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Cyclic vomiting syndrome (CVS) is a rare idiopathic disorder characterized by recurring periods of vomiting in an otherwise normal child or adult

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Cyclic vomiting syndrome

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A physician named Gee

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It was first described in 1882

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CVS is sometimes called abdominal migraine

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Medications may ease the symptoms during attacks

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Between attacks, there is no sign of any illness

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This disorder was identified over a century ago, but its cause is still unknown

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CVS appears to affect all races equally

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Patients with CVS often feel pain in the abdomen a few minutes or hours before the vomiting starts

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CVS is sometimes called an idiopathic disorder because its cause(s) are still not known

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anything that can be a migraine trigger - dairy and caffeine (most importantly: cheese and chocolate)

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82% of patients with CVS have a family history of migraine compared to 14% of control subjects

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Dumping syndrome is when ingested food either bypass or move through the stomach to fast to be digested. People who have had different surgeries or diabetes,cyclic vomiting syndrome, peptic ulcers,or take Metoclopramide, which is prescribed for nausea, vomiting or heartburn, are at a higher risk.

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i don't know about preventative medicine, but the only drugs that help end my episodes are reglan and attivan.

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Episodes can be triggered by emotional stress or infections (particularly sinusitis ), can last hours or days, and can return at any time

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Children in the pre-school or early school years are most susceptible to CVS, although it can appear anywhere from infancy to adulthood

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According to a 1999 article in the journal Medical Acupuncture, weekly outpatient acupuncture treatments are also helpful to some children with CVS

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RV stands for Recreational Vehicle

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a tear in the esophagus caused by violent vomiting

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The specific causes of CVS are unknown, but researchers believe the problem resides in the brain, which is home to the body’s vomiting center. With the stomach flu or a bowel obstruction, a child will vomit until his or her stomach is empty. But with CVS, the child will continue to vomit or retch long after that point. Other factors include a heightened stress response, autonomic dysfunction and mitochondrial (energy) dysfunction.

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If someone vomit could they keep vomiting and not stop...And die from it

There are no cases reported of people dying directly from vomitting.

However, if you vomit often and keep vomitting for longer periods (a day for example) you should drink water in between to stop you from dehydrating.

Also, if you inhale the stuff that comes from your stomach it is very bad for your lungs and I assume you could die from that in several ways.

If you are vomiting for extensive periods of time please consult a doctor.

For more information search on Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome.

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Earlier episodes of heavy hiccupping, vomiting, and retching are reported by about half the patients who are diagnosed with Mallory-Weiss syndrome.

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symptons thryiod diagnosis

1.Velo-cardio-facial sydrome

2.pulmonary Hypertension

3.CVS Cyclic Vomiting Syndrom

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Grade I: Child is quiet, sleepy, vomiting, and there is some blood evidence of a drop in liver functioning.

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Yes, every subgroup of a cyclic group is cyclic because every subgroup is a group.

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The syndrome of binge eating and intentional vomiting is known as bulimia nervousa. Unlike anorexia nervosa, patients with bulimia nervosa may have a normal weight.

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Meiosis is not cyclic; rather it is a linear process. It does not cycle.

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The "HELLP" syndrome is a series of symptoms that occurs in pregnant women and refers to "hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes and low platelet count". Some signs and symptoms of the HELLP syndrome are hypertension, nausea and heartburn.

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Toxic shock syndrome is diagnosed based on the symptoms a person is showing. Some of these symptoms include fever, systolic blood pressure, vomiting, renal failure, and hepatic inflammation.

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Women with polycystic ovarian syndrome are at higher risk of cancer of the lining of the uterus (endometrial cancer). Ensuring regular shedding or control of the lining can reduce or eliminate this risk. Options include cyclic progestins or other hormonal contraception.

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The word 'cyclic' is the adjective form of the noun cycle.

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After the beginning of recovery from the viral illness, the affected person suddenly becomes worse, with the development of persistent vomiting.

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Chandra Wilson's daughter was diagnosed with Chronic Vomiting Syndrome (CVS).

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every abelian group is not cyclic. e.g, set of (Q,+) it is an abelian group but not cyclic.

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If a coordinate is cyclic in the Lagrangian, then the corresponding momentum is conserved. In the Hamiltonian formalism, the momentum associated with a cyclic coordinate becomes the generalized coordinate's conjugate momentum, which also remains constant. Therefore, if a coordinate is cyclic in the Lagrangian, it will also be cyclic in the Hamiltonian.

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the cyclic integral of this is zero

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When you are tall. You have normal to exotic features. Also you diet all the time unless you are a bbsm, big beautiful supermodel then you have a less severe form if supermodel syndrome. Also in extreme cases one will find themself vomiting or not eating at all. Unfortunately there are Romany forms of this syndrome it has troubled doctors for centuries. I hope that you or a loved one will ever be troubled with the supermodel syndrome.

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Cyclic and non-cyclic photophosphorylation.

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Sources: A basic Science Class.....

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A cyclic change is a change that happens in an orderly way and where the events repeat constantly. Cyclic changes include seasonal events and tides.

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The infant usually initially develops symptoms that include hypotonia (decreased muscle tone), vomiting, and ataxia (balance or coordination abnormalities).

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No Q is not cyclic under addition.

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