No, Frederick's marriage to Princess Elisabeth Christine of Brunswick-Bevern in 1733 did not result in issue. In 1740, then King, he declared his brother, Augustus William, Prince of Prussia and heir to the throne. Augustus William predeceased him (in 1758), and his son, Frederik's nephew, succeeded as Frederick William II.
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It was the first effiginial tomb depiction.
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Frederick I Barbarossa von Hohenstaufen b.1122 d. 10 June 1190 Duke of Swabia (as Frederick III) 1147-52 King of Germany 1152-1190 King of Italy (King of the Lombards) 1154-1190 Holy Roman Emperor 1155-1190 King of Burgundy 1178-90 Son of Frederick II von Hohenstaufen, Duke of Swabia, and Judith von Welf, daughter of Henry IX of Bavaria. Drowned in the Goksu river in Anatolia. Legend has him sleeping under a mountain in either Thuringia or Bavaria until he is needed.
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The surname Swaap is probably a variation of Swaab, which is the Dutch form of Schwab. Schwab is the name for someone from Swabia (German : Schwaben). Swabia was an independent Duchy in south Germany from the 10th century until 1313 when the territory was broken up. Swabians retained an ethnic identity as they migrated to other parts of Europe and often settled in groups. The territory of Swabia was named for the German tribe that lived in the region in the first century BC and was called in Latin Suebi or Suevi.
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Prince of Girona, Prince of Astrutias, King of Castile, King of Navare, Lord of Biscay, King of Aragon, King of Two Sicilies, King of Naples, King of Valencia, King of Majorca, King of Sardinia, Count pf Barcelona, Duke of Milan, Vicar of Siena, Archduke of Austria, Count of Hapsburg, Prince of Swabia, Lord of the Netherlands, Duke of Burgundy, with 6 further honors as Grand Master
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Albert was born in the year 1206 at Lauingen an der Donau, Swabia (part of modern Germany).
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Its original purpose was as a whaling station, where Germany proposed to produce oil from whale blubber.
According to Wikipedia, "...Germany's current Antarctic research facility Neumayer-Station III is located in the New Swabia area."
You can read more by following the link, below.
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The city of Günzburg is the capital of the district of Günzburg in Swabia, Bavaria. Its zip code is 89312.
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Luther's Admonition to Peace was written in May 1525 as a response to the Twelve Articles of the Peasants in Swabia. It was a call for reconciliation and urged both the rulers and the peasants to seek peace instead of resorting to violence in the Peasants' War.
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Assuming that this refers to Henry IX of England (Henry I Scotland) he was a Cardinal of the Roman Church and, it is alleged homosexual, and so had no children.
Otherwise you can have:
Henry IX the Black, Duke of Bavaria (1075-1126)
Henryk IX, Duke of Lubin (1369-c1419)
Henryk IX the Older, Duke of Glogow, Duke of Lubin (as Henryk XI), and Duke of Zagan (c1389-1467)
and for a bonus you can have:
Henry Dundas, Viscount Melville aka Harry IX, Grand Manager of Scotland (1742-1811) he had at least one child, a son, from his two marriages.
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St. Albertus Magnus (Albert the Great) was born in the year 1206 at Lauingen an der Donau, Swabia (part of modern Germany).
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2000 - Duke
2001 - Duke
2002 - Duke
2003 - Duke
2004 - Maryland
2005 - Duke
2006 - Duke
2007 - North Carolina
2008 - North Carolina
2009 - Duke
2010 - Duke
2011 - Duke
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Duke of Edinburgh, Duke of Kent, Duke of York, Duke of Cornwall, Duke of Norfolk plus many more.
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No, Duke University was named by James Buchanan Duke in honor of his father, Washington Duke. Doris Duke, however, was James Duke's daughter and was highly affiliated with the university.
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One of the differences between Duke Senior and Duke Fredrick is that people are attracted to Duke Senior while Duke Fredrick repels people. Duke Fredrick is greedy while Duke Senior is virtuous.
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Duke doesn't really have an opposite. If you mean the wife of a duke, that is a duchess.
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Geoffrey Duke's birth name is Geoffrey Ernest Duke.
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The masculine form of "duke" is "duke," and the feminine form is "duchess."
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One can find the Duke basket ball report on the official Duke basketball report website. The Duke basketball report covers the Duke University athletics.
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