Long period of financial problems, leading to lower living standards. The Great Depression of the 1930s affected many countries around the world.
8 answers
Yes, depression comes in stages. Just like in the world of finance and markets, the world doesn't immediately fall into depression, it first has a recession and then drops into a depression, so also, we human beings first go through stages of stress, worry, fear, anxiety, and when all these accumulate, they keep sinking us into a valley of sadness and then ultimately, we become depressed. Depression is that state of extreme sadness, of worry, fear, anxiety, pessimism. Therefore, we should stop it when it starts. We should not reach that stage of depression.
3 answers
Everyone gets depressed at some point; it�s a fact of life that you will get sad because of something that happens. But if you are experiencing depression over the course of months or even weeks, see a doctor to find out what is causing the depression. Antidepressants can help with your depression, allowing you to live a normal life
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Depression can significantly impact the well-being and future prospects of young people in university. It is a mental health condition characterised by persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and a loss of interest or pleasure in activities. When left untreated, depression can hinder academic performance, personal relationships, and overall quality of life.
In the context of university, depression can lead to a range of challenges for students. It may affect their ability to concentrate, complete assignments, and participate in class. This can result in lower grades and hinder their academic progress. Additionally, depression can impact social interactions and contribute to feelings of isolation, making it harder for students to engage in extracurricular activities, form friendships, or seek support.
However, it's important to note that depression is a treatable condition, and seeking help can make a significant difference. Universities often offer mental health services, such as counseling or depression therapy, that can provide support and strategies to manage depression. It's crucial for students to reach out to these resources and take steps to prioritize their mental health.
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Depression is a serious mental illness that can result in death. Although everyone feels sad sometimes, individuals suffering from depression feel completely helpless to change their situation, which only exasperates the feeling of worthlessness and hopelessness. They're no longer interested in the things that they used to enjoy. According to the center for disease control, approximately 10% of adults suffered from depression as of March 2011. That means taht depression affects more than 15 million American adults every year. Continue reading to learn more about depression, who it affects and what to do about it.
Who's Depressed?Clearly, depression can affect anyone. according to the Center for Disease Control, the following groups are more likely to suffer from depression:
Believe it or not, but children can suffer from depression, too. In fact, about 23% of individuals under age 18 suffere from depression. And they're not all teens. A 2005 study showed that pre-school aged children made up the fastest-growing market for anti-depressants.
Children can inherit depression from their parents or develop it by being in stressful environments. Between 2004 and 2008, about 35-40% of teens suffering from depression received mental health services.
Depression in AdultsMen tend to suffer from depression because they're unemployed, divorced or separated from those they love. For every man who suffers from depression, two women do. However, men who do develop depression are three times as likely to commit suicide.
People who suffer from other mental illnesses, such as Bipolar Disorder, Parkinson's or eating disorders, are twice as likely to suffer from depression. Adults who are caring for sick parents are likely to become depressed.
Depression is a serious illness and nearly 90% of people who commit suicide in any given year suffer from depression. If it continues at this rate, it will be the second most common illness in 2020. However, there is hope. It's one of the most treatable mental illnesses and 80-90% of people who get help will find relief.
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Depression and fatigue often go hand in hand. When you’re feeling depressed, your energy levels drop, and even simple tasks can feel exhausting. Fatigue from depression isn’t just physical — it’s mental and emotional too. Taking care of your mind and body, like getting enough rest, staying active, and reaching out for support, can help ease both.
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When the time comes to treat depression, you may feel confused about which medications are best. Not only are there several classes of antidepressants but also many brand names and generic equivalents as well.
Generic Prescription Depression Treatments are regulated by the Food and Drug Administration. Therefore, though they may look different than their brand name counterpart, generic depression treatments contain the same active ingredients and work just as effectively.
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i thought depression caused weight gain because your not exited or motivated enought to get up and exercise. so you gain weight
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Divorce of parents
Extreme life events such as a death of a friend or relative.
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When I was diagnosed with depression I had to take around eight pills per day, including Prozac and Xanax. I was never alerted to menstrual cycle disturbances by any doctor and I never experienced one for the three years I was under medication. Instead, the high levels of anxiety and nervousness can cause that disturbance. In any doubt, and if it persists, I recommend you see your doctor. It can be something not related to depression at all.
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15-20 percent depresiion affected what percent of americans.
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One of the greatest tragedies of depression is that it often goes untreated, leading some people to go so far as suicide. Serotonin, the chemical in the brain responsible for regulating mood, is responsible for much of depression. Anti-depressant medication can increase levels of serotonin and subsequently lift severely depressed moods to ones that are more typical and manageable. You can bring hope to a depressed loved one by letting them know help is available.
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Depression can be a serious condition that robs one of joy and satisfaction, and can drastically affect one's ability to successfully manage their life. More than that, it can sneak up on an individual who may not recognize depression to be the cause of their problems. There are several warning signs.
Loss of EnergyOne of the first noticable signs may be a loss of energy. When the smallest tasks seems to involve a major effort, or when one realizes that they are really not accomplishing as much as they used to each day, it could be depression. Of course, a loss of energy can also be a first symptom of many problems so one should always consult their physican to rule out physical causes first.
Unhappiness and Loss of InterestThis is what people usually think of when they say that they are depressed. A loss of joy and no interest in hobbies and activities once enjoyed is a major symptom. If one finds that nothing seems to interest them anymore, and the thought of pursuing a new activity makes them want to hide, then depression could be the cause.
Irritiability and AngerWhen one is constantly irritated over the smallest things, is snapping at friends and family on a daily basis, or feels anger toward themselves or at life in general, they could be suffering from depression. With men, especially, depression tends to manifest as anger rather than sadness.
Aches and PainsWhen one suffers from random pain, they may just chalk it up to getting older, or may begin to think of illness.. But this is actually a common occurence with depression, and if one is experiencing a sense of being physically unwell, and all physical causes have been ruled out, depression could be the problem.
It is possible to live with moderate depression, but if left untreated, it can morph into a disabling chronic condition. If one is suffering, they should seek medical care as quickly as possible, both to rule out other conditions, and to begin treatment. Treating this condition successfully can result in immeasurable improvement to one's health, family, career, and quality of life.
1 answer
Depression is a common and serious mental health condition characterized by persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and a lack of interest or pleasure in activities. It can also manifest as physical symptoms like changes in sleep patterns, appetite, energy levels, and concentration. Depression can significantly impact a person's daily functioning, relationships, and overall quality of life.
It's important to note that while there is no one-size-fits-all "cure" for depression, it is treatable, and there are effective strategies to manage and alleviate its symptoms. Here are some steps that can help:
If you or someone you know is struggling with depression, seeking professional help is the first step towards a brighter and healthier future.
3 answers
Depression is one of the most common psychological problems and can be life threatening and dangerous for the depressed person and their loved ones.Depression is caused by an imbalance of the chemicals in the brain. Depression can interfere with the every day lives of those that are diagnosed with it. It can cause problems at work, home, and in each and every relationship. There are a variety of treatments available today for depression.
Psychotherapy can assist the depressed in many ways. There is often a blended approach with a combination of cognitive behavioral therapy, psychodynamic therapy and interpersonal therapy.Counseling helps the depressed person deal with emotional and mental issues that cause depression. People can become too critical of themselves and doubting their self worth. Most types of counseling will teach the depressed person to refrain from negative thinking that can in some ways harm them or others. Counseling will also allow you and your counselor to get to the root and the cause of the depression to better treat it, and prevent future bouts of depression. A few of the areas that will be touched on when in depression treatment are learning healthy boundaries, relationships and learning a new and better way to deal with life’s problems. Learning how to cope with everyday life can be a huge benefit when dealing with depression.
Medication is one of the most advertised treatments for depression. Medications improve the symptoms of depression by increasing the neurotransmitters in the brain, and bringing the chemical balance back to normal. Most medications for depression are called anti-depressants. With the overwhelming amount of anti-depressants on the market today, it is best to speak with your counselor prior to taking any. There are many anti-depressants that have mild to moderate side effects. Here are some of the most common anti-depressants on the market; Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil, Wellbutrin and Celexa. When starting an anti-depressant regimen, it typically takes 4-5 weeks for the medication to get in your blood stream and begin seeing results.
4 answers
Depression is a mental disorder which affects millions of people worldwide and is characterized by an inability to function in life. The question of nature vs. nurture is a continous debate, but the true question should address how to treat a depressed person. There are many aspects to depression treatment, from identifying symptoms and triggers to learning about proper coping skills.
Successful treatment is contigent upon identifying symptoms of depression. These are signs which indicate a depressive state. Loss of appetite or eating too much, withdrawing from social activities or family, and sudden loss of interest in usual daily activities are symptoms that should be addressed immediately. External factors such as a death in the family or workplace conflict are major catalysts to depression.
Depression treatment varies with each individual, but most seek some form of counseling in a treatment facility. Here, patients are supervised by caring staff who are interested in their recovery and safety. These facilities redirect their views that depression is just a mood to realizing that it is a mental illness. Therapeutic groups help patients learn valuable life skills such as assertiveness training and coping strategies. Activity group is an hour long session that relates a fun game or exercise to a life lesson. Patients are expected to attend all groups, as they are a valuable aspect to their treatment.
Not everyone responds to the same treatment, and some rely on medication to regulate their disorder. While medication is a necessary component of depression treatment, it is important to realize that medication should never be a substitute for positive coping skills.
Lastly, many are starting to seek other exercises in an effort to heal the spirit. Yoga, martial arts, and accupuncture are eastern philosophies that incorporate breathing exercises and meditation to get in touch with the spirit. This concept is centered around the idea that the mind directly affects the body.
Depression treatment is more than relying on drugs to achieve a good feeling. Successful depression treatment involves introspection about symptoms and appropriate coping strategies. While treatment plans differ, the common denominator in recovery is always a strong desire to live a better quality of life.1 answer
Depression is a medical illness in which a person has feelings of sadness, discouragement, and a lack of self-worth.
Causes, incidence, and risk factorsDepression can be caused by:
Depression can also be a sign of a medical problem. It can be a reaction to the illness, or caused by the disease itself. It may be complicated by brain disorders that occur with age, such as Alzheimer's disease. Depression is also a side effect of many drugs commonly prescribed for the elderly.
Depression in the elderly is a widespread problem that is often not diagnosed and frequently undertreated. Many older people will not admit to the signs and symptoms of depression for fear that they will be seen as weak or crazy. Some older people may be aware of their depression, but believe that nothing can be done about it.
SymptomsSymptoms of depression may not be easy to identify in older adults. Their symptoms are often ignored, or confused with other ailments common in the elderly, such as:
Symptoms of depression include:
If you have these symptoms every day for more than 2 weeks, you likely have depression.
Depression in the elderly may be hard to detect because of several factors. Symptoms such as fatigue, appetite loss, and trouble sleeping also can be part of the aging process or a medical condition.
An elderly person may only have a decrease in the ability to perform everyday activities.
Signs and testsA physical examwill help determine if a medical illness is causing the depression. A psychological evaluation and other tests may be needed.
Blood tests may be done, including:
Sometimes relieving loneliness through group outings, volunteer work, or having regular visitors can help with depression.
Treating the medical conditions that cause depression, or stopping certain medications can relieve the symptoms of depression.
Talking through problems (psychotherapy) with a psychologist, psychiatrist, or other therapist is also an effective treatment. In cases of moderate to severe depression, people may get the best results by combining psychotherapy with antidepressant medications.
Short-term (about 12 weeks) group-based physical exercise programs involving walking or other forms of aerobic exercise can reduce depression in older adults.
Antidepressant drug therapy has been shown to increase the quality of life in depressed elderly people. These medications are carefully monitored for side effects. Doctors usually prescribe lower doses of antidepressants for older people, and increase the dose more slowly than in younger adults.
These medications include:
Neuroleptic medications can help treat agitation in some people. Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) can be used in people who are severely depressed if other treatments don't work.
Expectations (prognosis)Depression can respond to medical treatment. If it is not detected, depression can lead to complications. The outcome is usually worse for people who have limited access to social services, or to family or friends who can help them stay interested in activities.
ComplicationsDepression can be complicated by Alzheimer's disease or other forms of dementia. It also can complicate other medical conditions in the elderly.
Suicide in the elderly is one of the leading causes of death related to injury. Men account for most of these suicides, and divorced or widowed men are at the highest risk. Families should pay special attention to elderly male relatives who are alone. In addition to finding psychiatric help for them, family members should remove anything from their homes (such as knives) that they could use to harm themselves.
Calling your health care providerCall your health care provider if you feel worthless or hopeless, or if you cry often. Also call if you are having trouble coping with stresses in your life and want to be referred for counseling.
Go to the nearest emergency room or call your local emergency number (such as 911) if you are thinking about suicide (taking your own life).
If you are caring for an aging family member and think they may have depression, contact their health care provider. Often, older patients will not admit to the signs and symptoms of depression out of pride.
PreventionPreventing depression depends on the factors involved. Social supports that help people deal with loss, mobility changes, and other depression triggers can be helpful. In many cases, there is no way to prevent depression.
Some older patients may be screened for depression, especially if their condition changes.
ReferencesInstitute for Clinical Systems Improvement. Health Care Guideline: Major Depression in Adults in Primary Care. 11th ed. 2008.
Unutzer J. Clinical practice: late-life depression. N Engl J Med. 2007;357:2269-2276.
2 answers
Of Course it can make you feel like you are not able to love your husband even though you do. That is what depression does! I would suggest talking to your doctor about it, and seeing if you need anti depressants. In the meanwhile, do things for your husband to prove to him and your subconsious that you CAN love him. Do something that you wouldn't normally do, that would be a nice surprise. Like maybe you could show up at his work and have a surprise picnic for lunch or something, or buy him a nice watch or tie....
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Not in all cases. Some actually need the help of medications because of the chemical imbalances in the brain.
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Depression is capitalized in phrases such as The Great Depression, but the medical condition and the scientific are not.
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Depression can be a serious mental illness that affects virtually all aspects of an individual's life. There are many symptoms depression can exhibit, and without proper treatment, these symptoms can cost people their jobs, their friends, their family members and even their lives. If you or someone you know is suffering from depression, it is important to seek treatment right away in order to avoid future problems.
One of the most common symptoms of depression is depressed mood. Someone with depression may not be able to find joy in the things they used to, and they may become very negative in their attitudes towards things or in their thought patterns. They may continually bring up the negative aspects of a situation, or they may talk about how bad things are.
Additionally, someone that is suffering from depression may become reserved when they were once outgoing. They may choose to stay inside when invited out, and they may shun people that were once their friends. People with depression may also demonstrate an indifference toward loved ones, or they may even become hostile toward them. Changes in mood and behavior are two of the biggest symptoms of depression, so it's important for loved ones, friends and family to pay specific attention to these areas if they fear someone close to them is depressed.
Furthermore, a depressed person may speak of suicide, or may give an indication that they plan to commit suicide. They may begin giving away important possessions or make comments that relate to them no longer being alive. In extreme cases, they may commit actions such as self-harm or self-mutilation. These actions may be a buildup for the action of actually committing suicide, so any such actions should be handled with extreme caution. You may want to speak with your friend, family member or loved one if they exhibit such symptoms. In extreme cases, you may need to contact a medical or psychiatric professional to get help for such a person, even if they are unaware of your actions. You may feel uncomfortable doing so in the moment, but you need to remember that your friend, family member or loved one's life is more important than your temporary discomfort.
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Yes it's possible to be depressed while being pregnant. Talk to a doctor about it. It can be dangerous to let it go on without doing anything about it.
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Ambiguous Question:
Psychological Depression
Geographical Depression
Economic Depression
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Many people feel sad periodically, especially after a traumatic life event. How can you tell if a blue mood is normal sadness or a sign of depression? The key differences between normal feelings of despondency and clinical depression are duration and severity. Clinical depression lingers and is more pervasive than normal sadness. Check each of the statements in the list below that are true of you. The more of these symptoms you have and the longer they've persisted, the more likely it is that you're experiencing depression. Since depression is a major risk factor for suicide, it is vitally important that it be treated.
Self-loathingFeelings of worthlessness, guilt or self-criticism are overwhelming.
Bleak outlookThe future looks hopeless.
Reckless behaviorEngaging in risky activities such as drug or alcohol abuse, reckless driving, or unsafe sex provides a temporary means of escape.
Persistent sadnessEmpty and despondent feelings won't go away.
Unexplained painPersistent aches, pains or digestive problems aren't helped by treatment.
Sleep changesIt's difficult to fall asleep at night or stay asleep until morning.
Appetite changesAn increase or decrease in appetite has caused more than a five percent change in body weight.
Loss of energyEven small tasks are too difficult to complete.
Loss of interestSocial events, hobbies and even sex are no longer enjoyable.
IrritabilityIt's more difficult to tolerate frustrations without getting angry.
IndecisivenessConcentrating and decision-making has become difficult.
The symptoms you experience may differ based on your sex. Men tend to perceive depression as a sign of being weak or overemotional, and they are less likely to recognize symptoms of hopeless or self-loathing. They are also more likely to acknowledge physical symptoms such as sleeplessness or pain. Irritability and anger are more socially acceptable for men to admit.
Twice as many women are treated for depression as men. This is partly because sad emotions and crying are more socially acceptable, but it's also because women's hormones fluctuate with pregnancy and menstrual cycles. Women are more likely than men to experience pronounced guilt, excessive sleeping, and overeating.
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Depression can very well cause delusions. But when this happens, it no longer is depression. If your seeing things out of the ordinary your depression could have turned into something much more serious like, physcotic depression.
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1. How do you use major depression in a sentence?
2. An example of a major depression is the Great Depression of the 20th Century in the USA.
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Symptoms of postnatal depression is depression after the baby is born. Talking to a counselor is a good way to help reduce the depression.
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I felt a twinge of depression when I realized that the valley's depression was too steep to descend into.
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Cone of depression
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The "depression" refers to the fact that it's an area of low barometric pressure.
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Depression is a risk factor for stroke but depression does not cause stroke per se.
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Yes, they are the same. Severe depression is also called "major" depression. The differentiation is with bipolar depression. That depression is the depressive cycle of the illness. Clinical depression is more prevalent in women. While there is no research-based reason for this, in my opinion it is because research has shown that women are more emotional than are men.
2 answers
Where did the great depression.... WHAT???
-The BOLD explainer ;)
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