i believe there will be 73 different divisions within Islam till the day of ressurection, however these sects will all establish the same beliefs.
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They are not real Islam divisions. They are just different schools. Mainly they are Sunnis and Shiites. Refer to question below.
2 answers
Sunni and Shi'a are the two major Islamic groups. I think that is what you are asking for
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The spread of Islam (study island awnser!!)
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When you recite the Holly Qur'an - there are 7 divisions, any can be followed.
When you are practicing Islam - there are 4 divisions, any can be followed. But we can't tell these are division of the Holly Qur'an - rather it is division of all Islamic teaching (comprising the Holly Qur'an, Hadith, Izma and Qius).
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During what caliphate and time period? Are you even talking about intellectual movements in Islamic regions?
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The majority of the Muslims belong to the Sunni group
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Division occurred when Islam taught its people To eat hairy balls, but the Muslim empire went against this and Prophet Muhammed wanted little 7 year old girls instead.
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The holy book in Islam is the Qur'an. It is divided into Surahs (Surat singular form) (which can be explained as chapters to someone not familiar with the term), then the verses in the Surahs are called Ayahs (Ayat singular form).
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No. Hitler did not fight the Jews for any Islamic reasons. However, he had no issues or problems with bringing Muslims into the SS divisions to help promulgate the Holocaust.
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The main religions are Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The first two are polytheistic and the last three are monotheistic. Judaism, Christianity and Islam all have major divisions and sects. I don't know if the same could be said about Buddhism and Hinduism as I have not studied them.
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There were no British divisions in the Canadian Corps, only Canadian divisions
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There were 5 American divisions. There were 8 British and Canadian divisions.
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A person who prays to ALLAH alone is called a Muslim and such a person is following the religion of Islam.
Islam had many divisions within it but every division beleives that there is only one god and that is Allah.
Most of the divisions also believe that Prophet Muhammed (SAW) is his Messenger and He is the last Messenger to be sent by Allah.
4 answers
It is not to solve the next divisions as it is not provided.
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1. the divisions must be coordinate
2.the divisions must be mutually exclusive
3. the divisions must not overlap
4. the divisions must be complete
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There were 5 American divisions. There were 8 British and Canadian divisions.
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The larger of the two main groups of Islam is the Sunni branch, comprising approximately 85-90% of the global Muslim population. The Sunni branch follows the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad and the Quran, as well as the consensus of the Muslim community. The other main branch is the Shia, which makes up about 10-15% of Muslims worldwide and follows a different interpretation of Islamic teachings.
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Yes the divisions are separated into Central and Atlantic.
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what are the five divisions of the spinal nerves
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There were 2 divisions in the land army in January 1938.
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to what extent would sociologists agree that ethnic divisions are imoprtant than class divisions in Britain today?
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The word "denomination" applies specifically to Christianity and does not have an analog in Islam. In Islam there are sects and within sects there are schools. On separate axes, Muslims self-divide along questions of religiosity (liberal to extremist), political affiliation (secularist to islamist), and orthodoxy (jurisprudential to mystical).
There are three major sects (Sunni, Shiite, and Ibadi) and around a dozen schools. These should be multiplied by the other axes and divisions.
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Different divisions are for different kinds of people.
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the 3 divisions of biology is SOIL,BIOLOGY and BIOCHEMISTRY....
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There are no states in Cameroon.Only Divisions,Sub-Divisions,and cities.
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there are 47 Administrative Divisions in japan.
hope this helped
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The two divisions are the Senate and House of Representatives.
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One of the main divisions are sub-divisions.
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Macro-economics and micro-economics are these two divisions.
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States and divisions of Myanmar (Burma)
14 states and divisions
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There are 2 separate divisions of the nervous system. These 2 divisions are the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system.
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Most divisions that occur among the allied troops are divisions related to race, gender, and equality.
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There have been several divisions in the history of Islam. Among the first was a disagreement over the succession of caliphs after the death of the prophet Mohamed (peace be unto him). Some felt that the proper order of succession was through his daughter, others through his brother. This was the division that became Sunni and Shia.
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It depends entirely on how the question is read.
If the question is asking what is the largest religion that is still growing, the answer would be Christianity since there are more and more Christians born and converted every day than convert out or die.
If the question is asking what religion is growing by the largest numbers of new followers (both births and converts), then the answer would be Islam, since the population growth in Muslim-majority countries has made Islam the religion with the most new adherents daily.
If the question is asking what religion has the greatest percentage of growth, then this would be a contest between a number of very small religions which have high percentage increases, but low current population counts, such as Baha'i or Jehovah's Witnesses. Although these cannot match the numerical growth of Christianity or Islam, the thousands of converts and newborns have a much higher relative to the <20 million adherents to the religion.
8 answers
There are no divisions in Islam religion in the sense as for example in Christian religion. However, there are just different schools or groups that differ in minor Islamic issues. Refer to question below.
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The Saudies are mostly the Sunni Muslims following the jurisprudence of Imam Ahmad Bin Humbal (RA). Of the various divisions of Hanbali Sunni Muslims, the King of Saudi Arabia is considered a Wahhabi Muslim.
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Old Testament falls naturally into four divisions: Law, History, Poetry, and Prophecy.
New Testament falls naturally into four divisions: Gospels, History, Letters, and Prophecy.
Total divisions eight.
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The political divisions of a continent are countries.
Political divisions of a country are states, or provinces (territories in Australia)
Political divisions of a state are counties, or parishes.
Political divisions of a county are cities, town, townships, & boroughs.
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This system is known as "Caste Divisions."
This system is called "Caste Divisions."and it's dieing out.1 answer