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Greek mythology which is technically a religion

2 answers

Some call it the Norse Religion, Viking Mythology, and the Viking Religion, but the most correct is Norse Mythology.

1 answer

myth was their stories,mythology was their religion

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Mythology was a collection of stories explaining the world and its happenings, religion is the beliefs of these things and gods.

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Weston La Barre has written:

'The ghost dance: origins of religion' -- subject(s): Religion, Religious Psychology

'The human animal.' -- subject(s): Accessible book, Anthropology, Human beings, Evolution, Civilization, Popular Works

'The peyote cult' -- subject(s): Indian mythology, Indians of North America, Peyote, Peyotism, Religion, Religion and mythology, Rites and ceremonies

1 answer

Don't confuse mythology with religion. Religion is the set of rites and practices and core beliefs. Mythology is the collected stories and folklore associated with a belief system. My religion can't become mythology, but the folklore and literature (i.e. the Bible) associated with it can. It could be argued that stories like that of Adam and Eve, or Noah and the Flood, are Judeo-Christian mythology.

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Dance is one of the human arts that has been around in some form as long as we have. Like music and singing, it came about as a form of expression, and a way to fill free times. India was one of the earliest places dance really evolved into an art, where it was grounded in mythology and religion.

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All mythology is at root a religion, which was followed by someone at sometime.

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There was no lesson; what we call Greek mythology was the Ancient Greek's religion.

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Geoffrey W. Conrad has written:

'Religion and empire' -- subject(s): Aztec mythology, Aztecs, History, Inca mythology, Incas, Indians, Politics and government, Religion, Religion and mythology, Tribal government

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the religion is mythology of creatures gods and godesess

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The thing you refer to as mythology was considered a religion. As much so as any today.

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My storytelling instructor gave me what I think is an excellent definition of mythology: "Other people's religion." That, my friend, is where mythology comes from.

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Well....theyre basically the same thing! XP mythology was religion to the greeks: their greek gods were like our Christian god.

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There is a modern religion based on Norse Mythology. Talk to the user, User:MountainMan391. He is a follower of this religion.

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Depends on what religion or mythology your talking about.

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It is the ancient Greek religion.

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Ancient Greek Mythology

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Most likely, it was Greek mythology.

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It depends on what religion you are looking at. In Greek "mythology" it's Thanatos, in Roman "mythology" it's Mors, in Hindu religion it's Yama, and so on and so forth.

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There are many epics of the India which consist mythology and religion of India. Some are Vedas, Mahabharata, Rmaayana & Bhagwat geeta.

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no... they are more like folk tales...

Greek Mythology has nothing to do with religion.

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Ancient Greek mythology/religion.

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Ancient Egyptian mythology.

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For the Ancient Greeks, their religion (what we call Greek Mythology) was everything. Their dad-to-day lives were focused on and pretty much revolved around their religion. Their religion was a life-style for them, centered on the gods they worshipped.

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Yes, the sun god is a central figure in various religions and mythologies, such as ancient Egyptian religion with Ra, Greek mythology with Helios, and Incan religion with Inti.

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what is the relationship between belief, knowledge, mythology, and religion.

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The Shoshone tribe's traditional religion is the Shoshone Ghost Dance Religion.

Shoshone Ghost Dance Religion demonstrates that it was not a single religion, but had two branches--the Great Basin branch, a nature based religion typified by Shoshone Ghost Dance songs (Naraya), and the Plains branch documented by famed anthropologist James Mooney in 1896.

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In ancient Egyptian mythology was the patron of beauty,music,danceand the arts?

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Most Pharaohs believed in the Ancient Egyptian Religion and mythology, usually called Kemetism.

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Religion is based on gods and the origin of all gods resides in the myths of their origin and influence.

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Catholicism ,Christianism, and Judaism

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It was there religion, they believed it was all real.

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Anubis is the God of Death in Ancient Egyptian Mythology.

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Anubis is the God of Death in Ancient Egyptian Mythology.

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Mythology is a noun. It refers to a collection of myths or stories that belong to a particular culture, religion, or group of people.

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pagan religion means that you worship idols and not god and there is only 1 god


That is a biased opinion and not fact. The purpose is to answer the question with facts not to quote your own religion as being better than others.

The meaning of "pagan" is a term used to describe "country dweller". This was used to differentiate the "country" folk who stuck to their old gods and old religions rather than be converted to new religions such as Christianity.

It has gone through many meanings, and today is an overall term used to describe people who are not of any Judeo-Christian faith. Simply because it is not mainstream does not mean it isn't there and real for hundreds of thousands of people.


i agree with the above anser, that is very correct, the first answer is based purely on personal bias

a pagan religion means; any group of peopel that respect nature and life, and live according to this,

they believe in balance and harmony of al things, negative and positive, that they are all part of the same thing, life

they are very respectful of life, nature and other beings and people, and soem pagans don't believe in or worship any gods at all

idolarity is not what poaganism is about at all, in fact its alla bout the balance of life , you, all creatures, nature and any gods goddesses that exist

not worshipign or idolising them, but respecting and acknowledging them


Both of the answers above are correct - but - paganism is not actually a religion. But rather the collective term for the religious beliefs that were celebrated and up held before christianization swept across Europe and labelled all "pagans" as heathens who did not follow the one "true" God.

Some of the religions labelled "pagan": wicca, druidism, old Nordic (i.e. Thor), Ancient Greek, Ancient Roman ect.

5 answers

Greek mythology is not a recognized religion today. While the myths themselves continue to be studied and appreciated for their cultural and literary significance, they are not actively practiced as a religion by any modern communities.

2 answers

Greek mythology is the religion of the ancient Greek people. Historical fiction is composed by a writer.

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At Greeks time, it was not mythology but now it is. For the ancient Greeks, it was their religion, now it is a collection of interesting stories.

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Same reason religion in important in ours

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Coatlicue is an earth goddess in the religion and mythology of the ancient Aztecs.

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Robert W Williamson has written:

'Religion and social organization in central Polynesia' -- subject(s): Ethnology, Mythology, Polynesian, Polynesian Mythology, Religion, Social life and customs

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What we today call Greek Mythology came from the ancient peoples of the Mediterranean.

Most other mythology comes to us from cultures who did not record their religion nearly so long or detailed a way.

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