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Gaston Gallimard was born on January 18, 1881.

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Gaston Gallimard was born on January 18, 1881.

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Gaston Gallimard died on December 25, 1975 at the age of 94.

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Gaston Gallimard died on December 25, 1975 at the age of 94.

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Gaston Gallimard was born on January 18, 1881 and died on December 25, 1975. Gaston Gallimard would have been 94 years old at the time of death or 134 years old today.

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Gilles Lipovetsky (born September 24, 1944 in Millau) is a French Philosopher, professor in the University of Grenoble.

He and his wife Gisele live in Grenoble and have two daughters.


  • L'ère du vide. Essais sur l'individualisme contemporain, Paris, Gallimard, 1983 ; 1989. (rééd. poche, « Folio »)
  • L'Empire de l'éphémère : la mode et son destin dans les sociétés modernes, Paris, Gallimard, 1987. (rééd. poche, « Folio »)
  • Le Crépuscule du devoir, Paris, Gallimard, 1992. (rééd. poche, « Folio »)
  • La Troisième femme, Paris, Gallimard, 1997. (rééd. poche, « Folio »)
  • Métamorphoses de la culture libérale. Éthique, médias, entreprise, Montréal, Éditions Liber, 2002.
  • Le luxe éternel, Paris, Gallimard, 2003 ( avec Elyette Roux).
  • Les temps hypermodernes, Paris, Grasset, 2004. (avec Sébastien Charles) (rééd. poche)
  • Le bonheur paradoxal. Essai sur la société d'hyperconsommation, Paris, Gallimard, 2006.
  • La société de déception , Éditions Textuel, 2006.
  • L'écran global. Culture-médias et cinéma à l'âge hypermoderne, Paris, Éditions du Seuil, 2007 ( avec Jean Serroy).
  • La Culture-monde. Réponse à une société désorientée,Paris, Odile Jacob, 2008 ( avec Jean Serroy).

Currently working on a book on celebrities.

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The protagonist in "M. Butterfly" is Rene Gallimard, a French diplomat who becomes romantically involved with a Chinese opera singer named Song Liling. The play explores themes of gender, identity, and deception through their complex relationship.

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There is an edition of Assur published by Gallimard, however different editions may have different publishers.

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Le on Louis Vaillant has written:

'Expe ditions scientifiques du travailleur' -- subject(s): Fishes

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The original copy of "La Courbe" featured a stamp on the bottom left corner that read "Éditions Gallimard." This stamp indicated that the book was published by the prestigious French publishing house Gallimard. Additionally, the stamp may have included the book's publication date and edition number for cataloging and identification purposes.

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The French translated edition of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone was published by Editions Gallimard.

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Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows was released in French on the 26th October 2007. Just over three months after it was released in English.

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Ireland only had what was known as the "All Ireland Talent Show" which was the closest equivalent to X-Factor and the ...Got Talent shows. It no longer exists so there is no equivalent and will be no auditions.

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Pierre Paul Plan has written:

'Bibliographie rabelaisienne: les e?ditions de Rabelais de 1532 a? 1711' -- subject(s): Bibliography

'Bibliographie Rabelaisienne' -- subject(s): Bibliography, Bibliographie

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Not a newspaper; a quarterly philosophical review published by GALLIMARD:

Éditions Gallimard

5, rue Gaston-Gallimard

75328 Paris cedex 07

Tél. :

Fax :


128 Avenue de Lattre de Tassigny, 77403 LAGNY Cédex

2 answers

The cast of Camus - 2010 includes: Pierre Argouze as Etienne 12 ans Emmanuel Bec as Journaliste 1 Olivier Broche as Sartre Florian Cadiou as Stepan Ghislain Carosio as Germain Farid Chebout as Militant arabe Charlotte Christi as Catherine Camus 6 ans Guillaume de Tonquedec as Michel Gallimard Agathe Dronne as Jeannine Gallimard Pierre Forest as Alain Anouk Grinberg as Francine Camus Alexandre Jazede as Kalialev Mourad Karoul as Etudiant arabe Gabin Lefebvre as Jean Camus 6 ans Xavier Legrand as Homme chez Boris Vian 1 Augustin Lepinay as Jean Camus - 14 ans Lionel Mazari as Journalsite 2 Mermoz Melchior as Albert Camus - 12 ans Chantal Mutel as Fernande Olivier Pajot as Docteur Lehman Antoine Pappalardo as Voisin Camus Isabelle Rougerie as Christiane

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The cast of Il segno del vendicatore - 1962 includes: Gabriele Antonini as Zorro Luigi Batzella Walter Brandi Susy Cesari Dieter Eppler Carla Foscari Laurence Gallimard Graziella Granata Armando Guarnieri Franco Jamonte Rios Lata Mauro Mannatrizio Vincenzo Musolino Franco Pasquetto Alfredo Rizzo Franco Sebeni Claudio Undari

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He was one of the originators of Zürich Dada and in 1920 he initiated with other Dada artists the Cologne Dada group. In 1926 he moved to Meudon, a suburb of Pari, and started then to exhibit with the French Surrealism artists like Breton and Duchamp, Miro and Dali. In 1931 he broke with them.

- I did exhibitions with the Surrealists, because their attitude revolted against 'art' and their attitude toward life itself was wise, as was Dada's. (1929, art quotes, Hans / Jean Arp)

* artist quotations from "Jours effeuillés: Poèmes, essaies, souvenirs", Gallimard, Paris 1966, p. 406

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Marc Faure has: Played Caron in "Les Cordier, juge et flic" in 1992. Played Moreau in "Seconde B" in 1993. Performed in "Ainsi soient-elles" in 1995. Played Ministre in "For Ever Mozart" in 1996. Played Capitaine Labette in "Compagnons secrets" in 1997. Played Le PDG in "La voisine" in 1997. Played French Minister in "Taxi 2" in 2000. Played Son Excellence in "San Antonio" in 2004. Played Le premier inspecteur in "Aux abois" in 2005. Played Monsieur Hunmbert in "Dombais et fils" in 2007. Played Alphonse Juin in "Je vous ai compris: De Gaulle 1958-1962" in 2010. Played Gaston Gallimard in "Violette" in 2013.

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The cast of V comme Vian - 2011 includes: Jeupeu as Le fossoyeur Elise Diamant as Anne-Marie Cazalis Philippe du Janerand as Marcel Arland Lauriane Escaffre as La femme en vert Philippe Faure as Docteur Chiche Didier Flamand as Jean Paulhan Philippe Fretun as Jacques Canetti Julie Gayet as Michelle Vian Louis Genty as Patrick 8 ans Jacky Ido as Vernon Sullivan Bernard Le Coq as Raymond Queneau Alain Libolt as Jean-Paul Sartre Laurent Lucas as Boris Vian Marius Mancel as Patrick 3 ans Myriam Moraly as Juliette Greco Christophe Salengro as Miqueut Arnaud Simon as Le major Bernard Verley as Gaston Gallimard

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Yes, the Manual is correct, there should be 2 cooling fans on the 3.8 and 3.4 engines, but the 3.8 engine has a fan on EACH SIDE of the pushing air from the outside and one pulling air from the inside. Each fan has its own thermostat and different engage/disengage points. One fan unit should operate the engine OK for all but the most extreme con- A/C on in the summertime..keep watching the engine Heat Gauge if it goes higher than 200 degrees, make sure there is a second fan. Salvage yards should have good used fans available for this engine with mounting brackets..just wire it in parallel with the existing fan, or have a mechanic locate the original wires and make sure the second thermo- stat works correctly.

1 answer

Yes, the Manual is correct, there should be 2 cooling fans on the 3.8 and 3.4 engines, but the 3.8 engine has a fan on EACH SIDE of the pushing air from the outside and one pulling air from the inside. Each fan has its own thermostat and different engage/disengage points. One fan unit should operate the engine OK for all but the most extreme con- A/C on in the summertime..keep watching the engine Heat Gauge if it goes higher than 200 degrees, make sure there is a second fan. Salvage yards should have good used fans available for this engine with mounting brackets..just wire it in parallel with the existing fan, or have a mechanic locate the original wires and make sure the second thermo- stat works correctly.

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The cast of Violette - 2013 includes: Claudine Acs as La vieille dame Frans Boyer as Le jeune paysan Richard Chevallier as Louis Jouvet Nicole Colchat as Madame Belaval Erwan Creignou as Marcel Emmanuelle Devos as Violette Leduc Marc Faure as Gaston Gallimard Paulette Frantz as Madame Moustier Yvonne Gradelet as Religieuse Pierre Gribling as Jacques, le marie de Violette Catherine Hiegel as Berthe Leduc Sylvie Jobert as La libraire Sandrine Kiberlain as Simone de Beauvoir Alexandre Massonet as Monsieur Chantelauze Thierry Nenez as Le concierge Olivier Py as Maurice Sachs Audrey Quoturi as Cliente librairie Nathalie Richard as Hermine Fabrizio Rongione as Yvon Belaval Vincent Schmitt as Un forain Laure Sirieix as La journaliste Isabelle Sprung as Une villageoise

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The cast of M. Butterfly - 1993 includes: The Beijing Opera Troupe as Beijing Opera Performers Barbara Chilcott as Critic at Garden Party Cadman Chui as Accordian Player Harriet Chung as Red Guard Dancer Vernon Dobtcheff as Agent Etancelin Monica Gan as Red Guard Dancer Shizuko Hoshi as Comrade Chin Tristram Jellinek as Defense Attorney George Jonas as Mall Trustee Ayumi Komoda as Red Guard Dancer Annabel Leventon as Frau Baden Tammy Lok as Red Guard Dancer John Lone as Song Liling Philip McGough as Prosecution Attorney Richard McMillan as Embassy Colleague Michael Mehlmann as Drunk in Paris Bar Peter Messaline as Diplomat at Party David Neal as Judge Tracey Oh as Red Guard Dancer Ian Richardson as Ambassador Toulon Barbara Sukowa as Jeanne Gallimard Carly Wong as Red Guard Dancer Carl Zvonkin as Surveillance Technician

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2004 Enseigner avec le numérique Extrait de la quatrième par couverture de la présente édition : Cet ouvrage explore, à partir par points de vue variés, tant scientifiques que didactiques, les espaces par liberté effectifs dont jouissent les lecteurs réels face aux oeuvres qui, afin de une bonne part, programment et codifient implicitement la façon dont elles entendent être lues. Il s'agit d'établir, ou tout simplement par décrire, comment se rencontrent, voire s'affrontent les lecteurs implicites et les lecteurs empiriques. CITTON, Yves. Lire, interpréter, analyser : pourquoi des études littérairesParis : ditions Amsterdam, 2007. 363 p. DUCOS, Joëlle. Savoir en vers, savoir en prose , in : Ecrire en vers, écrire en prose, une poétique de la révélation, colloque international organisé par C. CroizyNaquet, Nanterre, Université par Paris XNanterre, 2325 mars 2006, Littérales, 41, 2007, p. 361 p.

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Agathe Dronne has: Played Cathy in "Un samedi sur la terre" in 1996. Played Sandrine in "Mon meilleur amour" in 2001. Performed in "Histoire naturelle" in 2002. Played Sophie in "Naturellement" in 2002. Played Marianne in "La chambre douce" in 2003. Played Marie Lambert in "Courrier du coeur" in 2004. Played Marie in "Gris blanc" in 2005. Played Aline in "Engrenages" in 2005. Played Une Visiteuse in "Le promeneur du champ de Mars" in 2005. Played La femme bar autoroute in "Les yeux clairs" in 2005. Played Garance in "Ce que mes yeux ont vu" in 2007. Played Ruth in "Un souvenir" in 2008. Played Jo in "La belle vie" in 2009. Played La femme qui ne couche pas le premier soir in "Le nom des gens" in 2010. Played Jeannine Gallimard in "Camus" in 2010. Played Mary Devlin in "Deux flics sur les docks" in 2011. Played Julie in "Des trous dans le silence" in 2011. Played Liliane in "Micha Mouse" in 2011. Played Marie in "From Boston" in 2012. Performed in "The dead mother" in 2012. Played Florence in "15 jours ailleurs" in 2013.

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Guillaume de Tonquedec has: Performed in "Travelling avant" in 1987. Played Onias in "Civilisations" in 1988. Played Olivier Muller in "Deux" in 1989. Played Jean-Baptiste in "Navarro" in 1989. Played Un gendarme in "Nestor Burma" in 1991. Played Monsieur Villot in "La vie de Marianne" in 1995. Performed in "Trois vies et une seule mort" in 1996. Played Eric in "Notre homme" in 1996. Played himself in "Vivement dimanche prochain" in 1998. Played himself in "Vivement dimanche" in 1998. Played Jean (1999-2000) in "Cap des Pins" in 1998. Played Arnaud Pavan in "Louis la brocante" in 1998. Played Paul in "Le comptoir" in 1998. Played Monsieur Mangeot in "La voleuse de Saint-Lubin" in 1999. Played Jean-Claude in "Le marathon du lit" in 2001. Played Thomas Sorensen in "Commissaire Cordier" in 2005. Performed in "Au bar des amis" in 2005. Played Le ministre Gatignol in "Les parrains" in 2005. Played Thomas in "Commissaire Cordier" in 2005. Performed in "Le baiser" in 2005. Performed in "La sainte Catherine" in 2006. Played Paul in "Camping paradis" in 2006. Played Sinon in "Le nouveau monde" in 2008. Played Le Doc in "Profilage" in 2009. Played Michel Gallimard in "Camus" in 2010. Played Comte de Jobourg in "Les diamants de la victoire" in 2010. Played M. Lejeune, le banquier in "Mike" in 2011. Played Sainclair in "Au bonheur des ogres" in 2013. Played Narrator in "Le plus beau pays du monde" in 2013. Performed in "Barbecue" in 2014. Played Eric in "Divin enfant" in 2014. Performed in "SMS" in 2014.

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Barbara Sukowa has:

Played Babsi Meyer in "Tatort" in 1969.

Performed in "Hauptsache, die Kohlen stimmen" in 1974.

Played Crystal Allen in "Frauen in New York" in 1977.

Played herself in "NDR Talk Show" in 1979.

Played Mieze in "Berlin Alexanderplatz" in 1980.

Played Marianne in "Die bleierne Zeit" in 1981.

Played Lola in "Lola" in 1981.

Played Patricia in "Un dimanche de flic" in 1983.

Played Hilde Wangel in "Baumeister Solness" in 1984.

Played Leisel Kolff in "Space" in 1985.

Played Rosa Luxemburg in "Rosa Luxemburg" in 1986.

Played Katharina in "Die Verliebten" in 1987.

Played Camilla, Duchess of Crotone in "The Sicilian" in 1987.

Played Katharina Hartmann in "Europa" in 1991.

Played Hannah in "Homo Faber" in 1991.

Played Herself (Cannes 1991 footage) in "Triers element" in 1991.

Played Jeanne Gallimard in "M. Butterfly" in 1993.

Played Regina in "Colpo di coda" in 1993.

Played Cousal General in "New York Undercover" in 1994.

Played Sister Maria Pulaski in "The Wright Verdicts" in 1995.

Played Anna Kalmann in "Johnny Mnemonic" in 1995.

Played herself in "Klavier im Stau" in 1996.

Played Anna Loeser in "Im Namen der Unschuld" in 1997.

Played Virginia Wingate in "Office Killer" in 1997.

Played herself in "The Port of Last Resort" in 1998.

Played Sheila Robinson in "Nightworld: Lost Souls" in 1998.

Played Rachel Singer in "The Lady in Question" in 1999.

Played herself in "Beckmann" in 1999.

Played Sophie Silvano in "Cradle Will Rock" in 1999.

Played Helen in "The Third Miracle" in 1999.

Played Clara - The Married Woman in "Urbania" in 2000.

Played Helen in "Thirteen Conversations About One Thing" in 2001.

Played herself in "Gero von Boehm begegnet..." in 2002.

Played Rosemarie in "Hierankl" in 2003.

Played Vera Glaubitz in "Die andere Frau" in 2004.

Played herself in "Thadeusz" in 2005.

Played Mrs. Deklava in "Veronika Decides to Die" in 2009.

Played Hildegard von Bingen in "Vision - Aus dem Leben der Hildegard von Bingen" in 2009.

Played Hannah Arendt in "Hannah Arendt" in 2012.

Played herself in "Der Bayerische Filmpreis 2012" in 2013.

Played Marquez in "El cielo es azul" in 2014.

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Bernard Verley has: Performed in "Die Lady" in 1964. Played Edgar Linton in "Les hauts de Hurlevent" in 1968. Played Jacques in "Une femme libre" in 1971. Played Jean-Pierre in "La bonzesse" in 1974. Played M. Leterrand in "Les mal partis" in 1976. Played Guardia svizzera in "Madame Bovary" in 1978. Played Cameo appearance in "Pacific Palisades" in 1990. Played Ferrand in "Nord" in 1991. Played Joseph Cohen in "Les Cordier, juge et flic" in 1992. Played Maudry in "Julie Lescaut" in 1992. Played Julius in "Le temps et la chambre" in 1992. Played Ludovic in "Une nouvelle vie" in 1993. Played Le Cardinal in "La reine Margot" in 1994. Played Lessner in "La bavure" in 1994. Played Landrieu in "La folie douce" in 1994. Played Ma tante in "Le sourire" in 1994. Played Marquis de Tallert in "Un si bel orage" in 1995. Played Monsieur Stil in "Le crime de monsieur Stil" in 1995. Played Maitre Rodier in "Dis-moi oui..." in 1995. Played Marquis de Ranquerailles in "La duchesse de Langeais" in 1995. Played Inspecteur Jacques Meyer in "Fils de flic" in 1995. Played Colonel Deleuze in "Commandant Nerval" in 1996. Played Gaspard in "Les liens du coeur" in 1996. Played Jacques Newborne in "Strangers" in 1996. Played Neyrat in "Strangers" in 1996. Played Alain in "Les braconniers de Belledombre" in 1997. Played Charles-Henri in "Lucie Aubrac" in 1997. Played Hippocrates in "The Violent Earth" in 1998. Played Chef de mission in "La femme du cosmonaute" in 1998. Played Thomas Perez in "Marc Eliot" in 1998. Played Philippe Saint-Brice in "Les rives du paradis" in 1998. Played Inspecteur Garreau in "Les brumes de Manchester" in 1998. Played Monsieur Chamblasse in "Les terres froides" in 1999. Played Inspecteur Loudun in "Au coeur du mensonge" in 1999. Played Pierre Lambert in "Les complices" in 1999. Played Walemme in "Mathieu Corot" in 2000. Played Trailer Voiceover Actor in "CQ" in 2001. Played Lucien in "Des nouvelles des enfants" in 2001. Played Malone in "Malone" in 2002. Played Adrien in "Au sud des nuages" in 2003. Played Charles Fournier in "La battante" in 2005. Played Sir Malcolm in "Lady Chatterley" in 2006. Played Me Rippert in "Le grand appartement" in 2006. Played Manuel Escriva in "Les tricheurs" in 2006. Played Louis Korn in "Un flic" in 2007. Played Julien in "Villa Belle France" in 2009. Played Jean-Charles in "Mes amis, mes amours, mes emmerdes" in 2009. Performed in "Moussa" in 2009. Played Gaston Gallimard in "V comme Vian" in 2011. Played BonP in "Au galop" in 2012. Played Maurice in "Retenir les ciels" in 2013.

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ACCEPTANCE. This word is commonly used as meaning a bill of exchange, that is, the actual bill itself, but an acceptance is really the writing across the face of a bill by which the drawee agrees to the order of the drawer. The drawee is the person to whom a bill is addressed by the drawer, and who is required to pay on demand, or at a fixed or determinable future time, a sum certain in money to or to the order of a specified person, or to bearer. If the drawee agrees to the drawer's order he signifies his assent by accepting the bill. When the drawee has accepted a bill he is called the acceptor.

An acceptance is defined by Section 17 of the Bills of Exchange Act, 1882, as follows : " (1) The acceptance of a bill is the signi fication by the drawee of his assent to the order of the drawer.

" (2) An acceptance is invalid unless it complies with the following con ditions, namely : " (a) It must be written on the bill and be signed by the drawee. The mere signature of the drawee without additional words is sufficient.

" (b) It must not express that the drawee will perform his promise by any other means than the payment of money." As a rule a drawee accepts a bill after it has been fully completed and signed by the drawer ; but by Section IS, " A bill may be accepted : " (I) Before it has been signed by the drawer, or while otherwise incom plete : " (2) When it is overdue, or after it has been dishonoured by a previous refusal to accept, or by non payment : " (3) When a bill payable after sight is dishonoured by non-acceptance, and the drawee subsequently accepts it, the holder, in the absence of any different agreement, is entitled to have the bill accepted as of the date of first presentment to the drawee for acceptance." There are two kinds of acceptances : (1) General acceptance. (See ACCEPT ANCE, GENERAL.) (2) Qualified acceptance. (See ACCEPT ANCE, QUALIFIED.) " A general acceptance assents without qualification to the order of the drawer. A qualified acceptance in express terms varies the effect of the bill as drawn." (Section 19, s.s. 2.) An acceptance is usually upon the face of the bill, but the drawee's signature placed upon the back of it is regarded as sufficient.

In such a case it is usual to make a reference on the front of the bill to the fact that the acceptance is on the back. A drawee may accept a bill by merely writing his name across it, without any further words, but it is customary for the word " accepted " to be used. When the bill is domiciled, .the name of the bank where it is payable follows the word " accepted," and then the acceptor signs his name. The commonest form of acceptance (a general acceptance) is :- " Accepted. payable at the X & V Bank ing Coy., Ltd., London, John Brown." If the bill is payable at so many days after sight, the drawee must add the date of sight ing to his acceptance. (See SIGHTING A BILL.) If there are several drawees named on a bill, each one of them must sign the accept ance, but an order addressed to two drawees in the alternative, or to two or more drawees in succession, is not a bill of exchange. (See DRAWEE.) Section 17 states that the acceptance must be signed by the drawee, but anyone who holds a proper authority from the drawee to accept bills may accept on his behalf.

Where the drawee is a firm, the partner who accepts must do so in the name of the firm. If the drawee is Mrs. John Brown, she should accept as " Mary Brown, wife (or widow) of John Brown." Where the drawee is a limited company, the acceptance should, to be correct, contain the name of the company as well as the signatures of the authorised officials.

With regard to the rules as to presentment of a bill for acceptance, see PRESENTMENT FOR ACCEPTANCE.

When a bill is duly presented for accept ance and is not accepted within the cus tomary time, the person presenting it must treat it as dishonoured by non-acceptance.

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Most recent celebrities who passed away on the 25th:

Michael Jackson (June 25, 2009)

Farrah Fawcett (June 25, 2009)

Sky Saxon (June 25, 2009)

In addition:

James Brown (December 25, 2006)

Dean Martin (December 25, 1995)

Eartha Mae Kitt (December 25, 2008)

Lisa (Left Eye) Lopes (April 25, 2002)

Roger Troutman (April 25,1999)

Aaliyah (August 25, 2001)

5 answers

  • Plays

  • The Comeback,Suffolk Theatre, Emerson Theatre, Boston, MA, 1958
  • The Death of Bernard the Believer,Il Cafe Cabaret Theatre, SouthOrange, NJ, 1960
  • This Play Is about Me,Il Cafe Cabaret Theatre, 1961
  • The Hanging of Emmanuel,Il Cafe Cabaret Theatre, 1962
  • Hop, Skip, and Jump,Il Cafe Cabaret Theatre, 1963
  • The Simon Street Harvest,Il Cafe Cabaret Theatre, 1964
  • The Killer Dove(two-act), Theatre on the Green, West Orange, NY,1966
  • Line(one-act), Cafe La MaMa, 13th Street Theatre, New York City,1967, then Theatre de Lys, New York City, 1971, also (as two-act), Mark TaperForum, Los Angeles, 1969; published inIsrael Horovitz: Collected Works,Volume I:Sixteen Short Plays,Smith & Kraus (Lyme, NH), 1996
  • The Indian Wants the Bronx(one-act), Astor Place Theatre, New York City, 1968; published by Dramatists Play Service (New York City), 1968, inFirst Season,Random House (New York City), 1968, and inIsrael Horovitz: Collected Works,Volume I:Sixteen Short Plays,Smith &Kraus, 1996
  • It's Called the Sugar Plum(one-act), Astor Place Theatre, 1968; published by Dramatists Play Service, 1968, inFirst Season,Random House, 1968, and inIsrael Horovitz: Collected Works,Volume I:Sixteen Short Plays,Smith & Kraus, 1996
  • Rats(one-act), Cafe Au Go Go, New York City, 1968; published by Dramatists Play Service, 1968, inFirst Season,Random House, 1968, inIsrael Horovitz: Collected Works,Volume I:Sixteen Short Plays,Smith & Kraus, 1996, and inTheatre for Young Audiences: Around theWorld in 21 Plays,1997
  • Chiaroscuro(one-act; also known asChiaroscuro (or Morning)), Festival of Two Worlds, Spoleto Festival Theatre, Spoleto, Italy, 1968, then as "Morning,"Morning, Noon, and Night,Henry Miller's Theatre, New York City, 1968; published by Random House (New York City), 1969; publishedasMorninginIsrael Horovitz: Collected Works,Volume I:Sixteen Short Plays,Smith & Kraus, 1996
  • The Honest-to-God Schnozzola(one-act), Act IV Theatre, Provincetown, MA, 1968, then (withLeader), Gramercy Arts Theatre, New York City, 1969; published by Breakthrough Press, 1971, and inIsrael Horovitz: Collected Works,Volume I:Sixteen Short Plays,Smith & Kraus, 1996
  • Leader(one-act; double-bill withThe Honest-to-God Schnozzola), Gramercy Arts Theatre, 1969; published withPlay for Trees,Dramatists Play Service, 1973
  • Acrobats(one-act), Mickery Theatre, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1970,then (double-bill withLine), New Comedy Theatre, Theatre de Lys, NewYork City, 1971; published by Dramatists Play Service, 1971 and inIsraelHorovitz: Collected Works,Volume I:Sixteen Short Plays,Smith & Kraus, 1996
  • Clair-Obscur,Theatre Lucernairre, Paris, 1970; published by Gallimard, 1972
  • Dr. Hero(also known asThe World's Greatest Play), PublicTheatre, New York City, 1971; published by Dramatists Play Service, 1973
  • Le premiere,Theatre de Poche, Paris, 1972
  • Shooting Gallery,Workshop of the Performing Arts Theatre, New York City, 1973; published withPlay for Germs,Dramatists Play Service,1973, and inIsrael Horovitz: Collected Works,Volume I:Sixteen Short Plays,Smith & Kraus, 1996
  • Play for Germs(based on his television playVD Blues), published withShooting Galleryby Dramatists Play Service, 1973, and inIsrael Horovitz: Collected Works,Volume I:Sixteen Short Plays,Smith & Kraus, 1996
  • Capella,published by Harper & Row (New York City), 1973 produced, 1978
  • The Wakefield Plays(containsAlfred the Great,Hopscotch,Our Father's Failing,Alfred Dies,Stage Directions,Spared,andThe 75th), performed in various combinations between 1973 and 1986;Alfred the Greatpublished by Harper & Row, 1974,HopscotchandThe 75thpublished asHopscotch and The 75th: The Quannapowitt Quartet, Parts One and Two,by Dramatists Play Service, 1977, and inIsrael Horovitz: Collected Works,Volume I:Sixteen Short Plays,Smith & Kraus, 1996
  • The First,The Last,andThe Middle(a "comic triptych"), 1974
  • Turnstile,Hanover, NH, 1974
  • Spared,1975 published inIsrael Horovitz: Collected Works,Volume I:Sixteen Short Plays,Smith & Kraus, 1996
  • Uncle Snake: An Independence Day Pageant,New York City, 1975; published by Dramatists Play Service, 1976
  • The Primary English Class,Cubicula Theatre, then Circle in the Square, both New York City, 1975; published by Dramatists Play Service, 1976
  • The Bottom,1975-1976
  • The Reason We Eat,Hartman Theatre, Stamford, CT, 1976
  • Sunday Runners in the Rain,1976
  • The Former One-on-One Basketball Champion,Actors Studio, New YorkCity, 1977; published withThe Great Labor Day Classic,Dramatists Play Service, 1982, and inIsrael Horovitz: Collected Works,Volume I:Sixteen Short Plays,Smith & Kraus, 1996
  • (Adaptor) Eugene Ionesco'sMan with Bags,translated by Marie-France Ionesco, Towson State University Theatre, Towson, MD, 1977; published by Grove Press (New York City), 1977
  • The Lounge Player,New York City, 1977
  • (With David Boorstin)Cappella(adaption of his novel of the sametitle), Off-Center Theatre, New York City, 1978
  • Stage Directions,Actors Studio, 1978; published inIsrael Horovitz: Collected Works,Volume I:Sixteen Short Plays,Smith &Kraus, 1996
  • The Widow's Blind Date,New York City, 1978; published by TheatreCommunications Group (New York City), 1981, and inNew England Blue: Playsof Working-Class Life,Smith & Kraus, 1996
  • Mackerel,Gloucester Stage Company, Hartford, CT, 1978; publishedby Talonbooks Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 1979
  • A Christmas Carol, Scrooge and Marley(based on the novelA Christmas Carolby Charles Dickens), Baltimore, MD, 1978; published by Dramatists Play Service, 1979
  • The Good Parts,produced at Actors Studio, New York City, 1979; published by Dramatists Play Service, 1983
  • The Great Labor Day Classic,inHolidays,Louisville, KY, 1979, then alone, New York City, 1984; published withThe Former One-on-OneBasketball Champion,New Dramatists Play Service, 1982
  • A Trilogy(also known asGrowing UpandThe Sault Ste. Marie Trilogy;based on material by Morley Torgov; containsThe ChopinPlayoffs,A Rosen by Any Other Name,andToday, I Am a FountainPen), American Jewish Theatre, New York City, 1985-1986;The Chopin Playoffspublished by Dramatists Play Service, 1987;Today, I Am a Fountain Pen(also known asIsrael Horovitz's Today, I Am a Fountain Pen) published by Dramatists Play Service, 1987;A Rosen by Any Other Namepublished by Dramatists Play Service, 1987
  • Henry Lumper,Gloucester, MA, 1985, then Actors Outlet Theatre, New York City, 1989; published by Dramatists Play Service, 1990, and inNewEngland Blue: Plays of Working-Class Life,Smith & Kraus, 1996
  • North Shore Fish,Workshop of the Performing Arts Theatre, 1985-1986; published by Dramatists Play Service, 1989, and inNew England Blue: Plays of Working-Class Life,Smith & Kraus, 1996
  • Year of the Duck,Portland, ME, 1986, then Hudson Guild Theatre, New York City, 1987; published by Dramatists Play Service, 1988
  • "Faith,"Faith, Hope, and Charity,South Street Theatre, New YorkCity, 1988-1989; published by Dramatists Play Service, 1989, and inIsraelHorovitz: Collected Works,Volume I:Sixteen Short Plays,Smith & Kraus, 1996
  • Strong-Man's Weak Child,Los Angeles, 1990; published inNew England Blue: Plays of Working-Class Life,Smith & Kraus, 1996
  • Park Your Car in Harvard Yard,Music Box Theatre, New York City, 1991-1992; published asIsrael Horovitz's Park Your Car in Harvard Yard,Samuel French (New York City), 1993, and inNew England Blue: Plays of Working-Class Life,Smith & Kraus, 1996
  • Fighting over Beverley,Gloucester, MA, 1993
  • Green-Eyed Monster,1993
  • Unexpected Tenderness,Workshop of the Performing Arts Theatre, 1994; published inNew England Blue: Plays of Working-Class Life,Smith& Kraus, 1996
  • Barking Sharks,1995
  • Lebenstraum,Gloucester Stage Company, 1996, then New York City, 1997
  • My Old Lady,Gloucester Stage Company, 1996, then New York City, 1997
  • One Under,Gloucester Stage Company, 1997
  • Captains and Courage(based onCaptains Courageousby Rudyard Kipling), 1997
  • Stations of the Cross,Gloucester Stage Company, Gorton Theatre, Gloucester, MA, 1998
  • Fast Hands,1999
  • Also author ofThe Lounge Player.Horovitz's plays have been translated into as many as thirty languages and have been produced in several cities throughout the world.
  • Play Collections
  • First Season(containsThe Indian Wants the Bronx,It'sCalled the Sugar Plum,andRats), Vintage Books (New York City), 1968
  • An Israel Horovitz Trilogy,Doubleday (Garden City, NY), 1987
  • Israel Horovitz: Collected Works,Volume I:Sixteen Short Plays(also known asWorks;containsAcrobats,Faith,The Former One-on-One Basketball Champion,The Great Labor Day Classic,The Honest-to-God Schnozzola,Hopscotch,The Indian Wants the Bronx,It's Called the Sugar Plum,Line,Morning,Play for Germs,Rats,The 75th,The Shooting Gallery,Spared,andStage Directions), Smith & Kraus (Lyme, NH), 1994
  • New England Blue: Plays of Working-Class Life(containsHenry Lumper,North Shore Fish,Park Your Car in Harvard Yard,Strong Man's Weak Child,Unexpected Tenderness,andThe Widow'sBlind Date), Smith & Kraus, 1996
  • Plays represented in anthologies, includingCollision Course,edited by Edward Parone, Random House (New York City), 1968;The Waterford Plays,edited by John Lahr, Grove (New York City), 1968;The Best Short Plays,edited by Stanley Richards, Chilton, 1968-1970, 1975, 1977-78; andFamous American Plays of the 1960s,edited by Harold Clurman, Dell (New York City), 1972.

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