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Wars of the Diadochi happened in -322.

1 answer

Second War of the Diadochi happened in -319.

1 answer

The Diadochi : Perdiccas , Craterus and Antipater .

1 answer

His generals after his death divided the empire up between them.

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The Diadochi (Or successors) to the Alexandrian Empire were three of Alexanders former generals named Perdiccas , Craterus amd Antipater .

(Lower ranking officers who also vied for power were Ptolemy I Soter , Lysimachus , Peucestas , Peithon and Leonnatus .)

1 answer

This would have been the age during which the romans,Carthaginians, and diadochi were competing for control of the known world. The Romans would have taken all of Italy by now, the Carthaginians wold have established colonies in Spain, Sicily, and Corsica. There were several greek cities and colonies in sicily, greece, asia minor, and along the Black Sea. After the breakup of Alexanders empire, the diadochi, or successor states were as follows: the Seleucids (successors to the persians, controlled syria, parts of Asia Minor, and the fertile crescent), the Ptolemeic Dynasty in Egypt (controlled egypt and the levant), and the Macedonians (controlled Macedon and northern Greece). Other kingdoms in the region that were not diadochi but occupied former areas of alexanders empire would be the Pontic kingdom, or Pontus (most of asia minor), the Armenian kingdom, and the Parthians ( the only kingdom out of all of these to not be conquered by the romans). Beyond these, there would have been various spanish, british, german, gallic, thracian, dacian, scythian, and other 'barbarian' tribes and peoples.

1 answer

The wars of the Diadochi (Alexander's generals disputing over division of Alexander's empire) would not have happened. Rome would not have risen during the time Greece was incapacitated by the Diadochi wars. More nations would certainly have been conquered, most likely those conquered by Rome and since Rome spread everything Greek we may have still ended with the same result only without some of the Latin pro's and cons, i.e. barbarity, legal structures. It may even have affected the ability of the Abraham middle eastern religions to develop and take root. I guess we will never know.

1 answer

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern -I-D---I. That is, eight letter words with 2nd letter I and 4th letter D and 8th letter I. In alphabetical order, they are:


1 answer

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 2 words with the pattern D---O-H-. That is, eight letter words with 1st letter D and 5th letter O and 7th letter H. In alphabetical order, they are:



1 answer

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern D-A---HI. That is, eight letter words with 1st letter D and 3rd letter A and 7th letter H and 8th letter I. In alphabetical order, they are:


1 answer

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 4 words with the pattern D-A--C--. That is, eight letter words with 1st letter D and 3rd letter A and 6th letter C. In alphabetical order, they are:





1 answer

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern DI----HI. That is, eight letter words with 1st letter D and 2nd letter I and 7th letter H and 8th letter I. In alphabetical order, they are:


1 answer

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 2 words with the pattern -IA--CH-. That is, eight letter words with 2nd letter I and 3rd letter A and 6th letter C and 7th letter H. In alphabetical order, they are:



1 answer

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 2 words with the pattern DI--OC--. That is, eight letter words with 1st letter D and 2nd letter I and 5th letter O and 6th letter C. In alphabetical order, they are:



1 answer

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern D--D--HI. That is, eight letter words with 1st letter D and 4th letter D and 7th letter H and 8th letter I. In alphabetical order, they are:


1 answer

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 2 words with the pattern D-AD-C--. That is, eight letter words with 1st letter D and 3rd letter A and 4th letter D and 6th letter C. In alphabetical order, they are:



1 answer

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern DIA--C-I. That is, eight letter words with 1st letter D and 2nd letter I and 3rd letter A and 6th letter C and 8th letter I. In alphabetical order, they are:


1 answer

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 18 words with the pattern --A---H-. That is, eight letter words with 3rd letter A and 7th letter H. In alphabetical order, they are:



















1 answer

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 3 words with the pattern D--DOC--. That is, eight letter words with 1st letter D and 4th letter D and 5th letter O and 6th letter C. In alphabetical order, they are:




1 answer

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 12 words with the pattern -I-DO---. That is, eight letter words with 2nd letter I and 4th letter D and 5th letter O. In alphabetical order, they are:













1 answer

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 6 words with the pattern DI---CH-. That is, eight letter words with 1st letter D and 2nd letter I and 6th letter C and 7th letter H. In alphabetical order, they are:







1 answer

why. because we all need freedom and when for example a government gives people that type of freelife . the people have no pressure towards the government and it gives them a great day to day feeling. but when the government turns around and says lets go to war . the people are in no pressure or fear to protect there family and lands. and adding mountainous lands , valleys , islands and the geographic design of greece were the cause of all those brocken up city states. thats why theres are fairness towards this

1 answer

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 26 words with the pattern D-A-O---. That is, eight letter words with 1st letter D and 3rd letter A and 5th letter O. In alphabetical order, they are:



























1 answer

Alexander had many generals. The ones who became his successors and carvedup/disputed over his empire after his death were: Antigonus, Antipater, Cassander, Craterus, Lysimachus, Perdiccas, Ptolemy, Seleucis

5 answers

Well, on his deathbed, his subjects asked him who would inherit the empire, and he said, "the strongest". Obviously, that was not very specific, so everyone fought over who would inherit the empire, so the empire collapsed under no rule with everyone fighting.

3 answers

1) Alexander the Great was born on July 20th 356 BC. 2) More than 10 inventions were made in Ancient Greece including the anchor and automatic doors. 3) Alexander the Great became king on 323 BC.

2 answers

After Alexander the Greatâ??s death, his longtime comrade, Cassander, who was one of The Diadochi, ordered the execution of Alexanderâ??s wife Roxana, Alexanderâ??s son by her, and Alexanderâ??s mother Olympia's. This was to consolidate his power as the new King of Macedonia.

7 answers

Fundamentally this statement is untrue, although Alexander did take steps towards a progressive multicultural empire, such as the amalgamation of Macedonians and Persians at Susa, his integration of Iranian and Eastern soldier in his military, and showing respect to this cultures by being seen in Eastern and Macedonian clothing, recorded by Ancient Scholarly evidence from Aristoboulos and Plato. Crucially Alexander did not live long enough to consolidate his empire, leading to it swiftly breaking up during the first Diadochi war(s) due to a succession crisis. To emphasise this point, it is seen on Antiochus' Cylinder where Seleucus I, who absorbed much of the Eastern frontier from Anatolia and Jerusalem to India, declared himself a Macedonian. His successor, Antiochus I, declaring himself Eastern predominately and disregarding his Macedonian heritage, emphasises how fickle culture can be and how Alexanders legacy of multiculturalism was a failure, i would argue due to his untimely death.

2 answers

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 103 words with the pattern -I---C--. That is, eight letter words with 2nd letter I and 6th letter C. In alphabetical order, they are:








































































































1 answer

The Romans, in the years of expanding their republic (and later their empire), came into conflict with many different adversaries. From North African Carthaginians, which was a colony from Phoenicia(a people who, in ancient times, lived in the Canaan), Hellenes(Greeks), Macedonians(A Hellenic people of Alexander the Great fame), Israelite Jews(The Originals) and Ptolemaic(A Hellenic Diadochi state) Egyptians.

By some means or another, whether political or through warfare, the Romans always came out in the end to subjugate the foreign populace and expand their empire. Most civilizations at the time could not keep up with the efficiency by which Rome could prepare and expend troops, and on top of this Rome had an advanced system of close-combat swordsmanship and were ultimately very versatile in adapting the strategies of other warriors if necessary.

Even though Rome could conquer Britain, it seemed unable to, just as the Angles, Saxons and Jutes a few centuries later, conquer the native Pictish people of Scotland. Whether this was due to some tactic related to the cold Scottish winter making it difficult to wage war or if the Pictish people were more unified than the other tribes in England at the time, I am unsure... What is certain is that the Romans were unable to enforce hegemony in their land.

1 answer

He left no viable heir, and his generals grabbed parts of the empire and fought over these spoils. The residue was the Hellenistic Kingdoms ruled by dynasties descended from the most successful surviving generals.

5 answers

I know of more than four: Seleucid (Turkey, Iraq, Iran), Ptolemeic (Egypt & Palestine), Antiginoid (Greece), Bactria (Afghanistan), Maurya (India/Pakistan), Parthians also appeared in northern Turkey/Georgia but they apparently moved in and established their kingdom. Addition: The Hellenistic Kingdoms (a modern terminology) were originally split up between Cassander (Macedonia), Egypt (Ptolemy), Asia Minor (Lysimachos) and the east (Seleucis). A geographical perspective is given in the map in: However these early divisions changed shape and size as Alexander's self-acclaimed heirs (diadochi) fought amongst each other, and particularly in the east, where the territories beyond Mesopotamia quickly returned to native rule.

6 answers

After Alexanders death, Macedonian generals were fighting for control over his empire. 3 leaders: Antigonnus, Ptolemy, and Selecus won control by becoming ruler of Macedonia Greek city-states, title of Pharaoh in Egypt, and controlling the Persian Empire

6 answers

The term "Hellenistic" refers to the period following the death of Alexander the Great in 323 BCE when his vast empire was divided among his generals, known as the Diadochi. The three main kingdoms that emerged from this division were the Seleucid Empire in Asia, the Ptolemaic Kingdom in Egypt, and the Antigonid Kingdom in Macedon and Greece. These kingdoms were called Hellenistic because they adopted and spread Greek culture, language, and customs throughout their territories, blending them with local traditions to create a unique hybrid culture.

4 answers

Yes... The Mongol empire is the second largest (and largest contiguous) Empire ever to exist. Alexander the Great's Empire, though impressive, was much smaller granted it was built in a shorter period of time. If Alexander hadn't met an untimely death at the age of 33, Rome may never have had the opportunity to grow in strength during the diadochi wars, the area would have been conquered by Alexander and things may have been quite different.

The British Empire was the biggest the world has ever seen! it ruled 1/5th of the world's land, (British Empire - 33.67 million km2 (1922)here is a world map, bits marked red are what Great Britain ruled.


second place goes to The Mongol Empire.

Third place goes to The Russian Empire.

Here is the top 10 biggest Empires in order, when they were and how much land they had....

  1. British Empire - 33.67 million km2 (1922)[23]
  1. Mongol Empire - 33.0 million km2 (1270 or 1309)[14][3]
  2. Russian Empire - 22.8 million km2 (1895)[14][3]
  3. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics - 22.3 million km2 (1945)[14]
  4. Spanish Empire - 19.425 million km2 (ca. 1740-1790)[25]
  5. Russian Federation - 17.1 million km2 (1991)[14]
  6. Qing Empire, China - 14.7 million km2 (1790)[14][3]
  7. Second French Colonial Empire - 12.3 million km2 (1938)[25]
  8. Umayyad Caliphate - 11.1 million km2 (720 or 750)[14][3]
  9. Yuan Empire, China - 11.0 million km2 (1310)[14

1 answer

Alexander was a greek king, who conquered the then whole known world, this was something un achieved by any king or ruler. Put simply Alexander the great is among the greatest Commanders in History. Leadership from the front is exemplified by him. His military victories were devastating.

5 answers

  • He was born in late July of 365 b.c.
  • He was the son of king Phillip the second.
  • He became the ruler of his father's empire in 336 b.c. after King Phillip was assassinated.
  • And Alexander died in 323 b.c. in babylonia at the age of 33.

:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
he was a fighter at 10 years old and when his father died he fought for Egypt and others. Egypt was proud to have as there leader because he followed Greek culture and Alexander was very kind and wasn't stricken. he also kept the Persians from taken over all of Egypt and others. when Alexander died his people could not choose who was the most powerful leader so they all split into three kingdoms and were often at war.

this is true information is any questions fill free to ask and ill give you more information .

Alexander III of Macedon (20/21 July 356 BC - 10/11 June 323 BC), commonly known as Alexander the Great (Greek: Ἀλέξανδρος ὁ Μέγας, Aléxandros ho MégasKoine Greek: [a.lék.san.dros ho mé.gas]), was a king (basileus) of the Ancient Greek kingdom of Macedon[a] and a member of the Argead dynasty. He was born in Pella in 356 BC and succeeded his father Philip II to the throne at the age of twenty. He spent most of his ruling years on an unprecedented military campaignthrough Asia and northeast Africa, and he had created one of the largest empires of the ancient world by the age of thirty, stretching from Greece to northwestern India.[1][2] He was undefeated in battle and is widely considered one of history's most successful military commanders.[3]

During his youth, Alexander was tutored by Aristotle until the age of 16. After Philip's assassination in 336 BC, he succeeded his father to the throne and inherited a strong kingdom and an experienced army. Alexander was awarded the generalship of Greeceand used this authority to launch his father's Panhellenic project to lead the Greeks in the conquest of Persia.[4][5] In 334 BC, he invaded the Achaemenid Empire(Persian Empire) and began a series of campaigns that lasted ten years. Following the conquest of Anatolia, Alexander broke the power of Persia in a series of decisive battles, most notably the battles of Issus and Gaugamela. He subsequently overthrew Persian King Darius III and conquered the Achaemenid Empire in its entirety.[b] At that point, his empire stretched from the Adriatic Sea to the Indus River.

He sought to reach the "ends of the world and the Great Outer Sea" and invaded India in 326 BC, winning an important victory over the Pauravas at the Battle of the Hydaspes. He eventually turned back at the demand of his homesick troops. Alexander died in Babylon in 323 BC, the city that he planned to establish as his capital, without executing a series of planned campaigns that would have begun with an invasion of Arabia. In the years following his death, a series of civil warstore his empire apart, resulting in the establishment of several states ruled by the Diadochi, Alexander's surviving generals and heirs.

Alexander's legacy includes the cultural diffusion and syncretism which his conquests engendered, such as Greco-Buddhism. He founded some twenty cities that bore his name, most notably Alexandria in Egypt. Alexander's settlement of Greek colonists and the resulting spread of Greek culture in the east resulted in a new Hellenistic civilization, aspects of which were still evident in the traditions of the Byzantine Empire in the mid-15th century AD and the presence of Greek speakers in central and far eastern Anatoliauntil the 1920s. Alexander became legendary as a classical hero in the mold of Achilles, and he features prominently in the history and mythic traditions of both Greek and non-Greek cultures. He became the measure against which military leaders compared themselves, and military academiesthroughout the world still teach his tactics.[6][c] He is often ranked among the most influential people in human history.[7]

1 answer

This prophecy, found in the Book of Revelation, describes a time of great tribulation when people will suffer so much that they will seek death as a way to escape the pain. However, even in their desperation, death will elude them, highlighting the severity of the turmoil they will face. It serves as a warning of the challenges and suffering that will occur during the end times.

2 answers

In the 8th century BC, Greece began to emerge from the Dark Ages which followed the fall of the Mycenaean civilization. Literacy had been lost and Mycenaean script forgotten, but the Greeks adopted the Phoenician alphabet, modifying it to create the Greek alphabet. From about the 9th century BC written records begin to appear. Greece was divided into many small self-governing communities, a pattern largely dictated by Greek geography, where every island, valley and plain is cut off from its neighbours by the sea or mountain ranges. Early Athenian coin, 5th century BC

The Lelantine War (c.710-c.650 BC) was an ongoing conflict with the distinction of being the earliest documented war of the ancient Greek period. Fought between the important poleis (city-states) of Chalcis and Eretria over the fertile Lelantine plain of Euboea, both cities seem to have suffered a decline as result of the long war, though Chalcis was the nominal victor. A mercantile class rose in the first half of the 7th century, shown by the introduction of coinage in about 680 BC.[citation needed] This seems to have introduced tension to many city states. The aristocratic regimes which generally governed the poleis were threatened by the new-found wealth of merchants, who in turn desired political power. From 650 BC onwards, the aristocracies had to fight not to be overthrown and replaced by populist tyrants. The word derives from the non-pejorative Greek τύραννος tyrannos, meaning 'illegitimate ruler', although this was applicable to both good and bad leaders alike.[2][3] A growing population and shortage of land also seems to have created internal strife between the poor and the rich in many city states. In Sparta, the Messenian Wars resulted in the conquest of Messenia and enserfment of the Messenians, beginning in the latter half of the 8th century BC, an act without precedent or antecedent in ancient Greece. This practice allowed a social revolution to occur.[4] The subjugated population, thenceforth known as helots, farmed and laboured for Sparta, whilst every Spartan male citizen became a soldier of the Spartan Army in a permanently militarized state. Even the elite were obliged to live and train as soldiers; this equality between rich and poor served to diffuse the social conflict. These reforms, attributed to the shadowy Lycurgus of Sparta, were probably complete by 650 BC. Athens suffered a land and agrarian crisis in the late 7th century, again resulting in civil strife. The Archon (chief magistrate) Draco made severe reforms to the law code in 621 BC (hence Draconian), but these failed to quell the conflict. Eventually the moderate reforms of Solon (594 BC), improving the lot of the poor but firmly entrenching the aristocracy in power, gave Athens some stability. The Greek world in the mid 6th century BC.

By the 6th century BC several cities had emerged as dominant in Greek affairs: Athens, Sparta, Corinth, and Thebes. Each of them had brought the surrounding rural areas and smaller towns under their control, and Athens and Corinth had become major maritime and mercantile powers as well. Rapidly increasing population in the 8th and 7th centuries had resulted in emigration of many Greeks to form colonies in Magna Graecia (Southern Italy and Sicily), Asia Minor and further afield. The emigration effectively ceased in the 6th century by which time the Greek world had, culturally and linguistically, become much larger than the area of present-day Greece. Greek colonies were not politically controlled by their founding cities, although they often retained religious and commercial links with them. In this period, huge economic development occurred in Greece and also her overseas colonies which experienced a growth in commerce and manufacturing. There was a large improvement in the living standards of the population. Some studies estimate that the average size of the Greek household, in the period from 800 BC to 300 BC, increased five times, which indicates a large increase in the average income of the population. In the second half of the 6th century, Athens fell under the tyranny of Peisistratos and then his sons Hippias and Hipparchos. However, in 510 BC, at the instigation of the Athenian aristocrat Cleisthenes, the Spartan king Cleomenes I helped the Athenians overthrow the tyranny. Afterwards, Sparta and Athens promptly turned on each other, at which point Cleomenes I installed Isagoras as a pro-Spartan archon. Eager to prevent Athens from becoming a Spartan puppet, Cleisthenes responded by proposing to his fellow citizens that Athens undergo a revolution; that all citizens shared in the power, regardless of status; that Athens become a 'democracy'. So enthusiastically did the Athenians take to this idea, that, having overthrown Isagoras and implemented Cleisthenes's reforms, they were easily able to repel a Spartan-led three-pronged invasion aimed at restoring Isagoras.[5] The advent of the democracy cured many of the ills of Athens and led to a 'golden age' for the Athenians. Main article: Classical Greece == Main articles: Greco-Persian Wars and Peloponnesian War Athens and Sparta would soon have to become allies in the face of the largest external threat ancient Greece would see until the Roman conquest. After suppressing the Ionian Revolt, a rebellion of the Greek cities of Ionia, Darius I of Persia, King of Kings of the Achaemenid Empire, decided to subjugate Greece. His invasion in 490 BC was ended by the heroic Athenian victory at the Battle of Marathon under Miltiades the Younger. Xerxes I of Persia, son and successor of Darius I, attempted his own invasion 10 years later, but despite his overwhelmingly large army he was defeated after the famous rearguard action at Thermopylae and victories for the allied Greeks at the Battles of Salamis and Plataea. The Greco-Persian Wars continued until 449 BC, led by the Athenians and their Delian League, during which time the Macedon, Thrace, the Aegean Islands and Ionia were all liberated from Persian influence. Delian League ("Athenian Empire"), immediately before the Peloponnesian War in 431 BC.

The dominant position of the maritime Athenian 'Empire' threatened Sparta and the Peloponnesian League of mainland Greek cities. Inevitably, this led to conflict, resulting in the Peloponnesian War (431-404 BC). Though effectively a stalemate for much of the war, Athens suffered a number of setbacks. A great plague in 430 BC followed by a disastrous military campaign known as the Sicilian Expedition severely weakened Athens. Sparta was able to ferment rebellion amongst Athens's allies, further reducing the Athenian ability to wage war. The decisive moment came in 405 BC when Sparta cut off the grain supply to Athens from the Hellespont. Forced to attack, the crippled Athenian fleet was decisively defeated by the Spartans under the command of Lysander at Aegospotami. In 404 BC Athens sued for peace, and Sparta dictated a predictably stern settlement: Athens lost her city walls (including the Long Walls), her fleet, and all of her overseas possessions. == Greece thus entered the 4th century under a Spartan hegemony, but it was clear from the start that this was weak. A demographic crisis meant Sparta was overstretched, and by 395 BC Athens, Argos, Thebes, and Corinth felt able to challenge Spartan dominance, resulting in the Corinthian War (395-387 BC). Another war of stalemates, it ended with the status quo restored, after the threat of Persian intervention on behalf of the Spartans. The Spartan hegemony lasted another 16 years, until, when attempting to impose their will on the Thebans, the Spartans suffered a decisive defeat at Leuctra in 371 BC. The Theban general Epaminondas then led Theban troops into the Peloponnese, whereupon other city-states defected from the Spartan cause. The Thebans were thus able to march into Messenia and free the population. Deprived of land and its serfs, Sparta declined to a second-rank power. The Theban hegemony thus established was short-lived; at the battle of Mantinea in 362 BC, Thebes lost her key leader, Epaminondas, and much of her manpower, even though they were victorious in battle. In fact such were the losses to all the great city-states at Mantinea that none could establish dominance in the aftermath. The weakened state of the heartland of Greece coincided with the rising power of Macedon, led by Philip II. In twenty years, Philip had unified his kingdom, expanded it north and west at the expense of Illyrian tribes, and then conquered Thessaly and Thrace. His success stemmed from his innovative reforms to the Macedon army. Phillip intervened repeatedly in the affairs of the southern city-states, culminating in his invasion of 338 BC. Decisively defeating an allied army of Thebes and Athens at the Battle of Chaeronea (338 BC), he became de facto hegemon of all of Greece. He compelled the majority of the city-states to join the League of Corinth, allying them to him, and preventing them from warring with each other. Philip then entered into war against the Achemaenid Empire but was assassinated by Pausanias of Orestis early on in the conflict. Alexander, son and successor of Philip, continued the war. Alexander defeated Darius III of Persia and completely destroyed the Achaemenid Empire, annexing it to Macedon and earning himself the epithet 'the Great'. When Alexander died in 323 BC, Greek power and influence was at its zenith. However, there had been a fundamental shift away from the fierce independence and classical culture of the poleis-and instead towards the developing Hellenistic culture. Main articles: Wars of Alexander the Great, Hellenistic Period, and Hellenistic civilization The Hellenistic period lasted from 323 BC, which marked the end of the Wars of Alexander the Great, to the annexation of the Greece by the Roman Republic in 146 BC. Although the establishment of Roman rule did not break the continuity of Hellenistic society and culture, which remained essentially unchanged until the advent of Christianity, it did mark the end of Greek political independence. The major Hellenistic realms; the Ptolemaic kingdom (dark blue); the Seleucid empire (yellow); Macedon (green) and Epirus (pink).

During the Hellenistic period, the importance of "Greece proper" (that is, the territory of modern Greece) within the Greek-speaking world declined sharply. The great centers of Hellenistic culture were Alexandria and Antioch, capitals of Ptolemaic Egypt and Seleucid Syria respectively. The conquests of Alexander had numerous consequences for the Greek city-states. It greatly widened the horizons of the Greeks and led to a steady emigration, particularly of the young and ambitious, to the new Greek empires in the east. Many Greeks migrated to Alexandria, Antioch and the many other new Hellenistic cities founded in Alexander's wake, as far away as what are now Afghanistan and Pakistan, where the Greco-Bactrian Kingdom and the Indo-Greek Kingdom survived until the end of the 1st century BC. After the death of Alexander his empire was, after quite some conflict, divided amongst his generals, resulting in the Ptolemaic Kingdom (based upon Egypt), the Seleucid Empire (based on the Levant, Mesopotamia and Persia) and the Antigonid dynasty based in Macedon. In the intervening period, the poleis of Greece were able to wrest back some of their freedom, although still nominally subject to the Macedonian Kingdom. The city states formed themselves into two leagues; the Achaean League (including Thebes, Corinth and Argos) and the Aetolian League (including Sparta and Athens). For much of the period until the Roman conquest, these leagues were usually at war with each other, and/or allied to different sides in the conflicts between the Diadochi (the successor states to Alexander's empire). The Antigonid Kingdom became involved in a war with the Roman Republic in the late 3rd century. Although the First Macedonian War was inconclusive, the Romans, in typical fashion, continued to make war on Macedon until it was completely absorbed into the Roman Republic (by 149 BC). In the east the unwieldy Seleucid Empire gradually disintegrated, although a rump survived until 64 BC, whilst the Ptolemaic Kingdom continued in Egypt until 30 BC, when it too was conquered by the Romans. The Aetolian league grew wary of Roman involvement in Greece, and sided with the Seleucids in the Roman-Syrian War; when the Romans were victorious, the league was effectively absorbed into the Republic. Although the Achaean league outlasted both the Aetolian league and Macedon, it was also soon defeated and absorbed by the Romans in 146 BC, bringing an end to the independence of all of Greece.

3 answers

The image of the beast may be an image of the Antichrist/beast himself or it may be a religious image (e.g. a Marian statue?) which he worships or credits for the survival of his apparent assassination attempt (Rev. 13). The Bible's last and final (sealed) prophetic book of Revelation depicts 4 main accursed players leading up to the end time scenario. They can be found in Revelation chapters 13, 17 and 18.

The 4 players are:

- the two personas called the beast and his false prophet

- an all-powerful nation/city which is a globally powerful commercial center depicted by a harlotrous woman

- ten nations who hate the harlotrous nation (depicted as ten horns on the beast's head) and plot to destroy her.

The end time scenario involving these players can be summarized as follows:

The beast/Antichrist arises out of a multicultural ocean-surrounded land. He will have great political authority and global influence, being viewed by the world as "The One". The beast fulfills his Marxist political objectives swiftly and with persuasive words within 42 months or 3.5 years, during which he will miraculously survive an assassination attempt. The beast carries (is either subject to and/or leads) the harlotrous woman. She represents a multicultural land surrounded by oceans, making nations worldwide wealthy by buying and consuming their merchandise. She also spreads her immoralities to the whole world.

After rebounding from his assassination attempt the beast will be spiritually vindicated by a false prophet who performs signs and wonders on the beast's behalf and tells the world to worship him and make an image to him. Since the beast may likely be "The One" who mediates a peace-treaty between Jews and Arabs so as to make it possible for Jews to rebuild their 3rd Temple, he and his false prophet will then demand that the beast's image will be setup in this temple. The beast will further assume global economic control by requiring everyone to receive his mark (microchip?) on their forehead or right arm, and/or the number of his name.

The beast further conspires with ten nations who hate the harlot, to have them burn her with fire in "one hour" - the only way this is possible is by nuclear attack. All the world's nations will behold this attack with great weeping and mourning, because the major consumer of their wealth has been destroyed. The destruction of the harlot is God's judgment.

More details about each of the players:

1) The BEAST (Rev 13 & 17:

- arises out of the sea (a place surrounded by oceans? or represented by people of all nationalities?)

- has the body of a leopard (moves swiftly and powerfully), the feet of a bear (trods the path of "the great bear" Russia's communism/Marxism?), and the mouth of a lion (conquering with persuasive and boastful speech)

- carries the harlotrous woman who sits upon many waters - perhaps he carries her as someone subject/accountable to her or restricted by her. Or perhaps the beast is the one the woman depends upon, carrying and leading her to her destination.

- has the dragon's (satanic) power and authority to influence all peoples and nations globally for 42 months (or 3.5 years)

- suffers a deadly wound to one of his heads (assassination attempt?) which he miraculously survives and recovers from, causing the world to marvel at his invincibility

- is spiritually vindicated to be "The One" by the false prophet who performs satanic miracles on his behalf and then tells the world to worship the beast and make an image to him and worship it.

- has 7 heads - his globally influential seat manifesting in seven consecutive biblically significant kings/empires. The first six were likely Assyria, Egypt, Babylonia, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome. The seventh is a modern-day continuation of one of the six - likely the "Holy Roman Empire" (?)

- has 10 horns - ten nations co-existing at the time of the beast's rule, will "give their power and authority to the beast" for the single purpose of destroying the harlotrous woman "in one hour...with fire" (nuclear attack?)

- will have economic power and control over the whole world. No one can buy or sell without having the mark of the beast (implanted microchip/Verichip?) on their forehead or right hand, or without the number of his name (symbolized by 666), or without worshiping his image

2) The FALSE PROPHET (Rev. 13):

- is depicted as a beast which arises out of the earth (Europe?), having two horns like a lamb

- calls down even fire from heaven and performs miracles in the presence of the beast

- having caught the world's attention by means of these miracles, then tells everyone to worship the beast who survived an assassination attempt and make an image to him and worship it as well

- commands that an image of the beast be made and set up in the then reconstructed 3rd Jewish Temple in Jerusalem. This is to blaspheme God and desecrate the Jews' holiest place of worship, giving an excuse to persecute Jews who refuse to worship the beast's image.

3) The HARLOT (Rev. 17 & 18)

- sits atop many waters (representing multitudes from all nationalities)

- rides upon and is carried by the beast described in 1) - perhaps he carries her as someone subject/accountable to her or restricted by her. Or perhaps the beast is the one the woman depends upon, carrying and leading her to her destination.

- is clothed in luxurious garments and wears costly jewelry - she is wealthy and lives luxuriously, importing merchandise from all nations. She is proud and believes she is invincible.

- has made nations all over the world wealthier by importing merchandise from them (including slaves)

- has the name "Mystery Babylon" and the title "mother of harlots" written upon her forehead

- she spreads her sins and immorality to the whole world, being the "mother of harlots"

- In order to have become a harlot, she must have once been faithful. Throughout the Bible a harlot is used to represent God's nation turned unfaithful to Him...

- She becomes responsible for shedding the blood of God's people and other innocents (abortions + upcoming persecution?)

- She will be destroyed by fire in "one hour" (nuclear attack?) by 10 nations who conspire with the beast to attack her

- nations will behold her destruction with great weeping and mourning as the major consumer of their merchandise is no more . If one reads carefully concerning the creature described as having seven heads and ten horns, one will find coming up among them a little horn which will rise to preeminence above them all, this will be the beast or man of sin. Understand that the Antichrist is not a personage per se but is indeed a system, an attitude which in the time of Christ was already in the world. Satan has always been anti-Christ and will give his power to the beast. During the time of the man of sin, he will be the unquestioned head(ruler) of a world system totally given over to an antichrist system. Revelation 12:3 And another sign appeared in heaven: behold, a great, fiery red dragon having seven heads and ten horns, and seven diadems on his heads. Revelation 13:1 Then I stood on the sand of the sea. And I saw a beast rising up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and on his horns ten crowns, and on his heads a blasphemous name. Revelation 17:12 "The ten horns which you saw are ten kings who have received no kingdom as yet, but they receive authority for one hour as kings with the beast. Revelation 17:16 "And the ten horns which you saw on the beast, these will hate the harlot, make her desolate and naked, eat her flesh and burn her with fire. The Harlot is Jerusalem: Isaiah 1:21 How the faithful city has become a harlot! It was full of justice; Righteousness lodged in it, But now murderers. Therefore: the seven headed, ten horned fiery red dragon referred to in Rev 12:3 is a metaphorical creature, which essentially describes the 'spirit' or 'culture' of the kings (in our modern language, they are merely 'military or political leaders') who would be ultimately responsible for Jerusalem's desolation. An historical study would produce a number of 'leaders' who have at the very least vicarious liability for Jerusalem's condition over history & into the future (I haven't explored that far myself, I'm sure someone is interested enough to do so ).

Revelation describes the image of the beast as something different from the beast itself. It may be an idol representing the beast, since Revelation also refers to the image demanding that it be worshiped, under threat of death. This ties in with the Bible's condemnation of idol worship. Also, Revelation describes at least three beasts, not just one. The first beast is mentioned only briefly, but the second beast is the one described as having multiple heads, horns, and crowns, and was given, by Satan, his "power and his throne and great authority"; this doesn't mean Satan relinquishes his powers to this beast, but rather the beast derives its powers from Satan. The third beast simply has two horns like a lamb, and speaks like a dragon, and is the one who commands that humans create the image of the second beast. The meaning of this hierarchy is still the subject of debate. Some people say the third beast is meant to be the antichrist, or Satan, or both, because his only difference from the appearance of a man, is having two short horns, and also possibly because he speaks, like Satan, like a dragon, but Revelation is clear that he is not Satan, since he is referred to as "another beast". So, these two beasts do Satan's work for him, instead of actually being Satan. Revelation 16:13 implies that the third beast is the "false prophet": "Then I saw three evil spirits that looked like frogs; they came out of the mouth of the dragon [Satan], out of the mouth of the beast [the one with multiple heads] and out of the mouth of the false prophet [the third beast, presumably with just one head]." Being described as a prophet, albeit a false one, also supposedly lends support to the idea of the third beast as being "THE antichrist", but still the title is not appropriate.

Revelation makes no specific reference to "antichrist". The Bible uses the term "antichrist" only in John, not in Revelation, and doesn't provide a physical description, since "antichrist" was not meant to be a specific person, but instead any person who denied Christ. None of the beasts described in Revelation are supposed to be "the" antichrist, but at most, they express the spirit of being antichrist in general. Revelation describes the third beast, the false prophet, as being able to perform miracles to deceive people, but it doesn't state that the intent of this deception is to pretend to be Christ, or even "the antichrist", but rather as someone who IS anti-Christ. Others argue that this may be splitting hairs, since the implication in Revelation may be that he intends to masquerade, not as Christ, but as being as powerful as Christ, and hence the term "THE antichrist" may be applicable, as in "the most powerful of the anti-Christs".

The second beast of Revelation, with multiple heads, doesn't qualify for being "the antichrist", since it was supposed to be, as Revelation says, a metaphor for a powerful, repressive worldwide system, not a specific individual. Some scholars say it refers to the Roman Empire growing even worse than it was at the time, giving rise to the events described in Revelation not long after the death of Jesus, and the first few sentences of Revelation imply that to be the author's message, since they state the events described are "what must soon take place", and "the time is near". Some current scholars suggest another time frame based on their idea that major aspects of the Roman Empire never really died, which, if the second beast of Revelation refers to the Roman Empire, could still qualify any point in the future as being the time of Revelation.

As mentioned above, one reason some people mistakenly think of the third beast as "the antichrist", rather than a metaphor, is that Revelation doesn't describe him in the same fashion as the second beast (for instance, no multiple heads--just two horns), implying that he may be a kind of man. Revelation further implies this by saying he has "the number of a man". However, this still does not qualify him as being "THE antichrist", but rather "another antichrist", since the authors of the Bible wanted it to be clear that the spirit of antichrist is found in anyone who denies Christ. Others say the third beast is Satan, since, among other things, both "speak with the voice of a dragon", and the classic image of Satan (besides that of a serpent) has him having two horns, but Revelation makes no such comparison, but instead identifies both as being separate, with the third beast taking orders and getting his powers from Satan.

Also, the events described in Revelation, starting with the appearance of the second beast, take place long after many other calamitous worldwide events, which don't fit the description of any events the world has seen so far. So, if the Book of Revelation were true, then the appearance of the beasts would not occur for some time to come, so that anyone becoming a worldwide leader, or tyrant, before the occurrence of the prophesied prior calamitous events, would not represent "the antichrist" anyway.


According to Dr. Kenneth L. Gentry, the events described in Revelation took place about 2000 years ago, around AD 70, and Caesar Nero was The Beast (which some people mistakenly refer to as "the" Antichrist):

In his discussion, he describes how the descriptions of cataclysms in Revelation, are non-literal, symbolic, flowery phrases largely borrowed from the Old Testament, meant to communicate various things in coded terms so the Romans couldn't understand what was being described if they came across the text of Revelation, or overheard a Christian talking about Revelation.

Another Answer:

We must not forget who it is that creates the image of the "sea" beast. Revelation 13 says that it is the "earth" beast that forms the image of the "sea" beast. So to find out what the image of the beast is, it would help if we knew what both beasts were.

In Daniel 7 we are told that "beasts" represent KINGDOMS. So this also applies to beasts in Revelation. Therefore these two beasts are two kingdoms. The first beast rises up out of the sea which Revelation 17:15 confirms as "peoples, nations, tongues". So the first beast is a nation that rises from a very populated area. This matches Rome in Europe.

The second beast in contrast rises up out of the earth. This is the opposite to the sea, so this kingdom would have risen out of a wilderness area that was largely unpopulated. This matches America. So if this is right, then it is America that makes the image to the first beast.

Consider this:

Daniel 8 which is the rise of Persia (Iran) Media (occurring as I am typing this - Summer 2015)

This leads to Daniel 11 (the destruction of Persia Media) the rise and fall of the king of the West, his death and the emergence of the 4 kings of Daniel 7 (4 winds blowing).

The kings of Daniel 7 have the same 7 heads as those given in Revelation 13 and 17, this is a one world (Global) political system (most likely a global socialist political system)

According to Daniel 7:

1) Lion - 1 head

2) Bear - 1 head

3) Leopard - 4 heads

4) Dreadful Terrible (1 head)

The first three make up the first 6 heads and Satan as Anti-Christ makes up the last or 7th

Revelation 17 will explain these heads in some detail ... They are political heads of state basically... no great step for a stepper...

According to Revelation 17, the sea is made up of all the peoples of the earth.

An historical account is to observe Persia (Iran) then Alexander the great (King from the West), then the Diadochi (generals of Alexander especially the king of the South Ptolemy and the king of the North Seleucid ), then Rome. You will find details of the king of the South and North given in Daniel 11.

The beast is therefore a political one world order made up of those kingdoms identified in Daniel 7 and proclaimed in Revelation 13 and 17. Its identical to the global political system used in the 1st earth iteration by Satan (Revelation 12).

If you don't understand the iterations of earth .... Read 2nd Peter 3, as you are now in the 2nd iteration.

1 answer

This portion of the answer was addended on July 16, 2016 A.D. :

Ascension Sunday, May 8, 2016 A.D. was foretold to be / is / was the 1,335th day of verse twelve of chapter twelve in the Book of Daniel (Daniel 12:12).

It is also the same date as all other references to the Day of the Lord (Malachi 4:5, et. al.) found in the Holy Bible.

The Book of Daniel foretells the exact days of Christ's coming as Prince and Christ's Second Coming as King.


Beginning of original answer by Baruch Scribe1 :

According to Biblical Theology the period of time from the First Coming of Jesus Christ the Messiah in humiliation, to His Second Coming in glory, is known asThe End Times or Last Days. Old Testament prophets were inspired by God to give foreknowledge for the three periods of time which include their own time, the first coming of the Messiah, and the second coming of the Messiah.

In total Daniel's prophecies are of great importance in that they reveal a pattern of prediction and fulfilment. The book of Daniel in its entirety serves as a prophetic message for today, with its intention being not to give an account of the life of Daniel, providing neither his lineage, nor his age, and recounting but a few of the events of his long career. Neither is it meant to give a record of the history of Israel during the exile, nor even of the captivity in Babylon.

The purpose of prophecy in the book of Daniel is to show how by His providential guidance, His miraculous interventions, His foreknowledge and almighty power, the God of heaven controls and directs the forces of nature and the history of nations, the lives of Hebrew captives and of the mightiest of the kings of the earth, for the accomplishment of His Divine and beneficent plans for His servants and people.

The Last Chapter in the book of Daniel: (Chapter 12)

1 And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince who stands for the children of thy people; and there shall be a time of distress, such as never was since there was a nation until that time. And at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that is found written in the book. 2 And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame, to everlasting contempt. 3 And they that are wise shall shine as the brightness of the expanse; and they that turn the many to righteousness as the stars, for ever and ever. 4 And you, Daniel, close the words, and seal the book, till the time of the end. Many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased. 5 And I Daniel looked, and behold, there stood other two, the one on this side, on the bank of the river, and the other on that side, on the bank of the river. 6 And he said to the man clothed in linen, who was above the waters of the river, How long is it to the end of these wonders? 7 And I heard the man clothed in linen, who was above the waters of the river; and he held up his right hand and his left hand unto the heavens, and swore by him that lives for ever that it is for a time, times, and a half; and when the scattering of the power of the holy people shall be accomplished, all these things shall be finished. 8 And I heard, but I understood not. And I said, My lord, what shall be the end of these things? 9 And he said, Go your way, Daniel; for these words are closed and sealed till the time of the end. 10 Many shall be purified, and be made white, and be refined; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand. 11 And from the time that the continual sacrifice is taken away, and the abomination that makes desolate set up, there shall be a thousand, two hundred, and ninety days. 12 Blessed is he that waits, and comes to the thousand three hundred and thirty-five days! 13 But do you go your way until the end; and you shall rest, and stand in your lot at the end of the days.

Find the Answer written in biblical texts:

2nd Peter Chapter 3 speaks of 3 earth iterations, you are living in the second if you are reading this article.

Matthew 24, and Mark 13, here is the same question you asked being asked by the Apostles

4 Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign when all these things shall be fulfilled?

Here is the answer to your question from Christ himself. Remember all of these things must occur in the proper time frame and sequence (all must be observable together) ....

#1 = Warning .....Deception: from Mark 13

5 And Jesus answering them began to say, Take heed lest any man deceive you: 6 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. Those that do lie and claim to be Christians and of Christ but are of neither

#2 Warning .... Before we get into the signs there is one prophecy which must become true in order for us to be living in the end of days.....that is the prophecy Christ stated in Matthew 24 and Mark 13 concerning the generation of the fig:

Mark 13

28 Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When her branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is near: 29 So ye in like manner, when ye shall see these things come to pass, know that it is nigh, even at the doors. 30 Verily I say unto you, that this generation shall not pass, till all these things be done.

What Generation? The generation of the parable of the fig tree .... Read Jeremiah 24 as that is the prophecy to which Christ is referring. That prophecy came true in 1948.....You call it The State of Israel (Judah in the land of Israel). Therefore that "fig" generation must be established as part of this prophecy in order for the remainder of the signs of Christ's prophecy to reference the end of days.

# 3Warnings (remainder of the signs Christ gave you)

Mark 13:7 And when ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars, be ye not troubled: for such things must needs be; but the end shall not be yet. (heard of any wars in the Middle East lately?)

  1. Ethnic Wars: 8 For nation shall rise against nation, (the Greek word translated nation is Ethos, or Ethnic in the English, it would have been better translated Ethnic), Wars of ethnicity ... Race... Gender... Financial Status.... doctoral belief (aka religion) .... these are all caused by the use of Sophist based applied dialectics (see young hegelians) by political parties and political officials and affiliates
  2. Wars among Kingdoms: and kingdom against kingdom: you can read about the kings in Daniel 8,11, 7, These wars continue to rage on today as the Sophist fight for global dominance and one world order.
  3. Mega earthquakes: and there shall be earthquakes in divers places, Luke (21) identifies the them as Mega earthquakes. ( Mid 8 and 9 in Magnitude: There have been 12 since 1948, and only 2 or 3 recorded prior to 1948, 5 of the 12 have occurred since 2000... See
  4. Famine (Amos 8:11): and there shall be famine, This Famine is identified in the prophecy of Amos (8:11), its the famine for hearing the words of our Father taught (learning biblical text)
  5. Troubles": This word was translated from the Greek word Tarakay which means Sedition (rolling mobs in the streets protesting against government etc... as Sophist base Socialism falls apart
  6. Delivering up of the elect: Mark 13:9 But take heed to yourselves: for they shall deliver you up to councils; and in the synagogues ye shall be beaten: and ye shall be brought before rulers and kings for my sake, for a testimony against them. What Councils what synagogues? why the synagogue of Satan as he plays the role of fake Jesus .... 2nd Thessalonians 2:4: 4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. (Christ told you there would be those falsely claiming to be him) 10 And the gospel must first be published among all nations. (this is the reason for you being delivered up before the council of the fake Jesus (Satan)11 But when they shall lead you, and deliver you up, take no thought beforehand what ye shall speak, neither do ye premeditate: but whatsoever shall be given you in that hour, that speak ye: for it is not ye that speak, but the Holy Ghost. (Read Acts chapter 2)
  7. these are the beginnings of sorrows.

Christ includes Daniel in his prophecy:

14 But when ye shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing where it ought not, (let him that readeth understand,) then let them that be in Judaea flee to the mountains:

Daniels prophecy refers directly to the end times, even the times of this very day

Daniel 8 and 11 are the Rise and fall of Persia (Iran, occurring as we speak)

Daniel 8 and 11 the rise and fall of the king of the West(like Alexander, not yet occurred)

Daniel 11 and 7 the rise of the final 4 kingdoms in the Middle East (like Alexanders generals not yet occurred)

Daniel 7 and 11, the identification of events which are within the book of Revelation (not yet occurred)

In Summary the answer to your question is....

  • Yes according to Christ's warning you are in the end of days
  • Yes Daniels prophecy is very important.

Another Answer:

There are many different faiths out there with different views, but this is a question only Christians can truly answer. I am a Protestant and a Christian, and, many events that have taken place in the past few years are in the Bible. Wars, pestilence, floods, fire, the decline of human behavior as we have known it in the past.

With the future and the knowledge we seem to think we have, there also comes consequences and we must take our dues and we are in an age where countries are fighting for world power. Daniel said in time the world will be under one government. We are in a time of weapons of mass destruction .

Since man was placed on earth it's been a fight over power, greed and game-playing and many wars have been started over religion. It's always at the risk of the innocent. Nostradamus and Edgar Casey were predictors of what was to come in our world but their words about the end of times cannot be relied upon: only the Bible can be relied upon.

If I hadn't received faith in my life I'd have never gotten through what I have been through. Faith keeps one going when they don't think they can go another step, and faith makes us feel less alone, so the fears we face are not so horrendous. I have read Daniel's prophecies and yes, many of his predictions have come true already.

In the Bible it does say that man will be judged (individually) and it doesn't matter how powerful or wealthy you are ... "you are among those who will be judged". We often think that hell is some dark, deep hole we will plunge into if we don't behave ourselves, but I believe (only my opinion) that earth is a learning ground and we come to learn lessons. We know right from wrong and since he gave us freedom of choice, then we must pay our dues for the wrong we may do.

For most of us, mistakes are acceptable and we were meant to learn from them, but if we have power (a little or a lot) and misuse that power to harm our own brothers and sisters, then we will pay a high price. An interesting part of the Bible and one you can look up is "The Rapture." It's about the end of times in the Bible.

Go onto: google . com and type in: What is the "Rapture" about in the Bible." It is during the time of "The Rapture" that Jesus will choose those who have proven their worth and the evil will remain behind before the end of times.

I am 64 years old and as long as I can remember many faiths believed the end of the world was coming then. Although I think things are much worse today, no one knows when the end of times are coming.

Daniel's only true prophesy Prophecy in Daniel "I was astonished at the vision, but none understood it." (If Daniel couldn't understand his visions, then how could anyone else?) This is the one true prophecy in the book of Daniel: "none understood it." 8:27

Additional Comments:

As stated above, "these times" in which we are living are the "last days" of man's rule on the earth before Jesus returns to establish the Kingdom of God here. But is Daniel's prophecy of great importance? The Bible is about 1/3 prophecy, of which most has yet to see fulfillment. In Daniel's case... his book is to the Old Testament what Revelation is to the New. It's filled with wonderful visions of the gospel of the Kingdom of God taking over the earth and putting an end to the gruesome governments of man.

In two separate dreams; one by King Nebuchadnezzar (chapter 2) and one by Daniel himself (chapter 7) these two visions of man's governments being swallowed up by God's Government should be encouraging and inspiring hope to the nations of the world, that an end is coming to man's misery and suffering. But most nations don't know about it... and what few might have read it - don't understand it.

And sadly... when the Kingdom comes... the nations will be angry with God and fight Him (Rev.11:18). But, then... neither did Daniel understand, did he? "...but thou, O Daniel, shut up the Words, and SEAL THE BOOK, EVEN TO THE TIME OF THE END..." (Dan.12:4). The book is SEALED! NO ONE CAN UNDERSTAND IT... until sometime toward the end just before Jesus returns. But, then, Jesus was already here, once. Shouldn't that make some kind of difference in the understanding of the "sealed book?"

Like I said, Daniel is to the OT, what Revelation is to the New. And, lo, and, behold... what do we find God the Father holding in His right hand in John's vision in Revelation, but: "...a BOOK (scroll) written within and on the backside, SEALED with SEVEN SEALS"!!! (Rev.5:1) A study of the Bible reveals the number seven as symbolic of "completeness." The scroll or book which John sees the Father holding is COMPLETELY SEALED.

A call goes out: "Who is worthy to open the book, and to loose the seals thereof? And NO MAN in heaven, nor in earth, neither under the earth, was able to open the book, neither to look thereon. And I wept much..." (verses 2-4) As it turns out... only the Lamb of God has the qualifications to loose the seals of "Daniel's book" and reveal its contents to the servants of God. "Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation; and hast made us unto our God KINGS and PRIESTS: and WE SHALL REIGN ON THE EARTH." (verses 9-10)

And that's what Revelation is about: the opening and revealing of those anciently sealed prophecies in Daniel's book. Are they of great importance? Only to those who place their faith in the writings of the book. The Author of the book says it is "Truth" (John 17:17). And it is desperately important to those who "believe" it. "THE REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST, which God gave Him, to SHEW HIS SERVANTS THINGS WHICH MUST SHORTLY COME TO PASS; and He sent and signified it by His angel unto His servant John: who BARE RECORD of the Word of God, and the testimony of Jesus Christ, and of all the things that he saw." (Rev.1:1-2)

The world remains ignorant of the book's importance... but God's servants need it: "...BLESSED IS HE THAT READETH, and THEY THAT HEAR THE WORDS OF THIS PROPHECY, and KEEP THOSE THINGS which are written therein: for the time is at hand." (verse 3) Until Christ, Daniel and the prophets "didn't understand what they were writing."

But, thanks to them, God's servants in the last days can.

Another Answer:

We are living in the "End Times", sometimes called the "last days".

Mat 24:3 And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?

Mat 24:4 And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.

Mat 24:5 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.

Mat 24:6 And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars:see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.

Mat 24:7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall befamines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.

Mat 24:8 All these are the beginning of sorrows.

Mat 24:9 Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake.

Mat 24:10 And then shall many beoffended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another.

Mat 24:11 And manyfalse prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.

Mat 24:12 And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.

Mat 24:13 But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.

Mat 24:14 And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.

Mat 24:15 When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)

NB This means God holds EVERYBODY - who read this as accountable to find out what Daniel's prophecy about "the abomination of desolation" means and its fulfillment. There are NO exceptions. It is so important that God has repeated it:-

Mark 13:14 KJV But when ye shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing where it ought not, (let him that readeth understand,) then let them that be in Judaea flee to the mountains:......

Another View:

A good place to start is "Pedigree of the Coming World Leader? The Genealogy of the Antichrist". I would also recommend people read "The Coming Prince" by Sir Robert Anderson

The initial sequence of events are :-

  • The Rapture
  • Construction of the 3rd Temple & Beginning of 7 years of Tribulation.
  • Covenant of peace with jews made by World Leader.
  • 3 1/2 years later Covenant broken by World Leader.
  • Identity of World Leader shown to be Abomination of Desolation.

    These extremely important events all begin with understanding the prophecies of Daniel (there are more than one!)

    The questions were in what times are we living and is Daniel's prophecy of great importance

    Therefore there are two answers according to biblical text, which relate to these questions.

  1. In what times are we living? You will find the answer to that question wrapped up in the prophecy of Christ given to the Apostles (Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21), there Christ gives all people a parable to learn (parable of the fig) and relates it to a generation. That parable refers to the prophecy of Jeremiah 24 which came true in 1948. Therefore we are living in the final generation. Psalm 90, and Genesis 6 will give you the timing of generations.
  2. Is Daniels Prophecy of great importance? Yes, all prophecy is of great importance, however in the prophecy above given by Christ, he refers to the prophet Daniel specifically, therefore Daniel's prophecy is of great importance, because it gives the sequence and order of events which lead up to the end of the 2nd earth iteration and it identifies key players in those event. Currently we are observing the prophecy of Daniel 8 come to pass as nations make deals with Iran (Persia). This is prophecy coming to pass before your very eyes, and it will occur just as it is written in Daniel 8

There is a sequence and order of events which have occurred before and will occur again. That sequence and order are given in Daniel, occurring as 8, then 11 and then 7. You will find 7 is a miniature version of the whole of the book of Revelation.

The Historical progression related to Jerusalem was Judah. Babylon, Persia (Iran)/Media, Greece/Macedonia, the Generals of Alexander (Diodachi), then Rome.

That sequence is repeating. It will start with Persia (Iran) then lead to their destruction and replacement by a power from the West, then the the final 4 (historically 3 major Diadochi and Rome)

Daniel 7 identifies the final 4 kingdoms as (Lion 1head, Bear 1head, Leopard 4 heads, and Dreadful 1head) . Together these make up the 7 headed beast which is identified in Revelation 13 and 17 (basically they are a one world political order). Im sure you have heard the terms globalization and global order, these are terms given by believers in philosopha doctrine (Socialists, Progressives, Communists etc). Its their belief that true peace can be achieved if all "Religion" is eliminated and replaced by the Sophists (especially their Sage) and belief in Philosopha doctrine, globally.

The ideal of the philosopha, is a one world one government system. The problem is, who will be the leader? Men will not be able to decide this point, it will take the antichrist (Satan playing the role of Jesus) to make it all converge.

Additional answer: No matter how hard we individually try to resist doing bad things, the world continues to be plagued by evil acts perpetrated by fellow humans. The Bible warns: "Know this, that in the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here." To show what makes the days "hard to deal with," it goes on to say: "Men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, self-assuming, haughty, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, disloyal, having no natural affection, not open to any agreement, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, without love of goodness, betrayers, headstrong, puffed up with pride, lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God, having a form of godly devotion but proving false to its power; and from these turn away."-2 Timothy 3:1-5.

In his model prayer, Christ taught us to pray for the coming of God's Kingdom. The fulfillment of Bible prophecy indicates that the Messianic Kingdom was established in heaven in 1914.* Is it, therefore, still appropriate for us to pray for that Kingdom to "come"? Certainly. For in Daniel's prophecy, the Messianic Kingdom, symbolized by a stone, is on a collision course with human political governments, symbolized by an immense image. The stone will yet come against that image, striking it a blow that will reduce it to powder. Daniel's prophecy says: "The kingdom itself will not be passed on to any other people. It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it itself will stand to times indefinite."-Daniel 2:44. Watchtower 2/1/2004 Jehovah's Witnesses official website.

2 answers