A raised deck at the back of the ship. Is a poop deck
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The "poop" deck on a ship is an elevated deck above the poop cabin, at the rear of a ship.
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Usually referring to as the "Poop Deck",it is the main deck on a ship.
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* Orlop deck: The deck or part of a deck where the cables are stowed, usually below the water line. It is the lowest deck in a ship.
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The top deck name is contingent on the type of ship or vessel. The top deck on a cruise ship is usually called the Lido deck. The top deck on a battle ship is sometimes referred to as topside or poop deck. The poop deck got its name from the amount of birds flying overhead.
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No, but the orlop deck is the lowest deck of a wooden sailing ship with three or more decks.
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I am not sure if you are looking for cruise ship deck layouts, or the plans for a deck inspired by the cruise ship deck layout. Either way, I would go to the cruise ship website for the deck layout (things to do), and do a general search for a deck you wish to build.
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Sailors must still swab the ship deck, which means they mop it.
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The high deck is the "poop" deck (poopdeck).
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"A man, a plan, a canal, Panama!" is a palindrome that could refer to a ship's deck.
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You should reference your cruise line's website for ship deck plans. Each ship is slightly different and you would have to look at the actual ship design.
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The high deck is the "poop" deck (poopdeck).
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Yes. It is the lowest part of the ship (except old ships) It is the deck or part of deck where the cables are stored.
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The term "poop deck" comes from the Latin word "puppis," which means stern of a ship. The poop deck is an elevated deck on the aft (rear) part of a ship, and in the past, it was often used for the ship's officers. Over time, the term evolved to "poop deck."
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Yes; it is the lowest deck on a wooden sailing ship containing three or more decks.
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The Upper Deck of a boat or ship is either the highest of two decks of a boat or the part of the deck that's the highest part covering the hull. The deck of the boat is the part covering the hull or body.
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That depends on what cruise line and cruise ship, because each ship might have a different naming convention for their decks... named after constellations, mythology, literary figures, etc. To know those for sure, you would have to look up the individual ship.
However, here are some general deck terms that are common among ships:
Atrium or Lobby deck: The deck with the the shore excursion desk, the photo gallery, etc.
Boat deck: The deck area where lifeboats are stored.
Bridge deck: The deck area including helm/navigation.
Lido deck: The deck where the outdoor swimming pool is. On many ships this is also the deck where the buffet dining is located as well.
Promenade deck: The deck that has the "wrap-around porch" with open railings where people can sit and watch the ocean, or walk all the way around the ship. Many ships also have shops on this deck, so it can also be called the "Shopping deck."
Spa deck: The deck where the spa is.
Sports deck: The deck with a basketball and tennis court, etc.
Sun deck: Deck for sunbathing, doesn't usually extend the length of the ship.
Upper deck: The highest deck of the hull, extending all the way across the ship from stem to stern.
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The stern or the aft section of the ship .
Go to the lowest deck, practically the bottom of the ship. I have problem with nausea when on board of a ship. The lowest deck is always better for me.
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There is no convention for it nowadays but it used to be the medical deck on a man'o'war to disguise the blood on the deck
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Yes I would base my choice of a ship on whether or not a particular ship offered sport MSC Poesia deck plans. Only enough MSC Poesia deck plans I like to see.
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On Sailing ships of old. The "Gun Deck" (Cannons) was the deck just below the top deck. The Cannons were faced out of the side of a ship through port holes called "Gun ports."
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Cargo that has been strapped to the deck of the ship rather than stowed in a hold.
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there was no room for him below deck.
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It is on Rockhopper's ship, The Migrator. Go on the ship's deck and climb down to be in the hold.
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