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The police action was geared to disburse the croud without incedent.

1 answer

Some alternative words for disburse are the following: distribute, divvy, dole out, foot the bill, pay out, shell out. The definition of disburse means to spend money.

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When I rich I am going to be really careful about the disbursement of my money.

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Traveler is required to split disburse all charges to the card upon settlement.

1 answer

Traveler is required to split disburse all charges to the card upon settlement.

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Traveler is required to split disburse all charges to the card upon settlement.

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At midtown Auto , paychecks are disbursed ever Friday

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Money... Either you or somebody you may owe is going to get money.

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Wells Fargo and Citibank disburse loans straight to the student

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Banks do not handle salaries or applicants in regards to an estate. They do not disburse funds after the account owner has died. You should contact the executor and the attorney who is handling the estate.

Banks do not handle salaries or applicants in regards to an estate. They do not disburse funds after the account owner has died. You should contact the executor and the attorney who is handling the estate.

Banks do not handle salaries or applicants in regards to an estate. They do not disburse funds after the account owner has died. You should contact the executor and the attorney who is handling the estate.

Banks do not handle salaries or applicants in regards to an estate. They do not disburse funds after the account owner has died. You should contact the executor and the attorney who is handling the estate.

2 answers

You have disburse his assets according to state law - it doesn't matter what they do with those assets - them not using the money wisely is a moral issue not a legal one. Check your state's laws for who gets what when there is no will.

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Tellers are the people who receive and disburse money directly to customers. Some institutions call them cashiers.

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All the listed expenses, including the cash withdrawal

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The septic tank, which may be so full of solids that the tile field has become unable to disburse the waste water.

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For a fee, the custodial institution may collect dividends, interest, and proceeds from securities' sales, and disburse funds according to a customer's instructions

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For a fee, the custodial institution may collect dividends, interest, and proceeds from securities' sales, and disburse funds according to a customer's instructions

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Yes that is their main job. If there is a will it should tell the executor where and when to dispurse the funds.


Yes, but only in accordance with the terms of the will or where applicable, the rules of intestacy.

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Information dissemination means; Methods one uses to communicate information Information; knowledge, facts or making facts known Dissemination; to spread something, disburse

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the CO2 bubbles in the champagne cling to the rough surface of the raisin, making it rise. when it gets to the surface, the bubbles disburse and the raisin sinks.

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I would say the closest synonym for the word dispense is disburse. Other synonyms for dispense include give away, allot, distribute, and hand out.

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Yes, it's a scam. Numerous complaints on them. A big one was you putting money into an account for escrow purposes, and then they disburse it inappropriately. Neverminding the advance fees, that's never a good thing.

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The Latin burs means pouch or purse. Example in English: disburse

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American Intercontinental University will issue a refund checks within 30 days after the end of the semester. Many times the checks are issued within 10 days.

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Because the molecules, of the solute and the solvent, have more energy, and therefore move around more quickly. This means the substances can disburse (mix) more quickly.

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Normally, after 3 weeks of school. They have to make sure that you comply with the attendance policy. However, the first quarter that you attend NAU, it might take a little longer.

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The brain and the lungs aid the breathing of humans. The brain tells the body when to inhale and when to exhale. The lungs take in the air and disburse the oxygen throughout the body through the blood, starting in the heart.

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As you might already know, the main business for banks is accepting deposits and granting loans. The more the loans the banks disburse the more profit they make. Also, banks do not have a lot of their own money to give as loans. They depend on customer deposits to generate funds for granting loans to other customers. So a deposit mobilization scheme would encourage customers to deposit more cash with the bank and this money in turn will be used by the bank to disburse more loans and generate additional revenue for themselves.

1 answer

As you might already know, the main business for banks is accepting deposits and granting loans. The more the loans the banks disburse the more profit they make. Also, banks do not have a lot of their own money to give as loans. They depend on customer deposits to generate funds for granting loans to other customers. So a deposit mobilization scheme would encourage customers to deposit more cash with the bank and this money in turn will be used by the bank to disburse more loans and generate additional revenue for themselves.

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As you might already know, the main business for banks is accepting deposits and granting loans. The more the loans the banks disburse, the more profit they make. Also, banks do not have a lot of their own money to give as loans. They depend on customer deposits to generate funds for granting loans to other customers. So a deposit mobilization scheme would encourage customers to deposit more cash with the bank and this money in turn will be used by the bank to disburse more loans and generate additional revenue for themselves.

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It takes a moment for the cooling system to kick in and start cooling. So the warm air that is sitting in the system is forced out when the unit is turned on.

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No. There is no such requirement. Gratuity can be paid into your existing bank account itself. If you do not have a bank account already, in that case you may need to open one in order to get the gratuity disbursement but if you have one you can use it.

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It is used to raise and disburse funds for political campaigns.

Under US campaign finance laws, PACs are treated differently from either a political party or a candidate's own campaign funds.

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A bank should be able to help you, however they may require identification from you in case you got the coins from knocking over vending machines, etc.

Alternately, there are coin collecting machines available in major retail outlets like shoprite where you can deposit all your coins. This machine would disburse a gift coupon that you can use at the shoprite store or any other stores or it will even disburse cash if you want. The machine would have charges for using it, which if you pay it would happily count your coins and return paper money.

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He used to pay gold and lands to those Soldiers and their family members who were fighting for him.

He used to conquer kingdoms, used to loot those and disburse in his army.

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Many listing examples are available for purchase through online merchants of several aptitudes. There are many workers lined up to create and disburse high effective creeds of thought from any simple everyday thought.

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Usually when you are granted a loan it will have 2-3 disbursements. Think of a disbursement as a "payment." If half of your loan pays out to the school, you will begin paying interest on that amount. When the second disbursement comes in, you will begin paying interest on that next amount.

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Yes. There is actually no limit to the amount of money a bank can raise as deposits. The main business for banks is accepting deposits and granting loans. The more the loans the banks disburse the more profit they make. Also, banks do not have a lot of their own money to give as loans. They depend on customer deposits to generate funds for granting loans to other customers. So a deposit mobilization scheme would encourage customers to deposit more cash with the bank and this money in turn will be used by the bank to disburse more loans and generate additional revenue for themselves.

1 answer

As you might already know, the main business for banks is accepting deposits and granting loans. The more the loans the banks disburse, the more profit they make. Also, banks do not have a lot of their own money to give as loans. They depend on customer deposits to generate funds for granting loans to other customers. So a deposit mobilization scheme would encourage customers to deposit more cash with the bank and this money in turn will be used by the bank to disburse more loans and generate additional revenue for themselves.

They do that by organizing drives and road shows in prominent areas of the city

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Generally speaking the Food and Drug Administration regulate all legal drug suppliers and producers in the United States. Individual states regulate the pharmacies in the state that disburse the drugs, making all suppliers in the U.S. generally good.

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Job Description for Cashiers : Receive and disburse money in establishments other than financial institutions. May use electronic scanners, cash registers, or related equipment. May process credit or debit card transactions and validate checks.

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Typical, and for most restaurants by the way, is around minimum wage. Added to this are table tips which can supplement the hourly rate.

Some restaurants pool all table tips into one pot and equally disburse the money at the end of the the day.

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This means that the mortgage company has included your taxes as part of your monthly payment. They take a portion of your payment every month, hold it in an account called an escrow account, and then disburse it according to the requirements of the county that your property resides in.

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