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Degenerate Art - 1993 TV was released on:

USA: 11 April 1993

1 answer

The Degenerate Art Show

1 answer

During the Third Reich? Very, very bad-- they had a whole show devoted to it and called it Degenerate Art.

1 answer

The degenerate behavior of the group led to their expulsion from the club.

2 answers

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Degenerate - album - was created on 2010-05-24.

1 answer

Degenerate semiconductors have a high concentration of charge carriers due to doping, while non-degenerate semiconductors have a low concentration. Degenerate semiconductors exhibit metallic-like conductivity and Fermi level is inside the conduction or valence band, while non-degenerate semiconductors have a well-defined band gap and behave as insulators at low temperatures.

2 answers

A "degenerate" is someone who "borrows" another person's genes/ becomes that person.

1 answer

The Untidy Suicides of Your Degenerate Children was created in 1992.

1 answer

Degenerate - 2012 was released on:

USA: 20 August 2012

1 answer

The Ultimate Degenerate - 1969 was released on:

USA: 1969

1 answer

Hitler saw the art as, "simply a lack of skill." He wanted to replace it with a new a genuine German art.

2 answers


1 answer

Non degenerate semiconductors are those which:

-are lightly doped

-have less value of electron and hole concentration

-violate Pauli's exclusion principle

Degenerate semiconductors are those which:

-are highly doped

-have high value of electron and hole concentration

-follow Pauli's exclusion principle

1 answer

Sentence with degenerate(Italic) words: that is a cool question dude!

Corrected: That is a noteworthy question.

1 answer

The thymus begins to degenerate around puberty and continues to decline with age. By adulthood, the thymus has decreased significantly in size and function, leading to a decline in the production of T cells.

2 answers

There are three syllables in the word "humanist" (hu-man-ist) and four syllables in the word "degenerate" (de-gen-er-ate).

2 answers

Degenerate means lacking in morals or adherence to social convention. An example of it used in a sentence would be: Madeline's degenerate son finally went to prison for mugging all those old ladies.

2 answers

ANY star will spin; you can't avoid it from having SOME spin.A "degenerate star" would probably refer to one that is made up of degenerate matter. That can either be a white dwarf, or a neutron star.

1 answer

A non-degenerate basic feasible solution in linear programming is one where at least one of the basic variables is strictly positive. In contrast to degenerate solutions where basic variables might be zero, non-degenerate solutions can help optimize algorithms as they ensure progress in the search for the optimal solution.

3 answers

Three degenerate orbitals are needed to contain seven electrons with five unpaired. Two electrons will occupy two of the degenerate orbitals, while the remaining five electrons, each with one electron, will occupy the third degenerate orbital.

2 answers

interchanged; distorted; degenerate Changed.

1 answer

The word degenerate is an abstract noun, a word for a person who has declined, in morals or character; a depraved, corrupt, or vicious person.

The noun forms for the verb to degenerate are degeneration and the gerund, degenerating.

The noun form for the adjective degenerate is degenerateness.

2 answers

It depends whether it is the verb, adjective or noun form.
I tend to insult people by calling them social degenerates.
"The physicist was studying degenerate matter."

1 answer

No, "degenerate" typically refers to a decline or weakening from a previous state. It does not mean sacred, which conveys a sense of reverence or holiness.

2 answers

Jim Norton American Degenerate - 2013 TV is rated/received certificates of:


1 answer

Jim Norton American Degenerate - 2013 TV was released on:

USA: 23 August 2013

1 answer

A degenerate semiconductor is one where the Fermi level lies within the conduction band due to very high doping levels. This results in a high electron concentration, making the material highly conductive. In the energy band diagram for a degenerate semiconductor, the Fermi level rises above the intrinsic energy level into the conduction band, indicating an abundance of electrons.

2 answers

A degenerate binary tree is one where most or all of the nodes contain only one sub node. It is unbalanced and, in the worst case, performance degrades to that of a linked list. If your add node function does not handle rebalancing, then you can easily construct a degenerate tree by feeding it data that is already sorted.

1 answer

Otherwise all sports would degenerate into a fight.

1 answer

Degenerate orbitals are orbitals which have the same energy in an atom.

1 answer

A degenerate star or stellar remnant.

1 answer

Degenerate matter is a highly dense state of matter where particles are packed closely together, leading to unique physical properties. This occurs in extreme conditions such as in the core of white dwarf stars or neutron stars, where the pressure from gravity overcomes electron degeneracy pressure or neutron degeneracy pressure, respectively.

2 answers

The cast of Degenerate Art - 1993 includes: Max Amann as himself Sander Gilman as himself Joseph Goebbels as himself Peter Guenther as himself Georg Hallermann as himself Rudolf Hess as himself Heinrich Himmler as himself Adolf Hitler as himself Robert Hughes as himself Josephine Knapp as herself Olda Kokoschka as herself Thomas Mann as himself Franz Pfeffer von Salomon as himself Peter Selz as himself Gregor Strasser as himself Julius Streicher as himself Baldur von Schirach as himself

1 answer

Degenerate - 2008 was released on:

USA: 7 November 2008 (International Student Film Festival Hollywood)

USA: April 2009 (WorldFest-Houston International Film Festival)

1 answer

In quantum mechanics, degenerate states are states with the same energy level but different quantum numbers, while nondegenerate states have unique energy levels.

1 answer

Orbitals with the same energy are said to be degenerate. This means they have the same potential energy and are available for electrons to occupy. Degenerate orbitals can be found in multi-electron atoms and molecules.

3 answers

Yes and you can also degenerate gaogamon to get gaomon

1 answer

Except Oligodendrocytes, because oligodendrocyte, cannot be degenerate.

1 answer

A circle, which could degenerate to a point.

1 answer

An automerization is a rearrangement reaction which yields a degenerate form of the starting material.

1 answer

if the two level gates degenerate into a single logic operation. But, under non-degenerate forms, NAND-NAND & NOR-NOR are listed. Their explanation seems to be self-contradictory.

1 answer

The cast of Degenerate - 2008 includes: Scottie Alan as Mark Cassie Fliegel as Femme Fatale Altara Michelle as Alyssa Charles Pacello as Neil Ron Tzadik as Jeremy

1 answer

A degenerate gas is a state of matter where particles are tightly packed together and follow quantum mechanical principles. This type of gas has unique properties such as high density, low temperature, and pressure. The behavior of a degenerate gas is characterized by the exclusion principle, which states that no two particles can occupy the same quantum state. This leads to unusual behaviors such as superfluidity and superconductivity.

1 answer

A triangle with no angles is called a degenerate triangle. It occurs when the three vertices are collinear, meaning they all lie on the same straight line. In a degenerate triangle, the side lengths sum up to zero.

2 answers

"Degenerate" in this sense means "indistinguishable" or more specifically "having the same energy."

Properly speaking, the word shouldn't be used for a single orbital; it refers to the relationship between two or more orbitals. For example, in an isolated atom, the three p orbitals in a given shell are said to be degenerate, since they all have the same energy level.

4 answers

get pawnchessmon white and degenerate it into puttimon then digivolve it into salamon

1 answer

A degenerate dwarf. ~ See related link below .

1 answer