 1 undecillion
1 decillion multiplied by 1 million= 1 duodecillion
Many more are listed in the Wikipedia article "Names of Large Numbers."
1 answer
Million , Milliard , Billion , Trillion , Quadrillion , Quintillion , Sextillion , Septillion , Octillion , Nonillion , Decillion , Undecillion , Duodecillion, Tredecillion , Quattuordecillion , Quindecillion , Sexdecillion (Sedecillion) , Septendecillion , Octodecillion , Novemdecillion (Novendecillion) , Vigintillion , Centillion , & The Last Is
googol1 answer
nine-hundred and ninty-nine quattuordecillion, nine-hundred and ninty-nine tredecillion, nine-hundred and ninty-nine duodecillion, nine-hundred and ninty-nine undecillion, nine-hundred and ninty-nine decillion
thats back fired didnt it yes i know my numbers =P
2 answers
A 1000 Quadrillion is called Quintillion. And a 1000 Quintillion is Sextiliion, 1000 Sextillion is called Septillion, 1000 Septillion is called Octillion, 1000 Octillion is Nonillion, 1000 Nonillion is Decillion, 1000 Decillion is UnDecillion, 1000 UnDecillion is Duodecillion, 1000 DuoDecillion is TreDecillion.
Hope No one goes beyond that.
Eng'r Mumtaz Alam.
2 answers
(148 duovigintillion, 148 unvigintillion, 148 vigintillion, 148 novemdecillion, 147 octodecillion, 999 septendecillion, 999 sexdecillion, 999 quindecillion, 998 quattuordecillion, 518 tredecillion, 518 duodecillion, 518 undecillion, 518 decillion, 520 nonillion)
1 answer
Real(I researched it):
2 Vigintillion, 8 Sexdecillion, 989 Quindecillion, 898 Quattuordecillion, 989 Tredecillion, 898 Duodecillion, 989 Undecillion, 800 Decillion, 454 Quintillions, 545 Quadrillions, 454 Trillions, 541 Billions, 234 Millions, 567 Thousand 890
1 answer
1000 trillion=one quadrillion
1000 quadrillion=one quintillion
1000 quintillion=one sextillion
lets continue
sextillion septillion octillion nonillion decillion undecillion duodecillion tredecillion quattordecillion quindecilion sexdecillion septemdecillion octodecillion novemdecillion vigintillion
2 answers
Well there are numbers that have more zeroes than 50. Her they are, hundreds thousands million trillion quadrillion quintillion sextillion septillion octillion nonillion decillion undecillion duodecillion tredecillion quattuordecillion quindecillion sexdecillion septendecillion octodecillion novemdecillion vigintillion centillion and googleplex. To find out how many zeroes they have, go to wwwzperiodzjimloyzperiodzcom/math/billionzperiodzhtm
1 answer
now i MAY be wrong, but ill go ahead:
(Don't know the one for 7)
And that's all I can figure, hope I was help XP
Edit: It goes by the common scientific naming of multiplicity, just like what is described above, but you don't use the prefixes used for geometry like what is described. You instead use the common prefixes used in naming chemical compounds. Here's the list:
and so on and so forth...duodecillion is actually 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 so if you need to really count anything more than that you're probably at a molecular level and would simply call it 10 to the 39th power.
1 answer
After Quadrillion, Quadrillion x 1000 = Quintillion, Quintillion x 1000 = Sextillion, Sextillion x 1000 = Septillion, Septillion x 1000 = Octillion, Octillion x 1000 = Nonillion, Nonllion x 1000 = Decillion, Decillion x 1000 = Undecillion, Undecillion x 1000 = Duodecillion, Duodecillion x 1000 = Tredecillion Tredecillion x 1000 = Quatoradecillion.
Add the suffix "th" to any of the numbers above to ascribe a fraction of a given value (mile, meter, gallon, gram, etc.)
A nanometer is a billionth of a meter and also a trillionth of kilometer. A mile is just approximately a sextillonth of a lightyear.
2 answers
There are infinitely many decimal numbers between any two decimal numbers.
For example,
there are (I think) one duodecillion minus 1 such numbers. Of course, the list could be increased by another thousand if between the second and third of the above you inserted
6.27000000000000000000000000000000000000002003 and so on.
Or by a million if, instead, you inserted
6.270000000000000000000000000000000000000020000016.270000000000000000000000000000000000000020000026.27000000000000000000000000000000000000002000003 and so on.
1 answer
After decillion comes :
2 answers
To read the number 2, followed by 66 zeros, you would say "Two duodecillion." In scientific notation, this number would be written as 2 x 10^66. Each group of three zeros is denoted by a specific name (thousand, million, billion, trillion, etc.), and the pattern repeats every three zeros.
2 answers
That could be taken too many ways to really answer. Take a look at these:
(In increasing order)
Nine Hundred-Ninety
Ninety Thousand-Ninety
Ninety Duodecillion-Ninety (million is 1, billion is 2, dodecillion is 12)
Ninety Googolplex-Ninety
Ninety Googleplex Cubed.
Infinity times infinity.
Infinity Cubed Cubed (infinity to the power of three, then that to the power of three again)
Infinity to Infinity (as in to the power of)
1 answer
After septillion comes octillion
After octillion comes (chronological order) : EDIT What has this to do with chronology?? Increasing order of magnitude, I can understand.
5 answers
Someone who suggest we should replace base 10 with base 12.
They feel that a system that is just based on the number of fingers is silly. Why not have a system that is more useful. In base 12, the number "10" would be what we call "12". So you could evenly divide 10 into 2 equal parts, 3 equal parts of 4 equal parts.
Then there would be 50 seconds in a minute, 50 minutes in an hour and 20 hours in a day. Much better.
1 answer
(8 quattuordecillion, 999 tredecillion, 999 duodecillion, 999 undecillion, 999 decillion, 999 nonillion, 999 octillion, 999 septillion, 999 sextillion, 999 quintillion, 999 quadrillion, 999 trillion, 999 billion, 999 million, 999 thousand and 991)
2 answers
Number of zeros U.S. & scientific community 3 thousand
6 million
9 billion
12 trillion
15 quadrillion
18 quintillion
21 sextillion
24 septillion
27 octillion
30 nonillion
33 decillion
36 undecillion
39 duodecillion
42 tredecillion
45 quattuordecillion
48 quindecillion
51 sexdecillion
54 septendecillion
57 octodecillion
60 novemdecillion
4 answers
after undecillion, there is :
duodecillion 1, 39 zeros tredecillion 1, 42 zeros quattuordecillion 1, 45 zeros quindecillion 1, 48 zeros sexdecillion 1, 51 zeros septendecillion 1, 54 zeros octodecillion 1, 57 zeros novemdecillion 1, 60 zeros vigintillion 1, 63 zeros googol 1, 100 zeros centillion 1, 303 zeros googolplex 1, 10googol zeros source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Names_of_large_numbers
1 answer
Certainly. In the American system.
1000 trillion is 1 quadrillion
1000 quadtrillion is one quintillion
1000 quintillion is one sextillion
1000 sextillion is 1 septillion
1000 septillion is one 1 octillion
1000 octillion is one 1 novillion
1000 novillion is one decillion
1000 decillion is one unodecillion
1000 unodecillion is one duodecillion --
that should be enough to describe the national debt for the rest of your lifetime, unless things really get out of hand.
There is also the google which is 10 followed by 100 zeroes .
1 answer
three hundred two tredecillion,
nine hundred forty-eight duodecillion,
three hundred nine undecillion,
four hundred eighty decillion,
thirty-two nonillion,
nine hundred four octillion,
eight hundred three septillion,
eight hundred ten sextillion,
nine hundred eighty-three quintillion,
ninety-four quadrillion,
eight hundred two trillion,
nine hundred thirty-eight billion,
four hundred twelve million,
eight hundred nine thousand,
two hundred eighteen
1 answer