There are numerous species of tree kangaroos, but they are not all endangered.
Two Australian species are listed by the IUCN as endangered, one of which is the Lumholtz's Tree kangaroo.
The Goodfellow's, Doria's, Matschie's, Tenkile and the Dingiso are the most endangered tree kangaroos in New Guinea.
1 answer
There are numerous species of tree kangaroos, but they are not all endangered.
Two Australian species are listed by the IUCN as endangered, one of which is the Lumholtz's Tree kangaroo.
The Goodfellow's, Doria's, Matschie's, Tenkile and the Dingiso are the most endangered tree kangaroos in New Guinea.
5 answers
Scott's Tree Kangaroo (also known as the Tenkile) of New Guinea is one of the most endangered species of tree kangaroo, and in 2001 there were believed to be only around 100 of these animals left.
3 answers
Tigers, Monkeys, Lizards and all sorts of creatures. Additional Info: Komodo Dragon, Tree Kangaroo (Dingiso), Water Shrew (Sumatra Water Shrew), Weasal (Indonesian Mountain Weasal), Sun Bear, Short Clawed Otter, Sei Whale, Orang-utan, Siamang, Silvery Gibbon, Otter (Short Clawed Otter), White Handed Gibbon, Woolly Rat (Alpine Woolly Rat). This is not a complete, for more details please see site listed below.
3 answers
There are about 60 species of Kangaroo in Australia which are unique to Australia.
There are several species of Tree Kangaroo which are native to New Guinea and parts of Indonesia. These include the Matschie's tree kangaroo, Golden mantled tree kangaroo, Grizzled tree kangaroo, Ursine tree kangaroo, Doria's tree kangaroo, Seri's tree kangaroo, Goodfellow's tree kangaroo, Lowlands tree kangaroo, Dingiso and Tenkile.
However, some species of wallaby (a smaller member of the kangaroo family) have been introduced to other countries such as New Zealand and even Scotland.
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The main danger to tree kangaroos is habitat loss. Destruction of rainforests means loss of habitat, and loss of food source. Unlike some other highly adaptable marsupials, tree kangaroos need a very specific habitat. Also, in parts of northern Australia, quite a few tree kangaroo deaths are caused by cars. Introduced species such as foxes and wild dogs are also a major problem.
It should be noted that not all species of tree kangaroos are endangered.
One Australian species is listed as endangered, and that is the Lumholtz's Tree kangaroo.
The Goodfellow's, Doria's, Matschie's, Tenkile and the Dingiso are the most endangered tree kangaroos in New Guinea.
5 answers
It should be noted that not all species of tree kangaroos are endangered.
Two Australian species are listed by the IUCN as endangered, one of which is the Lumholtz's Tree kangaroo. The Goodfellow's, Doria's, Matschie's, Tenkile and the Dingiso are the most endangered tree kangaroos in New Guinea.
The main danger to tree kangaroos is habitat loss. Destruction of rainforests means loss of habitat, and loss of food source. Unlike some other highly adaptable marsupials, tree kangaroos need a very specific habitat. Also, in parts of northern Australia, quite a few tree kangaroo deaths are caused by cars. Introduced species such as foxes and wild dogs are also a major problem.
In New Guinea, education is needed to teach the locals the value of saving these species and not eating them. Given that most of the indigenous population of New Guinea (both the Indonesian half and the Papua New Guineans) still live in traditional tribal groups, with their associated culture and practices, this is virtually impossible to achieve. To this end, nonetheless, in 1999 the Conservation Education Program was begun to raise awareness - at least among some members of the upcoming generation.
2 answers
The great majority of kangaroo species are not at all in danger of extinction. In some parts of Australia, they are considered a pest and, unfortunately, farmers have successfully lobbied to have them culled. Kangaroo meat products can also be bought at butchers' shops and supermarkets.
Kangaroos are uniquely adapted to survive Australian conditions. The mother kangaroo can be pregnant with one baby while another joey is still in her pouch: that second baby will not emerge from the birth canal until the first joey is fully weaned. This way, the health of both parent and baby is ensured.
There are over 60 species of kangaroo, however, and many of the lesser-known species are in danger (classified as "endangered", especially those in the wallaby family. Rock-wallabies seem to be most prone to endangerment. But the larger creatures commonly recognised as kangaroos, such as Red kangaroos and Grey kangaroos, remain common and prolific.
5 answers
If wombats moved to other places, they would come into contact with placental mammals, which would eat all of the food that the wombat might eat, and perhaps eat the wombat, thus making it die out.
8 answers