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The cast of Prem Sanyas - 1925 includes: Rani Bala as Queen Maya Modhu Bose Mrinalini Devi Sunalini Devi Seeta Devi as Gopa Sushil Ghosh Himansu Rai as Gautama Sundar Rajam Prafulla Roy as Devadatta Sarada Ukil as King Suddhodhana

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Devadattaa means "God-given," in Sanskrit It is derived from Deva, "god" in its genitive form and the verb root, Da, "to give" in its past participle form, Dattaa, or "given." The double A in the spelling represents a long "a" as in "father." Short "a" is pronounced like a in "was." E is pronounced like "e" in "bed." The "D" and "T" are pronounced against the teeth, as in Spanish and other languages. V in Sanskrit can be pronounced as a "v" or as "w."

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Gautam Gulati has: Played himself in "Saas Bahu Aur Saazish" in 2007. Played Shauraya Khanna in "Pyaar Kii Ye Ek Kahaani" in 2010. Played Vikram Arun Rathi in "Diya Aur Baati Hum" in 2011. Played himself in "Saas Bahu Aur Betiyaan" in 2011. Played Himself - Vikram in "Nayi Soch Ki Talaash Aamir Ke Saath" in 2012. Played Prince Devadatta in "Sri Siddhartha Gautama" in 2013.

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The Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama, was the son of Suddhodana Gautama, the leader of the Sakya clan in northeastern India. (Hence he is also often called Sakyamuni, the "wise man of the Sakya clan"). His mother's name was Maya, usually referred to as "Maha Maya" ("Maya the Great"). She died seven days after giving birth to Siddhartha, and he was raised by Maya's younger sister, Maha Pajapati. Siddhartha had several half-brothers, including Ananda and Devadatta. Ananda eventually become the Buddha's attendant, and--due to his great memory skills--is believed to be the verbatim source of Buddha's teachings. Devadatta, on the other hand, was jealous of Siddhartha and tried to foil his mission. The Buddha had a wife, named Yasodhara and a son named Rahula. Even though Yasodhara was initially furious when Siddhartha abandoned her in his quest for enlightenment, she eventually came around to seeing things his way and emulated his actions, though within the confines of the palace. When Siddhartha eventually returned home (now as Buddha), Ananda negotiated between him and Yasodhara, which eventually resulted in Siddhartha ordaining her to be the first female member of his order.

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The cast of Papilio Buddha - 2013 includes: Padmapriya Prakash Bare as Sp Narayanan Nair as Chief Minister Kozhikode Narayanan Nair as Minister Kallen Pokkudan as Kariyan Kallen Pokudan as Kariyan Sreejith Ramanan as Dr.Prasannaraj Saritha Saritha as Manjusree Sreekumar Sp as Shankran Antony Thekkek as Gandhian Ram Das

4 answers

By clan Koli's are spear headed noble Rajput's of india in ancient times but now due to their downfall and economical and social condition they have been made down or lower caste people in some states whereas in states like uttarakhand they are koli rajputs in forward caste. In M.P. they comes under SC category.In gujarat due to their dominating nature because of their 42% population,though they have been put in OBC list but they are calling as PALLAVI DARBARS (Thakors/koli PATELS)...In south india caste caste categorization is as per financial condition not as per category. ......They are considered as Rajputs but they are totally anti to Brahmins because they do not follow them........As a result Brahmin envy at them and considers them as shudras etc.....their is sub-caste of koli's in north india i.e. Kori's......After kabir das era 1440 to 1510 AD...HE ended most of his dohas with "kahet kabir kori" made some kolis to kori....kabir das was self confessed koli...within 500 years one sub-caste came into existence koris from kolis who were Suryavanshi kshatriyas....MANDHATA GOD(ancestor of ram who ruled over earth) is koliyan...satyvati,valmiki,gautam buddha mother,suppabuddha,deva daha sakka,devadatta,ananda,perumbidugu,cholas,krishnadeva raya,kuninda dynasty in mahabharata,naga naik of konadana fort,tanaji rao malusare in whose name shivaji changed the name of kondana fort to...SINH GARH...all sorts of too much history reveals that koliyans were noble rajputs in history...and now some parts of the country they are regarded as kshatriyas...and some parts people are getting educated and started knowing about their ancestors and have started claiming that they are kshatriyas as they were and really are......Hope this information is ample enough to make you understand

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This is the cause of much controversy. I am a Buddhist, yet I eat meat. This is because many Buddhists believe that one can eat meat as long as it is blameless. This means that the one must not see, hear, or suspect that the animal was killed because of one alone. Also, it is suspected that the Buddha himself, and his followers ate meat.


HH the Dalai Lama has written on this. The eating of meat is neither inherently good or bad, as answerer #1 indicates the desire to eat meat and causing harm to the animal specifically to satisfy that desire is where the harm arises . Refusing to eat meat prepared by a host is bad - it falls under the affectation of saying "Look how good I am!" Wasting food is bad as well.

I Believe That If The Animal That Is Being Consumed Is Remembered For His Life Being Given And Respected As Well By Saying "Namu Amida Butsu" And Giving Thanks Then It's Ok. I Just Don't Agree With Killing Animals For Sport/Pleasure But Only For Our Sustenance/Survival. Does Any Other Buddhist Agree With Me?

9 answers

in mahabharata it is mentioned that during the great war when arjuna was in battle with karna then lord krishna praise karna for moving back the chariot of arjuna by two steps by the force of his arrows.after the praise arjuna questions lord krishna that why is he praising the karna when he also moved the chariot of karna by ten steps?...

lord krishna replies that he himself is on his chariot thus the weight of all the universe is on the chariot and lord hanuman is the flag bearer of his chariot thus its not possible for even gods to move his chariot,,,

thats why the lord praises him.

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