It depends on your file system. Some filesystems are CASE sensitive but typically JPG and jpg are the same thing.
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* matches anything. *.jpg would mean any file with a .jpg extension. 1*.jpg would mean any file where the name begins with 1 and ends with a .jpg ? matches any single character. ?.jpg would match a.jpg, 1.jpg, or F.jpg but not a1.jpg. Several ? wildcards can be used so that ??.jpg would match any jpg file with a two letter name.
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A good program to convert jpg to pdf would be the JPG to PDF Converter. You can download it off of, by clicking on the link.
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you should use software coverter jpg to pdf, you can search with keyword jpg to pdf on google
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JPEG is the same as JPG. However if you really want to rename your .jpeg images into .jpg, you can go to Command Prompt, navigate to the folder of where your pictures are stored, and type in:
ren *.jpeg *.jpg
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A jpg otherwise known as jpeg is an image file. When you save an image from the internet .jpg or .jpeg is the default save extension.
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.jpg is a picture format.
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jpg = jpeg
= Joint Photographic Experts Group
= picture on computer
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a scale diagram is a shape which is drawn to a smaller or bigger size
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The difference in image quality between JPG 20 and JPG 100 compression levels is that JPG 20 has higher compression, resulting in lower image quality and more visible compression artifacts, while JPG 100 has lower compression, resulting in higher image quality with less visible compression artifacts.
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jpg extend for joint Photographic Experts Group. jpg is a extension of images file.
when we capture image from Mobile and Digital cemra than Image save with .jpg extension
like jpg one more extension of image .gif is use for graphics picture.
like as word.doc,excel.xls,Powerpoint.ppt.
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Tiff and Jpg are both image file formats. Tiff stands for: Tag Image File Format and Jpg stands for: Joint Photographic Group. Jpg is also now known as Jpeg, the E stands for Experts.
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Well, I would recommend converting jpg files to PDF format files with a jpg file to PDF format file converter. There are many jpg files to PDF format converters offered for use for a fee of no charge.
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You can't open a csv file as a jpg file. A csv is a text format for letters and words and a jpg is a graphic format used for photographs, so they are not compatible. They are used for completely different things. You can convert some other graphic formats to jpg but you cannot convert text formats to jpg.
1 answer here is the diagram from autozone here is the diagram from autozone
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When saving an image as a jpg 100, it will have higher quality and larger file size compared to saving it as jpg 20, which will result in lower quality and smaller file size.
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When comparing JPG 100 and JPG 20, the main difference lies in image quality and file size. JPG 100 has higher image quality with less compression, resulting in a larger file size. On the other hand, JPG 20 has lower image quality due to higher compression, leading to a smaller file size but potentially reduced image clarity.
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No. .mp3 files are Music storage file types, .jpg are image files.
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No, a JPG (or JPEG) is an image file. This is often used for photographs and other higher-detail graphics.
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jpg and jpeg are both the same thing. They both mean: Joint Photographic Experts Group
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I think GIF can do small video type movements that JPG cannot.
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You can't. JPG is pictures, excel is a worksheet with names and numbers. You might be able to turn an excel-file into a JPG, but then you would no longer be able to do calculations in the worksheet.
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No, it's not very hard to convert a jpg file to a pdf file, you just have to download a program at called Office Convert PDF to JPG JPEG TIFF free.
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Nothing. .jpg is the default file extension for saving non-animated images.
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.jpg Is where images are usually default saved to.
.gif Is where animated or motion images are usually saved to.
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.jpg Is a file extension where images are saved. KB or Kilobyte is a type of computer storage size.
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JPG is a compressed file format. If a JPG is saved several different times, it's possible to lose some of the clarity of the picture. However, JPG are normally smaller files than BMPs so if drive space is an issue, JPGs are sometimes a better choice.
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To convert a JPG file to a raw format using a JPG to raw converter, you can simply upload the JPG file into the converter tool and select the raw format as the output option. The converter will then process the file and convert it into a raw format, which is a minimally processed image file that retains all the original data captured by the camera sensor.
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.html is not an image file, so it can't be converted to .jpg unless the .html file has images in it, in which case you would show extensions and then click in the name box and change .html to .jpg
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The official one is .ico or it can also use .JPG but the JPG file will look a little messed up.
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There are no motion or animated files saved under .jpg. All animated images are saved under .gif
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.jpg The file formats that can be added to a power point show are .wav, .jpg and .gif.
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.jpg and .jpeg stand for Joint Photographic Experts Group, and .png stands for Portable Network Graphic
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To open a jpeg (.jpg) file on a Mac the user is required to double click on the file's icon.
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you may want to save it a a .jpg because it uses less system resources
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It all depends on how large the .jpg image is. Most images wont exceed 10 MB.
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Yes you can. Open jpg in image editing program like Photoshop then save it as a new gif file.
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What is the value of mc008-1.jpg for x = 2 and y = –4?
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You will use a JPEG or JPG when you have a picture and you save it to a file , Sometimes it may be too large & JPG will remove some of the information to keep the file size small and condensed (: Hope this helped
- Kayla
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