How can you finish copy culture from pakistan
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Yes they are ruling the Pakistan at the cost of their culture and language......In fact they are ruling Pakistan but ruining Punjab...
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Food, heritage, customs, clothes and events all play a great role in forming culture of a particular civilization. The same applies to Pakistan. Pakistan has a long list of traditional food items which give a healthy touch to our culture.
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Kushti Starts when people have no fun to do then some people have starts this. IN the meanwhile this fight become a useful play.Now in Pakistan as well as in India its very popular play.But this play reflect the culture of Pakistan because this play played several times in Pakistan. However kushti is now part of pakistani culture.
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in Pakistan it should not be western culture it should be in an ISLAMIC manner
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Pakistan is a nation because they have everything a nation should have. They have their own culture, civilization, heritage, and everything a nation should have.
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The current socio culture political legal economic and international crisis in Pakistan
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The scope Pakistan studies is very huge it help us to know about international politics and role of Pakistan in it. Who are friends of Pakistan & who pretend to be friends of Pakistan. We can get to know culture of different areas of Pakistan. What are the issues which Pakistan is facing and will face in its near future. We can get a very good JOB in Foreign Ministry.
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There are many types of shows that are available on GEO tv Pakistan. They include news programs, sports, entertainment, health, and things about Pakistan culture.
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Alama Iqbal is the first one who give the idea of pakistan. the presence of difficulties in India for Muslims is the biggest cause of idea of Pakistan i.e culture, language and worship etc.
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Mehrgarh is a pre-Harappan site in Pakistan, and Harappa and Mohenjodaro are Harappan sites, also in Pakistan.
There is a link below.
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Brain-draining is one of the gravest problems being faced by Pakistan. it not only includes youngsters who are getting a start but also those who have stabled their careers in Pakistan like show biz personalities going to work in other countries in the name of art. the biggest loss is the loss of our culture, traditions and values as people want to adapt the culture of that country where they want to go.
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In the Indus River valley in today's Pakistan.
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The Indus Civilization was a bronze age culture in Pakistan and India that lasted from 3300 BC to 1700 BC.
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u can represent it my performing ur culture specifics.... like weraing cultural dressess and food and other things which are of ur culture...... n ur can arrange session which can make people know abut u n ur culture.
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In the period of green revolution Pakistan use all its efforts to produce best output in an agriculture sector which supports about 52% GDP in that era.
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Every country is unique in terms of civilization, heritage and culture. The same thing applies to Pakistan. It is unique, a country of over 182 million lively and patriotic souls.
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Mohenjadaro & Harrapa high tech cities at that time now located mordern day Pakistan!
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in Pakistan the culture is 97% Muslim and 3% of the cultures is mixed like you can find all different kind of cultures. :):D
im pretty sure this is the right answer but i apologize if it turns out wrong and if it's right your welcome
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Indian culture is a varied and mixed culture . Most probably , the roots of Indian culture go the time of early vedic period when the Aryans settled in the sapta sindhu region of India ( now in Pakistan ) . When they got divided , more and more cultures started being introduced .
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answer is this that we have forget our culture and we are trying to follow the culture of other countries and applying on our in simple word we doesnt have culture
in some order that our some ladies are following it like the wear shalwar kamez amd also wear the dupatta which is also essential in our culture and also very important in our Islam and we cant talk about the men they are just following the rule of America and other western countries so don't try this and don't do expirements like this just to the real path which is told by our prophet and also follow your parents
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Stanley Maron has written:
'Pakistan: society and culture' -- subject(s): Ethnology, Social life and customs
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The basis of ideology of Pakistan is known as "Two Nation Theory" which means that Muslims and Hindu are two separate nations with different culture, language, values and norms and therefore, there should be a separate homeland for Muslims.
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Imtiaz Dharker is a female poet, artist, and documentary filmmaker. Born in Pakistan and raised in Scotland, she is known for her evocative poetry that explores themes of identity, culture, and belonging.
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Bangladesh and Pakistan have been historically situated in the North India-based Turkic Sultanate and later, the Mughal Empire. After Britain colonized South Asia and formed the British Raj, Bangladesh and Pakistan became part of it, together with India. As a result, there can be similarities in culture and mindset, which is part of a broader 'Islamicate' culture unique to South Asia.
Punjabi is the predominant first language in Pakistan, while Bengali is the predominant first language in Bangladesh. The two languages have similarities as they fall in the Indo-Aryan family of languages. However, Pakistan is ethnically and linguistically more heterogeneous than Bangladesh.
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pakistan studies are very imp for pakistanies with it we can understand that how realy pak is made and we can know about politics and social views of pakistan this subject tells us about pak heros our country heros by reading it we can understand what r the prob pakistan is facing and how they can bi solve we can know that how our country apears on the world map who really is the creater of our lovely pakistan who realy give us independence
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Mass communication barriars is differnce between culture and language, A country survive with differnt costs and
for example pakistan is wast country, its population above then 18 million, its 4 province and these culture totally differnt
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No, Pakistan is not a member of the European Union and probably will never be.
To join the European Union, you must first be a European country or a country that has significant European influence, culture, population, etc.
For example, Cyprus is geographically a part of Asia, but since Cypriot culture is so similar to Europe's and the language is present (High influence from Greece), the EU made an "exception". Another example is Israel, who too is geographically a part of Asia. However, Israel is truly the only westernized country in Asia and is relatively close to Europe, so the EU wishes to seek Israel sometime in the future.
Also, a country must pledge allegiance and loyalty to Europe and its countries and well being. Pakistan most likely will not do this. European culture and Pakistani culture is very contrasting and some may consider them to be against each other.
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Name of the highest Civil Award in Pakistan is Nishan-i-Pakistan (The Order of Pakistan)
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In An Unknown Girl, there are obvious associations between Western and Eastern culture. There is a sense of the purity of the 'unknown girl', perhaps representing the innocence of Pakistan, being invaded by the Western culture. There are constant reminders of the beauty of Pakistan e.g. the peacock in line 16. Peacocks are exotic, and there is something unnatural and extraordinary about them. This overwhelmingly beautiful quality, representing the vibrancy and colour of Pakistan, is replicated in the dazzlingly ornate hennah. The unknown girl is an emblem of Pakistan in its unsullied nature. By having that refrain, we see the degree of her longing for and innocent Pakistan, unruined by Westernisation, and the artificial, syntheitc, contrived appearance that Western culture had given India. Not only is she 'clinging to these firm peacock lines', but she is clinging on for that aspect of her nature, her culture. The comparison between her clinging on to the hennah and 'people who cling to the sides of a train' is culturally suitable, and draws comparisons between the cultures, emphasising their difference. There are constant associations between a harsher, colder Western culture, for example: 'she is icing my hand' - icing is purely decorative, there is nothing cultural about it. When the poet attempts to make an analogy with the Western world, she makes it significanty colder, compared with the colourful and vibrant nature of the more Eastern references, such as the kameez. When she says 'I'll scrape off the dry brown lines before i sleep, reveal soft as a snail trail the amber bird beneath', not only is she talking literally in terms of the hennah, but she is saying that the real beauty of Pakistan lies beneath the surface. Once you get rid of the syntheitics, the signs of Western culture, the beauty can truly be discovered.
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Pakistan pak pak Pakistan afcourse
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Pakistan clothes are very rich in color and fabric. The vibrancy of the culture is reflected through clothes.
Salwar Kameez is a very popular dress of Pakistan. Both genders can wear it. The most useful materials are silk,cotton,crepe, chiffon and a few other materials. Bright colors are used decorated with rich and delicate work in the clothing.
The recent trend in Pakistan clothing is lots of sequences and bead working. The Zari work is a very common and traditional work still used in these days. When it comes to men clothing Salwar Kameez and Pathan suits are the most popular ones. Pathan suits are usually single colored with embroidery work or not.
Pakistan clothes: Pakistan clothes represent the choice of Pakistan culture and people. The colors make the clothes look more rich and vibrant.The materials Net and Cheffon are used for exotic outfits. Pakistan clothes are famous all around the world and have a shop almost everywhere. That is why Pakistan is very rich in clothing.
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Pakistan was originally comprised of West Pakistan and East Pakistan. The West Pakistan provinces of Pukhtoonkhwa (NWFP), Baluchistan, Punjab and Sindh are still Pakistan. East Pakistan became the independent country as Bangladesh due to India's interference in 1971.
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it is not available in Pakistan and there is no shipment for Pakistan .
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Punjabi Culture is the culture of the Punjab region. It is one of the oldest and richest cultures in world history, dating from ancient antiquity to the modern era. The Punjabi Culture is the culture of the Punjabi people who are now distributed throughout the world. The scope, history, sophistication and complexity of the culture are vast. Some of the main areas include, Punjabi Philosophy, poetry, spirituality, education, artistry, music, cuisine, science, technology, military warfare, architecture, traditions, values and history.
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Yes, Pakistan has Navy. Pakistan Navy is the third largest defense force of Pakistan. Pakistan Navy is mainly deployed at Arabian Sea.
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