"Don't put all your eggs in one basket" is a sentence. It is a proverb that reminds you not to put all your money into any one venture.
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It is an idiomatic phrase meaning that one should not focus all his or her resources on one hope, possibility or avenue of success or just one person. If that one person fails you than you will be "broken" and left with nothing/no eggs. It is a proverb that warns against pinning all your hopes on one course of action. If you put all your eggs in one basket and then drop the basket, you will break all your eggs. Similarly, if you pin all your hopes on one course of action and it fails, then you are left with no recourse.
If you put all of your eggs in one basket when you are ready to sell them, then if anything happens to the basket, all the eggs will be gone. Therefore, it is best to put the eggs into several different baskets for safekeeping - or, best to put your money or time or investment into several different things.
Putting all your eggs in one basket means in most cases: investing all of your resource or money into one thing. The comparison is that if you put all of your eggs into one basket and something happens to the basket such as you dropping it, all of your eggs break and you have nothing left compared to distributing your eggs into two or more baskets so if something happens to the one, you still have your others eggs. If you invest all of your money into one company and the company fails, you have lost all of your money. Don't put all of your eggs in one basket.
If you put all your eggs in one basket, you risk everything on a single opportunity which, like eggs breaking, could go wrong.
It means putting all of ones hopes into one outcome. Example sentences: He tried out for both the football team and the cross country team, that way he didn't have all his eggs in one basket. My heart is set on going to Weslyn college, but I applied to four different schools to avoid having all my eggs in one basket. If Weslyn doesn't work out, I'm sure to attend college someplace else.
Spread you assets or eggs or anything else of value. Then you have a few baskets, if you drop one its not so important.
If all the eggs were in one basket, think what might happen if that basket were to somehow fall away or otherwise break. If the eggs are in two or more baskets, even if one basket breaks, you can still make it home with eggs.
In modern times, this idiom is best seen as the investment concept of diversification. The idea is to spread (diversify) your risk across several non-related areas. That way, if one of those areas turns sour (say a company goes bankrupt), it doesn't result in a you losing everything; you can keep going with your remaining investments.
It means to concentrate your bets, putting yourself in line for either a huge payoff or big losses. If you put "all your money in one wallet," your money is either completely safe from theft, or it's all gone because someone found and stole it.
It is an idiomatic phrase meaning that one should not focus all his or her resources on one hope, possibility or avenue of success.
If you put all of your eggs in one basket when you are ready to sell them, if anything happens to the basket, all the eggs will be gone. Therefore, it is best to put the eggs into several different baskets for safekeeping - or, best to put your money or time or investment into several different things.
Putting all your eggs in one basket means in most cases: investing all of your money into one thing. The comparison is that if you put all of your eggs into one basket and something happens to the basket such as you dropping it, all of your eggs break and you have nothing left compared to distributing your eggs into two or more baskets so if something happens to the one, you still have your others eggs. If you invest all of your money into one company and the company fails, you have lost all of your money. Don't put all of your eggs in one basket.
"Don't put all your eggs in one basket" is a proverb that warns against pinning all your hopes on one course of action. If you put all your eggs in one basket and then drop the basket, you will break all your eggs. Similarly, if you pin all your hopes on one course of action and it fails, then you are left with no recourse.
If you put all your eggs in one basket, you risk everything on a single opportunity which, like eggs breaking, could go wrong.
putting all of ones hopes into one outcome example sentences: He tried out for both the football team and the cross country team, that way he didn't have all his eggs in one basket. My heart is set on going to Weston college, but I applied to four different schools to avoid having all my eggs in one basket. If Weston doesn't work out, I'm sure to attend college someplace else.
Spread you assets or eggs or anything else of value. Then you have a few baskets, if you drop one its not so important.
Putting all your eggs in one basket means in most cases: investing all of your money into one thing. The comparison is that if you put all of your eggs into one basket and something happens to the basket such as you dropping it, all of your eggs break and you have nothing left compared to distributing your eggs into two or more baskets so if something happens to the one, you still have your others eggs. If you invest all of your money into one company and the company fails, you have lost all of your money. Don't put all of your eggs in one basket.
1 answer
It is an idiomatic phrase meaning that one should not focus all his or her resources on one hope, possibility or avenue of success or just one person. If that one person fails you than you will be "broken" and left with nothing/no eggs. It is a proverb that warns against pinning all your hopes on one course of action. If you put all your eggs in one basket and then drop the basket, you will break all your eggs. Similarly, if you pin all your hopes on one course of action and it fails, then you are left with no recourse.
If you put all of your eggs in one basket when you are ready to sell them, then if anything happens to the basket, all the eggs will be gone. Therefore, it is best to put the eggs into several different baskets for safekeeping - or, best to put your money or time or investment into several different things.
Putting all your eggs in one basket means in most cases: investing all of your resource or money into one thing. The comparison is that if you put all of your eggs into one basket and something happens to the basket such as you dropping it, all of your eggs break and you have nothing left compared to distributing your eggs into two or more baskets so if something happens to the one, you still have your others eggs. If you invest all of your money into one company and the company fails, you have lost all of your money. Don't put all of your eggs in one basket.
If you put all your eggs in one basket, you risk everything on a single opportunity which, like eggs breaking, could go wrong.
It means putting all of ones hopes into one outcome. Example sentences: He tried out for both the football team and the cross country team, that way he didn't have all his eggs in one basket. My heart is set on going to Weslyn college, but I applied to four different schools to avoid having all my eggs in one basket. If Weslyn doesn't work out, I'm sure to attend college someplace else.
Spread you assets or eggs or anything else of value. Then you have a few baskets, if you drop one its not so important.
If all the eggs were in one basket, think what might happen if that basket were to somehow fall away or otherwise break. If the eggs are in two or more baskets, even if one basket breaks, you can still make it home with eggs.
In modern times, this idiom is best seen as the investment concept of diversification. The idea is to spread (diversify) your risk across several non-related areas. That way, if one of those areas turns sour (say a company goes bankrupt), it doesn't result in a you losing everything; you can keep going with your remaining investments.
It means to concentrate your bets, putting yourself in line for either a huge payoff or big losses. If you put "all your money in one wallet," your money is either completely safe from theft, or it's all gone because someone found and stole it.
It is an idiomatic phrase meaning that one should not focus all his or her resources on one hope, possibility or avenue of success.
If you put all of your eggs in one basket when you are ready to sell them, if anything happens to the basket, all the eggs will be gone. Therefore, it is best to put the eggs into several different baskets for safekeeping - or, best to put your money or time or investment into several different things.
Putting all your eggs in one basket means in most cases: investing all of your money into one thing. The comparison is that if you put all of your eggs into one basket and something happens to the basket such as you dropping it, all of your eggs break and you have nothing left compared to distributing your eggs into two or more baskets so if something happens to the one, you still have your others eggs. If you invest all of your money into one company and the company fails, you have lost all of your money. Don't put all of your eggs in one basket.
"Don't put all your eggs in one basket" is a proverb that warns against pinning all your hopes on one course of action. If you put all your eggs in one basket and then drop the basket, you will break all your eggs. Similarly, if you pin all your hopes on one course of action and it fails, then you are left with no recourse.
If you put all your eggs in one basket, you risk everything on a single opportunity which, like eggs breaking, could go wrong.
putting all of ones hopes into one outcome example sentences: He tried out for both the football team and the cross country team, that way he didn't have all his eggs in one basket. My heart is set on going to Weston college, but I applied to four different schools to avoid having all my eggs in one basket. If Weston doesn't work out, I'm sure to attend college someplace else.
Spread you assets or eggs or anything else of value. Then you have a few baskets, if you drop one its not so important.
Putting all your eggs in one basket means in most cases: investing all of your money into one thing. The comparison is that if you put all of your eggs into one basket and something happens to the basket such as you dropping it, all of your eggs break and you have nothing left compared to distributing your eggs into two or more baskets so if something happens to the one, you still have your others eggs. If you invest all of your money into one company and the company fails, you have lost all of your money. Don't put all of your eggs in one basket.
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Although I am not certain of the origin, I have most often heard and read it referring to diversification in the stock market. Just as when you have all your eggs in one basket and you drop the basket you lose all you eggs, if you put all your money into one stock and the stock crashes, you can lose most or all of your investment.
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I'm Putting All My Eggs in One Basket was created in 1936.
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A Core Business is to put all your financial eggs in one basket.
But, A Diversified Business is means do not put all your financial eggs in one basket.
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depends, lets say you have six eggs and they are 3 centimeters you can put them all in an 60 cm long and 10 cm deep basket put if the eggs are 7 centimeters and you have a basket which is 10x10 it wouldn't fit inside it, im trying to explain that it depends on the size of the egg and the basket.
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It means to have many different types of investments (bassically don't put all your eggs in one basket)
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This is a humorous statement made by Mark Twain based on the proverb "don't put all your eggs in one basket." He meant, go ahead and keep all of your wealth in one location -- but watch that location securely!
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Yes, the saying "put all your eggs in one basket" is a metaphor. It means to concentrate all of your efforts or resources in one area, which can be risky because if that one thing fails, you lose everything.
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It is always best to diversify your holdings. As the old saying goes never put all your eggs in one basket.
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The full saying is simply--
Do not place all of your eggs in one basket.
It means you shouldn't count on one thing to the exclusion of everything else. You could slip or fall (or fail) and ruin the eggs when you crash.
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There isn't an idiom called "eggs basket." Perhaps you are thinking of the old proverb that says "don't keep your eggs in one basket."
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only 1 then it doesnt remain empty anymore
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The basket actually had seven eggs in it. The statement that the basket had six eggs in it is also true, although misleading. If it was said that the basket had only six eggs in then it would be untrue.
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Maybe, but I wouldn't put all my eggs in that basket. There are so many gift bags like that already.
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The sixth person took the basket with the egg in it.
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Put all eggs in one basket, Even how hard the basket !
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the last one took egg along with basket .hence one egg remained in basket.
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don't put all your eggs in one basket-lead a balanced life-sports,arts,politics,etc can all enrich your academic life-so can friends,family and lovers.
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If you focus all your time on one boy and one really great one comes around and you ignore him for the one you really like. The one you really like might reject you and the other guys that were other opportunities are now gone and you are disappointed and alone
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first you get the cast to like you then it'll warm up to u and be all like " put me oin the basket " then u put him in the basket
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I don;t know so some one who does take this out and put the real answer
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HAHAHAA!! why would you want to make an Easter basket for someone who hates you? If I were you I would put rotten eggs in it LOL
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The South's economy was ruined. The war had taken place on Southern land, ruining all of the farmland. And since the South had put all of their eggs in the farming basket, they were doomed.
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The South's economy was ruined. The war had taken place on Southern land, ruining all of the farmland. And since the South had put all of their eggs in the farming basket, they were doomed.
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That is not possible. The sum of four odd numbrs will always be an even number.
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I don´t know but i don´t think so and most of all i don´t have any proof so but i think she´s not a lesbian.
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Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. Don't bite the hand that feeds you. Don't count your chickens before they hatch. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth. Don't put all your eggs in one basket.
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The boy put all his oranges,apples banannas,cherries,and plums into his basket,yes he put the whole gamut in the basket.
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Don't take my advice because I don 't know, but take off the old one and put on the new one.
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If your employer offers to match what your put toward your IRA then you need to make sure you are depositing the full amount so you can take advantage of their offerings. Another way would be to make sure your IRA is diversified (do not put all your eggs in one basket). Make sure to have a mixed portfolio.
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To spread the risks of the investments. In simple terms, it is to not put all the eggs into one basket. Also, through diversification, in times of crisis, some of the investments can be pulled out first to cut losses while others might still be making profits.
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The basket of fruit looks promising.
He was a basket case.
Just put the cereal in the basket, Bob.
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All of them. Time and money are the only questions.
If you don`t know the answer to the question moron then don`t give an answer.
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